Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/boyd/sys/src/cmd/mace.bundle

Copyright © 2021 Plan 9 Foundation.
Distributed under the MIT License.
Download the Plan 9 distribution.

# To unbundle, run this file
echo Makefile
sed 's/.//' >Makefile <<'//GO.SYSIN DD Makefile'
-#	@(#)Makefile	1.49
-BINDIR		= $(HOME)/bin/$(cputype)
-CC		= cc
-CFLAGS		= -O -g -w4 -DYYDEBUG
-STICKY		= 0
-XMODE		= $(STICKY)711
-SHXMODE		= 755
-XSGID		= $(STICKY)2711
-MAIL		= mail
-RANLIB		= : ranlib
-YFLAGS		= #-v
-SHELL		= /bin/sh
-# Braindamage for broken socket installations
-NETLIBS		= -lsocket -lnsl
-NEW		=
-INC		= \
-		addr.h \
-		conf.h \
-		flex.h \
-		headers.h \
-		line.h \
-		mace.h \
-		message.h \
-		pop.h \
-		regexp.h \
-		regmagic.h \
-		tty.h
-LIBSRC		= \
-		addr.y \
-		aka.c \
-		args.c \
-		conf.c \
-		dir.c \
-		domain.c \
-		id.c \
-		flex.c \
-		headers.c \
-		host.c \
-		line.c \
-		lock.c \
-		mail.c \
-		macebox.c \
-		macedir.c \
-		memory.c \
-		mesg.c \
-		mess.c \
-		misc.c \
-		name.c \
-		pipe.c \
-		re.c \
-		readdir.c \
-		readfile.c \
-		readpass.c \
-		regexp.c \
-		rfc.c \
-		run.c \
-		string.c \
-		sysmess.c \
-		tn.c \
-		tty.c \
-		vec.c \
-		writefile.c
-SH		= \
-		bundle \
-		mal
-SRC		= \
-		$(INC) \
-		$(LIBSRC) \
-		$(SH) \
-		box.c \
-		com.c \
-		despool.c \
-		mace.c \
-		mad.c \
-		mal \
-		mam.c \
-		mda.c \
-		mox.c \
-		msg.c \
-		pop.c \
-		reo.c \
-		ret.c
-DOC		= \
-		box.1 \
-		com.1 \
-		mace.1 \
-		mal.1 \
-		mam.1 \
-		mov.1 \
-		mox.1 \
-		msg.1 \
-		pop.1 \
-		reo.1 \
-		mace-config.4 \
-		mace-proto.4
-TEXT		= \
-		Makefile \
-		NEW \
-		TODO \
-		:yyfix \
-		setup \
-		$(DOC) \
-		$(SRC)
-LIB		= libmace.a
-LIBOBJ		= \
-		addr.o \
-		aka.o \
-		args.o \
-		conf.o \
-		dir.o \
-		domain.o \
-		id.o \
-		flex.o \
-		headers.o \
-		host.o \
-		line.o \
-		lock.o \
-		macebox.o \
-		macedir.o \
-		mail.o \
-		memory.o \
-		mesg.o \
-		mess.o \
-		misc.o \
-		name.o \
-		pipe.o \
-		re.o \
-		readdir.o \
-		readfile.o \
-		readpass.o \
-		regexp.o \
-		rfc.o \
-		run.o \
-		string.o \
-		sysmess.o \
-		tn.o \
-		tty.o \
-		vec.o \
-		writefile.o
-BIN		= \
-		box \
-		com \
-		mace \
-		despool \
-		mad \
-		mam \
-		mda \
-		mox \
-		msg \
-		pop \
-		reo \
-		ret
-MACE		= \
-		$(BIN) \
-		$(SH)
-all		: $(MACE)
-install		: all
-		cp $(BIN) $(BINDIR)
-		cd $(BINDIR) ; chmod $(XMODE) $(BIN)
-		cp $(SH) $(SHBINDIR)
-		cd $(SHBINDIR) ; chmod $(SHXMODE) $(SH)
-		-cd $(BINDIR) ; rm -f rem ; ln msg rem
-		-cd $(BINDIR) ; rm -f med ; ln msg med
-		-cd $(BINDIR) ; rm -f mov ; ln msg mov
-		-cd $(BINDIR) ; rm -f del ; ln msg del
-		-cd $(BINDIR) ; rm -f cop ; ln msg cop
-		-cd $(BINDIR) ; rm -f lnk ; ln msg lnk
-		-cd $(BINDIR) ; rm -f mrk ; ln msg mrk
-		-cd $(BINDIR) ; rm -f ./- ; ln msg ./-
-		-cd $(BINDIR) ; rm -f + ; ln msg +
-		-cd $(BINDIR) ; rm -f rep ; ln com rep
-		-cd $(BINDIR) ; rm -f fwd ; ln com fwd
-		-cd $(BINDIR) ; rm -f mcp ; ln mad mcp
-		-cd $(BINDIR) ; rm -f mln ; ln mad mln
-		cd $(BINDIR) ; chgrp $(MAIL) despool
-		cd $(BINDIR) ; chmod $(XSGID) despool
-print		:
-		pr -l66 -w132 $(TEXT) | lp
-dist 		: bundle
-		sh bundle $(TEXT) > mace.bundle
-shar		: bundle
-		sh bundle $(TEXT) > mace.$@
-$(LIB)		: $(LIBOBJ)
-		@-rm -f $(LIB)
-		ar qv $(LIB) $(LIBOBJ)
-		$(RANLIB) $(LIB)
-test		: test.o $(LIB)
-		$(CC) -o test test.o $(LIB)
-clean		:
-		rm -f $(LIB) *.o y.output
-nuke		: clean
-		rm -f $(BIN)
-tags		::
-		ctags $(SRC)
-admin		: $(NEW)
-		@echo 'Comment? ' | tr -d '\012' ; read x ; set -x ; \
-		for i in $(NEW) ; \
-		do \
-			admin -i"$$i" -y"$$x" SCCS/s."$$i" ; \
-		done
-delta		:
-		@echo 'Comment? ' | tr -d '\012' ; read x ; set -x ; \
-		for i in $(TEXT) ; \
-		do \
-			delta -y"$$x" SCCS/s."$$i" || : ; \
-		done
-box		: $(LIB) box.o
-		$(CC) -o box box.o $(LIB)
-com		: $(LIB) com.o
-		$(CC) -o com com.o $(LIB)
-mace		: $(LIB) mace.o
-		$(CC) -o mace mace.o $(LIB)
-despool		: $(LIB) despool.o
-		$(CC) -o despool despool.o $(LIB)
-mad		: $(LIB) mad.o
-		$(CC) -o mad mad.o $(LIB)
-mam		: $(LIB) mam.o
-		$(CC) -o mam mam.o $(LIB)
-mda		: $(LIB) mda.o
-		$(CC) -o mda mda.o $(LIB)
-mox		: $(LIB) mox.o
-		$(CC) -o mox mox.o $(LIB)
-msg		: $(LIB) msg.o
-		$(CC) -o msg msg.o $(LIB)
-pop		: $(LIB) pop.o
-		$(CC) -o pop pop.o $(LIB) || ( set -x ; $(CC) -o pop pop.o $(LIB) $(NETLIBS) )
-reo		: $(LIB) reo.o
-		$(CC) -o reo reo.o $(LIB)
-ret		: $(LIB) ret.o
-		$(CC) -o ret ret.o $(LIB)
-.c.o		:
-		$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $*.c
-addr.c		: addr.y
-		yacc $(YFLAGS) addr.y
-		sh :yyfix
-box.o		: box.c mace.h line.h message.h headers.h conf.h regexp.h
-com.o		: com.c mace.h message.h headers.h conf.h regexp.h addr.h
-mace.o		: mace.c mace.h conf.h headers.h line.h message.h regexp.h flex.h
-despool.o	: despool.c mace.h
-mad.o		: mad.c mace.h
-mam.o		: mam.c mace.h regexp.h message.h line.h
-mda.o		: mad.c conf.h line.h mace.h headers.h message.h regexp.h addr.h
-mox.o		: mox.c mace.h regexp.h conf.h line.h message.h
-msg.o		: msg.c mace.h line.h flex.h message.h
-pop.o		: pop.c mace.h line.h flex.h pop.h
-reo.o		: reo.c mace.h line.h message.h
-ret.o		: ret.c mace.h line.h message.h
-test.o		: test.c mace.h
-messid.o	: messid.c mace.h
-addr.o		: addr.c mace.h flex.h headers.h addr.h
-aka.o		: aka.c mace.h
-args.o		: args.c mace.h line.h
-conf.o		: conf.c conf.h flex.h headers.h line.h mace.h message.h regexp.h
-dir.o		: dir.c mace.h
-domain.o	: domain.c mace.h line.h
-id.o		: id.c mace.h
-flex.o		: flex.c flex.h mace.h
-host.o		: host.c mace.h line.h
-headers.o	: headers.c mace.h headers.h
-line.o		: line.c flex.h line.h mace.h
-lock.o		: lock.c mace.h
-macebox.o	: macebox.c mace.h
-macedir.o	: macedir.c mace.h
-mail.o		: mail.c mace.h line.h headers.h
-memory.o	: memory.c mace.h
-mesg.o		: mesg.c mace.h
-mess.o		: mess.c mace.h message.h headers.h line.h
-misc.o		: misc.c mace.h
-name.o		: name.c mace.h
-pipe.o		: pipe.c mace.h
-re.o		: re.c mace.h
-readdir.o	: readdir.c mace.h
-readfile.o 	: readfile.c mace.h
-readpass.o 	: readpass.c mace.h flex.h tty.h
-regexp.o	: regexp.c mace.h regmagic.h regexp.h
-rfc.o 		: rfc.c mace.h conf.h headers.h line.h message.h regexp.h
-run.o		: run.c mace.h
-string.o	: string.c mace.h
-sysmess.o	: sysmess.c
-tn.o		: tn.c mace.h
-tty.o		: tty.c tty.h mace.h
-vec.o		: vec.c mace.h
-writefile.o	: writefile.c mace.h
//GO.SYSIN DD Makefile
echo NEW
sed 's/.//' >NEW <<'//GO.SYSIN DD NEW'
-What's New (1.1):
-    bundle
-	A /bin/sh version of Plan 9 bundle; a simple shell archiver.
-    mal +box ...
-	A simple alias facility that uses the To: line in a box's .proto.
-	    % mal +bonehead
-	    Bonehead <>
-    mam
-	Used to add messages to boxes:
-	    mam [ -u ] [ -dps ] [ +[+]box ] [ files ] ...
-	It's a more or less like 'mace' and handles multiple box/file arguments
-	in the same style as 'msg':
-	    mam +foo a b c ++bar d
-	It can also be invoked as a filter.
-	It's options are:
-	    d - don't audit
-	    p - preserve a box's current message
-	    s - silent (doesn't print the message summary)
-	    u - unlock audit trail
-    pop
-	A POP 3 client which splits a POP mailbox into multiple files:
-	    pop [ -delete ] [ -n number ] [ -r [ seconds ] ] [ -s spooldir ] [ -t ] [ [user@]server ]
-	It's options are:
-	    -delete
-		Delete messages off the POP server after they've all been retrieved.
-	    -n number
-		Message file names start at 'number', instead of 0.
-	    -r [ seconds ]
-		Run in the background and interrogate the server periodically.
-		A timeout value can be specified in seconds.  If none is given
-		a default of 120 seconds (2 minutes) is used.
-		In this mode the password is asked for once and from then on it
-		lives in a pipe.  This eliminates tedious password typing and minimises
-		the likelyhood of the password winding up in a core dump.
-	    -s spooldir
-		Create messages in 'spooldir'.  The current directory is the default.
-	    -t
-		Trace the POP 3 protocol to standard error:
-		    system% pop -s /tmp -t pacific
-		    pop: <-- +OK QUALCOMM Pop server derived from UCB (version 2.1.4-R3) at PACIFIC starting.
-		    pop: --> USER boyd
-		    pop: <-- +OK Password required for boyd.
-		    pop: --> PASS ...
-		    pop: <-- +OK boyd has 37 message(s) (106154 octets).
-		    pop: --> STAT
-		    pop: <-- +OK 37 106154
-		    pop: --> RETR 1
-		    pop: <-- +OK 1397 octets
-		    ...
-	   [user@]server
-		Optional user/mailbox name and POP 3 server to contact.
-		Otherwise the current user on 'localhost' is used.
-    reo
-	A filter to re-order headers in an RFC 822 message.  It is not configurable
-	and uses the standard mace order of:
-	    From:
-	    Date:
-	    To:
-	    Cc:
-	    Bcc:
-	    Subject:
-	See headers.c for the ordering code.
-	It was written to fix messages broken by a braindamaged delivery agent in
-	conjunction with this script:
-	    #!/bin/sh
-	    # Fix broken mail headers
-	    sed -e '1,5d' -e '/^>From:/s/>//' | reo
-    setup [ directory ]
-	A script to setup the directory for Mace and a sample configuration file.
echo TODO
sed 's/.//' >TODO <<'//GO.SYSIN DD TODO'
-Things To Do (1.1):
-1. Integrate 'mam' and 'pop -r' in some way.  Possibly a script 'mop' is invoked
-   by the user to pick up the messages retrieved by 'pop'.
-2. Limbo rewrite for Inferno?
echo :yyfix
sed 's/.//' >:yyfix <<'//GO.SYSIN DD :yyfix'
-: "@(#):yyfix	1.17"
-sed '/in:/{s/in:/in state %d:/
-	   s/yyn/&, yystate/
-	  }' > addr.c
//GO.SYSIN DD :yyfix
echo setup
sed 's/.//' >setup <<'//GO.SYSIN DD setup'
-# @(#)setup	1.1
-# mace setup
-umask 077
-myname="`basename \"$0\"`"
-# use argument or prompt for directory
-case $# in
-	dir="$HOME/Mace"
-	echo "Directory where your mail will be kept [$dir]? " | tr -d '\012'
-	if read x
-	then
-		case "$x" in
-		'')
-			;;
-		*)
-			dir="$x"
-			;;
-		esac
-	else
-		exit 1
-	fi
-	;;
-	dir="$1"
-	;;
-	echo "usage: $myname [ directory ]" 1>&2
-	exit 1
-	;;
-# full path name
-case "$dir" in
-	;;
-	dir="`pwd`/$dir"
-	;;
-# create if necessary
-if [ ! -d "$dir" ]
-	mkdir "$dir" || exit 1
-# slice off $HOME and put in $macedir
-if echo "$dir" | sed "s;^$HOME/;;" > "$macedir" 2> /dev/null
-	# determine login name
-	case "$USER" in
-	'')
-		user="$LOGNAME"
-		;;
-	*)
-		user="$USER"
-		;;
-	esac
-	# create prototype configuration in $config
-	if cat <<! > "$dir/$config"
-incoming	in
-outgoing	out
-remove		"$user"
-#deliver	custom delivery agent command
-#exec		"regexp" "command"
-	then
-		echo "Tailor '$dir/$config' to suit your environment."
-		echo 'It currently contains:'
-		cat "$dir/$config"
-	else
-		echo "$myname: Could not write '$dir/$config'" 1>&2
-		exit 1
-	fi
-	echo "$myname: Could not write '$macedir'" 1>&2
-	exit 1
//GO.SYSIN DD setup
echo box.1
sed 's/.//' >box.1 <<'//GO.SYSIN DD box.1'
-.\" @(#)box.1	1.1
-.TH BOX 1
-box \- manage boxes
-.B box
-.B -acdilmorst
-.B Box
-allows boxes to be created and deleted as well as providing information on
-their status and contents.  A particular
-.I box
-can be specified by prefixing its name by the
-.I "box character"
-.BR + .
-With no arguments
-.B box
-displays the name of the current
-.I box
-prepended with the
-.I "box character"
-.BR + .
-If one
-.I box
-is specified with no options it is made the
-.IR "current box" .
-.I box
-can also be made the current box by specifying the
-.I "box character"
-.B +
-Several options, some mutually exclusive, are available:
-.B -a
-Apply action to all boxes.
-.B -c
-Create the named box(es).
-.B -d
-Delete the named box(es).
-.B -i
-Show the name of the
-.I incoming
-.B -l
-Gives a one line summary for the
-.IR box .
-The output consists of the
-.I "box character"
-.BR + ,
-prepended to the name of the box, the name of the current message and
-number of messages in the box followed by
-.BR messages ( s ). 
-If the
-.I box
-contains no messages the message count is replaced by
-.BR empty .
-.B -m
-Gives a one line summary for the current message in the
-.IR box .
-.B -o
-Show the name of the
-.I outgoing
-.B -r
-Gives a one line summary for each message in the
-.I box
-in reverse message order.
-.B -s
-Gives a one line summary for each message in the
-.IR box .
-The output consists of a
-.B -
-(indicating that the message was received) or a
-.B +
-(indicating that the message is pending delivery), the
-.I "box character"
-.B +
-prepended to the name of the box, an optional
-.B ?
-(indicating links to the message),
-an optional
-.B |
-(indicating delivery by
-.BR del ( 1 ))
-and the text of the message's
-.BR From: ,
-.B Date:
-.B Subject:
-.B -t
-Gives a one line summary for each message in the
-.I box
-showing the message's
-.B To:
-line instead of the
-.B From:
-Before a
-.I box
-can be deleted all its messages must be removed with
-.BR rem ( 1 ).
-.RI $MACEDIR/ box /.messid
-.RI $MACEDIR/ box / id
-.BR del ( 1 ),
-.BR msg ( 1 ),
-.BR rem ( 1 ),
-.BR mace-config ( 4 ).
//GO.SYSIN DD box.1
echo com.1
sed 's/.//' >com.1 <<'//GO.SYSIN DD com.1'
-.\" %W%
-.TH COM 1
-com, fwd, rep \- compose, forward or reply to messages
-.B com
-.B fwd
-.I id
-.B rep
-.I id
-All create a new message template and then invoke
-on it.  The new message is located in the one of the following boxes:
-.I multiple
-.B Rep
-applies the
-.I refile
-regular expressions to the headers of message being replied to.  The
-first match determines the box used.
-.I Copies
-are made for boxes in subsequent matches with
-.BR mln ( 1 ).
-.I outgoing
-If the current box is
-.IR incoming .
-.I current
-If the current box is not
-.IR incoming .
-.I box
-The named
-.I box
-specified by the argument.  
-.I id
-of the message in the chosen
-.I box
-is the next in the series after the last message in the
-.IR box .
-Once the message has been edited it is set to be the
-.I "current message"
-and it is ready to be delivered with
-.BR del ( 1 ).
-The separation of composition and delivery is a deliberate choice.
-All support the following options:
-.B -e
-An external agent requests only the creation of the template;
-is not invoked.
-.B -i
-Include the current message, after the headers, in the template.
-.B -s
-.B Sender:
-.B Reply-To:
-headers in the template.  The text in the
-.B Sender:
-header is that which would normally appear in the
-.B From:
-The headers are constructed based on a standard template as modified
-by the global and local
-.I "message prototype"
-files.  The standard headers are:
-This is followed by your email address.  If
-is set it consists of
-.B "$NAME <\fIuser\fP@\fIdomain\fP>" otherwise
-it is
-.BR  \fIuser\fP@\fIdomain\fP .
-.I User
-is your login name.
-.I Domain
-is the parameter specified with the
-.B address
-configuration option.
-The current date and time.
-Not initialised.
-Not initialised.
-Not initialised.
-Not initialised.
-An RFC 822 message id of the form
-.BR "<\fIyyyymmddhhmm\fP.\fIpid\fP.\fIbox\fP.\fIid\fP@\fIdomain\fP>" .
-The global and local prototype files are read in turn and matching headers
-are replaced by those specified in the prototypes.  Non-matching headers found
-in the prototypes are concatenated to the existing headers.  This provides a
-mechanism for header customisation.
-.B Fwd
-forwards a message by constructing a template which has the current
-message or
-.I id
-in the current box appended to it.
-.B Rep
-replies to a message with the headers constructed as before
-but with some further initialisation (based on the message being
-replied to):
-Contains the address(es) found in the
-.B From:
-Contains the address(es) found in the
-.B Cc:
-If the message has a
-.B Subject:
-header it contains 
-.B Re:
-followed by the subject.
-.B In-Reply-To:
-This header is added with the contents of the
-.B Message-ID:
-header, if present.
-.RI $MACEDIR/ box /.proto
-.RI $MACEDIR/ box /.messid
-.RI $MACEDIR/ box / id
-.BR del ( 1 ),
-.BR mln ( 1 ),
-.BR environ ( 5 ),
-.BR mace-config ( 4 ),
-.BR mace-proto ( 4 ).
//GO.SYSIN DD com.1
echo mace.1
sed 's/.//' >mace.1 <<'//GO.SYSIN DD mace.1'
-.\" @(#)mace.1	1.1
-mace \- add messages to incoming box
-.B mace
-.B -adsu
-.B -f
-.I mailfile
-.B Mace
-reads a user's
-.I mailfile 
-and copies the messages into the
-.I incoming
-box.  After the messages have been added sucessfully the
-.I mailfile
-is deleted.
-As messages are read they are added to the
-.I "audit trail"
-which contains a verbatim copy of the message, as it existed in the
-file.  To prevent audit trail corruption a simple locking protocol is
-A one line summary for each message processed is output using
-the same format used by
-.BR box ( 1 ).
-The first message added is set to be the
-.IR "current message" .
-The headers of each message are re-ordered, before the message is
-added to the
-.IR box ,
-so that all messages
-have their headers in a standard order.  The order is documented in
-.BR reo ( 1 ).
-.B Mace
-supports several options:
-.B -a
-Use the audit trail.
-.B -d
-Don't use the audit trail.
-.B -s
-Silently add messages without printing a summary.
-.B -u
-Unlock the audit trail and exit.
-.BI -f " mailfile"
-.I mailfile
-as the user's mail file instead of
-.BR $MAIL .
-.I mailfile
-is not deleted in this case.
-.BR Pop ( 1 )
-.BR mam ( 1 )
-should be used in preference to
-.B mace
-where mail is managed by a Post Office Protocol (POP) version 3 server.
-.RI $MACEDIR/ box /.messid
-.RI $MACEDIR/ box / id
-.BR box ( 1 ),
-.BR msg ( 1 ),
-.BR pop ( 1 ),
-.BR mam ( 1 ),
-.BR reo ( 1 ),
-.BR mace-config ( 4 ).
//GO.SYSIN DD mace.1
echo mal.1
sed 's/.//' >mal.1 <<'//GO.SYSIN DD mal.1'
-.\" @(#)mal.1	1.1
-.TH MAL 1
-mal \- per box aliases
-.B mam
-.B Mal
-uses a
-.IR box 's
-.I "message prototype"
-file to provide a simple alias facility.  A
-.I box
-is specified by prepending the
-.I "box character"
-.B +
-to its name.  For each
-.I box
-specified its
-.I "message prototype"
-file is read and if a
-.B To:
-header is found the corresponding address contained in this header is output.
-It is assumed that addresses to not span multiple lines.  A comma is
-inserted between pairs of lines to construct a valid RFC 822 address
-list.  The output of
-.B mal
-is designed to be used with
-.BR com ( 1 ).
-.RI $MACEDIR/ box /.proto
-.BR box ( 1 ),
-.BR com ( 1 ),
-.BR mace-proto ( 4 ).
//GO.SYSIN DD mal.1
echo mam.1
sed 's/.//' >mam.1 <<'//GO.SYSIN DD mam.1'
-.\" @(#)mam.1	1.1
-.TH MAM 1
-mam \- add messages to boxes
-.B mam
-.B -u
-.B -dps
-.I files
-.B Mam
-reads standard input or files for RFC 822 messages and adds them
-to boxes.  Boxes are specified by the name of the
-.I box
-prefixed by the
-.I "box character"
-.BR + .
-.I "current box"
-can be changed by inserting an extra
-.B +
-.I box
-options can be specified with one or more
-.IR files .
-If no
-.I files
-are specified the standard input is read.
-If no
-.I box
-is specified the current box is used.
-As messages are read they are added to the
-.I "audit trail"
-which contains a verbatim copy of the message, as it existed in the
-file.  To prevent audit trail corruption a simple locking protocol is
-A one line summary for each message processed is output using
-the same format used by
-.BR box ( 1 ).
-The first message added to a
-.I box
-it is set to be the
-.I "current message"
-for that
-.IR box .
-The headers of each message are re-ordered, before the message is
-added to the
-.IR box ,
-so that all messages
-have their headers in a standard order.  The order is documented in
-.BR reo ( 1 ).
-.B Mam
-supports several options:
-.B -d
-Don't use the audit trail.
-.B -p
-Preserve a
-.IR box 's
-current message as current.
-.B -s
-Silently add messages without printing a summary.
-.B -u
-Unlock the audit trail and exit.
-.RI $MACEDIR/ box /.messid
-.RI $MACEDIR/ box / id
-.BR msg ( 1 ),
-.BR rem ( 1 ).
//GO.SYSIN DD mam.1
echo mov.1
sed 's/.//' >mov.1 <<'//GO.SYSIN DD mov.1'
-.\" @(#)mov.1	1.1
-.TH MOV 1
-mov, lnk, cop \- move, link or copy messages
-.B mov
-.I id
-.RI [ from ]\-[ to ]
-.I regex
-.BI + target
-.B mln
-.I id
-.RI [ from ]\-[ to ]
-.I regex
-.BI + target
-.B cop
-.I id
-.RI [ from ]\-[ to ]
-.I regex
-.BI + target
-.B Mov
-moves messages from one or more boxes into a single
-.I target
-box.  Messages are named either by their
-.I id
-or by their
-.I box
-.IR id .
-A full explanation of message naming can be found in
-.BR msg ( 1 ).
-If no message is specified the current message is moved.
-Messages created in the
-.I target
-box are relative to that box, starting with the
-.I next
-.I id
-after the
-.I last
-message in that box.  The last message created in the
-.I target
-box is set to be the current message for that box.
-.B Lnk
-links messages.  It is not available on Plan 9.
-.B Cop
-copies messages.
-.RI $MACEDIR/ box /.messid
-.RI $MACEDIR/ box / id
-.BR msg ( 1 ).
//GO.SYSIN DD mov.1
echo mox.1
sed 's/.//' >mox.1 <<'//GO.SYSIN DD mox.1'
-.\" @(#)mox.1	1.1
-.TH MOX 1
-mox \- add messages from a directory to incoming box
-.B mox
-.B -ds
-.B -delete
-.B Mox
-acts like
-.BR mace ( 1 )
-but takes messages from a spool directory, one per file, and adds them
-to the
-.I incoming
-box with
-.BR mam ( 1 ).
-The location of the spool directory is determined
-by the
-.I spooldir
-keyword (see
-.BR mace-config ( 1 )).
-was designed to work with mail despoolers such as
-.BR pop ( 1 ).
-After a message has been added,
-.B mox
-applies any
-.I refile
-directives, prints a summary of the message and then
-applies any
-.I exec
-This order is to ensure that the summary reflects an accurate view of
-reality.  An explanation of these directives can be found in
-.BR mace-config ( 4 ).
