Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/axel/tcl/9pvfs/9pvfs.tcl

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# small 9p implementation in tcl by

# this is based on the python 9P implementation by Tim Newsham.

package require Tcl 8.5 ;# we need 'chan create'
package require Tcl 8.4 ;# we need 64bit int support

package require vfs 1.0 ;# this is what we build upon

# check we have all handlers (createdirectory, deletefile, ...?)
# do error reporting right
#  (we introduced 'filesystem posixerror';
#   still, we should be able to give better error messages,
#   e.g. when a walk fails we _know_ which is the first non-existent part)
# check wich 9p messages do implicit clunk (only remove??)
# report failure of utime actime setting?
# better packaging?

# ------------------------

set debug 0 ;# set to 1 to enable all debugging/verboseness

proc debug {s} {
	if {$::debug} {
		puts stderr $s

set ::vfs::debug $::debug

vfs::filesystem internalerror report
proc report {} {
	if {$::debug} {
		puts stderr "9pvfs internal error: $::errorInfo"

# ------------------------

namespace eval 9p {
	variable PORT 564
	variable VERSION "9P2000"
	variable NOTAG 0xffff
	variable NOFID 0xffffffff


proc 9p::_lfilter {l s} {
	set f [lsearch -all $l $s]
	while {[llength $f] > 0} {
		set i [lindex $f end]
		set f [lrange $f 0 end-1]
		set l [lreplace $l $i $i]
	return $l
proc 9p::_dump {buf} {
	binary scan $buf c* X
	set r {}
	foreach h $X {
		lappend r [format %02x [expr $h & 0xff]]
	return [join $r " "]

proc 9p::verbose {self {val {}}} {
	upvar #0 G_[set self](verbose) verbose

	set v $verbose
	if {$val != {}} {
		set verbose $val
	return $v


namespace eval 9p::mode {
	variable DMDIR  020000000000
	variable QDIR  0x80
	variable OREAD 0
	variable OWRITE 1 
	variable ORDWR 2
	variable OEXEC 3
	variable OTRUNC 0x10
	variable ORCLOSE 0x40

namespace eval 9p::proto {
	variable cmdName

	set firstNum 100
	set enumCmd [list \
		version \
		auth \
		attach \
		error \
		flush \
		walk \
		open  \
		create \
		read \
		write \
		clunk \
		remove \
		stat \
		wstat \

	proc enumCmd {num alist} {
		variable cmdName
		foreach name  $alist {
			set cmdName($num) T$name
			set cmdName([expr $num+1]) R$name
			variable T$name
			set T$name $num
			variable R$name
			set R$name [expr $num+1]
			incr num 2
		variable Tmax
		set Tmax $num
	enumCmd $firstNum $enumCmd

#	Class for marshalling data.

#	This class provies helpers for marshalling data.  Integers are encoded
#	as little endian.  All encoders and decoders rely on _encX and _decX.
#	These methods append bytes to self.bytes for output and remove bytes
#	from the beginning of self.bytes for input.  To use another scheme
#	only these two methods need be overriden.

namespace eval 9p::marshal {
	variable MAXSIZE [expr 1024 * 1024]			;# XXX

	set msgFmts  {
		Tversion "4S"
		Rversion "4S"
		Tauth "4SS"
		Rauth "Q"
		Terror ""
		Rerror "S"
		Tflush "2"
		Rflush ""
		Tattach "44SS"
		Rattach "Q"
		Twalk "[Twalk]"
		Rwalk "[Rwalk]"
		Topen "41"
		Ropen "Q4"
		Tcreate "4S41"
		Rcreate "Q4"
		Tread "484"
		Rread "D"
		Twrite "48D"
		Rwrite "4"
		Tclunk "4"
		Rclunk ""
		Tremove "4"
		Rremove ""
		Tstat "4"
		Rstat "[Stat]"
		Twstat "4[Stat]"
		Rwstat ""

	proc splitFmt {fmt} {
		set idx 0
		set r {}
		while {$idx < [string length $fmt]} {
			if {[string index $fmt $idx] == {[}} {
				set fmt [string range $fmt [expr $idx + 1] end]
				set idx2 [string first {]} $fmt ]
				if {$idx2 < 0} {
					error "no close square bracket"
				set name [string range $fmt 0 [expr $idx2 - 1]]
				set idx $idx2
			} else {
				set name [string range $fmt $idx $idx]
			incr idx
			lappend r $name
		return $r

