WiSE - A Wireless System Engineering Tool
Many potential users of WiSE use PC's exclusively,
so we have undertaken an
implementation of the WiSE system for PC's running Microsoft Windows.
This implementation is incomplete and not robust;
it is hard to convey in polite terms just how difficult
it is to write programs in this environment.
The C++ programs are easily ported; almost nothing needs to be
changed except for an occasional construct that PC C++ compilers
can't cope with.
Parts of the user interface have been rewritten in Visual Basic,
which is quite convenient for some aspects of the task, and
yields a polished looking interface.
The main problems still to be resolved center on how to
handle the cooperative multitasking that is all that Windows provides,
and how to cope with the fragility of the Windows environment.
The slightest provocation, or even none at all,
can cause a crash that requires rebooting
the entire machine.
Thus far all we really have is a rough prototype.
We are grateful to L. J. Greenstein for many valuable comments.
Special thanks to R. S. Roman for invaluable help
with propagation measurements and
to Tom Duff for polygon rendering code.
We thank our colleagues in GBCS for providing
us with building descriptions and propagation data at 6 GHz,
and colleagues in NWSBU for many helpful discussions on
microcell wireless and PC software.