-The default behaviour can be modified by the following options:
-.B -d
-Don't use the audit trail.
-.B -delete
-Delete messages from
-.I spooldir
-after they have been processed
-.B -s
-Silently add messages without printing a summary.
-.BR mace ( 1 ),
-.BR mam ( 1 ),
-.BR pop ( 1 ),
-.BR mace-config ( 4 ).
//GO.SYSIN DD mox.1
echo msg.1
sed 's/.//' >msg.1 <<'//GO.SYSIN DD msg.1'
-.\" @(#)msg.1	1.1
-.TH MSG 1
-msg, med, del, rem \- display, edit, deliver or remove messages
-.B msg
-.I id
-.RI [ from ]\-[ to ]
-.I regex
-.B med
-.I id
-.RI [ from ]\-[ to ]
-.I regex
-.B del
-.I id
-.RI [ from ]\-[ to ]
-.I regex
-.B rem
-.I id
-.RI [ from ]\-[ to ]
-.I regex
-.B Msg
-displays messages based on its arguments or the current message if none are
-specified.  Messages are named either by their
-.I id
-or by their
-.I box
-.IR id .
-.I id
-consists of 5 characters constructed from alternating consonant
-and vowel 
-characters to make a
-.I pronounceable
-identifier.  Consonants are taken from the set [bdfgjklmnprstvyz].
-Messages can also be referred to by these aliases:
-The first message in a box.
-The message before the current message.
-The current message.  This not normally used but is included for completeness.
-The message after the current message.
-The last message in a box.
-Aliases may be abbreviated to their first four characters.
-Ranges of messages can be specified by two
-.IR id 's
-separated by a
-.BR \- .
-These can be either a pronounceable message
-.I id
-or an alias and one or both need not be specified.  If one is missing
-then the current message is used to start or terminate the range.  If
-both are missing the current message is used.
-Groups of messages may be referred to with a
-.I regex
-in the form of
-.BR  sh ( 1 )
-style metacharacters
-.B ?
-.BR * ,
-as well as character ranges of the form
-.B [a-z]
-.BR [abc] .
-Care should be taken to quote such arguments to prevent interpretation
-by the shell.
-All messages in a box may be specified by
-.BR all .
-A message (or messages) in a particular
-.I box
-can be specified by prefixing the name of the
-.I box
-by the 
-.B +
-character.  Subsequent messages identifiers are then interpreted relative
-to the messages in that
-.IR box .
-.B +
-characters can be used to make the named
-.I box
-to be the current
-.IR box .
-More than one
-.IR box
-argument with zero or more message identifiers can be specified.  If no
-message identifier is specified the current message in that box is used.
-.B Msg
-converts the arguments to filenames and uses
-to display them all.  It is run once and the current message for each
-box is set to the last message selected from that box if the exit status
-is zero.  Regardless of the exit status the current box is set as
-directed by the arguments.
-.B Med
-instead of
-.B Del
-delivers messages that have been created with
-.BR com ( 1 ).
-.B Rem
-removes the selected messages.
-.RI $MACEDIR/ box /.messid
-.RI $MACEDIR/ box / id
-.BR mov ( 1 ),
-.BR environ ( 5 ).
//GO.SYSIN DD msg.1
echo pop.1
sed 's/.//' >pop.1 <<'//GO.SYSIN DD pop.1'
-.\" @(#)pop.1	1.1
-.TH POP 1
-pop \- POP 3 client
-.B pop
-.B -delete
-.B -n
-.I number
-.B -r
-.I seconds
-.B -s
-.I spooldir
-.B -t
-.B Pop
-is a client that uses version 3 of the Post Office Protocol (POP).  It
-is designed to be used in conjunction with
-.BR mam ( 1 )
-to add messages from a maildrop to one or more boxes.
-By default it connects to 
-.B localhost
-as the current user and prompts for the user's password on the maildrop. 
-If the supplied password is correct, it then copies each message into
-files in the current directory.  Files are named numerically, starting at 0,
-increasing monotonically.
-An alternative
-.I user
-name and POP
-.I server
-can be specified as an argument.
-The default behaviour can be modified by the following options:
-.B -delete
-Delete messages on the maildrop after they have been transferred
-successfully.  Should an error occur,
-.B pop
-does not request that the messages be deleted.
-.BI -n " number"
-Files are named starting with
-.IR number .
-\fB-r\fP [ \fIseconds\fP ]
-Re-check the maildrop every
-.IR seconds .
-If no time is given a default of 2 minutes (120 seconds) is used.
-It is not necessary to re-enter the password for the mail-drop each
-time.  The password is maintained by
-.B pop
-in a pipe to minimise the risk of is appearing in a
-.BR core ( 4 )
-.BI -s " spooldir
-Files are created in the directory
-.I spooldir
-rather than the current directory.
-.B -t
-Communication with the POP server is traced to standard error.  Commands
-sent to the server are prefixed with
-.BR --> .
-Responses from the server are prefixed with
-.BR <-- .
-The password is not traced.
-Files are created 
-.I write-only
-to prevent other processes from reading them while they are being written.
-Once a file has been completely written it is changed to be
-.I read/write
-(owner).  This simple mechanism negates the need for a locking protocol.
-.B Pop
-was designed to use as few POP commands as necessary.  The following
-are used:
-User name.
-User password.
-Query maildrop status.
-Retrieve message.
-Delete message.
-Reset protocol.
-Quit session.
-RFC 1225,
-.BR mam ( 1 ),
-.BR core ( 4 ).
//GO.SYSIN DD pop.1
echo reo.1
sed 's/.//' >reo.1 <<'//GO.SYSIN DD reo.1'
-.\" @(#)reo.1	1.1
-.TH REO 1
-reo \- re-order message headers
-.B reo
-.B Reo
-is a filter that reorders the headers of an RFC 822 message.  After it has
-output the re-ordered headers it copies the body of the message unchanged.
-The order chosen is: 
-.BR From:  ,
-.BR Date: ,
-.BR To: ,
-.BR Cc: ,
-.B Bcc
-.BR Subject: .
-The remaining headers are then appended as they appeared in the message.
-.BR mam ( 1 ).
//GO.SYSIN DD reo.1
echo mace-config.4
sed 's/.//' >mace-config.4 <<'//GO.SYSIN DD mace-config.4'
-.\" @(#)mace-config.4	1.2
-mace\-config \- mace configuration
-Mail managed by mace is located in the directory
-(if set) or by the directory specified in
-.BR $HOME/.macedir .
-If the directory in
-.B $HOME/.macedir
-does not begin with a
-.B /
-the directory is interpreted to be
-relative to
-.BR $HOME .
-The directory contains the following:
-.B .config
-The configuration file.
-.B .audit
-.I "audit trail"
-maintained by
-.BR mace ( 1 )
-.BR mam ( 1 ).
-.B .audit.lck
-.I "audit trail"
-lock file.
-.B .box
-A file containing the name of the current
-.IR box .
-.B .proto
-The global 
-.I "message prototype"
-.I box
-A directory for each
-.IR box .
-.I box
-is a directory in
-which contains:
-.B .messid
-The file containing the name of the
-.IR box 's
-.IR "current message" .
-.B .proto
-.IR box 's
-.I "message prototype"
-.I id
-Message files are named by their
-.IR id .
-.I id
-consists of 5 characters constructed from alternating consonant
-and vowel 
-characters to make a
-.I pronounceable
-identifier.  Consonants are taken from the set [bdfgjklmnprstvyz].
-The first message
-.I id
-.BR babab .
-The last is
-.BR zuzuz .
-The configuration file consists of a list of keywords and values,
-separated by spaces and tabs.  Lines commencing with
-.B #
-are comments and are ignored.  An entry can be continued on the next line
-by a
-.B \e
-at the end of the line.
-The following keywords are understood:
-.BI "address* " domain
-.I domain
-used in creating the user's
-.B From:
-.BI "deliver* " command
-.I command
-to deliver messages.
-.BI "despool " command
-.I command
-run by
-.BR mace ( 1 )
-to lock, output, unlock and remove the user's mail
-.IR file .
-\fBexec\fP "\fIregex\fP" "\fIcommand\fP"
-A regular expression matched against the headers of a message by
-.BR mace ( 1 )
-.BR mox ( 1 ).
-If a header matches
-.I regex
-then then
-.I command
-is executed.  A two character sequence beginning with a
-.B %
-allows substitution of the following parameters:
-.BR b ,
-.I "incoming box"
-preceded by the
-.I "box character"
-.BR + ;
-.BR d ,
-.BR m ,
-.IR id ;
-.BR p ,
-message pathname;
-.BR % ,
-.BI "incoming " box
-The name of the
-.I box
-where incoming mail is held.
-.BI "outgoing " box
-The name of the
-.I box
-where outgoing mail templates are created by default.
-.BI "peruse " command
-.I command
-run by
-.BR mace ( 1 )
-to lock, output and unlock the user's mail file.
-\fBrefile\fP "\fIregex\fP" \fIbox\fP
-A regular expression matched against the headers of a message by
-.BR mace ( 1 )
-.BR mox ( 1 ).
-If a header matches
-.I regex
-then the message is linked into
-.IR box .
-\fBremove\fP "\fIregex\fP"
-A regular expression that is matched against the recipient list
-when replying to a message.  Addresses matching
-.I regex
-are removed from the
-.B To:
-.B Cc:
-headers when the template is created.
-It is used to delete the replier's address.
-.BI "spool " file
-The name of the user's mail file.
-.BI "spooldir " file
-The name of a directory containing mail messages, one per file.
-This directory can be used by mail despoolers that operate like
-.BR pop ( 1 ).
-in this directory can be added to
-.I incoming
-.BR mox ( 1 ).
-Regular expressions are of the form used by
-.BR egrep ( 1 ).
-Keywords marked with an
-.B *
-are mandatory.
-incoming  in
-outgoing  out
-remove    "(john@(.+\.)?(civil|vetsci|physiol)\.su\.[Oo][Zz]\.[Aa][Uu])|(mackin@(.+\.)?geology\.su\.oz\.au)|(^john$)"
-exec      "^Sender: Viet Nam War Discussion List" "mov %b %m +vwar"
-.RI $MACEDIR/ box /.messid
-.RI $MACEDIR/ box /.proto
-.RI $MACEDIR/ box / id
-.BR mace-proto ( 4 ),
-.BR environ ( 5 ).
//GO.SYSIN DD mace-config.4
echo mace-proto.4
sed 's/.//' >mace-proto.4 <<'//GO.SYSIN DD mace-proto.4'
-.\" @(#)mace-proto.4	1.1
-mace\-proto \- message prototype files
-.RI $MACEDIR/ box /.proto
-.I "Message prototype"
-files are used to customise message prototypes generated by
-.BR com ( 1 ).
-The global prototype is $MACEDIR/.proto and
-boxes also may have a local prototype in
-.RI $MACEDIR/ box /.proto.
-These files consist of a series of RFC 822 headers and text following
-the header.  They follow the usual conventions of RFC 822 headers.
-To customise your
-.B From:
-To add an
-.B X-Face:
-header (used by
-.BR faces ( 1 )):
-X-Face: #"03$i1:"_[Hbg~GCPw}`+d4_R`}RaDfYixB`n-mCB0E8m#tNd>uyd[d<DIM0G$`0'*Yp+f
- Qw-B0lP>)`nEix7Bys(:o#o2y7$(=,&BTXdH7)Hm5jP}H5:y]}0GT4?uTT(Y0(Cu7tWBXj\|q\@jZ8
- Y_qn8)NV0*$uO][i7p"K2>Kg(
-.RI $MACEDIR/ box /.proto
-.BR com ( 1 ).
//GO.SYSIN DD mace-proto.4
echo addr.h
sed 's/.//' >addr.h <<'//GO.SYSIN DD addr.h'
-** Mail address data structures
-** %W%
-#define	NEED_BZERO
-#define NSUBDOM		20      	/* # of subdomain names in domain */
-typedef unsigned int MALLOCT;		/* Parameter to malloc		*/
-**  An address.
-typedef struct _addr {
-    struct _addr	*next;		/* next address in list		*/
-    struct _dom		*route;		/* route icl. destination domain */
-    struct _dom		*destdom;	/* destination domain		*/
-    char		*localp;	/* RFC local part		*/
-    char		*name;		/* Comment name			*/
-    char		*group;		/* Group (List) phrase		*/
-    char		*comment;	/* () comment phrase		*/
-    char		*text;		/* literal text			*/
-    char		*error;		/* error text if not NULL	*/
-} Addr;
-**  A domain.
-typedef struct _dom {
-    struct _dom		*next;		/* next domain (f.i. in route)	*/
-    char		*sub[NSUBDOM];	/* subdomain strins		*/
-    char		**top;		/* toplevel domain		*/
-} Dom;
-extern Addr	*newAddr();		/* Create a new address		*/
-extern Dom	*newDom();		/* Create a new domain		*/
-extern Addr	*adrlist;
-extern Addr	*errlist;
-extern char	*strcpy();
-extern char	*strncpy();
-extern char	*strcat();
-/* SHUT UP! */
-#define Strcpy		(void)strcpy
-#define Strncpy		(void)strncpy
-#define Strcat		(void)strcat
-#define Sprintf		(void)sprintf
//GO.SYSIN DD addr.h
echo conf.h
sed 's/.//' >conf.h <<'//GO.SYSIN DD conf.h'
- *	Configuration stuff.
- *
- *	@(#)conf.h	1.36
- */
- *	Tokens to be found in the CONFIG file.
- */
-#define	CT_ADDRESS	"address"
-#define CT_DELIVER	"deliver"
-#define CT_DESPOOL	"despool"
-#define CT_EXEC		"exec"
-#define CT_INBOX	"incoming"
-#define CT_OUTBOX	"outgoing"
-#define CT_PERUSE	"peruse"
-#define CT_REFILE	"refile"
-#define	CT_REMOVE	"remove"
-#define CT_SAVE		"save"
-#define CT_SPOOL	"spool"
-#define CT_SPOOLDIR	"spooldir"
-typedef struct match	match;
-struct match
-	char	*m_re;
-	regexp	*m_cre;
-	char	*m_action;
-	match	*m_next;
-typedef struct
-	char	*c_address;
-	char	*c_deliver;
-	char	*c_despool;
-	char	*c_inbox;
-	char	*c_outbox;
-	char	*c_peruse;
-	match	*c_exec;
-	match	*c_refile;
-	match	*c_remove;
-	match	*c_save;
-	char	*c_spool;
-	char	*c_spooldir;
-		conf;
-extern conf	*read_config();
- *	Substitution characters for CT_EXEC.
- */
-#define CE_SPECIAL	'%'
-#define CE_BOX		'b'
-#define CE_MACEDIR	'd'
-#define CE_MESSID	'm'
-#define CE_PATH		'p'
-extern char	*special_expand(char *, char *, char *);
-extern void	regex_apply(char *, message *, match *, void (*)(char *, message *, match *));
//GO.SYSIN DD conf.h
echo flex.h
sed 's/.//' >flex.h <<'//GO.SYSIN DD flex.h'
- *	Flexible string definitions.
- *
- *	@(#)flex.h	1.31
- */
-#define FLEXZ	128
-typedef struct
-	char	*f_str;
-	char	*f_end;
-	char	*f_ptr;
-		flex;
-#define flex_char(f, c)	(*((f)->f_ptr == (f)->f_end ? flex_fill(f) : (f)->f_ptr++) = (c))
-extern void	flex_end();
-extern char	*flex_fill();
-extern void	flex_init();
-extern void	flex_str();
-extern void	flex_nstr();
//GO.SYSIN DD flex.h
echo headers.h
sed 's/.//' >headers.h <<'//GO.SYSIN DD headers.h'
- *	Unix mail / RFC 822 headers.
- *
- *	%W%
- */
-#define UNIX_FROM		"From "
-#define UNIX_FWD_CHAR		'>'
-#define UNIX_DATE_LEN		25
-#define UNIX_REGARDING		"Re:"
-#define RFC_BCC			"Bcc:"
-#define RFC_CC			"Cc:"
-#define RFC_DATE		"Date:"
-#define RFC_FROM		"From:"
-#define RFC_IN_REPLY_TO		"In-Reply-To:"
-#define RFC_MESSAGE_ID		"Message-ID:"
-#define RFC_REPLY_TO		"Reply-To:"
-#define RFC_SENDER		"Sender:"
-#define RFC_SUBJECT		"Subject:"
-#define RFC_TO			"To:"
-#define RFC_LWSP_1		' '
-#define RFC_LWSP_2		'\t'
-#define RFC_SPEC_AT		'@'
-#define RFC_SPEC_DOT		'.'
-#define RFC_SPEC_LANGLE		'<'
-#define RFC_SPEC_RANGLE		'>'
-#define RFC_SPEC_COMMA		','
-#define RFC_SPEC_COLON		':'
-#define RFC_SPEC_PLUS		'+'
-#define RFC_SPEC_MINUS		'-'
-#define RFC_SPEC_PERCENT	'%'
-#define RFC_STR_GMT		"GMT"
-#define RFC_ZONE_HOUR(h)	((h) * 60)
-extern char			**find_header();
-extern char			*header_text();
-extern char			*make_address();
-extern char			*parse_address();
-extern char			*rfc_cvt_date();
-extern char			*rfc_date();
-extern char			*rfc_message_id();
-extern int			rfc_header(char *);
-extern int			rfc_hdr_cmp(char *, char *);
-extern int			rfc_month(char *);
-extern int			rfc_weekday(char *);
-extern int			rfc_zone(char *);
-extern int			strcasecmp(char *, char *);
-extern void			reorder_headers(vec *);
//GO.SYSIN DD headers.h
echo line.h
sed 's/.//' >line.h <<'//GO.SYSIN DD line.h'
- *	Line i/o definitions.
- *
- *	@(#)line.h	1.31
- */
-#define LBUFZ	1024
-typedef struct
-	int	l_fd;
-	char	l_buf[LBUFZ];
-	char	*l_ptr;
-	char	*l_end;
-	int	l_flag;
-		lineio;
-#define LREAD	0x01		/* open for read */
-#define LWRITE	0x02		/* open for write */
-#define LEOF	0x04		/* eof seen on read */
-#define LCRLF	0x08		/* CR/LF terminated lines */
-#define LLBUF	0x10		/* line buffered output */
-#define LERROR	0x80		/* error on an i/o */
-extern lineio	*lopen();
-extern int	lclose();
-extern char	*lread();
-extern char	*lwrite();
//GO.SYSIN DD line.h
echo mace.h
sed 's/.//' >mace.h <<'//GO.SYSIN DD mace.h'
- *	Mace global & system dependent definitions.
- *
- *	Tune these to suit your system.
- *
- *	Boyd Roberts 1989/1990
- *
- *	Thanks to:
- *
- *	    John Mackin 	(alpha testing and suggestions)
- *	    Andrew Gollan 	(BSD mail-file locking code)
- *
- *	@(#)mace.h	1.46
- */
- *	Compiler options.
- */
-#define	CC_VOID		1	/* 1 iff cc groks void */
-#define	CC_UCHAR	1	/* 1 iff cc groks unsigned chars */
-#define	CC_STATIC	1	/* 1 iff cc groks forward static declarations */
- /*
-  *	Environment variable names.
-  */
-#define ENV_HOME	"HOME"
-#define ENV_NAME	"NAME"
-#define ENV_PAGER	"PAGER"
-#define ENV_SHELL	"SHELL"
-#define SPEC_CHAR	'.'
-#define BOX_CHAR	'+'
-#define SPEC_NAME(s)	"."#s
-#define AUDIT		SPEC_NAME(audit)
-#define BOX		SPEC_NAME(box)
-#define MESSID		SPEC_NAME(messid)
-#define CONFIG		SPEC_NAME(config)
-#define PROTO		SPEC_NAME(proto)
-#define MARK		SPEC_NAME(mark)
-#define MACEDIR		".macedir"
- *	String to insert before each line of a forwarded message
- */
-#define FWD_LEADER	"    "
- *	Regular expression to match the name of the delivery agent.
- *
- *	Used to discard the bogus From line added by "rmail".
- *
- *	If your mail delivery doesn't exhibit this behaivour
- *	define it to be NULLSTR.
- */
-#define DELIVERY_AGENT	"Unknown"
- *	The default system mail despooler.  NULLSTR if there isn't one.
- */
-#define DESPOOLER	"despool -delete"
- *	The default system mail printer.  Allows mail to be viewed
- *	without deletion. NULLSTR if there isn't one.
- */
-#define PERUSER		"despool"
- *	The default system mail deliverer.  NULLSTR if there isn't one.
- *
- *	This must be set if RFC_DELIVERER is 1.
- */
-#define DELIVERER	"/usr/ucblib/sendmail -t -oi -odb"
-#define RFC_DELIVERER	1	/* 1 iff the delivery agent can read the
-				   recipients from the message body */
- *	If RFC_DELIVERER == 1 and you want the headers verified before
- *	they are passed to the delivery agent.  This is useful is you're
- *	using sendmail and don't want anoying messages from `mailer-daemon'
- *	about syntactically incorrect addresses.
- */
-#define RFC_VALIDATE	1
-#define ID_LEN		5
-#define NPIPES		64	/* == NOFILE */
-#define FS_BLKZ		8192	/* size of a filesystem block */
-#define CREAT_MODE	0666	/* file creation mode */
-#define MKDIR_MODE	0777	/* directory creation mode */
-#define LOCK_STR	".lck"	/* file lock extension */
-#define BSD_STR		0	/* 1 iff str[r]chr == [r]index */
-#define BSD_DIR		0	/* 1 iff 4.2BSD directories */
-#define BSD_MKDIR	1	/* 1 iff 4.2BSD mkdir() call */
-#define STR_CSPN	1	/* 1 iff you have strcspn() */
-#define DIRECTORY_3	1	/* 1 iff you have the directory(3) routines */
-#define V9_DIRECTORY_3	0	/* 1 iff you have the V9 directory(3) routines */
-#define	DEC_DIRECTORY_3	1	/* 1 iff you have old (ULTRIX) directory(3) */
-#define	USG_MAIL	1	/* 1 iff mail file is locked by USG .lock */
-#define	BSD_MAIL	0	/* 1 iff mail file is locked by flock(2) */
-#define USG_UNAME	1	/* 1 iff you have uname(2) */
-#define BSD_GETHOSTNAME	0	/* 1 iff you have gethostname(2) */
-#define SIG_RET		void	/* signal(2) returns int/void? */
- *	If the previous two are both 0 then specify a command
- *	that writes the system's nodename to standard output.
- *
- *	Set to NULLSTR otherwise.
- */
- *	Specify the command that writes the system's domain
- *	name to standard output.
- *
- *	Set to NULLSTR if you intend to specify it in "config".
- */
- *	The negation character used by your shell to negate a character
- *	class in a metacharacter expansion (ie [!a-z]*).  Usually '!',
- *	but some shells use '^'.
- */
-#define SH_META_NOT	'!'
-#define SYSERROR	(-1)	/* system call error return */
- *	Default commands; tailor them to suit.
- */
-#define DEF_PAGER	"cat"
-#define DEF_EDITOR	"ed"
-#define DEF_SHELL	"/bin/sh"	/* full pathname required */
-#define	COM_STR		"com"		/* compose message */
-#define	COP_STR		"cop"		/* front end to MCP_STR */
-#define	DEL_STR		"del"		/* front end to MDA_STR */
-#define	FWD_STR		"fwd"		/* forward message */
-#define	LNK_STR		"lnk"		/* front end to MLN_STR */
-#define	MAM_STR		"mam"		/* mace add message (from a file) */
-#define	MED_STR		"med"		/* message edit */
-#define	MOV_STR		"mov"		/* front end to MAD_STR */
-#define	MSG_STR		"msg"		/* show message */
-#define	REM_STR		"rem"		/* remove message */
-#define	REP_STR		"rep"		/* reply to a message */
-#define	MAD_STR		"mad"		/* Message add (to a box) */
-#define	MCP_STR		"mcp"		/* Message copy (to a box) */
-#define MLN_STR		"mln"		/* Message link (to a box) */
-#define	MDA_STR		"mda"		/* Message delivery agent */
-#define MKDIR_STR	"mkdir"		/* Make directory */
-#define RMDIR_STR	"rmdir"		/* Remove directory */
-#define O_RD		0		/* open mode for read */
-#define O_WR		1		/* open mode for write */
-#define O_RW		2		/* open mode for read/write */
-#define A_RD		4		/* access mode for read */
-#if			BSD_STR
-#define strchr		index
-#define strrchr		rindex
-#endif			BSD_STR
-#if	CC_VOID == 0
-#define	void		int
-#endif	CC_VOID == 0
-#if	CC_STATIC == 0
-#define	STATIC		extern
-#endif	CC_STATIC == 0
-#if	CC_UCHAR == 0
-#define	CHARBITS	0377
-#endif	CC_UCHAR == 0
-#if	STR_CSPN == 0
-#define	STRCSPN		1
-#endif	STR_CSPN == 0
-#define	DIRECTORY_3	1
-#endif	V9_DIRECTORY_3
-#define NULLBOX		(mbox *)0
-#define NULLSTR		(char *)0
-#define NULLMSG		((msg_idx)-1)
-typedef long		msg_idx;
-typedef struct
-	char	*m_name;
-	char	*m_path;
-	msg_idx	m_count;
-	msg_idx	m_current;
-	char	*m_messid;
-	char	**m_list;
-			mbox;
-typedef struct
-	msg_idx	v_count;
-	msg_idx	v_size;
-	msg_idx	v_incr;
-	char	**v_list;
-			vec;
-extern char		*my_name;
-extern char		*re_error;
-extern char		*basename();
-extern char		*check_box();
-extern char		*concat();
-extern char		*concat3();
-extern char		*create_box();
-extern char		*curr_box();
-extern char		*curr_in_box();
-extern char		*defenv();
-extern char		*domain();
-extern char		*host();
-extern char		*mace_dir();
-extern char		*mess_to_path();
-extern char		*newstr();
-extern char		*nextid();
-extern char		*read_file();
-extern char		*readpass(char *);
-extern char		*salloc();
-extern char		*splice();
-extern char		*srealloc();
-extern char		*strstr();
-extern char		*sysmess();
-extern char		*user_id();
-extern char		*user_name();
-extern char		*vec_str();
-extern char		*vec_cat();
-extern char		**mess_range();
-extern char		**read_dir();
-extern int		args_to_messages();
-extern int		delete_box();
-extern int		lock();
-extern int		mail_check();
-extern int		mail_locked();
-extern int		mail_lock();
-extern int		mail_unlock();
-extern int		pipe_exec();
-extern int		pipe_open();
-extern int		pipe_close();
-extern int		run();
-extern int		set_box();
-extern int		set_current();
-extern int		unlock();
-extern int		valid_id();
-extern mbox		*read_box();
-extern msg_idx		mess_alias();
-extern msg_idx		mess_index();
-extern void		bcopy();
-extern void		could_not();
-extern void		fatal();
-extern void		free_dir();
-extern void		free_box();
-extern void		free_mess();
-extern void		name();
-extern void		path_to_mess();
-extern void		print_summary();
-extern void		vec_free();
-extern void		vec_init();
-extern void		would_not();
//GO.SYSIN DD mace.h
echo message.h
sed 's/.//' >message.h <<'//GO.SYSIN DD message.h'
- *	Internal message format.