	proc prep {fmttab} {
		variable msgEncodes
		variable msgDecodes
		foreach {k v} $fmttab {
			variable ::9p::proto::$k
			set kk [set ::9p::proto::$k]
			set fmts [splitFmt $v]
			set msgEncodes($kk) {}
			set msgDecodes($kk) {}
			foreach fmt $fmts {
				lappend msgEncodes($kk) enc[set fmt]
				lappend msgDecodes($kk) dec[set fmt]

	variable fmtName
	foreach {n v} $msgFmts {
		variable ::9p::proto::$n
		set fmtName([set ::9p::proto::$n]) $v
	prep $msgFmts

proc 9p::marshal::applyFuncs {self funcs {vals None}} {
	set x {}
	if {[string compare $vals None] != 0} {
		foreach f $funcs v $vals {
			lappend x [$f $self $v]
	} else {
		foreach f $funcs {
			lappend x [$f $self]
	if {[llength $x] == 1} {
		set x [lindex $x 0]
	return $x

proc 9p::marshal::setBuf {self {str ""}} {
	upvar #0 C_[set self](buf) buf
	set buf $str
proc 9p::marshal::getBuf {self} {
	upvar #0 C_[set self](buf) buf
	return $buf
proc 9p::marshal::delBuf {self} {
	upvar #0 C_[set self](buf) buf
	catch {unset buf}
proc 9p::marshal::lenBuf {self} {
	upvar #0 C_[set self](buf) buf
	return [string length $buf]
proc 9p::marshal::appendBuf {self x} {
	upvar #0 C_[set self](buf) buf
	append buf $x
proc 9p::marshal::firstofBuf {self l} {
	upvar #0 C_[set self](buf) buf
	set ll [string length $buf]
	if {$ll < $l} {
		error "firstofBuf: short buf (wanted $l, avail $ll)"
	set x  [string range $buf 0 [expr $l - 1]]
	set buf [string range $buf $l end]
	return $x
proc  9p::marshal::rangeBuf {self beg end} {
	upvar #0 C_[set self](buf) buf
	set x  [string range $buf $beg $end]
	return $x
proc  9p::marshal::replaceBuf {self beg end data} {
	upvar #0 C_[set self](buf) buf
	set buf  [string replace $buf $beg $end $data]

proc 9p::marshal::checkSize {v mask} {
	if {$v != [expr $v & $mask]} {
		error "Invalid value $v"
proc 9p::marshal::checkLen {x l} {
	set ll [string length $x]
	if {$ll != $l} {
		error "Wrong length $ll, expected $l: $x"
proc 9p::marshal::encX {self x} {
	appendBuf $self $x
proc 9p::marshal::decX {self l} {
	return [firstofBuf $self $l]
proc 9p::marshal::enc1 {self x} {
	checkSize $x [expr wide(0xff)]
	return [encX $self [binary format c $x]]
proc 9p::marshal::dec1 {self} {
	binary scan [decX $self 1] c x
	return [expr $x & 0xff]
proc 9p::marshal::enc2 {self x} {
	checkSize $x [expr wide(0xffff)]
	return [encX $self [binary format s $x]]
proc 9p::marshal::dec2 {self} {
	binary scan [decX $self 2] s x
	return [expr $x & 0xffff]
proc 9p::marshal::enc4 {self x} {
	checkSize $x [expr wide(0xffffffff)]
	return [encX $self [binary format i $x]]
proc 9p::marshal::dec4 {self} {
	binary scan [decX $self 4] i x
	return [expr $x & 0xffffffff]
proc 9p::marshal::enc8 {self x} {
	checkSize $x [expr wide(0xffffffffffffffff)]
	return [encX $self [binary format w $x]]
proc 9p::marshal::dec8 {self} {
	binary scan [decX $self 8] w x
	return [expr $x & 0xffffffffffffffff]
proc 9p::marshal::encS {self x} {
	enc2 $self [string length $x]
	encX $self $x
proc 9p::marshal::decS {self} {
	set l [dec2 $self]
	return [decX $self $l]
proc 9p::marshal::encD {self x} {
	enc4 $self [string length $x]
	encX $self $x
proc 9p::marshal::decD {self} {
	set l [dec4 $self]
	return [decX $self $l]
proc 9p::marshal::encQ {self q} {
	set type [lindex $q 0]
	set vers [lindex $q 1]
	set path [lindex $q 2]
	enc1 $self $type
	enc4 $self $vers
	enc8 $self $path
proc 9p::marshal::decQ {self} {
	return [list [dec1 $self] [dec4 $self] [dec8 $self]]
proc 9p::marshal::encTwalk {self x} {
	set fid [lindex $x 0]
	set newfid [lindex $x 1]
	set names [lindex $x 2]
	enc4 $self $fid
	enc4 $self $newfid
	enc2 $self [llength $names]
	foreach n $names {
		encS $self $n
proc 9p::marshal::decTwalk {self} {
	set fid [dec4 $self]
	set newfid [dec4 $self]
	set l [dec2 $self]
	set names {}
	set i 0
	while {$i < $l} {
		lappend names [decS $self]
		incr i
	return [list $fid $newfid $names]
proc 9p::marshal::encRwalk {self qids} {
	enc2 $self [llength $qids]
	foreach q $qids {
		encQ $self $q
proc 9p::marshal::decRwalk {self} {
debug "_decRwalk $self"
	set l [dec2 $self]
	set r {}
	set i 0
debug "_decRwalk $self l=$l"
	while {$i < $l} {
		lappend r [decQ $self]
		incr i
debug "_decRwalk $self l=$l"
	return $r

