%% Hobby J D @techreport{Hobby80, author = {John D. Hobby}, title = {An Implementation of Probabalistic Algorithms in Finite Fields}, institution = {Dept.\ of Computer Scinece, University of Washington}, number = {80-06-02}, year = {1980} } @inproceedings{Hobby82, author = {John D. Hobby and G. Gu}, title = {Using String Matching to Compress Chinese Characters}, booktitle = {Proc. Int'l Conf. of the {C}hinese-Language Computer Society}, pages = {56--70}, month = sep, year = {1982}, note = {Also {\it Stanford Report STAN-CS-82-914.}} } @article{Hobby83, author = {John D. Hobby and G. Gu}, title = {Using Metafont to Design Chinese Characters}, journal = {Computer Processing of Chinese \& Oriental Languages}, volume = {1}, number = {1}, pages = {4--23}, month = jul, year = {1983} } @techreport{Hobby83a, author = {John D. Hobby and Donald E. Knuth}, title = {A Programming and Problem Solving Seminar}, institution = {Stanford}, number = {STAN-CS-83-990}, year = {1983} } @article{Hobby84, author = {John D. Hobby and G. Gu}, title = {A Chinese Meta-Font}, journal = {{TUG}boat}, volume = {5}, number = {2}, pages = {119--136}, year = {1984}, note = {Also {\it Stanford Report STAN-CS-83-974\/} and {\it Proc. ICTP'83}, Tokyo, Japan, 1983}, } @phdthesis{Hobby85, author = {John D. Hobby}, title = {Digitized Brush Trajectories}, school = {Stanford University}, year = {1985}, note = {Also {\it Stanford Report STAN-CS-85-1070}} } @article{Hobby86, author = {John D. Hobby}, title = {Smooth, Easy to Compute, Interpolating Splines}, journal = {Discrete and Computational Geometry}, volume = {1}, number = {2}, pages = {123--140}, year = {1986} } @incollection{Hobby88, author = {John D. Hobby}, title = {Smoothing Digitized Contours}, booktitle = {Theoretical Foundations of Computer Graphics and {CAD}}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, editor = {R. A. Earnshaw}, pages = {777--793}, year = {1988} } @article{Hobby89, author = {John D. Hobby}, title = {Rasterizing Curves of Constant Width}, journal = {J. Assoc. Comp. Mach.}, volume = {36}, number = {2}, pages = {209--229}, year = {1989} } @article{Hobby89a, author = {John D. Hobby}, title = {A {METAFONT}-like System with PostScript Output}, journal = {{TUG}boat}, volume = {10}, number = {2}, pages = {505--512}, year = {1989} } @article{Hobby90, author = {John D. Hobby}, title = {Rasterization of Nonparametric Curves}, journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics}, volume = {9}, number = {3}, pages = {262--277}, year = {1990} } @article{Hobby91, author = {John D. Hobby}, title = {Numerically Stable Implicitization of Cubic Curves}, journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics}, volume = {10}, number = {3}, pages = {255--296}, year = {1991} } @techreport{Hobby92, title = {A User's manual for {MetaPost}}, author = {John D. Hobby}, institution = {AT\&T Bell Laboratories}, address = {Murray Hill, New Jersey}, type = {Computing Science Technical Report}, number = {no.~162}, year = {1992} } @inproceedings{Hobby92a, author = {John D. Hobby}, title = {Introduction to {MetaPost}}, booktitle = {Euro{\TeX} '92 Proceedings}, month = sep, year = {1992}, pages = {21--36} } @article{Hobby93, author = {John D. Hobby}, title = {Generating Automatically Tuned Bitmaps from Outlines}, journal = {J. Assoc. Comp. Mach.}, volume = {40}, number = {1}, pages = {48--94}, year = {1993} } @inproceedings{Hobby93a, author = {John D. Hobby}, title = {Polygonal Approximations that Minimize the Number of Inflections}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fourth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms}, pages = {93--102}, year = {1993} } @techreport{Hobby93b, title = {Drawing Graphs with MetaPost}, author = {John D. Hobby}, institution = {AT\&T Bell Laboratories}, address = {Murray Hill, New Jersey}, type = {Computing Science Technical Report}, number = {no.