- *
- *	@(#)message.h	1.33
- */
-typedef struct
-	char	*ms_path;
-	char	*ms_messid;
-	vec	ms_headers;
-	long	ms_size;
-	int	ms_copies;
-	int	ms_state;
-		message;
-#define NULLMESS	(message *)0
-extern int		set_state(char *, int);
-extern int		clear_state(char *, int);
-extern message		*read_mess(mbox *, char *);
-extern message		*parse_fd(int, lineio *);
-extern message		*parse_file(char *, lineio *);
-#define MESG_COMP	(S_IEXEC >> 3)
-#define MESG_MARK	(S_IEXEC >> 6)
//GO.SYSIN DD message.h
echo pop.h
sed 's/.//' >pop.h <<'//GO.SYSIN DD pop.h'
- * @(#)pop.h	1.2
- *
- * POP 3 (RFC 1225) definitions.
- */
- * Maximum length of a POP password.  Must be less that PIPSIZ.
- */
-#define POP_PASS_LEN	1024
- * POP server
- */
-#define POP_SERVICE	"pop3"
-#define POP_PROTOCOL	"tcp"
-#define POP_PORT	110
- * Commands
- */
-#define POP_CMD_DELE	"DELE"
-#define POP_CMD_LAST	"LAST"
-#define POP_CMD_LIST	"LIST"
-#define POP_CMD_NOOP	"NOOP"
-#define POP_CMD_PASS	"PASS"
-#define POP_CMD_QUIT	"QUIT"
-#define POP_CMD_RETR	"RETR"
-#define POP_CMD_RSET	"RSET"
-#define POP_CMD_STAT	"STAT"
-#define POP_CMD_USER	"USER"
-#define POP_REP_OK	"+OK"
-#define POP_REP_ERR	"-ERR"
-#define POP_REP_TCHAR	'.'
//GO.SYSIN DD pop.h
echo regexp.h
sed 's/.//' >regexp.h <<'//GO.SYSIN DD regexp.h'
- * Definitions etc. for regexp(3) routines.
- *
- * Caveat:  this is V8 regexp(3) [actually, a reimplementation thereof],
- * not the System V one.
- *
- * 	Snarfed to be part of "mace" but not modified save
- *	for the odd include  & sccsid.
- *						-- Boyd Roberts
- *						   May '89
- *
- *	@(#)regexp.h	1.6
- */
-#define NSUBEXP  10
-typedef struct regexp {
-	char *startp[NSUBEXP];
-	char *endp[NSUBEXP];
-	char regstart;		/* Internal use only. */
-	char reganch;		/* Internal use only. */
-	char *regmust;		/* Internal use only. */
-	int regmlen;		/* Internal use only. */
-	char program[1];	/* Unwarranted chumminess with compiler. */
-} regexp;
-extern regexp *regcomp();
-extern int regexec();
-extern void regsub();
-extern void regerror();
//GO.SYSIN DD regexp.h
echo regmagic.h
sed 's/.//' >regmagic.h <<'//GO.SYSIN DD regmagic.h'
- * The first byte of the regexp internal "program" is actually this magic
- * number; the start node begins in the second byte.
- *
- * 	Snarfed to be part of "mace" but not modified save
- *	for the odd include  & sccsid.
- *						-- Boyd Roberts
- *						   May '89
- *
- *	@(#)regmagic.h	1.6
- */
-#define	MAGIC	0234
//GO.SYSIN DD regmagic.h
echo tty.h
sed 's/.//' >tty.h <<'//GO.SYSIN DD tty.h'
- * @(#)tty.h	1.1
- *
- * Definitions for horrible system dependent tty routines.
- */
-extern int	ttyecho(int, int);
-extern int	ttyechoing(int);
//GO.SYSIN DD tty.h
echo addr.y
sed 's/.//' >addr.y <<'//GO.SYSIN DD addr.y'
- *	RFC 822 address parsing routines.
- */
-#ifndef	lint
-static char	sccsid[]	= "%W%";
-#endif	lint
-#include	"mace.h"
-#include	"headers.h"
-#include	"flex.h"
-#include	"addr.h"
-#include	<sys/types.h>
-#include	<time.h>
-#define		panic(s)	abort(s)
-#define		nomem()		abort("nomem")
-static flex	f	= { NULLSTR, NULLSTR, NULLSTR, };
-/* $Log:	address.y,v $
- * Revision 1.5  88/12/29  00:44:14  john
- * Moved to MIPS
- * 
- * Revision 1.5  88/12/29  00:44:14  john
- * Move eatcomment() into address.y where it belongs, and fix it to
- * handle \-quoting of parens inside comments.
- * 
- * Revision 1.4  88/12/28  22:13:40  john
- * Fix \ quoting within quoted-strings and domain-literals (it was
- * missing).  Also fix missing cases for ']' as an atom.
- * 
- * Revision 1.3  88/12/28  00:14:03  john
- * Fix lexical analysis bug, parentheses were not being correctly
- * recognized as atoms.
- * 
- * Revision 1.2  88/10/30  07:46:22  john
- * Improve compliance of grammar to RFC822:
- * 	- insist on a domain at the end of a source-route
- * Change makeaddress() to do the right thing with a
- * source-routed address (i.e., make it an actual textual
- * representation of the source-routed address).
- * Fix bug in putdom.
- * 
- * Revision 1.1  88/10/26  09:54:04  john
- * Initial revision
- * 
- */
-static char RCSid[] =
-    "$Header: address.y,v 1.5 88/12/29 00:44:14 john Exp $";
-typedef struct token	token;
-struct token
-	char	*name;
-	int	token;
-static char	*errstr;
-static char	*comstr;
-static char	*cp;
-static char	*savecp;
-static char	*saveline;
-static flex	 errbuf		= { NULLSTR, NULLSTR, NULLSTR };
-static flex	 combuf		= { NULLSTR, NULLSTR, NULLSTR };
-static int	 iseol;
-static char	*text;
-Addr		*adrlist;
-Addr		*errlist;
-%union {
-   char		yChar;
-   char		*yString;
-   Dom		*yDom;
-   Addr		*yAddr;
-   time_t	yTime;
-   int   	yInt;
-%type	<yString>	word domain_ref sub_domain local_part phrase
-%type	<yDom>		domain route_list route
-%type	<yAddr>		addr_spec non_local_addr_spec route_addr mailbox mbox_list group address msg_id
-%type	<yTime>		date_header date_time
-%type	<yInt>		zone weekday month
-%start	rfc822
-rfc822		:
-		date_header
-		|
-		addr_header ':' addr_list
-		|
-		received;
-addr_header	: FROM | TO | CC | BCC;
-date_header	: DATE ':' date_time
-		{
-			$$ = $3;
-		};
-date_time	: weekday date time
-		{
-			struct	tm	t;
-		};
-weekday		: 
-		/* null
-		|
-		{
-			$$ = 0
-		} */
-		ATOM ','
-		{
-			$$ = 0;
-		};
-date		: ATOM month ATOM
-		{
-		};
-month		: ATOM
-		{
-			$$ = 0;
-		};
-time		: hour zone
-		{
-		};
-home		: ATOM ':' ATOM seconds
-seconds		: /* null */
-		|
-		':' ATOM
-		{
-		};
-zone		: ATOM
-		{
-			$$ = 0;
-		}
-		|
-		'+' ATOM
-		{
-			$$ = 0;
-		}
-		|
-		'-' ATOM
-		{
-			$$ = 0;
-		};
-addr_list:	addr_lel
-       | addr_list addr_lel
-       ;
-addr_lel: address EOL {
-	    $1->comment = comstr;
-	    $1->error = errstr;
-	    comstr = NULL;
-	    errstr = NULL;
-	    appAddr(&adrlist, $1);
-	}
-	| address ',' {
-	    $1->comment = comstr;
-	    $1->error = errstr;
-	    comstr = NULL;
-	    errstr = NULL;
-	    appAddr(&adrlist, $1);
-	}
-	| error {
-	    register Addr	*ap;
-	    ap = newAddr();
-	    if (savecp > saveline) {
-		flex_str(&errbuf, " after \"");
-		flex_nstr(&errbuf, saveline, savecp - saveline);
-		flex_char(&errbuf, '"');
-		if (cp && *cp) {
-		    flex_str(&errbuf, ", before \"");
-		    flex_str(&errbuf, cp);
-		    flex_char(&errbuf, '"');
-		}
-	    }
-	    else if (cp && *cp) {
-		flex_str(&errbuf, " before \"");
-		flex_str(&errbuf, cp);
-		flex_char(&errbuf, '"');
-	    }
-	    if (errbuf.f_ptr != errbuf.f_str) {
-		flex_char(&errbuf, '\0');
-		errstr = newstring2(errstr, errbuf.f_str);
-		flex_end(&errbuf);
-	    }
-	    ap->error = errstr;
-	    errstr = NULL;
-	    comstr = NULL;
-	    appAddr(&errlist, ap);
-	}
-	;
-address: mailbox {
-	    $$ = $1;
-	}
-	| group {
-	    $$ = $1;
-	}
-	;
-group	: phrase ':' mbox_list ';' {
-	    register Addr	*a;
-	    for (a = $3; a; a = a->next)
-		a->group = $1;
-	    $$ = $3;
-	}
-	;
-mbox_list: mailbox {
-	    $$ = $1;
-	}
-	| mbox_list ',' mailbox {
-	    $3->comment = comstr;
-	    $3->error = errstr;
-	    comstr = NULL;
-	    errstr = NULL;
-	    appAddr(&($1), $3);
-	    $$ = $1;
-	}
-	;
-mailbox: addr_spec {
-	    $$ = $1;
-	}
-	| route_addr {
-	    $$ = $1;
-	}
-	| phrase route_addr {
-	    $2->name = $1;
-	    $$ = $2;
-	}
-	;
-phrase	: word {
-	    $$ = $1;
-	}
-	| phrase word {
-	    $$ = newstring3($1, " ", $2);
-	    free($1);
-	    free($2);
-       }
-       ;
-route_addr: '<' addr_spec '>' {
-	   $$ = $2;
-       }
-       | '<' route non_local_addr_spec '>' {
-	   prepDom(&($3->route), $2);
-	   $$ = $3;
-       }
-       ;
-route	: route_list ':' {
-	    $$ = $1;
-	}
-	;
-route_list: '@' domain {
-	    $$ = $2;
-	}
-	| route_list ',' '@' domain {
-	    appDom(&($1), $4);
-	    $$ = $1;
-	}
-	;
-addr_spec: non_local_addr_spec
-	| local_part {
-	    register Addr	*ap;
-	    $$ = ap = newAddr();
-	    ap->localp = $1;
-	    ap->destdom = NULL;
-	}
-	;
-non_local_addr_spec: local_part '@' domain {
-	    register Addr	*ap;
-	    $$ = ap = newAddr();
-	    ap->localp = $1;
-	    ap->destdom = $3;
-	    ap->route = $3;
-	}
-	;
-local_part: word {
-		$$ = $1;
-	    }
-	    | local_part '.' word {
-		$$ = newstring3($1, ".", $3);
-		free($1);
-		free($3);
-	    }
-	    | local_part '%' word {
-		$$ = newstring3($1, "%", $3);
-		free($1);
-		free($3);
-	    }
-	    ;
-domain	: sub_domain {
-	    register Dom	*dp;
-	    dp = newDom();
-	    dp->sub[0] = $1;
-	    dp->top = dp->sub;
-	    $$ = dp;
-	}
-	| domain '.' sub_domain {
-	    ($1->top)++;
-	    *($1->top) = $3;
-	    $$ = $1;
-	}
-	;
-sub_domain: domain_ref {
-	    $$ = $1;
-	}
-	    $$ = yylval.yString;
-	}
-	;
-domain_ref: ATOM {
-	    $$ = yyval.yString;
-	}
-	;
-word	: ATOM {
-	    $$ = yylval.yString;
-	}
-	    $$ = yylval.yString;
-	}
-	;
-day	:
-	|
-	ATOM ','
-	{
-	}
-	;
-hour	:
-	{
-	}
-	|
-	ATOM ':' ATOM ':' ATOM
-	{
-	}
-	;
-zone	:
-	{
-	}
-	|
-	{
-	}
-	|
-	'+' ATOM
-	{
-	}
-	|
-	'-' ATOM
-	{
-	}
-	;
-msg_id	: '<' addr_spec '>'
-	{
-printf("msg_id %s\n", make_address($2));
-		$$ = $2;
-	}
-	;
-rfrom	:  /* null */
-	|
-	FROM domain
-	{
-Addr	a;
-a.localp = ""; = 0;
-a.route = $2;
-printf("from %s\n", make_address(&a));
-	}
-	;
-by	: /* null */
-	|
-	BY domain
-	{
-Addr	a;
-a.localp = ""; = 0;
-a.route = $2;
-printf("by %s\n", make_address(&a));
-	}
-	;
-via	:  /* null */
-	|
-	{
-printf("via '%s'\n", yylval.yString);
-	}
-	;
-with	: /* null */
-	|
-	{
-printf("with '%s'\n", yylval.yString);
-	}
-	;
-id	: /* null */
-	|
-	ID '<' msg_id '>'
-	{
-Addr *a;
-a = $3;
-printf("id %s\n", make_address(a));
-	}
-	|
-	{
-printf("id %s\n", yylval.yString);
-	}
-	;
-for	: /* null */
-	|
-	FOR addr_spec
-	{
-Addr *a;
-a = $2;
-printf("for %s\n", make_address(a));
-	}
-	|
-	FOR '<' addr_spec '>'
-	{
-Addr *a;
-a = $3;
-printf("for %s\n", make_address(a));
-	}
-	;
-received: RECEIVED ':' rfrom by via with id for ';' EOL
-	{
-	}
-	;
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#define ERROR	-2
-	Header,
-	Colon,
-	Body,
-int		where;
-static token	headers[]	=
-	{ "From",	FROM, },
-	{ "To",		TO, },
-	{ "Cc",		CC, },
-	{ "Bcc",	BCC,  },
-	{ "Date",	DATE,  },
-	{ "Subject",	SUBJECT, },
-	{ NULLSTR,	0, },};
-static token	received[]	=
-	{ "from",	FROM, },
-	{ "by",		BY, },
-	{ "via",	VIA, },
-	{ "with",	WITH,  },
-	{ "id",		ID,  },
-	{ "for",	FOR, },
-	{ NULLSTR,	0, },
-tokatom(token *t, char *s)
-	while (t->name != 0)
-	{
-		if (strcasecmp(t->name, s) == 0)
-			return t->token;
-		t++;
-	}
-	return ATOM;
-static char *
-newstring3(a, b, c)
-    char	*a;
-    char	*b;
-    char	*c;
-    char	*p;
-    char	*q;
-    int		 i;
-    i = strlen(a) + strlen(b) + strlen(c) + 1;
-    if ((p = salloc((MALLOCT)i)) == NULL)
-	nomem();
-    q = p + strlen(strcpy(p, a));
-    q += strlen(strcpy(q, b));
-    Strcpy(q, c);
-    return(p);
-static char *
-newstring2(a, b)
-    char		*a;
-    char		*b;
-    char		*p;
-    int			 i;
-    if (a == (char *)0)
-	a = "";
-    i = strlen(a) + strlen(b) + 1;
-    if ((p = salloc((MALLOCT)i)) == NULL)
-	nomem();
-    Strcpy(p, a);
-    Strcat(p, b);
-    return(p);
- * <mess>: [ "<what>" ] unexpected [ <tail> ]
- */
-static void
-unexpected(mess, what, tail)
-char	*mess;
-char	*what;
-char	*tail;
-    flex_str(&errbuf, mess);
-    flex_str(&errbuf, ": ");
-    if (what != NULLSTR)
-    {
-	flex_char(&errbuf, '"');
-	flex_str(&errbuf, what);
-        flex_str(&errbuf, "\" ");
-    }
-    flex_str(&errbuf, "unexpected");
-    if (tail != NULLSTR)
-    {
-	flex_char(&errbuf, ' ');
-	flex_str(&errbuf, tail);
-    }
-    flex_char(&errbuf, '\0');
-static void
-    char	*s;
-   static char	c[2]	= { '\0', '\0' };
-   switch(yychar) {
-       default:
-	   c[0] = yylval.yChar;
-	   unexpected(s, c, NULLSTR);
-	   errstr = newstring2(errstr, errbuf.f_str);
-	   break;
-       case LIT_DOMAIN:
-       case QUOTED_STRING:
-       case ATOM:
-	   unexpected(s, yylval.yString, NULLSTR);
-	   errstr = newstring2(errstr, errbuf.f_str);
-	   break;
-       case EOL:
-       case 0: /* EOF */
-	   unexpected(s, NULLSTR, "end-of-header");
-	   errstr = newstring2(errstr, errbuf.f_str);
-	   break;
-   }
-   flex_end(&errbuf);
-parseit(char *line)
-extern int yydebug;
-    saveline = cp = text = line;
-    adrlist = NULL;
-    errlist = NULL;
-    if (combuf.f_str == NULLSTR)
-	flex_init(&combuf);
-    flex_end(&combuf);
-    if (errbuf.f_str == NULLSTR)
-	flex_init(&errbuf);
-    flex_end(&errbuf);
-    if (!rfc_header(line))
-    {
-	Addr	*ap;
-	ap = newAddr();
-	errstr = newstring2("not a header field", errbuf.f_str);
-	ap->error = errstr;
-	comstr = NULL;
-	errstr = NULL;
-	appAddr(&adrlist, ap);
-	return;
-    }
-    where = Header;
-yydebug = 0;
-    (void)yyparse();
-char *
-register char *s;
-	register int parencount;
-	parencount = 0;
-	for (;;) {
-		if (*s == '\\') {	/* quoted-pair */
-			s++;
-			if (*s == '\0')
-				return ((char *)0);
-			s++;
-			if (*s == '\0')
-				return ((char *)0);
-			continue;
-		}
-		if (*s == '(')
-			parencount++;
-		else if (*s == ')')
-			parencount--;
-		if (parencount == 0)
-			return (++s);
-		else if (parencount < 0)
-			panic("eatcomment botch");
-		if (*++s == '\0')
-			return ((char *)0);
-	}
- * Case independent strcmp().
- */
-static int
-strcasecmp(char *s1, char *s2)
-	while (*s1 != '\0')
-	{
-		int	c1;
-		int	c2;
-		if (*s1 != *s2 && (c1 = tolower(*s1)) != (c2 = tolower(*s2)))
-			return c1 < c2 ? -1 : 1;
-		s1++;
-		s2++;
-	}
-	return 0;
-    char	*p;
-    savecp = cp;
-    while (isascii(*cp) && (isspace(*cp) || (*cp == '('))) {
-	if (*cp == '(') {
-	    p = eatcomment(cp);
-	    if (p == (char *)0)
-		return (EOF);
-	    flex_nstr(&combuf, cp + 1, (p - 2) - cp);
-	    flex_char(&combuf, '\0');
-	    if (comstr == NULL) {
-		if ((comstr = salloc((MALLOCT)(strlen(combuf.f_str) + 1))) == NULL)
-		    nomem();
-		Strcpy(comstr, combuf.f_str);
-	    }
-	    else
-		comstr = newstring3(comstr, ", ", combuf.f_str);
-	    flex_end(&combuf);
-	    cp = p;
-	}
-	else
-	    cp++;
-    }
-    if (!isascii(*cp))
-	return(ERROR);
-    switch (*cp) {
-	case '\0':
-	    if (iseol) {
-		iseol = 0;
-		return(EOF);
-	    }
-	    iseol = 1;
-	    return(EOL);
-	case ':':
-		if (where == Colon)
-			where = Body;
-	case ',':
-	case ';':
-	case '.':
-	case '@':
-	case '%':
-	case '<':
-	case '>':
-	case '(':
-	case ')':
-	case ']':
-	    yylval.yChar = *cp;
-	    return(*cp++);
-	case '[':       /* LIT_DOMAIN */
-	    for (p = cp + 1; *p && *p != ']'; ) {
-		if (*p == '\\') {
-		    p++;
-		    if (*p == '\0')
-			return(EOF);
-		}
-		p++;
-	    }
-	    if (*p == '\0')
-		return(EOF);
-	    if ((yylval.yString = salloc((MALLOCT)(p - cp + 2))) == NULL)
-		nomem();
-	    Strncpy(yylval.yString, cp, p - cp + 1);
-	    yylval.yString[p - cp + 1] = '\0';
-	    cp = ++p;
-	    return(LIT_DOMAIN);
-	case '"':       /* QUOTED_STRING */
-	    for (p = cp + 1; *p && *p != '"'; ) {
-		if (*p == '\\') {
-		    p++;
-		    if (*p == '\0')
-			return(EOF);
-		}
-		p++;
-	    }
-	    if (*p == '\0')
-		return(EOF);
-	    if ((yylval.yString = salloc((MALLOCT)(p - cp))) == NULL)
-		nomem();
-	    Strncpy(yylval.yString, cp + 1, p - cp);
-	    yylval.yString[p - cp - 1] = '\0';
-	    cp = ++p;
-	    return(QUOTED_STRING);
-    }
-    for (p = cp; ; p++)
-	switch (*p) {
-	    case ',':
-	    case ':':
-	    case ';':
-	    case '.':
-	    case '@':
-	    case '%':
-	    case '<':
-	    case '>':
-	    case '(':
-	    case ')':
-	    case '[':
-	    case ']':
-	    case '"':
-	    case '\0':
-		goto out;
-	    default:
-		if (isspace(*p))
-		    goto out;
-	}
-    if ((yylval.yString = salloc((MALLOCT)(p - cp + 1))) == NULL)
-	nomem();
-    Strncpy(yylval.yString, cp, p - cp);
-    yylval.yString[p - cp] = '\0';
-    cp = p;
-printf("ATOM '%s'\n", yylval.yString);
-    switch (where)
-    {
-    case Header:
-	where = Colon;
-	return tokatom(headers, yylval.yString);
-    case Colon:
-    case Body:
-	return ATOM;	
-	break;
-    default:
-	panic("header field state?");
-    }
-**  Create and initialize a new address.
-Addr *
-    register Addr	*ap;
-    if ((ap = (Addr *)salloc((MALLOCT)sizeof *ap)) == NULL)
-	nomem();
-    memset((char *)ap, '\0', sizeof *ap);
-    return(ap);
-**  Append addresslist "addr" to addresslist "head".
-appAddr(head, addr)
-    Addr		**head;
-    Addr		 *addr;
-    register Addr	*ap;
-    register char	*p;
-    register int	i;
-    if (*head) {
-	for (ap = *head; ap->next; ap = ap->next)
-	    ;
-	ap->next = addr;
-    }
-    else
-	*head = addr;
-    if (head == &adrlist)
-    {
-	while (isspace(*text))
-	    text++;
-	if (*(p = cp) != '\0')
-	{
-	    p--;
-	    if (isspace(p[-1]))
-	    {
-		p--;
-		while (isspace(*p))
-			p--;
-		p++;
-	    }
-	}
-	if ((addr->text = salloc((MALLOCT)(p - text + 1))) == NULLSTR)
-	    nomem();
-	strncpy(addr->text, text, i = p - text);
-	addr->text[i] = '\0';
-	text = cp;
-    }
-    else
-	addr->text = NULLSTR;
-**  Create and initialize a new domain.
-Dom *
-    register Dom	*dp;
-    if ((dp = (Dom *)salloc((MALLOCT)sizeof *dp)) == NULL)
-	nomem();
-    memset((char *)dp, '\0', sizeof *dp);
-    dp->top = dp->sub;
-    return(dp);
-**  Append domainlist "dom" to domainlist "head".
-appDom(head, dom)
-    Dom			**head;
-    Dom			*dom;
-    register Dom	*dp;
-    if (*head) {
-	for (dp = *head; dp->next; dp = dp->next)
-	    ;
-	dp->next = dom;
-    }
-    else
-    *head = dom;
-**  Prepend domainlist "dom" before domainlist "head".
-prepDom(head, dom)
-    Dom			**head;
-    Dom			 *dom;
-    register Dom	 *dp;
-    for (dp = dom; dp->next; dp = dp->next)
-	;
-    dp->next = *head;
-    *head = dom;
-static void
-register Dom *d;
-	register char **p;
-	for (p = d->sub; p != d->top; p++)
-	{
-		flex_str(&f, *p);
-		flex_char(&f, RFC_SPEC_DOT);
-	}
-	flex_str(&f, *p);
- *	Take an Addr struct and return a textual representation that
- *	a delivery agent can use to deliver the message.
- */
-char	*
-register Addr	*a;
-	register Dom	*d;
-	register char	*p;
-	if (f.f_str == NULLSTR)
-		flex_init(&f);
-	d = a->route;
-	while (d != (Dom *)0 && d->next != (Dom *)0)
-	{
-		/* source route */
-		flex_char(&f, RFC_SPEC_AT);
-		putdom(d);
-		flex_char(&f, d->next->next ? RFC_SPEC_COMMA : RFC_SPEC_COLON);
-		d = d->next;
-	}
-	flex_str(&f, a->localp);
-	if (d != (Dom *)0)
-	{
-		flex_char(&f, RFC_SPEC_AT);
-		putdom(d);
-	}
-	flex_char(&f, '\0');
-	p = newstr(f.f_str);
-	flex_end(&f);
-	return p;
-static char *
-cleanup(Addr **ap)
-	Addr	*a;
-	if (errlist != (Addr *)0)
-	{
-		for (a = errlist; a != (Addr *)0; a = a->next)
-		{
-			if (a->error != NULLSTR)
-				return a->error;
-		}
-		abort("make_address");
-	}
-	for (a = adrlist; a != (Addr *)0; a = a->next)
-	{
-		if (a->localp == (char *)0 || a->localp[0] == '\0')
-			return "null local-part in address";
-	}
-	*ap = adrlist;
-	return NULLSTR;
- *	Parse a textual address list and return it as a list of Addr structs.
- *
- *	Returns NULLSTR for ok; otherwise an error string.
- */
-char	*
-parse_address(ap, s)
-Addr	**ap;
-char	*s;
-	parseit(s);
-	return cleanup(ap);
- *	Parse a Received: header and return it as a list of Addr structs.
- *
- *	Returns NULLSTR for ok; otherwise an error string.
- */
-char	*
-parse_received(Addr **ap, char *s)
-	parseit(s);
-	return cleanup(ap);
//GO.SYSIN DD addr.y
echo aka.c
sed 's/.//' >aka.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD aka.c'
- *	Message aliases & aka's.