proc 9p::marshal::encDir {self x} {
debug "encDir $self ($x)"
	set nself [set self]dir
	setBuf $nself ""
	enc2 $nself  [lindex $x 0] ;# type
	enc4 $nself [lindex $x 1] ;# dev
	encQ $nself [lindex $x 2] ;# qid
	enc4 $nself [lindex $x 3] ;#mode
	enc4 $nself [lindex $x 4] ;# atime
	enc4 $nself [lindex $x 5] ;# mtime
	enc8 $nself [lindex $x 6] ;# ln
	encS $nself [lindex $x 7] ;# name
	encS $nself [lindex $x 8] ;# uid
	encS $nself [lindex $x 9] ;# gid
	encS $nself [lindex $x 10] ;# muid
	encS $self [getBuf $nself]
	delBuf $nself
proc 9p::marshal::encStat {self l} {
debug "_encStat $self ($l)"
	set nself [set self]stat
	setBuf $nself ""
	foreach x $l {
		encDir $nself $x
	encS $self [getBuf $nself]
	delBuf $nself
proc 9p::marshal::decodeDir {self} {
	lappend r [dec2 $self] ;# type
	lappend r [dec4 $self] ;# dev
	lappend r [decQ $self] ;# qid
	lappend r [dec4 $self] ;#mode
	lappend r [dec4 $self] ;# atime
	lappend r [dec4 $self] ;# mtime
	lappend r [dec8 $self] ;# ln
	lappend r [decS $self] ;# name
	lappend r [decS $self] ;# uid
	lappend r [decS $self] ;# gid
	lappend r [decS $self] ;# muid
	return $r
proc 9p::marshal::decodeDirs {self s} {
	set nself [set self]dirs
	setBuf $nself $s
	set r {}
	while {[lenBuf $nself] > 0} {
		set dstr [decS $nself]
		set nnself [set nself]dir
		setBuf $nnself $dstr
		lappend r [decodeDir $nnself]
		delBuf $nnself
	delBuf $nself
	return $r
proc 9p::marshal::decStat {self} {
	set s [decS $self]
	set r [decodeDirs $self $s]
	return $r
proc 9p::marshal::checkType {t} {
	variable fmtName
	if {![info exists fmtName($t)]} {
		error "invalid message type $t"
proc 9p::marshal::checkResid {self} {
	set n [lenBuf $self]
	if {$n > 0} {
		binary scan [getBuf $self $n] h* X
		set Xs [string join $X ""]
		error "Extra information in message: $Xs"
proc 9p::marshal::sread {f l} {
	set x [read $f $l]
#puts stderr "9p::marshal::sread read [::9p::_dump $x] of $l"
	while {[string length $x] < $l} {
		set b [read $f [expr $l - [string length $x]]]
#puts stderr "9p::marshal::sread read [::9p::_dump $b] of $l"
		if {[string length $b] == 0} {
			error "Client EOF"
		append x $b
# puts stderr "9p::marshal::sread read done"
	return $x

proc 9p::marshal::swrite {f buf} {
	if {[catch {
			puts -nonewline $f $buf
			flush $f
		} msg]} {
		error "short write: $msg"

proc 9p::marshal::send {self type tag arglist} {
	variable msgEncodes
	upvar #0 G_[set self](verbose) verbose
	upvar #0 C_[set self](srvfd) srvfd

	setBuf $self ""
	checkType $type
	enc1 $self $type
	enc2 $self $tag
	applyFuncs $self $msgEncodes($type) $arglist
	set l [lenBuf $self]
	set ss [getBuf $self]
	setBuf $self ""
	enc4 $self [expr $l + 4]
	encX $self $ss