~164}, year = {1993} } @article{Grosse94, author = {Eric Grosse and John D. Hobby}, title = {Improved Rounding for Spline Coefficients and Knots}, journal = {Mathematics of Computation}, year = {1994} } @article{Hobby93c, author = "John D. Hobby", title = "Practical Segment Intersection with Finite Precision Output", journal = "Computational Geometry Theory and Applications", volume = {13}, number = {4}, month = oct, pages = "199--214", year = {1999} } @article{Hobby94, author = "John D. Hobby", title = "A Natural Lattice Basis Problem with Applications", journal = "Mathematics of Computation", volume = {67}, number = {223}, month = jul, year = {1998}, pages = "1149--1161" } @article{Hobby95, author = "John D. Hobby", title = "Space-Efficient Outlines from Image Data via Vertex Minimization and Grid Constraints", journal = "Graphical Models and Image Processing", year = {1997}, month = mar, volume = {52}, number = {2}, pages = "73--88" } @inproceedings{HoBa96, author = "John D. Hobby and Henry S. Baird", title = "Degraded Character Image Restoration", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Symposium on Document Analysis and Image Retrieval", year = {1996}, pages = "233--245" } @unpublished{OGorHob96, author = "Lawrence O'Gorman and John D. Hobby", title = "Adaptive and Outline-Based Subsampling of Images Containing Text and Binary Graphics", note = "submitted for publication" } @article{Hobby97g, author = "John D. Hobby", title = "Matching Document Images with Ground Truth", journal = "International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition", volume = {1}, number= {1}, month = feb, year = {1998}, pages = "52--61" } @inproceedings{Hobby97a, author = "John D. Hobby and Tin K. Ho", title = "Enhancing Degraded Document Images via Bitmap Clustering and Averaging", booktitle = "{ICDAR}'97: Fourth International Conference on Document Analysis and Recogntion", month = aug, year = {1997}, pages = "394--400" } @inproceedings{Hobby99b, author = "John D. Hobby", title = "Page Decomposition and Signature Finding via Shape Classification and Geometric Layout", booktitle = "{ICDAR}'99: Fifth International Conference on Document Analysis and Recogntion", month = sep, year = {1999}, pages = "555--558" } @article{Hobby00, author = "John D. Hobby", title = "Using Shape and Layout Information to Find Signatures, Text, and Graphics", journal = "Computer Vision and Image Understanding", volume = 80, year = 2000, pages = "88--110" } @inproceedings{HaClHoPo03, author = "G. Hampel and K. L. Clarkson, J. D. Hobby, P. A. Polakos", title = "Tradeoff Between Coverage And Capacity In Dynamic Optimization of 3G Cellular Networks", booktitle = "IEEE Vehicular Tech. Conf.", year = 2003 } @inproceedings{ClHo04a, author = "Kenneth L. Clarkson and John D. Hobby", title = "A Model of Coverage Probability under Shadow Fading", booktitle = "{IEEE} Vehicular Tech Conf", year = 2004 } @inproceedings{ClHo04b, author = "Kenneth L. Clarkson and John D. Hobby", title = "A Model of Soft Handoff under Dynamic Shadow Fading", booktitle = "IEEE Vehicular Tech. Conf.", year = 2004, } @inproceedings{Ho04, author = "John D. Hobby", title = "An Application for Semi-Automatic Differentiation", booktitle = "AD 2004, The 4th International Conference on Automatic Differentiation", year = 2004 } @inproceedings{ClHo07a, author = "Kenneth L. Clarkson and John D. Hobby", title = "Ocelot's Knapsack Calculations for Modeling Power Amplifier and Walsh Code Limits", booktitle = "IEEE Vehicular Tech. Conf.", year = 2007 } @inproceedings{ClHaHo07, author = "Kenneth L. Clarkson and K. Georg Hampel and John D. Hobby", title = "Modeling UpLink Power Control with Outage Probabilities", booktitle = "IEEE Vehicular Tech. Conf.", year = 2007 } @article{ClHaHo08, author = "Kenneth L. Clarkson and K. Georg Hampel and John D. Hobby", title = "Modeling UpLink Power Control with Outage Probabilities", journal = "{IEEE} Transaction on Wireless Communication", year = "to appear" } @inproceedings{AAGHSS, author = "Umut Akyol and Matthew Andrews and Piyush Gupta and John D. Hobby and Iraj Saniee and Alexander Stolyar", title = "Joint Scheduling and Congestion Control in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks" booktitle = "The 27th {IEEE} International Conference on Computer Communications ({INFOCOM} 2008)", year = 2008, pages = "to appear" }