- */
-#ifndef	lint
-static char	sccsid[]	= "@(#)aka.c	1.30";
-#endif	lint
-#include	"mace.h"
-#define ABBREV_CHAR	'|'
-typedef struct
-	char		*a_str;
-	msg_idx		(*a_func)();
-			abbrev;
-static msg_idx		first_mess();
-static msg_idx		last_mess();
-static msg_idx		current_mess();
-static msg_idx		next_mess();
-static msg_idx		previous_mess();
-static abbrev		mess_abbrev[]	=
-	{ "firs|t",	first_mess },
-	{ "last",	last_mess },
-	{ "curr|ent",	current_mess },
-	{ "next",	next_mess },
-	{ "prev|ious",	previous_mess },
-	{ NULLSTR, },
-static msg_idx
-register mbox	*m;
-	return m->m_count > 0 ? 0 : NULLMSG;
-static msg_idx
-register mbox	*m;
-	return m->m_count > 0 ? m->m_count - 1 : NULLMSG;
-static msg_idx
-register mbox	*m;
-	return m->m_current;
-static msg_idx
-register mbox	*m;
-	register msg_idx	i;
-	register char		*s;
-	if ((i = m->m_current) != NULLMSG)
-		return ++i == m->m_count ? NULLMSG : i;
-	if ((s = m->m_messid) == NULLSTR || m->m_count == 0)
-		return NULLMSG;
-	if (strcmp(s, m->m_list[0]) < 0)
-		return 0;
-	if (strcmp(s, m->m_list[m->m_count - 1]) > 0)
-		return NULLMSG;
-	for (i = 0; i < m->m_count; i++)
-	{
-		if (strcmp(s, m->m_list[i]) > 0)
-			continue;
-		return i;
-	}
-	return NULLMSG;
-static msg_idx
-register mbox	*m;
-	register msg_idx	i;
-	register char		*s;
-	if ((i = m->m_current) != NULLMSG)
-		return --i < 0 ? NULLMSG : i;
-	if ((s = m->m_messid) == NULLSTR || m->m_count == 0)
-		return NULLMSG;
-	if (strcmp(s, m->m_list[0]) < 0)
-		return NULLMSG;
-	if (strcmp(s, m->m_list[m->m_count - 1]) > 0)
-		return m->m_count - 1;
-	for (i = m->m_count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
-	{
-		if (strcmp(s, m->m_list[i]) < 0)
-			continue;
-		return i;
-	}
-	return NULLMSG;
-mess_alias(m, s)
-mbox	*m;
-char	*s;
-	register char	*p;
-	register abbrev	*ap;
-	for (p = s; *p != '\0'; p++)
-	{
-		if (*p == ABBREV_CHAR)
-			return NULLMSG;
-	}
-	for (ap = mess_abbrev; ap->a_str != NULLSTR; ap++)
-	{
-		register char	*q;
-		int		seen_bar;
-		p = s;
-		q = ap->a_str;
-		seen_bar = 0;
-		for (;;)
-		{
-			if (!seen_bar)
-				seen_bar = *q == '|';
-			if (*p == '\0')
-			{
-				if (seen_bar || *q == '\0')
-					return (*ap->a_func)(m);
-				break;
-			}
-			if (*p == *q)
-			{
-				p++;
-				q++;
-				continue;
-			}
-			if (*q++ != '|')
-				break;
-		}
-	}
-	return NULLMSG;
-char	**
-mess_range(m, from, to)
-mbox	*m;
-msg_idx	from;
-msg_idx	to;
-	register char		**n;
-	register msg_idx	i;
-	register char		**v;
-	if ((i = to - from) < 0)
-		i = -i;
-	i++;
-	v = n = (char **)salloc((int)((i + 1) * sizeof(char *)));
-	while (i-- > 0)
-	{
-		/* I could use a ?: here, but the MIPS doesn't like it */
- 		if (from > to)
- 			*n++ = newstr(m->m_list[from--]);
- 		else
- 			*n++ = newstr(m->m_list[from++]);
-	}
-	*n = NULLSTR;
-	return v;
//GO.SYSIN DD aka.c
echo args.c
sed 's/.//' >args.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD args.c'
- *	Message argument list processing.
- */
-#ifndef	lint
-static char	sccsid[]	= "@(#)args.c	1.4";
-#endif	lint
-#include	"mace.h"
-#include	"line.h"
-#include	<stdio.h>
-#define 	ALL_NAME	"all"
-#define 	ALL_RANGE	"first-last"
-static char	*metas		= "?*[]";	/* sh(1) metacharacters */
- *	Shell metacharacter matcher.
- */
-static int
-match(str, pat)
-register char	*str;
-register char	*pat;
-	register char	c;
-	switch (c = *pat++)
-	{
-	case '?':
-		return match(++str, pat);
-	case '*':
-		while (*pat == '*')
-			pat++;
-		if (*pat == '\0')
-			return 1;
-		while (*++str != '\0')
-		{
-			if (match(str, pat))
-				return 1;
-		}
-		return 0;
-	case '[':
-		{
-			int	not;
-			int	hit;
-			int	range;
-			char	pc;
-			hit = 0;
-			not = 0;
-			pc = 0;
-			if (*pat == SH_META_NOT)
-			{
-				not = 1;
-				hit = 1;
-				pat++;
-			}
-			while ((c = *pat++) != '\0')
-			{
-				if (c == ']')
-					return hit ? match(++str, pat) : 0;
-				if (c == '-')
-				{
-					if ((range = *pat++) == '\0' || range == ']')
-						return 0;
-					if (*str >= pc && *str <= range)
-					{
-						if (not)
-							return 0;
-						hit = 1;
-					}
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					pc = c;
-					if (*str == c)
-					{
-						if (not)
-							return 0;
-						hit = 1;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			return 0;
-		}
-	default:
-		if (c == *str)
-		{
-			if (c == '\0')
-				return 1;
-			return match(++str, pat);
-		}
-		return 0;
-	}
- *	Turn a shell metacharacter specification into messages id's.
- */
-static void
-metas_to_messages(mb, pattern, vp)
-register mbox	*mb;
-char		*pattern;
-register vec	*vp;
-	register msg_idx	i;
-	for (i = 0; i < mb->m_count; i++)
-	{
-		if (match(mb->m_list[i], pattern))
-			vec_str(vp, mess_to_path(mb, mb->m_list[i]));
-	}
- *	Find a messages' index into a mailbox.
- */
-static msg_idx
-find_msg(m, s)
-register mbox	*m;
-register char	*s;
-	register msg_idx	i;
-	if (*s == '\0')
-	{
-		if (m->m_current == NULLMSG)
-			fprintf(stderr, "%s: No current message in \"%s\".\n", my_name, m->m_name);
-		return m->m_current;
-	}
-	if ((i = valid_id(s) ? mess_index(m, s) : mess_alias(m, s)) == NULLMSG)
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: No such message qualifier as \"%s\".\n", my_name, s);
-	return i;
- *	Take a command line and interpret it into messages.
- *
- *	[ [+]box ] [ messages ] ...
- */
-args_to_messages(argc, argv, vp, bp)
-register int	argc;
-register char	*argv[];
-register vec	*vp;
-char		**bp;
-	register int	i;
-	register mbox	*mb;
-	char		*box;
-	mb = NULLBOX;
-	box = NULLSTR;
-	if (argc == 1)
-	{
-		/*
-		 *	Current message in the current box.
-		 */
-		if ((box = curr_box()) == NULLSTR)
-		{
-			fprintf(stderr, "%s: No current box.\n", my_name);
-			return 0;
-		}
-		if ((mb = read_box(box)) == NULLBOX)
-		{
-			fprintf(stderr, "%s: No such box as \"%s\".\n", my_name, box);		
-			return 0;
-		}
-		if (mb->m_current == NULLMSG)
-		{
-			fprintf(stderr, "%s: No current message in \"%s\".\n", my_name, box);
-			return 0;
-		}
-		vec_str(vp, mess_to_path(mb, mb->m_list[mb->m_current]));
-	}
-	for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
-	{
-		register char	*id;
-		char		*p;
-		msg_idx		x;
-		extern char	*strchr();
-		/*
-		 *	New box to pick messages from?
-		 */
-		if (argv[i][0] == BOX_CHAR)
-		{
-			/*
-			 *	Change current box?
-			 */
-			if (argv[i][1] == BOX_CHAR)
-			{
-				if (*bp != NULLSTR)
-				{
-					usage();
-					/* NOTREACHED */
-				}
-				*bp = box = newstr(&argv[i][2]);
-			}
-			else
-				box = newstr(&argv[i][1]);
-			if (*box == '\0')
-			{
-				usage();
-				/* NOTREACHED */
-			}
-			if (mb != NULLBOX)
-				free_box(mb);
-			if ((mb = read_box(box)) == NULLBOX)
-			{
-				fprintf(stderr, "%s: No such box as \"%s\".\n", my_name, box);
-				if (*bp != NULLSTR && strcmp(*bp, box) == 0)
-					*bp = NULLSTR;
-				continue;
-			}
-			/*
-			 *	If this is the end of the line or the next
-			 *	argument is a box then get the current message
-			 *	in the specified box.  Otherwise continue.
-			 */
-			if (i + 1 < argc && argv[i + 1][0] != BOX_CHAR)
-				continue;
-			if (mb->m_current == NULLMSG)
-			{
-				fprintf(stderr, "%s: No current message in \"%s\".\n", my_name, box);
-				continue;
-			}
-			vec_str(vp, mess_to_path(mb, mb->m_list[mb->m_current]));
-			continue;
-		}
-		/*
-		 *	Kludge the qualifier "all" into a "range".
-		 */
-		if (strcmp(argv[i], ALL_NAME) == 0)
-			id = ALL_RANGE;
-		else
-			id = argv[i];
-		/*
-		 *	No specified box, so use current one.
-		 */
-		if (mb == NULLBOX)
-		{
-			if (box != NULLSTR)
-				continue;
-			if ((box = curr_box()) == NULLSTR)
-			{
-				fprintf(stderr, "%s: No current box.\n", my_name);
-				while (++i < argc && argv[i][0] != BOX_CHAR)
-					;
-				i--;
-				continue;
-			}
-			if ((mb = read_box(box)) == NULLBOX)
-			{
-				fprintf(stderr, "%s: No such box as \"%s\".\n", my_name, box);		
-				continue;
-			}
-		}
-		/*
-		 *	Literal message id.
-		 */
-		if (valid_id(id))
-		{
-			if (mess_index(mb, id) != NULLMSG)
-				vec_str(vp, mess_to_path(mb, id));
-			else
-				fprintf(stderr, "%s: No message \"%s\" in \"%s\".\n", my_name, id, box);				
-			continue;
-		}
-		/*
-		 *	Shell metacharacter message specifier.
-		 */
-		if (strstr(id, metas) != NULLSTR)
-		{
-			metas_to_messages(mb, id, vp);
-			continue;
-		}
-		/*
-		 *	Range of messages.
-		 */
-		if ((p = strchr(id, '-')) != NULLSTR)
-		{
-			char		**v;
-			char		**n;
-			msg_idx		start;
-			msg_idx		finish;
-			*p++ = '\0';
-			if
-			(
-				(start = find_msg(mb, id)) == NULLMSG
-				||
-				(finish = find_msg(mb, p)) == NULLMSG
-			)
-				continue;
-			if ((v = n = mess_range(mb, start, finish)) == (char **)0)
-				continue;
-			while (*n != NULLSTR)
-				vec_str(vp, mess_to_path(mb, *n++));
-			*--p = '-';
-			(void)free((char *)v);
-			continue;
-		}
-		/*
-		 *	An alias (first, current, last, etc ...)
-		 */
-		if ((x = mess_alias(mb, id)) != NULLMSG)
-		{
-			vec_str(vp, mess_to_path(mb, mb->m_list[x]));
-			continue;
-		}
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Message \"%s\" not in \"%s\".\n", my_name, id, box);				
-	}
-	if (mb != NULLBOX)
-		free_box(mb);
-	return vp->v_count;
//GO.SYSIN DD args.c
echo conf.c
sed 's/.//' >conf.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD conf.c'
- *	Configuration stuff.
- */
-#ifndef	lint
-static char	sccsid[]	= "@(#)conf.c	1.39";
-#endif	lint
-#include	<stdio.h>
-#include	"mace.h"
-#include	"regexp.h"
-#include	"line.h"
-#include	"message.h"
-#include	"conf.h"
-#include	"flex.h"
-#include	"headers.h"
-typedef struct
-	char	*p_token;
-	char	**p_strp;
-	match	**p_matp;
-	int	(*p_func)();
-	int	p_required;
-		parse;
-static conf	cf	=
-	(match *)0,
-	(match *)0,
-	(match *)0,
-static int	lineno;
-static char	*file;
-static void
-register char	**pp;
-	register char	*s;
-	register char	c;
-	s = *pp;
-	for (;;)
-	{
-		switch (c = *s++)
-		{
-		case ' ':
-		case '\t':
-			continue;
-		case '\\':
-			if (*s == '\n')
-			{
-				s++;
-				lineno++;
-				continue;
-			}
-			/* fall through */
-		default:
-			s--;
-			break;
-		}
-		break;
-	}
-	*pp = s;
-static char	*
-copy(p, q)
-register char	*p;
-register char	*q;
-	register char	c;
-	if (q[-1] == '\n')
-		q--;
-	c = *q;
-	*q = '\0';
-	p = newstr(p);
-	*q = c;
-	return p;
-static char	*
-register char	**pp;
-	register char	*s;
-	register char	c;
-	char		*p;
-	white(pp);
-	s = p = *pp;
-	while ((c = *s) != '\0' && c != '\n')
-		s++;
-	*pp = s;
-	if (s == p)
-		return NULLSTR;
-	return copy(p, s);
-static char	*
-register char	**pp;
-	register char	*p;
-	register char	c;
-	static flex	f	= { NULLSTR, NULLSTR, NULLSTR, };
-	white(pp);
-	if (*(p = *pp) != '"')
-		return NULLSTR;
-	if (f.f_str == NULLSTR)
-		flex_init(&f);
-	for (;;)
-	{
-		switch (c = *++p)
-		{
-		case '\0':
-		case '\n':
-			*pp = p;
-			flex_end(&f);
-			return NULLSTR;
-		case  '\\':
-			if (p[1] == '"')
-				flex_char(&f, *++p);
-			else if (p[1] == '\n')
-			{
-				p++;
-				lineno++;
-			}
-			else
-				flex_char(&f, c);
-			continue;
-		case '"':
-			flex_char(&f, '\0');
-			p++;
-			break;
-		default:
-			flex_char(&f, c);
-			continue;
-		}
-		break;
-	}
-	*pp = p;
-	p = newstr(f.f_str);
-	flex_end(&f);
-	return p;
-static char	*
-register char	**pp;
-	register char	*s;
-	register char	c;
-	register char	*p;
-	white(pp);
-	p = s = *pp;
-	for (;;)
-	{
-		if
-		(
-			((c = *s) >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
-			||
-			((c = *s) >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
-			||
-			*s == '-'
-		)
-		{
-			s++;
-			continue;
-		}
-		break;
-	}
-	*pp = s;
-	if (s == p)
-		return NULLSTR;
-	return copy(p, s);
-static int
-register char	**pp;
-	register char	*s;
-	register char	c;
-	s = *pp;
-	while ((c = *s++) != '\n')
-	{
-		if (c == '\0')
-		{
-			*pp = --s;
-			return 1;
-		}
-		if (c == '\\' && *s == '\n')
-		{
-			s++;
-			lineno++;
-		}
-	}
-	lineno++;
-	*pp = s;
-	return 0;
-static int
-string_value(pi, pp)
-register parse	*pi;
-register char	**pp;
-	if (*pi->p_strp != NULLSTR)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: \"%s\": \"%s\" multiply declared on line %d.\n", my_name, file, pi->p_token, lineno);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	if ((*pi->p_strp = string(pp)) == NULLSTR)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: \"%s\": String expected after \"%s\" on line %d.\n", my_name, file, pi->p_token, lineno);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	pi->p_required = 0;
-	return 0;
-static int
-re_value(pi, pp)
-register parse	*pi;
-register char	**pp;
-	register match	*mp;
-	regexp		*cre;
-	char		*re;
-	if (*pi->p_matp != (match *)0)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: \"%s\": Multiple definition of \"%s\" on line %d.\n", my_name, file, pi->p_token, lineno);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	if ((re = quoted_string(pp)) == NULLSTR)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: \"%s\": Quoted string expected after \"%s\" on line %d.\n", my_name, file, pi->p_token, lineno);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	if ((cre = regcomp(re)) == (regexp *)0)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: \"%s\": Regular expression \"%s\" on line %d %s\n", my_name, file, re, lineno, re_error);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	mp = (match *)salloc(sizeof *mp);
-	mp->m_re = re;
-	mp->m_cre = cre;
-	mp->m_action = NULLSTR;
-	mp->m_next = (match *)0;
-	*pi->p_matp = mp;
-	pi->p_required = 0;
-	return 0;
-static int
-regex_string(pi, pp, quoted)
-register parse	*pi;
-register char	**pp;
-	register match	**n;
-	register match	*mp;
-	regexp		*cre;
-	char		*re;
-	char		*action;
-	if ((re = quoted_string(pp)) == NULLSTR)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: \"%s\": Quoted string expected after \"%s\" on line %d.\n", my_name, file, pi->p_token, lineno);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	if (quoted)
-	{
-		if ((action = quoted_string(pp)) == NULLSTR)
-		{
-			fprintf(stderr, "%s: \"%s\": Quoted string expected after regular expression \"%s\" on line %d.\n", my_name, file, re, lineno);
-			return 1;
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		if ((action = string(pp)) == NULLSTR)
-		{
-			fprintf(stderr, "%s: \"%s\": String expected after regular expression \"%s\" on line %d.\n", my_name, file, re, lineno);
-			return 1;
-		}
-	}
-	if ((cre = regcomp(re)) == (regexp *)0)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: \"%s\": Regular expression \"%s\" on line %d %s\n", my_name, file, re, lineno, re_error);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	mp = (match *)salloc(sizeof *mp);
-	mp->m_re = re;
-	mp->m_cre = cre;
-	mp->m_action = action;
-	mp->m_next = (match *)0;
-	for (n = pi->p_matp; *n != (match *)0; n = &(*n)->m_next)
-		;
-	*n = mp;
-	pi->p_required = 0;
-	return 0;
-static int
-re_string(pi, pp)
-register parse	*pi;
-register char	**pp;
-	return regex_string(pi, pp, 0);
-static int
-re_qstring(pi, pp)
-register parse	*pi;
-register char	**pp;
-	return regex_string(pi, pp, 1);
-conf	*
-	register char	*p;
-	register parse	*pi;
-	static char	*despool	= DESPOOLER;
-	static char	*deliver	= DELIVERER;
-	static char	*peruse		= PERUSER;
-	char		*s;
-	int		ok;
-	static int	done		= 0;
-	static parse	look_for[]	=
-	{
-	    { CT_ADDRESS,  &cf.c_address,  (match **)0,  string_value,  0, },
-	    { CT_DELIVER,  &cf.c_deliver,  (match **)0,  string_value,  0, },
-	    { CT_DESPOOL,  &cf.c_despool,  (match **)0,  string_value,  0, },
-	    { CT_EXEC,	   (char **)0,     &cf.c_exec,   re_qstring,    0, },
-	    { CT_INBOX,    &cf.c_inbox,    (match **)0,  string_value,  1, },
-	    { CT_OUTBOX,   &cf.c_outbox,   (match **)0,  string_value,  1, },
-	    { CT_PERUSE,   &cf.c_peruse,   (match **)0,  string_value,  0, },
-	    { CT_REFILE,   (char **)0,     &cf.c_refile, re_string,     0, },
-	    { CT_REMOVE,   (char **)0,     &cf.c_remove, re_value,      0, },
-	    { CT_SAVE,     (char **)0,     &cf.c_save,   re_string,     0, },
-	    { CT_SPOOL,    &cf.c_spool,    (match **)0,  string_value,  0, },
-	    { CT_SPOOLDIR, &cf.c_spooldir, (match **)0,  string_value,  0, },
-	    { NULLSTR,     (char **)0,     (match **)0,  (int (*)())0,  0, },
-	};
-	if (done)
-		return &cf;
-	file = concat3(mace_dir(), "/", CONFIG);
-	if ((s = p = read_file(file)) == NULLSTR)
-	{
-		could_not("read", file);
-	}
-	ok = 0;
-	lineno = 1;
-	do
-	{
-		register char	*t;
-		if (*s == '#')
-		{
-			newline(&s);
-			continue;
-		}
-		if ((t = token(&s)) != NULLSTR)
-		{
-			for (pi = look_for; pi->p_token != NULLSTR; pi++)
-			{
-				if (strcmp(pi->p_token, t) == 0)
-				{
-					ok |= (*pi->p_func)(pi, &s);
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-			if (pi->p_token == NULLSTR)
-				fprintf(stderr, "%s: \"%s\": Unrecognised token \"%s\" on line %d.\n", my_name, file, t, lineno);
-			(void)free(t);
-		}
-		else
-			fprintf(stderr, "%s: \"%s\": Token expected on line %d.\n", my_name, file, lineno);
-		newline(&s);
-	}
-		while (*s != '\0');
-	for (pi = look_for; pi->p_token != NULLSTR; pi++)
-	{
-		if (pi->p_required)
-		{
-			fprintf(stderr, "%s: \"%s\": Specification of \"%s\" required.\n", my_name, file, pi->p_token);
-			ok = 1;
-		}
-	}
-	if (ok)
-	{
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	if (cf.c_despool == NULLSTR)
-	{
-		if (despool == NULLSTR)
-		{
-			fprintf(stderr, "%s: \"%s\": Specification of \"%s\" required.\n", my_name, file, CT_DESPOOL);
-			exit(1);
-			/* NOTREACHED */
-		}
-		cf.c_despool = newstr(despool);
-	}
-	if (cf.c_deliver == NULLSTR)
-	{
-		if (deliver == NULLSTR)
-		{
-			fprintf(stderr, "%s: \"%s\": Specification of \"%s\" required.\n", my_name, file, CT_DELIVER);
-			exit(1);
-			/* NOTREACHED */
-		}
-		cf.c_deliver = newstr(deliver);
-	}
-	if (cf.c_address == NULLSTR)
-	{
-		static char	dot[2]	= { RFC_SPEC_DOT, '\0' };
-		{
-			fprintf(stderr, "%s: Don't know your domain.  Specify it with \"%s\" in \"%s\".\n", my_name, CT_ADDRESS, file);
-			exit(1);
-		}
-		cf.c_address = concat3(host(), dot, domain());
-	}
-	if (cf.c_peruse == NULLSTR)
-	{
-		if (peruse == NULLSTR)
-		{
-			fprintf(stderr, "%s: \"%s\": Specification of \"%s\" required.\n", my_name, file, CT_PERUSE);
-			exit(1);
-			/* NOTREACHED */
-		}
-		cf.c_peruse = newstr(peruse);
-	}
-	(void)free(file);
-	(void)free(p);
-	done = 1;
-	return &cf;
- *	Expand a string containing `exec' CE_SPECIAL substitutions.
- */
-char	*
-special_expand(char *s, char *box, char *id)
-	char		c;
-	static flex	f	= { NULLSTR, NULLSTR, NULLSTR };
-	if (f.f_str == NULLSTR)
-		flex_init(&f);
-	while ((c = *s++) != '\0')
-	{
-		if (c == CE_SPECIAL)
-		{
-			switch (*s++)
-			{
-			case CE_BOX:
-				flex_char(&f, BOX_CHAR);
-				flex_str(&f, box);
-				break;
-			case CE_MESSID:
-				flex_str(&f, id);
-				break;
-			case CE_MACEDIR:
-				flex_str(&f, mace_dir());
-				break;
-			case CE_PATH:
-				/* this is wrong and should be changed */
-				flex_str(&f, mace_dir());
-				flex_char(&f, '/');
-				flex_str(&f, box);
-				flex_char(&f, '/');
-				flex_str(&f, id);
-				break;
-			case CE_SPECIAL:
-				flex_char(&f, CE_SPECIAL);
-				break;
-			default:
-				flex_char(&f, CE_SPECIAL);
-				s--;
-				break;
-			}
-			continue;
-		}
-		flex_char(&f, c);
-	}
-	flex_char(&f, '\0');
-	flex_end(&f);
-	return f.f_str;
- * Call f() for each time a regex matches a message's headers.
- */
-regex_apply(char *inbox, message *m, match *re, void (*f)(char *, message *, match *))
-	char	**n;
-	while (re != (match *)0)
-	{
-		for (n = m->ms_headers.v_list; *n != NULLSTR && **n != '\0'; n++)
-		{
-			re_error = NULLSTR;
-			if (regexec(re->m_cre, *n) == 0)
-			{
-				if (re_error != NULLSTR)
-				{
-					fprintf(stderr, "%s: Regular expression \"%s\" %s\n", my_name, re->m_re, re_error);
-					break;
-				}
-				continue;
-			}
-			(*f)(inbox, m, re);
-		}
-		re = re->m_next;
-	}
//GO.SYSIN DD conf.c
echo dir.c
sed 's/.//' >dir.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD dir.c'
- *	mkdir/rmdir [in]compatibility.
- */
-#include	"mace.h"
-#if		!BSD_MKDIR
-#ifndef	lint
-static char	sccsid[]	= "@(#)dir.c	1.30";
-#endif	lint
-static int
-dir_op(op, s)
-register char	*op;
-register char	*s;
-	char		*v[3];
-	v[0] = op;
-	v[1] = s;
-	v[2] = NULLSTR;
-	return run(v) != 0 ? SYSERROR : 0;
-mkdir(s, mode)
-register char	*s;
-register int	mode;
-	return dir_op(MKDIR_STR, s);
-register char	*s;
-	return dir_op(RMDIR_STR, s);
-#endif		!BSD_MKDIR
//GO.SYSIN DD dir.c
echo domain.c
sed 's/.//' >domain.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD domain.c'
- *	Discover this host's domain.
- *
- *	Returns static data.
- */
-#ifndef	lint
-static char	sccsid[]	= "@(#)domain.c	1.25";
-#endif	lint
-#include	"mace.h"
-#include	"line.h"
-static char	*domainname	= NULLSTR;
-char	*
-	register int	fd;
-	register char	*p;
-	lineio		l;
-	char		*cmd	= DOMAIN_CMD;
-	if (domainname != NULLSTR)
-		return domainname;
-	if (cmd == NULLSTR)
-	{
-		fatal("domain");
-	}
-	if ((fd = pipe_open(cmd, 'r')) == -1)
-	{
-		could_not("pipe to", cmd);
-	}
-	(void)lopen(&l, fd, LREAD);
-	if ((p = lread(&l)) == NULLSTR)
-	{
-		could_not("read", cmd);
-	}
-	if (lclose(&l))
-	{
-		(void)pipe_close(fd);
-		could_not("close", cmd);
-	}
-	if (pipe_close(fd))
-	{
-		could_not("close", cmd);
-	}
-	return domainname = p;
//GO.SYSIN DD domain.c
echo id.c
sed 's/.//' >id.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD id.c'
- *	Generate message id's
- */
-#ifndef	lint
-static char	sccsid[]	= "@(#)id.c	1.31";
-#endif	lint
-#include	"mace.h"
-static char	*vowels		= "aeiou";
-static char	*cons		= "bdfgjklmnprstvyz";
-char	*
-char	*s;
-	register char	*p;
-	register char	*q;
-	char		*set;
-	char		*id;
-	int		carry;
-	extern char	*strchr();
-	if (s == NULLSTR)
-	{
-		for (p = id = salloc(ID_LEN + 1); p < &id[ID_LEN]; p++)
-			*p = ((p - id) & 1 ? vowels : cons)[0];
-		*p = '\0';
-		return id;
-	}
-	id = newstr(s);
-	if (!valid_id(id))
-	{
-		fatal("nextid");
-	}
-	carry = 1;
-	p = &id[ID_LEN];
-	while (--p >= id)
-	{
-		set = (p - id) & 1 ? vowels : cons;
-		q = strchr(set, *p);
-		if (carry)
-		{
-			if (*++q == '\0')
-				q = set;
-			else
-				carry = 0;
-			*p = *q;
-		}
-	}
-	return id;
-register char	*id;
-	register char	*p;
-	for (p = id; *p != '\0'; p++)
-		;
-	if (p - id != ID_LEN)
-		return 0;
-	for (p = id; *p != '\0'; p++)
-	{
-		if (strchr((p - id) & 1 ? vowels : cons, *p) == NULLSTR)
-			return 0;
-	}
-	return 1;
//GO.SYSIN DD id.c
echo flex.c
sed 's/.//' >flex.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD flex.c'
- *	Flexible string handling.