	if {$verbose} {
		puts "send $type $tag $arglist"
	swrite $srvfd [getBuf $self]
proc 9p::marshal::recv {self} {
	variable MAXSIZE
	upvar #0 G_[set self](verbose) verbose
	upvar #0 C_[set self](srvfd) srvfd
	variable msgDecodes

	setBuf $self [sread $srvfd 4]
	set size [dec4 $self]
	if {$size > $MAXSIZE || $size < 4} {
		error "Bad message size: $size"
	setBuf $self [sread $srvfd [expr $size - 4]]
	set type [dec1 $self]
	set tag [dec2 $self]
	checkType $type
	set rest [applyFuncs $self $msgDecodes($type)]
	checkResid $self
	if {$verbose} {
		puts "recv $type $tag" ;# $rest
	return [list $type $tag $rest]

proc 9p::proto::rpc {self type args} {
	variable ::9p::NOTAG
	variable cmdName
	variable Tversion
	variable Rerror
	upvar #0 G_[set self](verbose) verbose

	set tag 1
	if {$type == $Tversion} {
		set tag [expr int($NOTAG)] 
	if {$verbose} {
		puts "$cmdName($type) $tag $args"
	::9p::marshal::send $self $type $tag $args
	set resp [::9p::marshal::recv $self]
	set rtype [lindex $resp 0]
	set rtag [lindex $resp 1]
	set vals [lindex $resp 2]
	if {$verbose} {
		puts "$cmdName($rtype) $rtag" ;# $vals
	if {$rtag != $tag} {
		error "invalid tag received"
	if {$rtype == $Rerror} {
		error "RpcError $vals"
	if {$rtype != [expr $type + 1]} {
		error "incorrect reply from server: [list $rtype $rtag $vals]"
debug "rpc $self $type $args -> $vals"
	return $vals

proc 9p::proto::version {self msize version} {
	variable Tversion
	return [rpc $self $Tversion $msize $version]
proc 9p::proto::auth {self fid uname aname} {
	variable Tauth
	return [rpc $self $Tauth $fid $uname $aname]
proc 9p::proto::attach {self fid afid uname aname} {
	variable Tattach
	return [rpc $self $Tattach $fid $afid $uname $aname]
proc 9p::proto::walk {self fid newfid wnames} {
	variable Twalk
	return [rpc $self $Twalk [list $fid $newfid $wnames]]
proc 9p::proto::open {self fid mode} {
	variable Topen
	return [rpc $self $Topen $fid $mode]
proc 9p::proto::create {self fid name perm mode} {
	variable Tcreate
	return [rpc $self $Tcreate $fid $name $perm $mode]
proc 9p::proto::read {self fid off count} {
	variable Tread
	return [rpc $self $Tread $fid $off $count]
proc 9p::proto::write {self fid off data} {
	variable Twrite
	return [rpc $self $Twrite $fid $off $data]
proc 9p::proto::clunk {self fid} {
	variable Tclunk
	return [rpc $self $Tclunk $fid]
proc 9p::proto::remove {self fid} {
	variable Tremove
	return [rpc $self $Tremove $fid]
proc 9p::proto::stat {self fid} {
	variable Tstat
	return [rpc $self $Tstat $fid]
proc 9p::proto::wstat {self fid stats} {
	variable Twstat
	return [rpc $self $Twstat $fid $stats]

proc 9p::chan {handle fid cmd chan args} {
debug "9p::chan $handle $fid $cmd $chan $args"
	switch -exact -- $cmd {
		initialize {
			return [list initialize finalize watch read write seek]
		finalize {
			::9p::clunk $handle $fid
		watch {
		read {
			set count [lindex $args 0]
			return [::9p::read $handle $fid $count]
		write {
			set data [lindex $args 0]
			return [::9p::write $handle $fid $data]
		seek {
			set off [lindex $args 0]
			set mode [lindex $args 1]
			set pos [::9p::seek $handle $fid $off $mode]

namespace eval 9p {
	variable selfnr 0
proc 9p::mount {fd user {alist {}}} {
	variable VERSION
	variable NOFID
	variable selfnr
	set self "v9p[set selfnr]"
	incr selfnr
	upvar #0 C_[set self](CWD) CWD
	upvar #0 C_[set self](ROOT) ROOT
	upvar #0 C_[set self](AFID) AFID
	upvar #0 C_[set self](recycled) recycled
	upvar #0 C_[set self](nextF) nextF
	upvar #0 C_[set self](srvfd) srvfd
	upvar #0 G_[set self](verbose) verbose

	set authsrv [lindex $alist 0]
	set passwd [lindex $alist 1]