- */
-#ifndef	lint
-static char	sccsid[]	= "@(#)flex.c	1.31";
-#endif	lint
-#include	"mace.h"
-#include	"flex.h"
-register flex	*f;
-	f->f_str = f->f_ptr = salloc(FLEXZ);
-	f->f_end = f->f_ptr + FLEXZ;
-char	*
-register flex	*f;
-	register int	s;
-	s = f->f_end - f->f_str + FLEXZ;
-	f->f_str = srealloc(f->f_str, s);
-	f->f_end = f->f_str + s;
-	f->f_ptr = f->f_end - FLEXZ;
-	return f->f_ptr++;
-register flex	*f;
-	f->f_ptr = f->f_str;
-flex_str(f, s)
-register flex	*f;
-register char	*s;
-	while (*s != '\0')
-		flex_char(f, *s++);
-flex_nstr(f, s, n)
-register flex	*f;
-register char	*s;
-register int	n;
-	while (n-- > 0 && *s != '\0')
-		flex_char(f, *s++);
//GO.SYSIN DD flex.c
echo headers.c
sed 's/.//' >headers.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD headers.c'
- *	RFC 822 header routines.
- */
-#ifndef	lint
-static char	sccsid[]	= "@(#)headers.c	1.33";
-#endif	lint
-#include	"mace.h"
-#include	"headers.h"
-char	**
-find_header(v, h)
-register char	**v;
-register char	*h;
-	register char	*p;
-	while ((p = *v) != NULLSTR)
-	{
-		if (rfc_hdr_cmp(p, h))
-			return v;
-		v++;
-	}
-	return (char **)NULLSTR;
-char	*
-register char	*h;
-	while (*h++ != RFC_SPEC_COLON)
-		;
-	while ((*h == RFC_LWSP_1 || *h == RFC_LWSP_2) && *h != '\0')
-			h++;
-	return *h == '\0' ? NULLSTR : h;
- * Re-order the headers in a message so they are in this order:
- *
- *	From:
- *	Date:
- *	To:
- *	Cc:
- *	Bcc:
- *	Subject:
- */
-static char	*header_order[]	=
-reorder_headers(vec *h)
-	register char	**hp;
-	register int	i;
-	static vec	new;
-	static char	stolen[]	= "";
-	if (new.v_size == 0)
-		vec_init(&new, 64);
-	/*
-	 *	Steal the headers that we want.
-	 */
-	for (hp = header_order; *hp != NULLSTR; hp++)
-	{
-		register char	**n;
-		/*
-		 *	Search all the headers because multiple To:/Cc:/Bcc:
-		 *	headers can occur.
-		 */
-		for (n = h->v_list; *n != NULLSTR; n++)
-		{
-			if (rfc_hdr_cmp(*n, *hp))
-			{
-				vec_str(&new, *n);
-				*n = stolen;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	/*
-	 *	Append the others.
-	 */
-	for (hp = h->v_list; *hp != NULLSTR; hp++)
-	{
-		if (*hp != stolen)
-			vec_str(&new, *hp);
-	}
-	vec_str(&new, NULLSTR);
-	/*
-	 *	Return the re-ordered headers.
-	 */
-	if (new.v_count != h->v_count)
-	{
-		fatal("reorder_headers");
-	}
-	for (i = 0; i < new.v_count; i++)
-		h->v_list[i] = new.v_list[i];
-	new.v_count = 0;
//GO.SYSIN DD headers.c
echo host.c
sed 's/.//' >host.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD host.c'
- *	Discover this host's name.
- *
- *	Returns static data.
- */
-#ifndef	lint
-static char	sccsid[]	= "@(#)host.c	1.25";
-#endif	lint
-#include	"mace.h"
-static char	*hostname	= NULLSTR;
-$$ "You're either on a USG or BSD system" $$
-#include	<sys/utsname.h>
-char	*
-	static struct utsname	n;
-	if (hostname != NULLSTR)
-		return hostname;
-	if (uname(&n) == -1)
-	{
-		could_not("uname", "host");
-	}
-	return hostname = n.nodename;
-#endif	USG_UNAME
-char	*
-	static char	n[64];
-	if (hostname != NULLSTR)
-		return hostname;
-	if (gethostname(n, sizeof n) == -1)
-	{
-		could_not("gethostname", "host");
-	}
-	return hostname = n;
-#include	"line.h"
-char	*
-	register int	fd;
-	register char	*p;
-	lineio		l;
-	char		*cmd	= HOST_CMD;
-	if (hostname != NULLSTR)
-		return hostname;
-	if (cmd == NULLSTR)
-	{
-		fatal("host");
-	}
-	if ((fd = pipe_open(cmd, 'r')) == -1)
-	{
-		could_not("pipe to", cmd);
-	}
-	(void)lopen(&l, fd, LREAD);
-	if ((p = lread(&l)) == NULLSTR)
-	{
-		could_not("read", cmd);
-	}
-	if (lclose(&l))
-	{
-		(void)pipe_close(fd);
-		could_not("close", cmd);
-	}
-	if (pipe_close(fd))
-	{
-		could_not("close", cmd);
-	}
-	return hostname = p;
//GO.SYSIN DD host.c
echo line.c
sed 's/.//' >line.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD line.c'
- *	Line i/o routines.
- */
-#ifndef	lint
-static char	sccsid[]	= "@(#)line.c	1.31";
-#endif	lint
-#include	"mace.h"
-#include	"line.h"
-#include	"flex.h"
-lineio	*
-lopen(lp, fd, flag)
-register lineio	*lp;
-register int	fd;
-register int	flag;
-	lp->l_fd = fd;
-	lp->l_ptr = lp->l_end = lp->l_buf;
-	lp->l_flag = flag;
-	return lp;
-register lineio	*lp;
-	register int	n;
-	if ((lp->l_flag & (LWRITE|LERROR)) == LWRITE && (n = lp->l_ptr - lp->l_buf) > 0)
-	{
-		if (write(lp->l_fd, lp->l_buf, n) != n)
-			lp->l_flag |= LERROR;
-	}
-	n = (lp->l_flag & LERROR) != 0;
-	lp->l_flag = 0;
-	return n;
-char	*
-register lineio	*lp;
-	register char	*p;
-	static flex	f	= { NULLSTR, NULLSTR, NULLSTR, };
-	switch (lp->l_flag & ~LCRLF)
-	{
-	case LREAD:
-		break;
-	case LREAD|LEOF:
-		return NULLSTR;
-	default:
-		fatal("lread");
-	}
-	if (f.f_str == NULLSTR)
-		flex_init(&f);
-	for (;;)
-	{
-		register char	c;
-		if (lp->l_ptr == lp->l_end)
-		{
-			register int	n;
-			switch (n = read(lp->l_fd, lp->l_buf, LBUFZ))
-			{
-			case SYSERROR:
-				lp->l_flag |= LERROR;
-				flex_end(&f);
-				return NULLSTR;
-			case 0:
-				lp->l_flag |= LEOF;
-				break;
-			default:
-				lp->l_ptr = lp->l_buf;
-				lp->l_end = lp->l_ptr + n;
-			}
-		}
-		if ((lp->l_flag & LEOF) != 0)
-		{
-			if (f.f_ptr == f.f_str)
-				return NULLSTR;
-			break;
-		}
-		if ((c = *lp->l_ptr++) == '\n')
-		{
-			if ((lp->l_flag & LCRLF) == 0)
-				break;
-			if (f.f_ptr != f.f_str && f.f_ptr[-1] == '\r')
-			{
-				f.f_ptr--;
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-		flex_char(&f, c); 
-	}
-	flex_char(&f, '\0');
-	p = newstr(f.f_str);
-	flex_end(&f);
-	return p;
-static void
-register lineio	*lp;
-	register int	n;
-	switch (lp->l_flag & ~(LCRLF|LLBUF))
-	{
-	case LWRITE:
-		break;
-	default:
-		fatal("lflush");
-	}
-	n = lp->l_ptr - lp->l_buf;
-	if (write(lp->l_fd, lp->l_buf, n) != n)
-	{
-		lp->l_flag |= LERROR;
-		return;
-	}
-	lp->l_ptr = lp->l_buf;
-#define lputchar(lp, c)	do \
-			{ \
-				if (((lp)->l_flag & LERROR) != 0) \
-					break; \
-				if ((lp)->l_ptr == &(lp)->l_buf[LBUFZ]) \
-					lflush(lp); \
-				if ((*(lp)->l_ptr++ = (c)) == '\n' && ((lp)->l_flag & LLBUF) != 0) \
-					lflush(lp); \
-			} while(0)
-char	*
-lwrite(lp, s)
-register lineio	*lp;
-register char	*s;
-	register char	*p;
-	switch (lp->l_flag & ~(LCRLF|LLBUF))
-	{
-	case LWRITE:
-		break;
-	default:
-		fatal("lwrite");
-	}
-	p = s;
-	for (;;)
-	{
-		register char	c;
-		if ((c = *p++) == '\0')
-		{
-			if ((lp->l_flag & LCRLF) != 0)
-				lputchar(lp, '\r');
-			lputchar(lp, '\n');
-			return (lp->l_flag & LERROR) == 0 ? s : NULLSTR;
-		}
-		lputchar(lp, c);
-	}
//GO.SYSIN DD line.c
echo lock.c
sed 's/.//' >lock.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD lock.c'
- *	File locking.
- */
-#ifndef	lint
-static char	sccsid[]	= "@(#)lock.c	1.30";
-#endif	lint
-#include	"mace.h"
-#include	<errno.h>
-register char	*f;
-	register char	*p;
-	register int	tries;
-	extern int	errno;
-	tries = 0;
-	p = concat(f, LOCK_STR);
-	while (tries++ < 5)
-	{
-		errno = 0;
-		link(f, p);
-		if (errno != EEXIST)
-			break;
-		sleep(2);
-	}
-	(void)free(p);
-	return errno;
-register char	*f;
-	register char	*p;
-	extern int	errno;
-	errno = 0;
-	(void)unlink(p = concat(f, LOCK_STR));
-	(void)free(p);
-	return errno;
//GO.SYSIN DD lock.c
echo mail.c
sed 's/.//' >mail.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD mail.c'
- *	System independent mail box locking.
- */
-#ifndef	lint
-static char	sccsid[]	= "@(#)mail.c	1.33";
-#endif	lint
-#include	"mace.h"
-#include	"line.h"
-#include	"headers.h"
-#include	<stdio.h>
-#include	<errno.h>
-#define MAIL_FORWARD	"Forward to "
-#define MAIL_PIPE	"Pipe to "
-static char		*mail_file	= NULLSTR;
-static int		locked		= 0;
- *	Returns a pointer to static data, unlike the rest.
- */
-static char	*
-	register char	*p;
-	extern char	*getenv();
-	if (mail_file == NULLSTR)
-	{
-		if ((p = getenv("MAIL")) == NULLSTR)
-		{
-			would_not("getenv", "MAIL");
-			return NULLSTR;
-		}
-		mail_file = p;
-	}
-	return mail_file;
-char	*mf;
-	register char	*p;
-	register char	*l;
-	int		fd;
-	lineio		mld;
-	extern int	errno;
-	if ((p = mf) == NULLSTR && (p = mail_name()) == NULLSTR)
-		return 0;
-	if (access(p, 4) == SYSERROR && errno == EACCES)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Mail in \"%s\" is not accessable by you.\n", my_name, p);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	if ((fd = open(p, O_RD)) == SYSERROR)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: No mail in \"%s\".\n", my_name, p);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	lopen(&mld, fd, LREAD);
-	if ((l = lread(&mld)) == NULLSTR)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: No mail in \"%s\".\n", my_name, p);
-		(void)lclose(&mld);
-		(void)close(fd);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	(void)lclose(&mld);
-	(void)close(fd);
-	if (strncmp(l, UNIX_FROM, (sizeof UNIX_FROM) - 1) == 0)
-	{
-		free(l);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	if (strncmp(l, MAIL_FORWARD, (sizeof MAIL_FORWARD) - 1) == 0)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Mail in \"%s\" is being forwarded to \"%s\".\n", my_name, p, l + (sizeof MAIL_FORWARD) - 1);
-		free(l);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	if (strncmp(l, MAIL_PIPE, (sizeof MAIL_PIPE) - 1) == 0)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Mail in \"%s\" is being piped to \"%s\".\n", my_name, p, l + (sizeof MAIL_PIPE) - 1);
-		free(l);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	free(l);
-	fprintf(stderr, "%s: Mail in \"%s\" is not in a UNIX format.\n", my_name, p);
-	return 0;
-#include	"You cannot have both USG_MAIL and BSD_MAIL defined!"
-#define USG_LOCK	".lock"
-static char		*lock_file	= NULLSTR;
-#endif	USG_MAIL
-#include	<sys/types.h>
-#include	<sys/file.h>
-static int		lock_fd;
-#endif	BSD_MAIL
-register char	**m;
-	register char	*p;
-	register int	fd;
-	register int	tries;
-	if (locked)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: \"%s\" locked.\n", my_name, mail_file);
-		return SYSERROR;
-	}
-	if ((p = *m) != NULLSTR)
-		mail_file = newstr(*m);
-	else if ((p = mail_name()) == NULLSTR)
-		return SYSERROR;
-	if (!mail_check(p))
-		return SYSERROR;
-	if (lock_file == NULLSTR)
-		lock_file = concat(p, USG_LOCK);
-	tries = 0;
-	while ((fd = creat(lock_file, 0)) == SYSERROR)
-	{
-		if (errno != EPERM || tries++ > 5)
-		{
-			would_not("creat", lock_file);
-			return SYSERROR;
-		}
-		sleep(2);
-	}
-	if (close(fd) == SYSERROR)
-	{
-		would_not("close", lock_file);
-		return SYSERROR;
-	}
-#endif	USG_MAIL
-	if ((fd = open(mail_file, O_RD)) == SYSERROR)
-	{
-		would_not("open", mail_file);
-		return SYSERROR;
-	}
-	while (flock(lock_fd = fd, LOCK_EX) == SYSERROR)
-	{
-		if (tries++ > 5)
-		{
-			would_not("lock", mail_file);
-			close(fd);
-			return SYSERROR;
-		}
-		sleep(2);
-	}
-#endif	BSD_MAIL
-	if (*m == NULLSTR)
-		*m = mail_file;
-	locked = 1;
-	return fd;
-register int	delete;
-	register int	ret;
-	if
-	(
-		mail_file == NULLSTR
-		||
-		lock_file == NULLSTR
-#endif	USG_MAIL
-	)
-	{
-		fatal("mail_unlock");
-	}
-	if (delete && (ret = unlink(mail_file)) == SYSERROR)
-		would_not("unlink", mail_file);
-	else
-		ret = 0;
-	if (unlink(lock_file) == SYSERROR)
-	{
-		ret = SYSERROR;
-		would_not("unlink", mail_file);
-	}
-#endif	USG_MAIL
-	(void)flock(lock_fd, LOCK_UN);
-	(void)close(lock_fd);
-#endif	BSD_MAIL
-	locked = 0;
-	return ret;
-	return locked;
//GO.SYSIN DD mail.c
echo macebox.c
sed 's/.//' >macebox.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD macebox.c'
- *	Box handling stuff.
- */
-#ifndef	lint
-static char	sccsid[]	= "@(#)macebox.c	1.32";
-#endif	lint
-#include	<stdio.h>
-#include	<sys/types.h>
-#include	<sys/stat.h>
-#include	<stdio.h>
-#include	"mace.h"
- *	Return the name of the current box.
- */
-char	*
-	register char	*box;
-	register char	*p;
-	if ((box = read_file(p = concat3(mace_dir(), "/", BOX))) == NULLSTR)
-	{
-		(void)free(p);
-		return NULLSTR;
-	}
-	(void)free(p);
-	if ((p = check_box(box)) == NULLSTR)
-	{
-		(void)free(box);
-		return NULLSTR;
-	}
-	(void)free(p);
-	return box;
-char	*
-char	*s;
-	register char	*box;
-	struct stat	statb;
-	if (*s == SPEC_CHAR)
-		return NULLSTR;
-	box = concat3(mace_dir(), "/", s);
-	if (stat(box, &statb) == SYSERROR || (statb.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFDIR)
-	{
-		(void)free(box);
-		return NULLSTR;
-	}
-	return box;
-char	*
-char	*s;
-	register char	*dir;
-	register char	*messid;
-	register char	*id;
-	if (*s == SPEC_CHAR)
-		return NULLSTR;
-	dir = concat3(mace_dir(), "/", s);
-	if (mkdir(dir, MKDIR_MODE) == SYSERROR)
-	{
-		(void)free(dir);
-		return NULLSTR;
-	}
-	messid = concat3(dir, "/", MESSID);
-	if (write_file(messid, id = nextid(NULLSTR)))
-	{
-		(void)free(id);
-		(void)free(dir);
-		(void)free(messid);
-		return NULLSTR;
-	}
-	(void)free(id);
-	(void)free(messid);
-	return dir;
-char	*s;
-	register char	*b;
-	register char	*m;
-	register int	ok;
-	if ((b = check_box(s)) == NULLSTR)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: No such box as \"%s\".\n", my_name, s);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	m = concat3(b, "/", MESSID);
-	(void)unlink(m);
-	(void)free(m);
-	m = concat3(b, "/", PROTO);
-	(void)unlink(m);
-	if ((ok = rmdir(b)) != 0)
-		would_not("rmdir", b);
-	(void)free(b);
-	(void)free(m);
-	return ok != 0;
-static int
-mess_cmp(m1, m2)
-register char	**m1;
-register char	**m2;
-	return strcmp(*m1, *m2);
-mbox	*
-char	*s;
-	register char	*box;
-	register char	**list;
-	register int	i;
-	register mbox	*info;
-	register char	**n;
-	register char	*current;
-	if ((box = check_box(s)) == NULLSTR)
-		return NULLBOX;
-	list = read_dir(box);
-	/*
-	 *	Ensure there are no invalid message id's in the box.
-	 */
-	for (i = 0; list[i] != NULLSTR; i++)
-	{
-		register int	j;
-		if (valid_id(list[i]))
-			continue;
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: warning - Invalid message id \"%s\" in \"%c%s\".\n", my_name, list[i], BOX_CHAR, s);
-		/* shuffle down by one */
-		(void)free(list[i]);
-		for (j = i; list[j] != NULLSTR; j++)
-			list[j] = list[j + 1];
-		i--;
-	}
-	qsort((char *)list, i, sizeof(*list), mess_cmp);
-	if ((current = curr_in_box(s)) != NULLSTR)
-	{
-		for (n = list; *n != NULLSTR; n++)
-		{
-			if (strcmp(*n, current) == 0)
-				break;
-		}
-	}
-	else
-		n = &list[i];
-	info = (mbox *)salloc(sizeof(mbox));
-	info->m_name = newstr(s);
-	info->m_path = box;
-	info->m_count = i;
-	info->m_messid = current;
-	info->m_list = list;
-	info->m_current = *n == NULLSTR ? NULLMSG : n - list;
-	return info;
-register mbox	*mp;
-	free_dir(mp->m_list);
-	(void)free(mp->m_name);
-	(void)free(mp->m_path);
-	if (mp->m_messid != NULLSTR)
-		(void)free(mp->m_messid);
-	(void)free((char *)mp);
-register char	*s;
-	register char	*f;
-	if ((f = check_box(s)) == NULLSTR)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: No such box as \"%s\".\n", my_name, s);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	(void)free(f);
-	f = concat3(mace_dir(), "/", BOX);
-	if (write_file(f, s))
-	{
-		would_not("write", f);
-		(void)free(f);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	(void)free(f);
-	return 0;
//GO.SYSIN DD macebox.c
echo macedir.c
sed 's/.//' >macedir.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD macedir.c'
- *	Spool directory finder.
- */
-#ifndef	lint
-static char	sccsid[]	= "@(#)macedir.c	1.32";
-#endif	lint
-#include	<stdio.h>
-#include	"mace.h"
- *	Unlike the others we return a pointer to static data.
- *	It doesn't need to be free()'d.
- *
- *	If the first character of the pathname contained in MAIL_DIR
- *	is a '/' assume that it's a full pathname and return it.
- */
-char	*
-	char		*s;
-	char		*t;
-	static char	*home	= NULLSTR;
-	static char	*dir	= NULLSTR;
-	extern char	*getenv();
-	if (dir != NULLSTR)
-		return dir;
-	if (home == NULLSTR && (home = getenv(ENV_HOME)) == NULLSTR)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: You have no $%s in your environment.\n", my_name, ENV_HOME);
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	s = concat3(home, "/", MACEDIR);
-	if ((t = read_file(s)) == NULLSTR)
-	{
-		could_not("read", s);
-	}
-	if (*t != '/')
-	{
-		dir = concat3(home, "/", t);
-		(void)free(t);
-	}
-	else
-		dir = t;
-	(void)free(s);
-	return dir;
//GO.SYSIN DD macedir.c
echo memory.c
sed 's/.//' >memory.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD memory.c'
- *	Memory allocation.
- */
-#ifndef	lint
-static char	sccsid[]	= "@(#)memory.c	1.30";
-#endif	lint
-#include	<stdio.h>
-#include	"mace.h"
-char	*
-int	n;
-	register char	*s;
-	extern char	*malloc();
-	if ((s = malloc((unsigned)n)) == NULLSTR)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Ran out of memory.\n", my_name);
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	return s;
-char	*
-srealloc(p, n)
-char	*p;
-int	n;
-	register char	*s;
-	extern char	*realloc();
-	if ((s = realloc(p, (unsigned)n)) == NULLSTR)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Ran out of memory.\n", my_name);
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	return s;
-bcopy(from, to, len)
-register char	*from;
-register char	*to;
-register int	len;
-	while (len-- > 0)
-		*to++ = *from++;
//GO.SYSIN DD memory.c
echo mesg.c
sed 's/.//' >mesg.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD mesg.c'
- *	Messages.
- */
-#ifndef	lint
-static char	sccsid[]	= "@(#)mesg.c	1.30";
-#endif	lint
-#include	<stdio.h>
-#include	"mace.h"
-could_not(what, with)
-char	*what;
-char	*with;
-	fprintf(stderr, "%s: Could not %s \"%s\". %s\n", my_name, what, with, sysmess());
-	exit(1);
-would_not(what, with)
-char	*what;
-char	*with;
-	fprintf(stderr, "%s: Could not %s \"%s\". %s\n", my_name, what, with, sysmess());
-char	*what;
-	fprintf(stderr, "%s: Internal error: \"%s\".\n", my_name, what);
-	exit(1);
//GO.SYSIN DD mesg.c
echo mess.c
sed 's/.//' >mess.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD mess.c'
- *	Message naming & reading.
- */
-#ifndef	lint
-static char	sccsid[]	= "@(#)mess.c	1.40";
-#endif	lint
-#include	"mace.h"
-#include	"line.h"
-#include	"message.h"
-#include	"headers.h"
-#include	<stdio.h>
-#include	<sys/types.h>
-#include	<sys/stat.h>
-#include	<errno.h>
-char	*
-register char	*box;
-	register char	*messid;
-	register char	*m;
-	if ((m = check_box(box)) == NULLSTR)
-		return NULLSTR;
-	messid = concat3(m, "/", MESSID);
-	(void)free(m);
-	if ((m = read_file(messid)) == NULLSTR)
-	{
-		(void)free(messid);
-		return NULLSTR;
-	}
-	(void)free(messid);
-	if (!valid_id(m))
-	{
-		(void)free(m);
-		m = NULLSTR;
-	}
-	return m;
-register message	*mp;
-	(void)free(mp->ms_path);
-	(void)free(mp->ms_messid);
-	vec_free(&mp->ms_headers);
-	(void)free((char *)mp);
- * Allocate a new message.  Returns NULLMESS on failure.
- */
-static message *
-new(char *f, char *id, int fd)
-	message		*mp;
-	struct stat	statb;
-	extern int	errno;
-	mp = (message *)salloc(sizeof(*mp));
-	mp->ms_path = newstr(f);
-	mp->ms_messid = newstr(id);
-	vec_init(&mp->ms_headers, 128);
-	if (fstat(fd, &statb) == SYSERROR)
-		goto broken;
-	switch (statb.st_mode & S_IFMT)
-	{
-	case S_IFDIR:
-		errno = EISDIR;
-		goto broken;
-	case S_IFREG:
-		mp->ms_size = statb.st_size;
-		mp->ms_copies = statb.st_nlink;
-		mp->ms_state = statb.st_mode;
-		break;
-	default:
-		/*
-		 *  Fake it for a pipe/socket/device.
-		 */
-		mp->ms_size = statb.st_size;
-		mp->ms_copies = 1;
-		mp->ms_state = 0;
-		break;
-	}
-	return mp;
-	free_mess(mp);
-	return NULLMESS;
- * Parse a message using lread(), optionally closing the lineio.
- * Returns 0 on success, 1 on failure.
- */
-static int
-parse(message *mp, lineio *l, int clunk)
-	char	*p;
-	int	line;
-	line = 0;
-	while ((p = lread(l)) != NULLSTR)
-	{
-		line++;
-		switch (*p)
-		{
-		case '\0':
-			(void)free(p);
-			break;
-		case RFC_LWSP_1:
-		case RFC_LWSP_2:
-			if (line > 1)
-			{
-				vec_cat(&mp->ms_headers, concat("\n", p));
-				(void)free(p);
-				continue;
-			}
-			/* fall through */
-		default:
-			if (!rfc_header(p))
-			{
-				fprintf(stderr, "%s: \"%s\" line %d: warning: \"%s\" is not an RFC 822 header.\n", my_name, mp->ms_path, line, p);
-				(void)free(p);
-				break;
-			}
-			vec_str(&mp->ms_headers, p);
-			continue;
-		}
-		break;
-	}
-	vec_str(&mp->ms_headers, NULLSTR);
-	/*
-	 * Fake size, based on what was read.
-	 */
-	if (mp->ms_size == 0)
-	{
-		char	**h;
-		char	*s;
-		for (h = mp->ms_headers.v_list; (s = *h) != NULLSTR; h++)
-			mp->ms_size += strlen(s);
-		if (p != NULLSTR)
-			mp->ms_size++;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Finished with lineio?
-	 */
-	if (clunk == 0)
-		return 0;
-	if (lclose(l) == 0)
-	{
-		if (close(l->l_fd) != SYSERROR)
-			return 0;
-	}
-	else
-		(void)close(l->l_fd);
-	return 1;
- * Parse an RFC 822 message from a file descriptor, optionally returning
- * a lineio positioned to read the message body.
- */
-message	*
-parse_fd(int fd, lineio *l)
-	message	*mp;
-	lineio	mld;
-	lineio	*ml;
-	ml = l ? l : &mld;
-	if ((mp = new("", "", fd)) == NULLMESS)
-		return mp;
-	(void)lopen(ml, fd, LREAD);
-	if (parse(mp, ml, l == 0))
-	{
-		free_mess(mp);
-		mp = NULLMESS;
-	}
-	return mp;
- * Parse an RFC 822 message from a file, optionally returning
- * a lineio positioned to read the message body.
- */
-message	*
-parse_file(char *s, lineio *l)
-	message	*mp;
-	int	fd;
-	lineio	mld;
-	lineio	*ml;
-	if ((fd = open(s, O_RD)) == SYSERROR)
-		return NULLMESS;
-	ml = l ? l : &mld;
-	if ((mp = new(s, "", fd)) == NULLMESS)
-		return mp;
-	(void)lopen(ml, fd, LREAD);
-	if (parse(mp, ml, l == 0))
-	{
-		free_mess(mp);
-		mp = NULLMESS;
-	}
-	return mp;
- * Parse an RFC 822 message from a box.
- */
-message	*
-read_mess(mbox *mb, char *id)
-	message	*mp;
-	int	fd;
-	lineio	mld;
-	lineio	*ml;
-	char	*p;
-	ml = &mld;
-	p = concat3(mb->m_path, "/", id);
-	if ((fd = open(p, O_RD)) == SYSERROR)
-		return NULLMESS;
-	(void)lopen(ml, fd, LREAD);
-	if ((mp = new(p, id, fd)) == NULLMESS)
-		return mp;
-	if (parse(mp, ml, 1))
-	{
-		free_mess(mp);
-		mp = NULLMESS;
-	}
-	return mp;
-set_current(b, m)
-register char	*b;
-register char	*m;
-	register char	*f;
-	if (!valid_id(m))
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: \"%s\" is not a valid message id.\n", my_name, m);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	if ((b = check_box(b)) == NULLSTR)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: No such box as \"%s\".\n", my_name, b);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	f = concat3(b, "/", MESSID);
-	(void)free(b);
-	if (write_file(f, m))
-	{
-		would_not("write", f);
-		(void)free(f);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	(void)free(f);
-	return 0;
- *	Print an `n' character field turning new-lines into `~' and
- *	mashing tabs into spaces (a necessary evil).
- */
-static void
-lprintn(p, n)
-register char	*p;
-register int	n;
-	while (n-- > 0)
-	{
-		register char	c;
-		switch ((c = *p))
-		{
-		case '\0':
-			putchar(' ');
-			continue;
-		case '\n':
-			putchar('~');
-			break;
-		case '\t':
-			putchar(' ');
-			break;
-		default:
-			putchar(c);
-			break;
-		}
-		p++;
-	}
- *	Print a one line message summary.
- */
-print_summary(box, id, h, current, copies, to, state)
-char		*box;
-char		*id;
-register char	**h;
-int		current;
-int		copies;
-int		to;
-int		state;
-	register char	*p;
-	register char	**n;
-	char		cc;
-	if (current)
-		cc = (state & MESG_MARK) != 0 ? '=' : '-';
-	else if ((state & MESG_MARK) != 0)
-		cc = '\'';
-	else
-		cc = ' ';
-	printf
-	(
-		"%c %c%s %s %c%c%c ",
-		(state & (MESG_SENT|MESG_COMP)) == MESG_COMP ? '+' : '-',
-		box,
-		id,
-		cc,
-		copies > 1 ? '?' : ' ',
-		(state & MESG_SENT) != 0 ? '|' : ' '
-	);
-	if ((n = find_header(h, to ? RFC_TO : RFC_FROM)) == (char **)0 || (p = header_text(*n)) == NULLSTR)
-		p = "";
-	lprintn(p, 16);
-	putchar(' ');
-	if ((n = find_header(h, RFC_DATE)) == (char **)0 || (p = header_text(*n)) == NULLSTR)
-		p = "";
-	lprintn(p, 16);
-	putchar(' ');
-	if ((n = find_header(h, RFC_SUBJECT)) != (char **)0 && (p = header_text(*n)) != NULLSTR)
-	{
-		putchar('"');
-		lprintn(p, strlen(p));
-		putchar('"');
-	}
-	printf("\n");
-set_state(m, s)
-register char	*m;
-register int	s;
-	struct stat	statb;
-	if (stat(m, &statb) == SYSERROR)
-	{
-		would_not("stat", m);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	if (chmod(m, statb.st_mode | s) == SYSERROR)
-	{
-		would_not("chmod", m);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	return 0;
-clear_state(m, s)
-register char	*m;
-register int	s;
-	struct stat	statb;
-	if (stat(m, &statb) == SYSERROR)
-	{
-		would_not("stat", m);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	if (chmod(m, statb.st_mode & ~s) == SYSERROR)
-	{
-		would_not("chmod", m);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	return 0;
- *	Convert a mailbox/message pair into a pathname.
- */
-char	*
-mess_to_path(mb, m)
-register mbox	*mb;
-register char	*m;
-	return concat3(mb->m_path, "/", m);
- *	Convert a pathname into a mailbox/message name pair.
- */
-path_to_mess(p, b, m)
-register char	*p;
-register char	**b;
-register char	**m;
-	static int	l	= 0;
-	if (l == 0)
-		l = strlen(mace_dir());
-	*b = newstr(&p[l + 1]);
-	for (p = *b; *p != '/'; p++)
-		;
-	*p++ = '\0';
-	*m = p;
//GO.SYSIN DD mess.c
echo misc.c
sed 's/.//' >misc.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD misc.c'
- *	Miscellaneous stuff.
- */
-#ifndef	lint
-static char	sccsid[]	= "@(#)misc.c	1.28";
-#endif	lint
-#include	"mace.h"
-#include	<stdio.h>
- *	Returns the login name of the current user.
- *
- *	This is nasty and can allow forgery, but who cares?
- *
- *	Returns static data.
- */
-char	*
-	register char	*p;
-	extern char	*getenv();
-	if ((p = getenv(ENV_USER)) == NULLSTR)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Who are you?  \"$%s\" not set.\n", my_name, ENV_USER);
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	return p;
- *	Returns the name of the current user.
- *
- *	This is nasty and can allow forgery, but who cares?
- *
- *	Returns static data.
- */
-char	*
-	extern char	*getenv();
-	return getenv(ENV_NAME);
- *	Return an environment variable or its default.
- */
-char	*
-defenv(s, d)
-register char	*s;
-register char	*d;
-	register char	*e;
-	extern char	*getenv();
-	return (e = getenv(s)) != NULLSTR ? e : d;
//GO.SYSIN DD misc.c
echo name.c
sed 's/.//' >name.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD name.c'
- *	Initialise my_name.
- */
-#ifndef	lint
-static char	sccsid[]	= "@(#)name.c	1.30";
-#endif	lint
-#include	<stdio.h>
-#include	"mace.h"
-char		*my_name;
-register char	*s;
-	my_name = basename(s);
//GO.SYSIN DD name.c
echo pipe.c
sed 's/.//' >pipe.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD pipe.c'
- *	Pipe to/from a process.
- */
-#ifndef	lint
-static char	sccsid[]	= "@(#)pipe.c	1.31";
-#endif	lint
-#include 	"mace.h"
-#include 	<signal.h>
-typedef struct
-	int	p_pid;
-	int	p_stat;
-	int	p_xstat;
-		pstat;
-#define SRUN	1
-#define SZOMB	2
-static pstat	pipes[NPIPES];
- *	Set up a pipe.
- */
-static int
-pipe_action(s, v, rw)
-register char	*s;
-register char	*v[];
-register char	rw;
-	register pstat	*p;
-	register int	read;
-	register char	*x;
-	int		fds[2];
-	if (s != NULLSTR && v != (char **)0)
-	{
-		fatal("pipe_action");
-	}
-	if (pipe(fds) == SYSERROR)
-		return SYSERROR;
-	if (fds[0] >= NPIPES || fds[1] >= NPIPES)
-	{
-		fatal("pipe_open");
-	}
-	read = rw == 'r';
-	p = &pipes[fds[!read]];
-	p->p_stat = SRUN;
-	switch (p->p_pid = fork())
-	{
-	case SYSERROR:
-		return SYSERROR;
-	case 0:
-		if
-		(
-			close(read) == SYSERROR
-			||
-			dup(fds[read]) != read
-			||
-			close(fds[0]) == SYSERROR
-			||
-			close(fds[1]) == SYSERROR
-		)
-		{
-			could_not("pipe", s);
-			/* NOTREACHED */
-		}
-		if (s != NULLSTR)
-		{
-			x = defenv(ENV_SHELL, DEF_SHELL);
-			execl(x, basename(x), "-c", s, NULLSTR);
-			could_not("exec", s);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			execv(v[0], v);
-			could_not("exec", v[0]);
-		}
-	default:
-		if (close(fds[read]) == SYSERROR)
-		{
-			(void)close(fds[!read]);
-			p->p_stat = 0;
-			return SYSERROR;
-		}
-		(void)signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
-		return fds[!read];
-	}
- *	Pipe to a shell command.
- */
-pipe_open(s, rw)
-register char	*s;
-register char	rw;
-	return pipe_action(s, (char **)0, rw);
- *	Pipe to an argument vector.
- */
-pipe_execv(v, rw)
-register char	*v[];
-register char	rw;
-	return pipe_action(NULLSTR, v, rw);
-register int	fd;
-	register pstat	*p;
-	register int	i;
-	int		xstat;
-	if (fd < 0 || fd >= NPIPES)
-		return SYSERROR;
-	p = &pipes[fd];
-	(void)close(fd);
-	switch (p->p_stat)
-	{
-	case SRUN:
-	wait_some_more:
-		while ((i = wait(&xstat)) != p->p_pid)
-		{
-			register pstat	*pp;
-			if (i == SYSERROR)
-			{
-				fatal("pipe_wait");
-				/* NOTREACHED */
-			}
-			for (pp = pipes; pp < &pipes[NPIPES]; pp++)
-			{
-				if (pp->p_stat == SRUN && pp->p_pid == i)
-				{
-					pp->p_stat = SZOMB;
-					pp->p_xstat = xstat;
-					goto wait_some_more;
-				}
-			}
-			fatal("pipe_zombie");
-			/* NOTREACHED */
-		}
-		p->p_stat = SZOMB;
-		p->p_xstat = xstat;
-		/* fall thru... */
-	case SZOMB:
-		p->p_stat = 0;
-		return p->p_xstat;
-	default:
-		return SYSERROR;
-	}
//GO.SYSIN DD pipe.c
echo re.c
sed 's/.//' >re.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD re.c'
- *	Regular expression hooks.
- */
-#ifndef	lint
-static char	sccsid[]	= "@(#)re.c	1.6";
-#endif	lint
-#include	"mace.h"
-char		*re_error;		/* regexp error string */
- *	Save a regexp error message.
- */
-char	*msg;
-	re_error = msg;
//GO.SYSIN DD re.c
echo readdir.c
sed 's/.//' >readdir.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD readdir.c'
- *	Read a directory & return its files as a vector of strings.
- */
-#ifndef	lint
-static char	sccsid[]	= "@(#)readdir.c	1.33";
-#endif	lint
-#include	<stdio.h>
-#include	<fcntl.h>
-#include	<sys/types.h>
-#include	<sys/stat.h>
-#include	"mace.h"
-#if		V9_DIRECTORY_3
-#include	<ndir.h>
-#else		V9_DIRECTORY_3
-#include	<dirent.h>
-#include	<sys/dir.h>
-#endif		DEC_DIRECTORY_3
-#endif		V9_DIRECTORY_3
-#else		DIRECTORY_3
-#include	<sys/dir.h>
-#endif		DIRECTORY_3
- *	Read the directory using directory(3).
- */
-static char	**
-register char	*f;
-	register DIR		*dirp;
-	register struct dirent	*dp;
-	register struct direct	*dp;
-	register int		i;
-	register char		**v;
-	vec			slots;
-	if ((dirp = opendir(f)) == (DIR *)0)
-	{
-		could_not("open", f);
-	}
-	vec_init(&slots, 64);
-	while ((dp = readdir(dirp)) != (struct dirent *)0)
-	while ((dp = readdir(dirp)) != (struct direct *)0)
-	{
-		if (dp->d_name[0] == SPEC_CHAR || dp->d_name[0] == '.')
-			continue;
-		vec_str(&slots, newstr(&dp->d_name[0]));
-	}
-	closedir(dirp);
-	v = (char **)salloc((slots.v_count + 1) * sizeof(char *));
-	for (i = 0; i < slots.v_count; i++)
-		v[i] = newstr(slots.v_list[i]);
-	v[i++] = NULLSTR;
-	vec_free(&slots);
-	return v;
-#endif		DIRECTORY_3
-char	**
-char	*f;
-#if		!DIRECTORY_3
-	register int		fd;
-	register int		slot;
-	register struct direct	*dp;
-	char			*s;
-#endif		!DIRECTORY_3
-	register char		**v;
-	struct stat		statb;
-	if (stat(f, &statb) == SYSERROR)
-	{
-		could_not("stat", f);
-	}
-#else		DIRECTORY_3
-	if ((fd = open(f, O_RDONLY)) == SYSERROR)
-	{
-		could_not("open", f);
-	}
-	if (fstat(fd, &statb) == SYSERROR)
-	{
-		could_not("stat", f);
-	}
-#endif		DIRECTORY_3
-	if ((statb.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFDIR)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: \"%s\" is not a directory.\n", my_name, f);
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	v = directory_3(f);
-#else		DIRECTORY_3
-	s = salloc((int)statb.st_size);
-#if		BSD_DIR
-	v = (char **)salloc((int)((statb.st_size / (sizeof(struct direct) - (MAXNAMLEN + 1))) + 1) * sizeof(char *));
-#else		BSD_DIR
-	v = (char **)salloc((int)((statb.st_size / sizeof(struct direct)) + 1) * sizeof(char *));
-#endif		BSD_DIR
-	if (read(fd, s, (int)statb.st_size) != (int)statb.st_size)
-	{
-		could_not("read", f);
-	}
-	for
-	(
-		slot = 0, dp = (struct direct *)s;
-		dp < (struct direct *)&s[statb.st_size];
-#if		BSD_DIR
-		dp = (struct direct *)((char *)dp + dp->d_reclen)
-#else		BSD_DIR
-		dp++
-#endif		BSD_DIR
-	)
-	{
-		if (dp->d_ino == 0 || dp->d_name[0] == SPEC_CHAR || dp->d_name[0] == '.')
-			continue;
-#if		BSD_DIR
-		v[slot++] = newstr(&dp->d_name[0]);
-#else		BSD_DIR
-		v[slot] = salloc(DIRSIZ + 1);
-		bcopy(&dp->d_name[0], v[slot], DIRSIZ);
-		v[slot++][DIRSIZ] = '\0';
-#endif		BSD_DIR
-	}
-	v[slot] = NULLSTR;
-	if (close(fd) == SYSERROR)
-	{
-		could_not("close", f);
-	}
-	(void)free(s);
-#endif		DIRECTORY_3
-	return v;
-register char	**v;
-	register char	**n;
-	for (n = v; *n != NULLSTR; n++)
-		(void)free(*n);
-	(void)free((char *)v);
//GO.SYSIN DD readdir.c
echo readfile.c
sed 's/.//' >readfile.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD readfile.c'
- *	Read a named file & return it's contents.
- */
-#ifndef	lint
-static char	sccsid[]	= "@(#)readfile.c	1.31";
-#endif	lint
-#include	<stdio.h>
-#include	<fcntl.h>
-#include	<sys/types.h>
-#include	<sys/stat.h>
-#include	"mace.h"
-char	*
-char	*f;
-	register int	fd;
-	char		*s;
-	struct stat	statb;
-	if ((fd = open(f, O_RDONLY)) == SYSERROR)
-		return NULLSTR;
-	if (fstat(fd, &statb) == SYSERROR)
-	{
-		could_not("stat", f);
-	}
-	if ((statb.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFREG)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: \"%s\" is not a regular file.\n", my_name, f);
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	s = salloc((int)statb.st_size + 1);
-	if (statb.st_size != 0)
-	{
-		if (read(fd, s, (int)statb.st_size) != (int)statb.st_size)
-		{
-			could_not("read", f);
-			/* NOTREACHED */
-		}
-		if (s[statb.st_size - 1] == '\n')
-			s[statb.st_size - 1] = '\0';
-		else
-			s[statb.st_size] = '\0';
-	}
-	else
-		s[0] = '\0';
-	if (close(fd) == SYSERROR)
-	{
-		could_not("close", f);
-	}
-	return s;
//GO.SYSIN DD readfile.c
echo readpass.c
sed 's/.//' >readpass.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD readpass.c'
- * @(#)readpass.c	1.1
- *
- * Read a password from /dev/tty.  Looks like getpass(3) but
- * accepts an arbitarily long password.
- */
-#include	"mace.h"
-#include	"flex.h"
-#include	"tty.h"
-#include	<signal.h>
-#define DEV_TTY	"/dev/tty"
- * Catch a signal and do nothing.
- */
-static SIG_RET
-catch(int s)
- * Prompt for an arbitary length password and read it.
- */
-char *
-readpass(char *prompt)
-	int		fd;
-	int		l;
-	static flex	f	= { NULLSTR, NULLSTR, NULLSTR, };
-	int		echo;
-	char		c;
-	SIG_RET		(*int_sig)();
-	SIG_RET		(*quit_sig)();
-	echo = 0;
-	if (f.f_str == NULLSTR)
-		flex_init(&f);
-	if ((fd = open(DEV_TTY, O_RW)) == SYSERROR)
-		return NULLSTR;
-	/*
-	 * Catch signals so read will return with errno == EINTR.
-	 */
-	if ((int_sig = signal(SIGINT, catch)) != SIG_DFL)
-		signal(SIGINT, int_sig);
-	if ((quit_sig = signal(SIGQUIT, catch)) != SIG_DFL)
-		quit_sig = signal(SIGQUIT, catch);
-	/*
-	 * Turn off echo.
-	 */
-	if
-	(
-		(echo = ttyechoing(fd)) == SYSERROR
-		||
-		(echo && ttyecho(fd, 0) == SYSERROR)
-	)
-		goto end;
-	/*
- 	 * Write prompt.
-	 */
-	l = strlen(prompt);
-	while (l > 0)
-	{
-		int	n;
-		if ((n = write(fd, prompt, l)) == SYSERROR)
-			goto end;
-		prompt += n;
-		l -= n;
-	}
-	/*
- 	 * Read password.
-	 */
-	for (;;)
-	{
-		int	n;
-		/*
-		 * Do read(..., ..., 1) to avoid canon state.
-		 */
-		switch (n = read(fd, &c, 1))
-		{
-		case 0:
-			flex_char(&f, '\0');
-			break;
-		case 1:
-			if (c == '\n')
-			{
-				flex_char(&f, '\0');
-				if (echo)
-					write(fd, &c, 1);
-				break;
-			}
-			flex_char(&f, c);
-			continue;
-		case SYSERROR:
-		default:
-			f.f_ptr = f.f_str;
-			break;
-		}
-		break;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Restore echo to previous state.
-	 */
-	if (echo)
-		ttyecho(fd, 1);
-	close(fd);
-	/*
-	 * Restore signals.
-	 */
-	if (int_sig != SIG_DFL)
-		signal(SIGINT, int_sig);
-	if (quit_sig != SIG_DFL)
-		signal(SIGQUIT, quit_sig);
-	/*
-	 * Errored?
-	 */
-	if (f.f_ptr == f.f_str)
-		return NULLSTR;
-	flex_end(&f);
-	return f.f_str;
//GO.SYSIN DD readpass.c
echo regexp.c
sed 's/.//' >regexp.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD regexp.c'
- * regcomp and regexec -- regsub and regerror are elsewhere
- *
- *	Copyright (c) 1986 by University of Toronto.
- *	Written by Henry Spencer.  Not derived from licensed software.
- *
- *	Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
- *	purpose on any computer system, and to redistribute it freely,
- *	subject to the following restrictions:
- *
- *	1. The author is not responsible for the consequences of use of
- *		this software, no matter how awful, even if they arise
- *		from defects in it.
- *
- *	2. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented, either
- *		by explicit claim or by omission.
- *
- *	3. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not
- *		be misrepresented as being the original software.
- *
- * Beware that some of this code is subtly aware of the way operator
- * precedence is structured in regular expressions.  Serious changes in
- * regular-expression syntax might require a total rethink.
- *
- * 	Snarfed to be part of "mace" but not modified save
- *	for the odd include  & sccsid.
- *						-- Boyd Roberts
- *						   May '89
- */
-#ifndef	lint
-static char	sccsid[]	= "@(#)regexp.c	1.6";
-#endif	lint
-#include "mace.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "regexp.h"
-#include "regmagic.h"
- * The "internal use only" fields in regexp.h are present to pass info from
- * compile to execute that permits the execute phase to run lots faster on
- * simple cases.  They are:
- *
- * regstart	char that must begin a match; '\0' if none obvious
- * reganch	is the match anchored (at beginning-of-line only)?
- * regmust	string (pointer into program) that match must include, or NULL
- * regmlen	length of regmust string
- *
- * Regstart and reganch permit very fast decisions on suitable starting points
- * for a match, cutting down the work a lot.  Regmust permits fast rejection
- * of lines that cannot possibly match.  The regmust tests are costly enough
- * that regcomp() supplies a regmust only if the r.e. contains something
- * potentially expensive (at present, the only such thing detected is * or +
- * at the start of the r.e., which can involve a lot of backup).  Regmlen is
- * supplied because the test in regexec() needs it and regcomp() is computing
- * it anyway.
- */
- * Structure for regexp "program".  This is essentially a linear encoding
- * of a nondeterministic finite-state machine (aka syntax charts or
- * "railroad normal form" in parsing technology).  Each node is an opcode
- * plus a "next" pointer, possibly plus an operand.  "Next" pointers of
- * all nodes except BRANCH implement concatenation; a "next" pointer with
- * a BRANCH on both ends of it is connecting two alternatives.  (Here we
- * have one of the subtle syntax dependencies:  an individual BRANCH (as
- * opposed to a collection of them) is never concatenated with anything
- * because of operator precedence.)  The operand of some types of node is
- * a literal string; for others, it is a node leading into a sub-FSM.  In
- * particular, the operand of a BRANCH node is the first node of the branch.
- * (NB this is *not* a tree structure:  the tail of the branch connects
- * to the thing following the set of BRANCHes.)  The opcodes are:
- */
-/* definition	number	opnd?	meaning */
-#define	END	0	/* no	End of program. */
-#define	BOL	1	/* no	Match "" at beginning of line. */
-#define	EOL	2	/* no	Match "" at end of line. */
-#define	ANY	3	/* no	Match any one character. */
-#define	ANYOF	4	/* str	Match any character in this string. */
-#define	ANYBUT	5	/* str	Match any character not in this string. */
-#define	BRANCH	6	/* node	Match this alternative, or the next... */
-#define	BACK	7	/* no	Match "", "next" ptr points backward. */
-#define	EXACTLY	8	/* str	Match this string. */
-#define	NOTHING	9	/* no	Match empty string. */
-#define	STAR	10	/* node	Match this (simple) thing 0 or more times. */
-#define	PLUS	11	/* node	Match this (simple) thing 1 or more times. */
-#define	OPEN	20	/* no	Mark this point in input as start of #n. */
-			/*	OPEN+1 is number 1, etc. */
-#define	CLOSE	30	/* no	Analogous to OPEN. */
- * Opcode notes:
- *
- * BRANCH	The set of branches constituting a single choice are hooked
- *		together with their "next" pointers, since precedence prevents
- *		anything being concatenated to any individual branch.  The
- *		"next" pointer of the last BRANCH in a choice points to the
- *		thing following the whole choice.  This is also where the
- *		final "next" pointer of each individual branch points; each
- *		branch starts with the operand node of a BRANCH node.
- *
- * BACK		Normal "next" pointers all implicitly point forward; BACK
- *		exists to make loop structures possible.
- *
- * STAR,PLUS	'?', and complex '*' and '+', are implemented as circular
- *		BRANCH structures using BACK.  Simple cases (one character
- *		per match) are implemented with STAR and PLUS for speed
- *		and to minimize recursive plunges.
- *
- * OPEN,CLOSE	...are numbered at compile time.
- */
- * A node is one char of opcode followed by two chars of "next" pointer.
- * "Next" pointers are stored as two 8-bit pieces, high order first.  The
- * value is a positive offset from the opcode of the node containing it.
- * An operand, if any, simply follows the node.  (Note that much of the
- * code generation knows about this implicit relationship.)
- *
- * Using two bytes for the "next" pointer is vast overkill for most things,
- * but allows patterns to get big without disasters.
- */
-#define	OP(p)	(*(p))
-#define	NEXT(p)	(((*((p)+1)&0377)<<8) + (*((p)+2)&0377))
-#define	OPERAND(p)	((p) + 3)
- * See regmagic.h for one further detail of program structure.
- */
- * Utility definitions.
- */
-#ifndef CHARBITS
-#define	UCHARAT(p)	((int)*(unsigned char *)(p))
-#define	UCHARAT(p)	((int)*(p)&CHARBITS)
-#define	FAIL(m)	{ regerror(m); return(NULL); }
-#define	ISMULT(c)	((c) == '*' || (c) == '+' || (c) == '?')
-#define	META	"^$.[()|?+*\\"
- * Flags to be passed up and down.
- */
-#define	HASWIDTH	01	/* Known never to match null string. */
-#define	SIMPLE		02	/* Simple enough to be STAR/PLUS operand. */
-#define	SPSTART		04	/* Starts with * or +. */
-#define	WORST		0	/* Worst case. */
- * Global work variables for regcomp().
- */
-static char *regparse;		/* Input-scan pointer. */
-static int regnpar;		/* () count. */
-static char regdummy;
-static char *regcode;		/* Code-emit pointer; &regdummy = don't. */
-static long regsize;		/* Code size. */
- * Forward declarations for regcomp()'s friends.