	set AFID 10
	set ROOT 11

	set nextF 12
	set recycled {}

	set verbose 0
	set srvfd $fd

	set maxbuf_vers [proto::version $self [expr 16*1024] $VERSION]
debug "maxbuf_vers $maxbuf_vers"
	set maxbuf [lindex $maxbuf_vers 0]
	set vers [lindex $maxbuf_vers 1]
	if {[string compare $vers $VERSION] != 0} {
		error "version mismatch: $vers"
	set afid $AFID
	if {[catch {proto::auth $self $afid $user ""} err]} {
		puts stderr "main proto::auth : $err"
		set afid $NOFID
	} else {
		set needauth 1
	if {$afid != $NOFID} {
		if {$passwd == {} && $authsrv == {}} {
			error "oops, missing authsrv and password"
		} elseif {$passwd == {}} {
			error "oops, missing password"
		} elseif {$authsrv == {}} {
			error "oops, missing authsrv"
		} else {
			puts "authenticating $user at $authsrv" ;# XXX only if verbose?

		::p9sk1::clientAuth $self $afid $user [::p9sk1::makeKey $passwd] $authsrv
	proto::attach $self $ROOT $afid $user ""
	if {$afid != $NOFID} {
		proto::clunk $self $afid

	return $self
proc 9p::unmount {self} {
	upvar #0 C_[set self](srvfd) srvfd
#	catch {close $srvfd}

proc 9p::qidisdir {qid} {
	set type [lindex $qid 0]
	set isdir [expr $type & $::9p::mode::QDIR]
	return $isdir
proc 9p::isdir {self F} {
	upvar #0 C_[set self]_[set F](qid) qid
	if {![info exists qid]} {
		error "no mapping fid->qid"
	return [9p::qidisdir $qid]

proc 9p::newfid {self} {
	upvar #0 C_[set self](recycled) recycled
	upvar #0 C_[set self](nextF) nextF

	if {[llength $recycled] > 0} {
		set F [lindex $recycled 0]
		set recycled [lrange $recycled 1 end]
	} else {
		set F $nextF
		incr nextF
	return $F

proc 9p::walk {self {pstr {}}} {
	upvar #0 C_[set self](ROOT) ROOT

	set root $ROOT
	set F [newfid $self]
	if {$pstr == {}} {
		set path {}
	} else {
		set path [split $pstr /]
		if {[string compare [lindex $path 0] ""] == 0} {
			set root $ROOT
			set path [lrange $path 1 end]
		set path [_lfilter $path ""]
	if {[catch {proto::walk $self $root $F $path} w]} {
#		puts "error: $w"
	upvar #0 C_[set self]_[set F](qid) qid
	set qid [lindex $w end]
	if {[llength $w] < [llength $path]} {
#		puts "$pstr: not found"
debug "walk $self ($pstr): $w"
	return $F
proc 9p::afidopen {self F} {
	upvar #0 C_[set self]_[set F](pos) pos

	set pos 0
# Modes taken from ::9p::mode
proc 9p::open {self F mode} {
	upvar #0 C_[set self]_[set F](pos) pos

	set pos 0
	set r [proto::open $self $F $mode]
debug "open $self $F $mode -> $r"
	return $r
proc 9p::create {self F name perm mode} {
	# self dirfid name perm mode
	upvar #0 C_[set self]_[set F](pos) pos

	set pos 0
	if {[catch {proto::create $self $F $name $perm $mode} r]} {
#		puts "error: $r"
debug "create $self $F $name $perm $mode -> $r"
	upvar #0 C_[set self]_[set F](qid) qid
	set qid [lindex $r 0]
	return $r
proc 9p::read {self F l} {
	upvar #0 C_[set self]_[set F](pos) pos

debug "read $self $l"
	set buf [proto::read $self $F $pos $l]
	incr pos [string length $buf]
debug "read $self $l -> done"
	return $buf
proc 9p::write {self F data} {
	upvar #0 C_[set self]_[set F](pos) pos

debug "write $self"
	set l [proto::write $self $F $pos $data]
	incr pos $l
debug "write $self -> done"
	return $l
proc 9p::stat {self F} {

	return [lindex [proto::stat $self $F] 0]
proc 9p::wstat {self F stats} {

	proto::wstat $self $F [list $stats]
proc 9p::clunk {self F} {
	upvar #0 C_[set self](recycled) recycled
	upvar #0 C_[set self]_[set F](qid) qid
	proto::clunk $self $F
	lappend recycled $F
	unset qid
# remove is like clunk with removal of file as side-effect
proc 9p::remove {self F} {
	upvar #0 C_[set self](recycled) recycled
	upvar #0 C_[set self]_[set F](qid) qid
	proto::remove $self $F
	lappend recycled $F
	unset qid
proc 9p::seek {self F n mode} {
	upvar #0 C_[set self]_[set F](pos) pos
	upvar #0 C_[set self]_[set F](stat) stat

	if {[9p::isdir $self $F]} {
		error "cannot seek in directory"
	set npos $pos
	switch -- $mode {
		start {
			set npos $n
		current {
			incr npos $n
		end {
			set stat [lindex [proto::stat $self $F] 0]
			set sz [lindex $stat 6]
			set npos $sz
			incr npos $n
		default {
			error "9p::seek: unknown mode: $mode"
	if {$npos < 0} {
		# error "seek pos becomes negative: $npos"
		error "invalid argument"
	set pos $npos
	return $pos

proc 9p::mode::rwx {mode s} {
	set bits [list "---" "--x" "-w-" "-wx" "r--" "r-x" "rw-" "rwx"]
	return [lindex $bits [expr ($mode >> $s) & 7]]
proc 9p::mode::perm {mode} {
	variable DMDIR

	set d "-"
	if {[expr $mode & $DMDIR]} {
		set d "d"
	return "[set d][rwx $mode 6][rwx $mode 3][rwx $mode 0]"

proc 9p::mode::filetype {mode} {
	variable DMDIR
	if {[expr $mode & $DMDIR]} {
		return "directory"
	} else {
		return "file"
proc 9p::decodeDirs {self s} {
	return [9p::marshal::decodeDirs $self $s]

# ------------------------

namespace eval vfs::9p {
	variable natmode
	variable chanmode

	set natmode()		$::9p::mode::OREAD
	set natmode(r)		$::9p::mode::OREAD
	set natmode(r+)	$::9p::mode::ORDWR
	set natmode(w)		[expr $::9p::mode::OWRITE | $::9p::mode::OTRUNC]
	set natmode(w+)	[expr $::9p::mode::ORDWR | $::9p::mode::OTRUNC]
	set natmode(a)		$::9p::mode::OWRITE
	set natmode(a+)	$::9p::mode::ORDWR

	set chanmode()		read
	set chanmode(r)	read
	set chanmode(r+)	[list read write]
	set chanmode(w)	write
	set chanmode(w+)	[list read write]
	set chanmode(a)	write
	set chanmode(a+)	[list read write]

proc vfs::9p::Mount {fd user local args} {
	vfs::log "vfs::9p::Mount: attempt to mount $fd $user at $local"
	set handle [::9p::mount $fd $user $args]
	vfs::log "9p $fd $user mounted at $local : $handle"
	9p::verbose $handle $::debug
	vfs::filesystem mount $local [list vfs::9p::handler $handle]
	vfs::RegisterMount $local [list ::vfs::9p::Unmount $handle]
	return $handle
proc vfs::9p::Unmount {handle local} {
	vfs::filesystem unmount $local
	::9p::unmount $handle
proc vfs::9p::handler {handle cmd root relative actualpath args} {
	vfs::log "vfs::9p::handler $handle $cmd $root $relative $actualpath [list $args]"
    if {$cmd == "matchindirectory"} {
        eval [list vfs::9p::$cmd $handle $relative $actualpath] $args
    } else {
        eval [list vfs::9p::$cmd $handle $relative] $args

proc vfs::9p::stat {handle name} {
	vfs::log "vfs::9p::stat $handle $name"
	set fid [::9p::walk $handle $name]
	if {$fid == {}} {
		vfs::log "vfs::9p::stat $handle $name : ENOENT"
		::vfs::9p::posixerror [::vfs::posixError ENOENT]
	set stat [::9p::stat $handle $fid]
	::9p::clunk $handle $fid

	set t [lindex $stat 0]
	set d [lindex $stat 1]
	set q [lindex $stat 2]
	set m [lindex $stat 3]
	set at [lindex $stat 4]
	set mt [lindex $stat 5]
	set l [lindex $stat 6]
	set name [lindex $stat 7]
	set u [lindex $stat 8]
	set g [lindex $stat 9]
	set mod [lindex $stat 10]

	lappend res type [9p::mode::filetype $m]
 	lappend res ino [lindex $q 2]
	lappend res dev -1
	lappend res uid -1
	lappend res gid -1
	lappend res nlink 1
	lappend res depth 0
	lappend res atime $at
	lappend res ctime $mt
	lappend res mtime $mt
	lappend res mode [expr $m & 0x01ff]
 	lappend res size [expr $l & 0xffffffff] ;# XXX