- */
-#ifndef STATIC
-#define	STATIC	static
-STATIC char *reg();
-STATIC char *regbranch();
-STATIC char *regpiece();
-STATIC char *regatom();
-STATIC char *regnode();
-STATIC char *regnext();
-STATIC void regc();
-STATIC void reginsert();
-STATIC void regtail();
-STATIC void regoptail();
-#ifdef STRCSPN
-STATIC int strcspn();
- - regcomp - compile a regular expression into internal code
- *
- * We can't allocate space until we know how big the compiled form will be,
- * but we can't compile it (and thus know how big it is) until we've got a
- * place to put the code.  So we cheat:  we compile it twice, once with code
- * generation turned off and size counting turned on, and once "for real".
- * This also means that we don't allocate space until we are sure that the
- * thing really will compile successfully, and we never have to move the
- * code and thus invalidate pointers into it.  (Note that it has to be in
- * one piece because free() must be able to free it all.)
- *
- * Beware that the optimization-preparation code in here knows about some
- * of the structure of the compiled regexp.
- */
-regexp *
-char *exp;
-	register regexp *r;
-	register char *scan;
-	register char *longest;
-	register int len;
-	int flags;
-	extern char *malloc();
-	if (exp == NULL)
-		FAIL("NULL argument");
-	/* First pass: determine size, legality. */
-	regparse = exp;
-	regnpar = 1;
-	regsize = 0L;
-	regcode = &regdummy;
-	regc(MAGIC);
-	if (reg(0, &flags) == NULL)
-		return(NULL);
-	/* Small enough for pointer-storage convention? */
-	if (regsize >= 32767L)		/* Probably could be 65535L. */
-		FAIL("regexp too big");
-	/* Allocate space. */
-	r = (regexp *)malloc(sizeof(regexp) + (unsigned)regsize);
-	if (r == NULL)
-		FAIL("out of space");
-	/* Second pass: emit code. */
-	regparse = exp;
-	regnpar = 1;
-	regcode = r->program;
-	regc(MAGIC);
-	if (reg(0, &flags) == NULL)
-		return(NULL);
-	/* Dig out information for optimizations. */
-	r->regstart = '\0';	/* Worst-case defaults. */
-	r->reganch = 0;
-	r->regmust = NULL;
-	r->regmlen = 0;
-	scan = r->program+1;			/* First BRANCH. */
-	if (OP(regnext(scan)) == END) {		/* Only one top-level choice. */
-		scan = OPERAND(scan);
-		/* Starting-point info. */
-		if (OP(scan) == EXACTLY)
-			r->regstart = *OPERAND(scan);
-		else if (OP(scan) == BOL)
-			r->reganch++;
-		/*
-		 * If there's something expensive in the r.e., find the
-		 * longest literal string that must appear and make it the
-		 * regmust.  Resolve ties in favor of later strings, since
-		 * the regstart check works with the beginning of the r.e.
-		 * and avoiding duplication strengthens checking.  Not a
-		 * strong reason, but sufficient in the absence of others.
-		 */
-		if (flags&SPSTART) {
-			longest = NULL;
-			len = 0;
-			for (; scan != NULL; scan = regnext(scan))
-				if (OP(scan) == EXACTLY && strlen(OPERAND(scan)) >= len) {
-					longest = OPERAND(scan);
-					len = strlen(OPERAND(scan));
-				}
-			r->regmust = longest;
-			r->regmlen = len;
-		}
-	}
-	return(r);
- - reg - regular expression, i.e. main body or parenthesized thing
- *
- * Caller must absorb opening parenthesis.
- *
- * Combining parenthesis handling with the base level of regular expression
- * is a trifle forced, but the need to tie the tails of the branches to what
- * follows makes it hard to avoid.
- */
-static char *
-reg(paren, flagp)
-int paren;			/* Parenthesized? */
-int *flagp;
-	register char *ret;
-	register char *br;
-	register char *ender;
-	register int parno;
-	int flags;
-	*flagp = HASWIDTH;	/* Tentatively. */
-	/* Make an OPEN node, if parenthesized. */
-	if (paren) {
-		if (regnpar >= NSUBEXP)
-			FAIL("too many ()");
-		parno = regnpar;
-		regnpar++;
-		ret = regnode(OPEN+parno);
-	} else
-		ret = NULL;
-	/* Pick up the branches, linking them together. */
-	br = regbranch(&flags);
-	if (br == NULL)
-		return(NULL);
-	if (ret != NULL)
-		regtail(ret, br);	/* OPEN -> first. */
-	else
-		ret = br;
-	if (!(flags&HASWIDTH))
-		*flagp &= ~HASWIDTH;
-	*flagp |= flags&SPSTART;
-	while (*regparse == '|') {
-		regparse++;
-		br = regbranch(&flags);
-		if (br == NULL)
-			return(NULL);
-		regtail(ret, br);	/* BRANCH -> BRANCH. */
-		if (!(flags&HASWIDTH))
-			*flagp &= ~HASWIDTH;
-		*flagp |= flags&SPSTART;
-	}
-	/* Make a closing node, and hook it on the end. */
-	ender = regnode((paren) ? CLOSE+parno : END);	
-	regtail(ret, ender);
-	/* Hook the tails of the branches to the closing node. */
-	for (br = ret; br != NULL; br = regnext(br))
-		regoptail(br, ender);
-	/* Check for proper termination. */
-	if (paren && *regparse++ != ')') {
-		FAIL("unmatched ()");
-	} else if (!paren && *regparse != '\0') {
-		if (*regparse == ')') {
-			FAIL("unmatched ()");
-		} else
-			FAIL("junk on end");	/* "Can't happen". */
-	}
-	return(ret);
- - regbranch - one alternative of an | operator
- *
- * Implements the concatenation operator.
- */
-static char *
-int *flagp;
-	register char *ret;
-	register char *chain;
-	register char *latest;
-	int flags;
-	*flagp = WORST;		/* Tentatively. */
-	ret = regnode(BRANCH);
-	chain = NULL;
-	while (*regparse != '\0' && *regparse != '|' && *regparse != ')') {
-		latest = regpiece(&flags);
-		if (latest == NULL)
-			return(NULL);
-		*flagp |= flags&HASWIDTH;
-		if (chain == NULL)	/* First piece. */
-			*flagp |= flags&SPSTART;
-		else
-			regtail(chain, latest);
-		chain = latest;
-	}
-	if (chain == NULL)	/* Loop ran zero times. */
-		(void) regnode(NOTHING);
-	return(ret);
- - regpiece - something followed by possible [*+?]
- *
- * Note that the branching code sequences used for ? and the general cases
- * of * and + are somewhat optimized:  they use the same NOTHING node as
- * both the endmarker for their branch list and the body of the last branch.
- * It might seem that this node could be dispensed with entirely, but the
- * endmarker role is not redundant.
- */
-static char *
-int *flagp;
-	register char *ret;
-	register char op;
-	register char *next;
-	int flags;
-	ret = regatom(&flags);
-	if (ret == NULL)
-		return(NULL);
-	op = *regparse;
-	if (!ISMULT(op)) {
-		*flagp = flags;
-		return(ret);
-	}
-	if (!(flags&HASWIDTH) && op != '?')
-		FAIL("*+ operand could be empty");
-	*flagp = (op != '+') ? (WORST|SPSTART) : (WORST|HASWIDTH);
-	if (op == '*' && (flags&SIMPLE))
-		reginsert(STAR, ret);
-	else if (op == '*') {
-		/* Emit x* as (x&|), where & means "self". */
-		reginsert(BRANCH, ret);			/* Either x */
-		regoptail(ret, regnode(BACK));		/* and loop */
-		regoptail(ret, ret);			/* back */
-		regtail(ret, regnode(BRANCH));		/* or */
-		regtail(ret, regnode(NOTHING));		/* null. */
-	} else if (op == '+' && (flags&SIMPLE))
-		reginsert(PLUS, ret);
-	else if (op == '+') {
-		/* Emit x+ as x(&|), where & means "self". */
-		next = regnode(BRANCH);			/* Either */
-		regtail(ret, next);
-		regtail(regnode(BACK), ret);		/* loop back */
-		regtail(next, regnode(BRANCH));		/* or */
-		regtail(ret, regnode(NOTHING));		/* null. */
-	} else if (op == '?') {
-		/* Emit x? as (x|) */
-		reginsert(BRANCH, ret);			/* Either x */
-		regtail(ret, regnode(BRANCH));		/* or */
-		next = regnode(NOTHING);		/* null. */
-		regtail(ret, next);
-		regoptail(ret, next);
-	}
-	regparse++;
-	if (ISMULT(*regparse))
-		FAIL("nested *?+");
-	return(ret);
- - regatom - the lowest level
- *
- * Optimization:  gobbles an entire sequence of ordinary characters so that
- * it can turn them into a single node, which is smaller to store and
- * faster to run.  Backslashed characters are exceptions, each becoming a
- * separate node; the code is simpler that way and it's not worth fixing.
- */
-static char *
-int *flagp;
-	register char *ret;
-	int flags;
-	*flagp = WORST;		/* Tentatively. */
-	switch (*regparse++) {
-	case '^':
-		ret = regnode(BOL);
-		break;
-	case '$':
-		ret = regnode(EOL);
-		break;
-	case '.':
-		ret = regnode(ANY);
-		*flagp |= HASWIDTH|SIMPLE;
-		break;
-	case '[': {
-			register int class;
-			register int classend;
-			if (*regparse == '^') {	/* Complement of range. */
-				ret = regnode(ANYBUT);
-				regparse++;
-			} else
-				ret = regnode(ANYOF);
-			if (*regparse == ']' || *regparse == '-')
-				regc(*regparse++);
-			while (*regparse != '\0' && *regparse != ']') {
-				if (*regparse == '-') {
-					regparse++;
-					if (*regparse == ']' || *regparse == '\0')
-						regc('-');
-					else {
-						class = UCHARAT(regparse-2)+1;
-						classend = UCHARAT(regparse);
-						if (class > classend+1)
-							FAIL("invalid [] range");
-						for (; class <= classend; class++)
-							regc(class);
-						regparse++;
-					}
-				} else
-					regc(*regparse++);
-			}
-			regc('\0');
-			if (*regparse != ']')
-				FAIL("unmatched []");
-			regparse++;
-			*flagp |= HASWIDTH|SIMPLE;
-		}
-		break;
-	case '(':
-		ret = reg(1, &flags);
-		if (ret == NULL)
-			return(NULL);
-		*flagp |= flags&(HASWIDTH|SPSTART);
-		break;
-	case '\0':
-	case '|':
-	case ')':
-		FAIL("internal urp");	/* Supposed to be caught earlier. */
-		break;
-	case '?':
-	case '+':
-	case '*':
-		FAIL("?+* follows nothing");
-		break;
-	case '\\':
-		if (*regparse == '\0')
-			FAIL("trailing \\");
-		ret = regnode(EXACTLY);
-		regc(*regparse++);
-		regc('\0');
-		*flagp |= HASWIDTH|SIMPLE;
-		break;
-	default: {
-			register int len;
-			register char ender;
-			regparse--;
-			len = strcspn(regparse, META);
-			if (len <= 0)
-				FAIL("internal disaster");
-			ender = *(regparse+len);
-			if (len > 1 && ISMULT(ender))
-				len--;		/* Back off clear of ?+* operand. */
-			*flagp |= HASWIDTH;
-			if (len == 1)
-				*flagp |= SIMPLE;
-			ret = regnode(EXACTLY);
-			while (len > 0) {
-				regc(*regparse++);
-				len--;
-			}
-			regc('\0');
-		}
-		break;
-	}
-	return(ret);
- - regnode - emit a node
- */
-static char *			/* Location. */
-char op;
-	register char *ret;
-	register char *ptr;
-	ret = regcode;
-	if (ret == &regdummy) {
-		regsize += 3;
-		return(ret);
-	}
-	ptr = ret;
-	*ptr++ = op;
-	*ptr++ = '\0';		/* Null "next" pointer. */
-	*ptr++ = '\0';
-	regcode = ptr;
-	return(ret);
- - regc - emit (if appropriate) a byte of code
- */
-static void
-char b;
-	if (regcode != &regdummy)
-		*regcode++ = b;
-	else
-		regsize++;
- - reginsert - insert an operator in front of already-emitted operand
- *
- * Means relocating the operand.
- */
-static void
-reginsert(op, opnd)
-char op;
-char *opnd;
-	register char *src;
-	register char *dst;
-	register char *place;
-	if (regcode == &regdummy) {
-		regsize += 3;
-		return;
-	}
-	src = regcode;
-	regcode += 3;
-	dst = regcode;
-	while (src > opnd)
-		*--dst = *--src;
-	place = opnd;		/* Op node, where operand used to be. */
-	*place++ = op;
-	*place++ = '\0';
-	*place++ = '\0';
- - regtail - set the next-pointer at the end of a node chain
- */
-static void
-regtail(p, val)
-char *p;
-char *val;
-	register char *scan;
-	register char *temp;
-	register int offset;
-	if (p == &regdummy)
-		return;
-	/* Find last node. */
-	scan = p;
-	for (;;) {
-		temp = regnext(scan);
-		if (temp == NULL)
-			break;
-		scan = temp;
-	}
-	if (OP(scan) == BACK)
-		offset = scan - val;
-	else
-		offset = val - scan;
-	*(scan+1) = (offset>>8)&0377;
-	*(scan+2) = offset&0377;
- - regoptail - regtail on operand of first argument; nop if operandless
- */
-static void
-regoptail(p, val)
-char *p;
-char *val;
-	/* "Operandless" and "op != BRANCH" are synonymous in practice. */
-	if (p == NULL || p == &regdummy || OP(p) != BRANCH)
-		return;
-	regtail(OPERAND(p), val);
- * regexec and friends
- */
- * Global work variables for regexec().
- */
-static char *reginput;		/* String-input pointer. */
-static char *regbol;		/* Beginning of input, for ^ check. */
-static char **regstartp;	/* Pointer to startp array. */
-static char **regendp;		/* Ditto for endp. */
- * Forwards.
- */
-STATIC int regtry();
-STATIC int regmatch();
-STATIC int regrepeat();
-#ifdef DEBUG
-int regnarrate = 0;
-void regdump();
-STATIC char *regprop();
- - regexec - match a regexp against a string
- */
-regexec(prog, string)
-register regexp *prog;
-register char *string;
-	register char *s;
-	extern char *strchr();
-	/* Be paranoid... */
-	if (prog == NULL || string == NULL) {
-		regerror("NULL parameter");
-		return(0);
-	}
-	/* Check validity of program. */
-	if (UCHARAT(prog->program) != MAGIC) {
-		regerror("corrupted program");
-		return(0);
-	}
-	/* If there is a "must appear" string, look for it. */
-	if (prog->regmust != NULL) {
-		s = string;
-		while ((s = strchr(s, prog->regmust[0])) != NULL) {
-			if (strncmp(s, prog->regmust, prog->regmlen) == 0)
-				break;	/* Found it. */
-			s++;
-		}
-		if (s == NULL)	/* Not present. */
-			return(0);
-	}
-	/* Mark beginning of line for ^ . */
-	regbol = string;
-	/* Simplest case:  anchored match need be tried only once. */
-	if (prog->reganch)
-		return(regtry(prog, string));
-	/* Messy cases:  unanchored match. */
-	s = string;
-	if (prog->regstart != '\0')
-		/* We know what char it must start with. */
-		while ((s = strchr(s, prog->regstart)) != NULL) {
-			if (regtry(prog, s))
-				return(1);
-			s++;
-		}
-	else
-		/* We don't -- general case. */
-		do {
-			if (regtry(prog, s))
-				return(1);
-		} while (*s++ != '\0');
-	/* Failure. */
-	return(0);
- - regtry - try match at specific point
- */
-static int			/* 0 failure, 1 success */
-regtry(prog, string)
-regexp *prog;
-char *string;
-	register int i;
-	register char **sp;
-	register char **ep;
-	reginput = string;
-	regstartp = prog->startp;
-	regendp = prog->endp;
-	sp = prog->startp;
-	ep = prog->endp;
-	for (i = NSUBEXP; i > 0; i--) {
-		*sp++ = NULL;
-		*ep++ = NULL;
-	}
-	if (regmatch(prog->program + 1)) {
-		prog->startp[0] = string;
-		prog->endp[0] = reginput;
-		return(1);
-	} else
-		return(0);
- - regmatch - main matching routine
- *
- * Conceptually the strategy is simple:  check to see whether the current
- * node matches, call self recursively to see whether the rest matches,
- * and then act accordingly.  In practice we make some effort to avoid
- * recursion, in particular by going through "ordinary" nodes (that don't
- * need to know whether the rest of the match failed) by a loop instead of
- * by recursion.
- */
-static int			/* 0 failure, 1 success */
-char *prog;
-	register char *scan;	/* Current node. */
-	char *next;		/* Next node. */
-	extern char *strchr();
-	scan = prog;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-	if (scan != NULL && regnarrate)
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s(\n", regprop(scan));
-	while (scan != NULL) {
-#ifdef DEBUG
-		if (regnarrate)
-			fprintf(stderr, "%s...\n", regprop(scan));
-		next = regnext(scan);
-		switch (OP(scan)) {
-		case BOL:
-			if (reginput != regbol)
-				return(0);
-			break;
-		case EOL:
-			if (*reginput != '\0')
-				return(0);
-			break;
-		case ANY:
-			if (*reginput == '\0')
-				return(0);
-			reginput++;
-			break;
-		case EXACTLY: {
-				register int len;
-				register char *opnd;
-				opnd = OPERAND(scan);
-				/* Inline the first character, for speed. */
-				if (*opnd != *reginput)
-					return(0);
-				len = strlen(opnd);
-				if (len > 1 && strncmp(opnd, reginput, len) != 0)
-					return(0);
-				reginput += len;
-			}
-			break;
-		case ANYOF:
-			if (*reginput == '\0' || strchr(OPERAND(scan), *reginput) == NULL)
-				return(0);
-			reginput++;
-			break;
-		case ANYBUT:
-			if (*reginput == '\0' || strchr(OPERAND(scan), *reginput) != NULL)
-				return(0);
-			reginput++;
-			break;
-		case NOTHING:
-			break;
-		case BACK:
-			break;
-		case OPEN+1:
-		case OPEN+2:
-		case OPEN+3:
-		case OPEN+4:
-		case OPEN+5:
-		case OPEN+6:
-		case OPEN+7:
-		case OPEN+8:
-		case OPEN+9: {
-				register int no;
-				register char *save;
-				no = OP(scan) - OPEN;
-				save = reginput;
-				if (regmatch(next)) {
-					/*
-					 * Don't set startp if some later
-					 * invocation of the same parentheses
-					 * already has.
-					 */
-					if (regstartp[no] == NULL)
-						regstartp[no] = save;
-					return(1);
-				} else
-					return(0);
-			}
-			break;
-		case CLOSE+1:
-		case CLOSE+2:
-		case CLOSE+3:
-		case CLOSE+4:
-		case CLOSE+5:
-		case CLOSE+6:
-		case CLOSE+7:
-		case CLOSE+8:
-		case CLOSE+9: {
-				register int no;
-				register char *save;
-				no = OP(scan) - CLOSE;
-				save = reginput;
-				if (regmatch(next)) {
-					/*
-					 * Don't set endp if some later
-					 * invocation of the same parentheses
-					 * already has.
-					 */
-					if (regendp[no] == NULL)
-						regendp[no] = save;
-					return(1);
-				} else
-					return(0);
-			}
-			break;
-		case BRANCH: {
-				register char *save;
-				if (OP(next) != BRANCH)		/* No choice. */
-					next = OPERAND(scan);	/* Avoid recursion. */
-				else {
-					do {
-						save = reginput;
-						if (regmatch(OPERAND(scan)))
-							return(1);
-						reginput = save;
-						scan = regnext(scan);
-					} while (scan != NULL && OP(scan) == BRANCH);
-					return(0);
-					/* NOTREACHED */
-				}
-			}
-			break;
-		case STAR:
-		case PLUS: {
-				register char nextch;
-				register int no;
-				register char *save;
-				register int min;
-				/*
-				 * Lookahead to avoid useless match attempts
-				 * when we know what character comes next.
-				 */
-				nextch = '\0';
-				if (OP(next) == EXACTLY)
-					nextch = *OPERAND(next);
-				min = (OP(scan) == STAR) ? 0 : 1;
-				save = reginput;
-				no = regrepeat(OPERAND(scan));
-				while (no >= min) {
-					/* If it could work, try it. */
-					if (nextch == '\0' || *reginput == nextch)
-						if (regmatch(next))
-							return(1);
-					/* Couldn't or didn't -- back up. */
-					no--;
-					reginput = save + no;
-				}
-				return(0);
-			}
-			break;
-		case END:
-			return(1);	/* Success! */
-			break;
-		default:
-			regerror("memory corruption");
-			return(0);
-			break;
-		}
-		scan = next;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * We get here only if there's trouble -- normally "case END" is
-	 * the terminating point.
-	 */
-	regerror("corrupted pointers");
-	return(0);
- - regrepeat - repeatedly match something simple, report how many
- */
-static int
-char *p;
-	register int count = 0;
-	register char *scan;
-	register char *opnd;
-	scan = reginput;
-	opnd = OPERAND(p);
-	switch (OP(p)) {
-	case ANY:
-		count = strlen(scan);
-		scan += count;
-		break;
-	case EXACTLY:
-		while (*opnd == *scan) {
-			count++;
-			scan++;
-		}
-		break;
-	case ANYOF:
-		while (*scan != '\0' && strchr(opnd, *scan) != NULL) {
-			count++;
-			scan++;
-		}
-		break;
-	case ANYBUT:
-		while (*scan != '\0' && strchr(opnd, *scan) == NULL) {
-			count++;
-			scan++;
-		}
-		break;
-	default:		/* Oh dear.  Called inappropriately. */
-		regerror("internal foulup");
-		count = 0;	/* Best compromise. */
-		break;
-	}
-	reginput = scan;
-	return(count);
- - regnext - dig the "next" pointer out of a node
- */
-static char *
-register char *p;
-	register int offset;
-	if (p == &regdummy)
-		return(NULL);
-	offset = NEXT(p);
-	if (offset == 0)
-		return(NULL);
-	if (OP(p) == BACK)
-		return(p-offset);
-	else
-		return(p+offset);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-STATIC char *regprop();
- - regdump - dump a regexp onto stdout in vaguely comprehensible form
- */
-regexp *r;
-	register char *s;
-	register char op = EXACTLY;	/* Arbitrary non-END op. */
-	register char *next;
-	extern char *strchr();
-	s = r->program + 1;
-	while (op != END) {	/* While that wasn't END last time... */
-		op = OP(s);
-		printf("%2d%s", s-r->program, regprop(s));	/* Where, what. */
-		next = regnext(s);
-		if (next == NULL)		/* Next ptr. */
-			printf("(0)");
-		else 
-			printf("(%d)", (s-r->program)+(next-s));
-		s += 3;
-		if (op == ANYOF || op == ANYBUT || op == EXACTLY) {
-			/* Literal string, where present. */
-			while (*s != '\0') {
-				putchar(*s);
-				s++;
-			}
-			s++;
-		}
-		putchar('\n');
-	}
-	/* Header fields of interest. */
-	if (r->regstart != '\0')
-		printf("start `%c' ", r->regstart);
-	if (r->reganch)
-		printf("anchored ");
-	if (r->regmust != NULL)
-		printf("must have \"%s\"", r->regmust);
-	printf("\n");
- - regprop - printable representation of opcode
- */
-static char *
-char *op;
-	register char *p;
-	static char buf[50];
-	(void) strcpy(buf, ":");
-	switch (OP(op)) {
-	case BOL:
-		p = "BOL";
-		break;
-	case EOL:
-		p = "EOL";
-		break;
-	case ANY:
-		p = "ANY";
-		break;
-	case ANYOF:
-		p = "ANYOF";
-		break;
-	case ANYBUT:
-		p = "ANYBUT";
-		break;
-	case BRANCH:
-		p = "BRANCH";
-		break;
-	case EXACTLY:
-		p = "EXACTLY";
-		break;
-	case NOTHING:
-		p = "NOTHING";
-		break;
-	case BACK:
-		p = "BACK";
-		break;
-	case END:
-		p = "END";
-		break;
-	case OPEN+1:
-	case OPEN+2:
-	case OPEN+3:
-	case OPEN+4:
-	case OPEN+5:
-	case OPEN+6:
-	case OPEN+7:
-	case OPEN+8:
-	case OPEN+9:
-		sprintf(buf+strlen(buf), "OPEN%d", OP(op)-OPEN);
-		p = NULL;
-		break;
-	case CLOSE+1:
-	case CLOSE+2:
-	case CLOSE+3:
-	case CLOSE+4:
-	case CLOSE+5:
-	case CLOSE+6:
-	case CLOSE+7:
-	case CLOSE+8:
-	case CLOSE+9:
-		sprintf(buf+strlen(buf), "CLOSE%d", OP(op)-CLOSE);
-		p = NULL;
-		break;
-	case STAR:
-		p = "STAR";
-		break;
-	case PLUS:
-		p = "PLUS";
-		break;
-	default:
-		regerror("corrupted opcode");
-		break;
-	}
-	if (p != NULL)
-		(void) strcat(buf, p);
-	return(buf);
- * The following is provided for those people who do not have strcspn() in
- * their C libraries.  They should get off their butts and do something
- * about it; at least one public-domain implementation of those (highly
- * useful) string routines has been published on Usenet.
- */
-#ifdef STRCSPN
- * strcspn - find length of initial segment of s1 consisting entirely
- * of characters not from s2
- */
-static int
-strcspn(s1, s2)
-char *s1;
-char *s2;
-	register char *scan1;
-	register char *scan2;
-	register int count;
-	count = 0;
-	for (scan1 = s1; *scan1 != '\0'; scan1++) {
-		for (scan2 = s2; *scan2 != '\0';)	/* ++ moved down. */
-			if (*scan1 == *scan2++)
-				return(count);
-		count++;
-	}
-	return(count);
//GO.SYSIN DD regexp.c
echo rfc.c
sed 's/.//' >rfc.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD rfc.c'
- *	Various RFC 822 compatibility routines.