	vfs::log "vfs::9p::stat $handle $name : ($stat) ($res) "

  return $res
proc vfs::9p::access {handle name mode} {
	vfs::log "vfs::9p::access $handle $name $mode"
	if {$name == ""} {
		vfs::log "vfs::9p::access $handle $name $mode -> 1"
		return 1

	set fid [::9p::walk $handle $name]
	if {$fid == {}} {
		vfs::log "vfs::9p::access $handle $name $mode -> ENOENT"
		::vfs::9p::posixerror [::vfs::posixError ENOENT]
	::9p::clunk $handle $fid

 		vfs::log "vfs::9p::access $handle $name $mode -> 1"
       return 1
proc vfs::9p::createdirectory {handle name} {
    vfs::log "vfs::9p::createdirectory $handle $name"
	set dname [file dirname $name]
	set fname [file tail $name]
	set fid [::9p::walk $handle $dname]
	if {$fid == {}} {
		::vfs::9p::posixerror [::vfs::posixError ENOENT]
	set qid [::9p::create $handle $fid $fname [expr $::9p::mode::DMDIR | 0777] 0]
	if {$qid == {}} {
		::vfs::9p::posixerror [::vfs::posixError EACCES]
	::9p::clunk $handle $fid
proc vfs::9p::removedirectory {handle name recursive} {
    vfs::log "vfs::9p::removedirectory $handle $name $recursive"
	set fid [::9p::walk $handle $name]
	if {$fid == {}} {
		 ::vfs::9p::posixerror [::vfs::posixError ENOENT]
	if {[::9p::isdir $handle $fid]} {
		9p::open $handle $fid $::9p::mode::OREAD
		while {1} {
			set buf [::9p::read $handle $fid 4096]
			if {[string length $buf] <= 0} {
			foreach stat [::9p::decodeDirs $handle $buf] {
				if {! $recursive} {
					::vfs::9p::posixerror [::vfs::posixError EEXIST]
				set sname [lindex $stat 7]
				vfs::9p::removedirectory $handle [file join $name $sname] $recursive
	::9p::remove $handle $fid
proc vfs::9p::deletefile {handle name} {
    vfs::log "vfs::9p::deletefile $handle $name"
	set fid [::9p::walk $handle $name]
	if {$fid == {}} {
		 ::vfs::9p::posixerror [::vfs::posixError ENOENT]
	::9p::remove $handle $fid
# XXX usually we will not be allowed to set actime
proc vfs::9p::utime {handle name actime mtime} {
    vfs::log "vfs::9p::utime $handle $name $actime $mtime"
	set fid [::9p::walk $handle $name]
	if {$fid == {}} {
		 ::vfs::9p::posixerror [::vfs::posixError ENOENT]

	set stats {}

	# supply 'don't touch' values
	# (as discussed in plan 9 stat(5) manual page)
	# except for atime and mtime
	lappend stats 0xffff ;# type 2
 	lappend stats 0xffffffff ;# dev 4
	lappend stats { 0xff 0xffffffff 0xffffffffffffffff};# qid 
	lappend stats 0xffffffff ;# mode 4 
	lappend stats $actime ;# atime 4 
	lappend stats $mtime ;# mtime 4 
	lappend stats 0xffffffffffffffff ;# ln 8 
	lappend stats "" ;# name
	lappend stats "" ;# uid
	lappend stats "" ;# gid
	lappend stats "" ;# muid

	9p::wstat $handle $fid $stats
	9p::clunk $handle $fid

proc vfs::9p::open {handle name mode perm} {
    vfs::log "vfs::9p::open $handle $name $mode $perm"
	variable natmode
	variable chanmode

# puts stderr "vfs::9p::open $handle $name $mode $perm"
    # return a list of two elements:
    # 1. first element is the Tcl channel name which has been opened
    # 2. second element (optional) is a command to evaluate when
    #    the channel is closed.
    set nmode $natmode($mode)
    set cmode $chanmode($mode)
   switch -exact -- $mode {
        "" -
        "r" {
		set fid [::9p::walk $handle $name]
		if {$fid == {}} {
		        ::vfs::9p::posixerror [::vfs::posixError ENOENT]
		if {[catch {::9p::open $handle $fid $nmode} msg]} {
			::vfs::9p::posixerror [::vfs::posixError EACCES]
		return [chan create $cmode [list ::9p::chan $handle $fid]]
 	"r+" {
		set fid [::9p::walk $handle $name]
		if {$fid == {}} {
		        ::vfs::9p::posixerror [::vfs::posixError ENOENT]
		if {[::9p::isdir $handle $fid]} {
			::vfs::9p::posixerror [::vfs::posixError EISDIR]
		if {[catch {::9p::open $handle $fid $nmode} msg]} {
			::vfs::9p::posixerror [::vfs::posixError EACCES]
		return [chan create $cmode [list ::9p::chan $handle $fid]]
       "a" -
	"a+" {
		set fid [::9p::walk $handle $name]
		if {$fid == {}} {
			# suppress walk 'not found' error message?
			set dname [file dirname $name]
			set fname [file tail $name]
		        set fid [::9p::walk $handle $dname]
			if {$fid == {}} {
			        ::vfs::9p::posixerror [::vfs::posixError ENOENT]
			if {![::9p::isdir $handle $fid]} {
				::vfs::9p::posixerror [::vfs::posixError ENOTDIR]
		        set qid [::9p::create $handle $fid $fname $perm $nmode]
			if {$qid == {}} {
				::vfs::9p::posixerror [::vfs::posixError EACCES]
		} else {
			if {[::9p::isdir $handle $fid]} {
				::vfs::9p::posixerror [::vfs::posixError EISDIR]
			if {[catch {::9p::open $handle $fid $nmode} msg]} {
				::vfs::9p::posixerror [::vfs::posixError EACCES]
		::9p::seek $handle $fid 0 end
		return [chan create $cmode [list ::9p::chan $handle $fid]]
        "w" -
	"w+" {
		set fid [::9p::walk $handle $name]
		if {$fid == {}} {
			# suppress walk 'not found' error message?
			set dname [file dirname $name]
			set fname [file tail $name]
		        set fid [::9p::walk $handle $dname]
			if {$fid == {}} {
			        ::vfs::9p::posixerror [::vfs::posixError ENOENT]
			if {![::9p::isdir $handle $fid]} {
				::vfs::9p::posixerror [::vfs::posixError ENOTDIR]
		        set qid [::9p::create $handle $fid $fname $perm $nmode]
			if {$qid == {}} {
				::vfs::9p::posixerror [::vfs::posixError EACCES]
		} else {
			if {[::9p::isdir $handle $fid]} {
				::vfs::9p::posixerror [::vfs::posixError EISDIR]
			if {[catch {::9p::open $handle $fid $nmode} msg]} {
				::vfs::9p::posixerror [::vfs::posixError EACCES]
		return [chan create $cmode [list ::9p::chan $handle $fid]]
         default {
            return -code error "illegal access mode \"$mode\""
proc vfs::9p::doesmatch {isdir types perm} {
	if {$isdir} {
		if {![::vfs::matchDirectories $types]} {
			return 0
	} else {
		if {![::vfs::matchFiles $types]} {
			return 0
	return 1

# it seems that perm is not set by tclvfs package
proc vfs::9p::matchindirectory {handle relative actualpath pattern types {perm {}} {mac {}}} {
	vfs::log "vfs::9p::matchindirectory $handle \"$relative\" $actualpath ($pattern) ($types) ($perm) $mac"
	set res [list]

 	set fid [::9p::walk $handle $relative]
	if {$fid == {}} {
	        ::vfs::9p::posixerror [::vfs::posixError ENOENT]
 	if {[string length $pattern] > 0} {
		if {![::9p::isdir $handle $fid]} {
			::vfs::9p::posixerror [::vfs::posixError ENOTDIR]
		9p::open $handle $fid $::9p::mode::OREAD
		while {1} {
			set buf [::9p::read $handle $fid 4096]
			if {[string length $buf] <= 0} {
			foreach stat [::9p::decodeDirs $handle $buf] {
				set name [lindex $stat 7]
				set qid [lindex $stat 2]
				if {[doesmatch [::9p::qidisdir $qid] $types $perm] &&
				    [string match $pattern $name]} {
					lappend res [file join $actualpath $name]
	} else {
   	     # single file
 		if {[doesmatch [::9p::isdir $handle $fid] $types $perm]} {
			lappend res $actualpath
	::9p::clunk $handle $fid
	return $res
proc vfs::9p::fileattributes {handle path args} {
    vfs::log "vfs::9p::fileattributes $handle $path $args"
    switch -- [llength $args] {
        0 {
            # list strings
            return [list]
        1 {
            # get value
            set index [lindex $args 0]
        2 {
            # set value
            set index [lindex $args 0]
            set val [lindex $args 1]
            error "read-only"
proc vfs::9p::posixerror {code} {
	# Seems we need a special case for EEXIST in removedirectory
	if {$code == [::vfs::posixError EEXIST]} {
		error $code
	} else {
		vfs::filesystem posixerror $code

# ------------------------

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