- */
-#ifndef	lint
-static char	sccsid[]	= "%W%";
-#endif	lint
-#include	"mace.h"
-#include	"headers.h"
-#include	"regexp.h"
-#include	"line.h"
-#include	"message.h"
-#include	"conf.h"
-#include	<time.h>
-#define ZONE_HOUR(h)	((h) * 60)
-#define YEAR_OFFSET	1900
-static char	*days[]		=
-	"Sun",
-	"Mon",
-	"Tue",
-	"Wed",
-	"Thu",
-	"Fri",
-	"Sat",
-static char	*months[]	=
-	"Jan",
-	"Feb",
-	"Mar",
-	"Apr",
-	"May",
-	"Jun",
-	"Jul",
-	"Aug",
-	"Sep",
-	"Oct",
-	"Nov",
-	"Dec",
-typedef struct zone	zone;
-struct zone
-	char	*name;
-	int	offset;
-static zone	zones[]	=
-	{ "UT",		ZONE_HOUR(0) },		/* UTC */
-	{ "GMT",	ZONE_HOUR(0) },		/* GMT */
-	/* North American */
-	{ "EST",	ZONE_HOUR(-5) },
-	{ "EDT",	ZONE_HOUR(-4) },
-	{ "CST",	ZONE_HOUR(-6) },
-	{ "CDT",	ZONE_HOUR(-5) },
-	{ "MST",	ZONE_HOUR(-7) },
-	{ "MDT",	ZONE_HOUR(-6) },
-	{ "PST",	ZONE_HOUR(-8) },
-	{ "PDT",	ZONE_HOUR(-7) },
-	/* Military */
-	{ "A",		ZONE_HOUR(-1) },
-	{ "B",		ZONE_HOUR(-2) },
-	{ "C",		ZONE_HOUR(-3) },
-	{ "D",		ZONE_HOUR(-4) },
-	{ "E",		ZONE_HOUR(-5) },
-	{ "F",		ZONE_HOUR(-6) },
-	{ "G",		ZONE_HOUR(-7) },
-	{ "H",		ZONE_HOUR(-8) },
-	{ "I",		ZONE_HOUR(-9) },
-	{ "K",		ZONE_HOUR(-10) },
-	{ "L",		ZONE_HOUR(-11) },
-	{ "M",		ZONE_HOUR(-12) },
-	{ "N",		ZONE_HOUR(1) },
-	{ "O",		ZONE_HOUR(2) },
-	{ "P",		ZONE_HOUR(3) },
-	{ "Q",		ZONE_HOUR(4) },
-	{ "R",		ZONE_HOUR(5) },
-	{ "S",		ZONE_HOUR(6) },
-	{ "T",		ZONE_HOUR(7) },
-	{ "U",		ZONE_HOUR(8) },
-	{ "V",		ZONE_HOUR(9) },
-	{ "X",		ZONE_HOUR(10) },
-	{ "Y",		ZONE_HOUR(11) },
-	{ "Z",		ZONE_HOUR(0) },
- * Case independent strcmp().
- */
-strcasecmp(char *s1, char *s2)
-	while (*s1 != '\0')
-	{
-		int	c1;
-		int	c2;
-		if (*s1 != *s2 && (c1 = tolower(*s1)) != (c2 = tolower(*s2)))
-			return c1 < c2 ? -1 : 1;
-		s1++;
-		s2++;
-	}
-	return 0;
- *	Return the offset in minutes from GMT.
- */
-static int
-long	t;
-	register int		minutes;		
-	register struct tm	*gmtp;
-	register struct tm	*localp;
-	register int		day;
-	struct tm		gmt;
-	bcopy((char *)gmtime(&t), (char *)&gmt, sizeof gmt);
-	localp = localtime(&t);
-	gmtp = &gmt;
-	if (gmtp->tm_year == localp->tm_year)
-	{
-		if (gmtp->tm_yday == localp->tm_yday)
-			day = 0;
-		else if (gmtp->tm_yday < localp->tm_yday)
-			day = 1;
-		else
-			day = -1;
-	}
-	else if (gmtp->tm_year < localp->tm_year)
-		day = 1;
-	else
-		day = -1;
-	return (localp->tm_hour + day * 24) * 60 + localp->tm_min - gmtp->tm_hour * 60 - gmtp->tm_min;
- *	Returns the date in the correct format.
- */
-static char	*
-date_str(t, tp)
-long			t;
-register struct tm	*tp;
-	register int		hours;
-	register int		minutes;		
-	int			east;
-	static char		date[64];
-	static char		zone_name[9];
-	extern char		*strcpy();
-	if ((minutes = gmt_offset(t)) < 0)
-	{
-		minutes = -minutes;
-		east = 0;
-	}
-	else
-		east = 1;
-	hours = minutes / 60;
-	minutes %= 60;
-	if (hours != 0 || minutes != 0)
-		sprintf(zone_name, "%c%02d%02d", east ? RFC_SPEC_PLUS : RFC_SPEC_MINUS, hours, minutes);
-	else
-		(void)strcpy(zone_name, RFC_STR_GMT);
-	if (tp == (struct tm *)0)
-		tp = localtime(&t);
-	sprintf
-	(
-		date,
-		"%s%c%c%2d%c%s%c%d%c%02d%c%02d%c%02d%c%s",
-		days[tp->tm_wday],
-		RFC_LWSP_1,
-		tp->tm_mday,
-		RFC_LWSP_1,
-		months[tp->tm_mon],
-		RFC_LWSP_1,
-		tp->tm_year + YEAR_OFFSET,
-		RFC_LWSP_1,
-		tp->tm_hour,
-		tp->tm_min,
-		tp->tm_sec,
-		RFC_LWSP_1,
-		zone_name
-	);
-	return newstr(date);
- *	Returns the date in the correct format.
- */
-char	*
-long	t;
-	return date_str(t, (struct tm *)0);
- *	Is this char a digit?
- */
-register char	c;
-	return c >= '0' && c <= '9';
- *	Return the numeric value of a two digit ASCII sequence.
- */
-static char	*
-two_digits(c, s, ip)
-char		c;
-register char	*s;
-register int	*ip;
-	register int	i;
-	if (*s++ != c || !digit(*s))
-		return NULLSTR;
-	i = *s++ - '0';
-	i *= 10;
-	if (!digit(*s))
-		return NULLSTR;
-	i += *s++ - '0';
-	*ip = i;
-	return s;
- *	Take a UNIX date and return it's RFC 822 representation.
- */
-char	*
-register char	*s;
-	register struct tm	*tp;
-	register char		**n;
-	struct tm		now;
-	extern long		time();
-	int			year;
-	tp = &now;
-	n = days;
-	for (;;)
-	{
-		if (*n == NULLSTR)
-			goto disaster;
-		if (strncmp(s, *n, 3) == 0)
-		{
-			tp->tm_wday = n - days;
-			break;
-		}
-		n++;
-	}
-	s += 3;
-	if (*s++ != ' ')
-		goto disaster;
-	n = months;
-	for (;;)
-	{
-		if (*n == NULLSTR)
-			goto disaster;
-		if (strncmp(s, *n, 3) == 0)
-		{
-			tp->tm_mon = n - months;
-			break;
-		}
-		n++;
-	}
-	s += 3;
-	if (*s != ' ')
-		goto disaster;
-	if (digit(*++s))
-	{
-		if ((s = two_digits(' ', --s, &tp->tm_mday)) == NULLSTR)
-			goto disaster;
-	}
-	else if (*s++ == ' ')
-		tp->tm_mday = *s++ - '0';
-	else
-		goto disaster;
-	if ((s = two_digits(' ', s, &tp->tm_hour)) == NULLSTR)
-		goto disaster;
-	if ((s = two_digits(':', s, &tp->tm_min)) == NULLSTR)
-		goto disaster;
-	if (*s == ':')
-	{
-		if ((s = two_digits(':', s, &tp->tm_sec)) == NULLSTR)
-			goto disaster;
-	}
-	else if (*s == ' ')
-		tp->tm_sec = 0;
-	else
-		goto disaster;
-	while (*s != '\0')
-		s++;
-	if (!digit(*--s) || !digit(*--s) || !digit(*--s) || !digit(*--s))
-		goto disaster;
-	year = 0;
-        while (*s != '\0')
-		year = year * 10 + *s++ - '0';
-	tp->tm_year = year - YEAR_OFFSET;
-	return date_str(time((long *)0), tp);
-	return rfc_date(time((long *)0));
- *	Make up a message id from the:
- *
- *		date
- *		pid
- *		box
- *		id
- *		host
- *		domain
- */
-char	*
-rfc_message_id(t, cf, box, id)
-long		t;
-register conf	*cf;
-char		*box;
-char		*id;
-	register struct tm	*tp;
-	char			*mid;
-	tp = localtime(&t);
-	mid = salloc
-	(
-		1 +				/* Left angle bracket */
-		10 + 1 +			/* Date  */
-		10 + 1 +			/* Worst case 32 bit pids  */
-		strlen(box) + 1 +		/* box */
-		strlen(id) + 1 +		/* message id */
-		strlen(cf->c_address) + 1 +	/* address */
-		1 +				/* Right angle bracket */
-		1				/* nul */
-	);
-	sprintf
-	(
-		mid,
-		"%c%d%02d%02d%02d%02d%c%d%c%s%c%s%c%s%c",
-		tp->tm_year + YEAR_OFFSET,
-		tp->tm_mon + 1,
-		tp->tm_mday,
-		tp->tm_hour,
-		tp->tm_min,
-		getpid(),
-		box,
-		id,
-		cf->c_address,
-	);
-	return mid;
- *	Case independant header comparison allowing LWSP
- *	between header and ':'.
- */
-rfc_hdr_cmp(s, h)
-register char	*s;
-register char	*h;
-	register char	c;
-	register char	d;
-	for (;;)
-	{
-		if (*s == '\0')
-			return 0;
-		if (*h == RFC_SPEC_COLON)
-		{
-			while (*s == RFC_LWSP_1 || *s == RFC_LWSP_2)
-				s++;
-			return *s == RFC_SPEC_COLON;
-		}
-		if (*s != *h)
-		{
-			if ((c = *s) >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
-				c = c - 'A' + 'a';
-			if ((d = *h) >= 'A' && d <= 'Z')
-				d = d - 'A' + 'a';
-			if (c != d)
-				return 0;
-		}
-		s++;
-		h++;
-	}
- *	Determine whether a string starts with an RFC 822 header.
- */
-char	*s;
-	register char	*p;
-	/*
-	 *	1*<any CHAR, excluding CTLs, space and ":">
-	 */
-	p = s;
-	do
-	{
-		if (*p <= RFC_LWSP_1 || *p == '\177')
-		{
-			if
-			(
-				(*p != RFC_LWSP_1 && *p != RFC_LWSP_2)
-				||
-				p == s
-			)
-				return 0;
-			break;
-		}
-		if (*p == RFC_SPEC_COLON)
-		{
-			if (p == s)
-				return 0;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-		while (*p++ != '\0');
-	/*
-	 *	1*<LWSP> ":"
-	 */
-	do
-	{
-		if (*p == RFC_SPEC_COLON)
-			return 1;
-	}
-		while ((*p == RFC_LWSP_1 || *p == RFC_LWSP_2) && *p++ != '\0');
-	return 0;
- *	Determine whether a string is an RFC 822 weekday.
- */
-rfc_weekday(char *s)
-	char	**d;
-	for (d = days; *d != NULLSTR; d++)
-	{
-		if (strcasecmp(*d, s) == 0)
-			return d - days;
-	}
-	return -1;
- *	Determine whether a string is an RFC 822 month.
- */
-rfc_month(char *s)
-	char	**m;
-	for (m = months; *m != NULLSTR; m++)
-	{
-		if (strcasecmp(*m, s) == 0)
-			return m - months;
-	}
-	return -1;
- *	Return a 4DIGIT local differential in minutes for an RFC 822 zone.
- */
-static int
-diff(char *s, int west)
-	int	m;
-	int	n;
-	m = 0;
-	n = 0;
-	for (;;)
-	{
-		if (*s == '\0')
-		{
-			if (n != 4)
-				break;
-			return west ? m : -m;
-		}
-		if (!isdigit(*s) || n >= 4)
-			break;
-		m = m * 10 + *s - '0';
-		n++;
-	}
-	return ZONE_HOUR(24);
- *	Return an offset in minutes for an RFC 822 zone.
- */
-rfc_zone(char *s)
-	zone	*z;
-	int	west;
-	west = 1;
-	/* optional +/- ? */
-	switch (*s)
-	{
-		west = 0;
-		return diff(&s[1], west);
-	}
-	for (z = zones; z->name != NULLSTR; z++)
-	{
-		if (strcasecmp(z->name, s) == 0)
-			break;
-	}
-	return z->offset;
//GO.SYSIN DD rfc.c
echo run.c
sed 's/.//' >run.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD run.c'
- *	Fork/exec an argument vector using sh(1).
- */
-#ifndef	lint
-static char	sccsid[]	= "@(#)run.c	1.30";
-#endif	lint
-#include	<signal.h>
-#include	"mace.h"
-register char	*argv[];
-	register int	i;
-	register int	pid;
-	register char	*x;
-	int		status;
-	SIG_RET		(*int_sig)();
-	SIG_RET		(*quit_sig)();
-	switch (pid = fork())
-	{
-	case SYSERROR:
-		could_not("fork", argv[0]);
-	case 0:
-		x = defenv(ENV_SHELL, DEF_SHELL);
-		execl(x, basename(x), "-c", splice(argv, " "), NULLSTR);
-		could_not("exec", argv[0]);
-	default:
-		break;
-	}
-	int_sig = signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
-	quit_sig = signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN);
-	while ((i = wait(&status)) != pid)
-	{
-		if (i == SYSERROR)
-		{
-			status = SYSERROR;
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	signal(SIGINT, int_sig);
-	signal(SIGQUIT, quit_sig);
-	return status;
//GO.SYSIN DD run.c
echo string.c
sed 's/.//' >string.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD string.c'
- *	String routines.
- */
-#ifndef	lint
-static char	sccsid[]	= "@(#)string.c	1.32";
-#endif	lint
-#include	"mace.h"
-char	*
-concat(s1, s2)
-char	*s1;
-char	*s2;
-	register int	l;
-	register char	*s;
-	extern char	*strcpy();
-	extern char	*strcat();
-	l = strlen(s1) + strlen(s2) + 1;
-	s = salloc(l);
-	(void)strcat(strcpy(s, s1), s2);
-	return s;
-char	*
-concat3(s1, s2, s3)
-char	*s1;
-char	*s2;
-char	*s3;
-	register int	l;
-	register char	*s;
-	extern char	*strcpy();
-	extern char	*strcat();
-	l = strlen(s1) + strlen(s2) + strlen(s3) + 1;
-	s = salloc(l);
-	(void)strcat(strcat(strcpy(s, s1), s2), s3);
-	return s;
-char	*
-register char	*s;
-	extern char	*strcpy();
-	return strcpy(salloc(strlen(s) + 1), s);
-char	*
-register char	*s;
-	register char	*p;
-	extern char	*strrchr();
-	if ((p = strrchr(s, '/')) == NULLSTR || *++p == '\0')
-		p = s;
-	return p;
-char	*
-splice(v, s)
-register char	*v[];
-register char	*s;
-	register char	*p;
-	register char	*q;
-	register int	i;
-	register int	len;
-	char		*r;
-	len = 0;
-	for (i = 0; v[i] != NULLSTR; i++)
-		len += strlen(v[i]);
-	len += strlen(s) * (i - 1) + 1;
-	p = r = salloc(len + 1);
-	for (i = 0; (q = v[i]) != NULLSTR; i++)
-	{
-		while ((*p++ = *q++) != '\0')
-			;
-		p--;
-		if (v[i + 1] != NULLSTR)
-		{
-			for (q = s; (*p++ = *q) != '\0'; q++)
-				;
-			p--;
-		}
-	}
-	*p = '\0';
-	return r;
-char	*
-strstr(s, t)
-register char	*s;
-register char	*t;
-	register char	*p;
-	extern char	*strchr();
-	while (*t != '\0')
-	{
-		if ((p = strchr(s, *t++)) != NULLSTR)
-			return p;
-	}
-	return NULLSTR;
//GO.SYSIN DD string.c
echo sysmess.c
sed 's/.//' >sysmess.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD sysmess.c'
- *	System error messages.
- */
-#ifndef	lint
-static char	sccsid[]	= "@(#)sysmess.c	1.30";
-#endif	lint
-char	*
-	extern int	errno;
-	extern int	sys_nerr;
-	extern char	*sys_errlist[];
-	return errno <= 0 || errno > sys_nerr ? "Unknown error" : sys_errlist[errno];
//GO.SYSIN DD sysmess.c
echo tn.c
sed 's/.//' >tn.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD tn.c'
- *	Message true names (ie. indexes).
- */
-#ifndef	lint
-static char	sccsid[]	= "@(#)tn.c	1.30";
-#endif	lint
-#include	"mace.h"
-mess_index(m, s)
-register mbox	*m;
-register char	*s;
-	register msg_idx	i;
-	register msg_idx	j;
-	register msg_idx	k;
-	i = 0;
-	k = m->m_count - 1;
-	while (k >= i)
-	{
-		register int	c;
-		j = i + (k - i) / 2;
-		if ((c = strcmp(s, m->m_list[j])) == 0)
-			return j;
-		if (c > 0)
-			i = j + 1;
-		else
-			k = j - 1;
-	}
-	return NULLMSG;
//GO.SYSIN DD tn.c
echo tty.c
sed 's/.//' >tty.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD tty.c'
- * @(#)tty.c	1.1
- *
- * Horrible system dependent tty routines.
- */
-#include	"mace.h"
-#include	<termios.h>
- * Is echo on?
- */
-ttyechoing(int fd)
-	struct termios	t;
-	if (tcgetattr(fd, &t) == SYSERROR)
-		return SYSERROR;
-	return (t.c_lflag & ECHO) != 0;
- * Turn echo off/on?
- */
-ttyecho(int fd, int on)
-	struct termios	t;
-	if (tcgetattr(fd, &t) == SYSERROR)
-		return SYSERROR;
-	if (on)
-		t.c_lflag |= ECHO;
-	else
-		t.c_lflag &= ~ECHO;
-	return tcsetattr(fd, TCSADRAIN, &t);
//GO.SYSIN DD tty.c
echo vec.c
sed 's/.//' >vec.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD vec.c'
- *	Dynamic vector of strings.
- */
-#ifndef	lint
-static char	sccsid[]	= "@(#)vec.c	1.31";
-#endif	lint
-#include	"mace.h"
-vec_init(v, n)
-register vec	*v;
-register int	n;
-	v->v_count = 0;
-	v->v_size = v->v_incr = n;
-	v->v_list = (char **)salloc(n * sizeof(char *));
-char	*
-vec_str(v, s)
-register vec	*v;
-register char	*s;
-	if (v->v_count == v->v_size)
-		v->v_list = (char **)srealloc((char *)v->v_list, (int)(v->v_size += v->v_incr) * sizeof(char *));
-	v->v_list[v->v_count++] = s;	
-	return s;
-char	*
-vec_cat(v, s)
-register vec	*v;
-register char	*s;
-	if (v->v_count != 0)
-	{
-		register char	*p;
-		if (v->v_list[v->v_count - 1] != NULLSTR)
-		{
-			p = concat(v->v_list[v->v_count - 1], s);
-			(void)free(v->v_list[v->v_count - 1]);
-			(void)free(s);
-		}
-		else
-			p = s;
-		return v->v_list[v->v_count - 1] = p;
-	}
-	else
-		return vec_str(v, s);
-register vec	*v;
-	register int	i;
-	for (i = 0; i < v->v_count; i++)
-	{
-		if (v->v_list[i] != NULLSTR)
-			(void)free(v->v_list[i]);
-	}
-	v->v_count = 0;
-	v->v_size = 0;
-	v->v_incr = 0;
-	(void)free((char *)v->v_list);
//GO.SYSIN DD vec.c
echo writefile.c
sed 's/.//' >writefile.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD writefile.c'
- *	Write a string to a file (adding a newline).
- */
-#ifndef	lint
-static char	sccsid[]	= "@(#)writefile.c	1.30";
-#endif	lint
-#include	"mace.h"
-write_file(f, s)
-register char	*f;
-register char	*s;
-	register int	fd;
-	register int	l;
-	int		ok;
-	if ((fd = creat(f, CREAT_MODE)) == SYSERROR)
-		return 1;
-	l = strlen(s);
-	s[l] = '\n';
-	ok = 0;
-	if (write(fd, s, l + 1) != l + 1)
-		ok = 1;
-	if (close(fd) == SYSERROR)
-		ok = 1;
-	s[l] = '\0';
-	return ok;
//GO.SYSIN DD writefile.c
echo bundle
sed 's/.//' >bundle <<'//GO.SYSIN DD bundle'
-# @(#)bundle	1.1
-# bundle file ...
-# Plan 9 bundle; a simple shell archiver.
-echo '# To unbundle, run this file'
-for i
-	echo echo "$i"
-	echo "sed 's/.//' >$i <<'//GO.SYSIN DD $i'"
-	sed 's/^/-/' "$i"
-	echo "//GO.SYSIN DD $i"
//GO.SYSIN DD bundle
echo mal
sed 's/.//' >mal <<'//GO.SYSIN DD mal'
-# @(#)mal	1.2
-# mal +box ...
-# Mail aliasing based on a box's .proto 
-myname="`basename \"$0\"`"
-case $# in
-	echo "usage: $myname ${bchar}box ..." 1>&2
-	exit 1
-	;;
-# find mail directory
-if [ ! -r "$dir" ]
-	echo "$myname: Could not read '$dir'." 1>&2
-	exit 1
-mdir="`cat \"$dir\"`"
-case "$mdir" in
-	echo "$myname: '$dir' empty." 1>&2
-	exit 1
-	;;
-	# absolute pathname, ok
-	;;
-	# relative pathname, so prepend $HOME
-	mdir="$HOME/$mdir"
-	;;
-for b
-	# use box to verify box name, but the usage message is a bit weird
-	if box -l "$b" > /dev/null
-	then
-		case "$b" in
-		${bchar}*)
-			# slice off leading ${bchar}
-			b="`expr \"$b\" : \"^${bchar}\(.*\)$\"`"
-			;;
-		esac
-		# snarf To:/Cc:/Bcc:
-		sed -n \
-			-e '/^[Tt][Oo][ 	]*:[ 	]*/s///p' \
-			-e '/^[Cc][Cc][ 	]*:[ 	]*/s///p' \
-			-e '/^[Bb][Cc][Cc][ 	]*:[ 	]*/s///p' \
-			"$mdir/$b/$proto" 2> /dev/null
-	fi
-done | sed -e '$n' -e 's/$/,/'			# insert , between addresses
echo box.c
sed 's/.//' >box.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD box.c'
- *	box [ -acdilmorst ] [ +box... ]
- *
- *	Box specific stuff
- */
-#ifndef	lint
-static char	sccsid[]	= "@(#)box.c	1.37";
-#endif	lint
-#include	<stdio.h>
-#include	<sys/types.h>
-#include	<sys/stat.h>
-#include	"mace.h"
-#include	"line.h"
-#include	"message.h"
-#include	"headers.h"
-#include	"regexp.h"
-#include	"conf.h"
-int		rev	= 0;		/* reverse scan */
-int		show_to	= 0;		/* show the "To:" field */
-int		current	= 0;		/* just show the current message */
-int		inbox	= 0;		/* show the `incoming' box */
-int		outbox	= 0;		/* show the `outgoing' box */
-box_cmp(m1, m2)
-register char	**m1;
-register char	**m2;
-	return strcmp(*m1, *m2);
-register char	**v;
-	while (*v != NULLSTR)
-		printf("%c%s\n", BOX_CHAR, *v++);
-	return 0;
-register char	**v;
-	int	ok;
-	ok = 0;
-	while (*v != NULLSTR)
-	{
-		register char	*p;
-		if ((p = create_box(*v)) == NULLSTR)
-		{
-			would_not("create", *v);
-			ok = 1;
-		}
-		else
-			(void)free(p);
-		v++;
-	}		
-	return ok;
-register char	**v;
-	int	ok;
-	ok = 0;
-	while (*v != NULLSTR)
-	{
-		if (delete_box(*v))
-			ok = 1;
-		v++;
-	}		
-	return ok;
-register char	**v;
-	int	ok;
-	ok = 0;
-	while (*v != NULLSTR)
-	{
-		register mbox	*m;
-		register int	i;
-		if ((m = read_box(*v)) == NULLBOX)
-		{
-			would_not("read", *v);
-			ok = 1;
-			v++;
-			continue;
-		}
-		printf("%c%-20s", BOX_CHAR, m->m_name);
-		if (m->m_messid == NULLSTR)
-		{
-			for (i = 0; i < ID_LEN; i++)
-				putchar('?');
-		}
-		else
-			printf("%s", m->m_messid);
-		if (m->m_count != 0)
-			printf(" %4d %s", m->m_count, m->m_count == 1 ? "message" : "messages");
-		else
-			printf("      empty");
-		putchar('\n');
-		v++;
-		(void)free_box(m);
-	}
-	return ok;
-register char	**v;
-	return set_box(v[0]);
-register mbox	*mb;
-	register message	*mp;
-	register int		i;
-	register int		j;
-	register int		id;
-	int			errs;
-	errs = 0;
-	if (current)
-	{
-		if (mb->m_current == NULLMSG)
-		{
-			fprintf(stderr, "%s: No current message in \"%s\".\n", my_name, mb->m_name);
-			return 1;
-		}
-		i = mb->m_current;
-		j = i + 1;
-		rev = 0;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		i = 0;
-		j = mb->m_count;
-	}
-	while (i < j)
-	{
-		if ((mp = read_mess(mb, mb->m_list[id = rev ? mb->m_count - (i + 1): i])) != NULLMESS)
-		{
-			print_summary(mb->m_name, mp->ms_messid, &mp->ms_headers.v_list[0], id == mb->m_current, mp->ms_copies, show_to || (mp->ms_state & MESG_SENT) != 0, mp->ms_state);
-			free_mess(mp);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			would_not("read message", mb->m_list[id]);
-			errs = 1;
-		}
-		i++;
-	}
-	return errs;
-register char	**v;
-	register char	**n;
-	register mbox	*mb;
-	register int	errs;
-	errs = 0;
-	for (n = v; *n != NULLSTR; n++)
-	{
-		register char	*p;
-		if ((mb = read_box(p = *n)) == NULLBOX)
-		{
-			would_not("read", p);
-			errs = 1;
-		}
-		else if (analyse(mb))
-			errs = 1;
-		free_box(mb);
-	}
-	return errs;
-validate(v, tp)
-register char	**v;
-register char	**tp;
-	register char	**n;
-	for (n = v; *n != NULLSTR; n++)
-	{
-		register char	*p;
-		if ((p = check_box(*n)) != NULLSTR)
-		{
-			*v++ = *n;
-			(void)free(p);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			fprintf(stderr, "%s: \"%s\" is not a box.\n", my_name, *n);
-			if (*tp != NULLSTR && strcmp(*tp, *n) == 0)
-				*tp = NULLSTR;
-		}
-	}
-	*v = NULLSTR;
-	fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [ -acdilmorst ] [ [%c]%cbox... ]\n", my_name, BOX_CHAR, BOX_CHAR);
-	exit(1);
- *	Choose the current box, `incoming', or `outgoing'.
- */
-char	*
-	register char	*p;
-	if (inbox && outbox)
-	{
-		usage();
-	}
-	if (inbox || outbox)
-	{
-		register conf	*cp;
-		cp = read_config();
-		return newstr(inbox ? cp->c_inbox : cp->c_outbox);
-	}
-	if ((p = curr_box()) == NULLSTR)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: No current box.\n", my_name);
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	return newstr(p);
-main(argc, argv)
-register char	argc;
-register char	*argv[];
-	register int	i;
-	register int	j;
-	int		all;
-	vec		bvec;
-	char		*target;
-	int		(*action)();
-	name(argv[0]);
-	action = show;
-	all = 0;
-	target = NULLSTR;
-	vec_init(&bvec, argc);
-	for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
-	{
-		j = 0;
-		if (argv[i][j] == BOX_CHAR)
-		{
-			register char	*p;
-			p = &argv[i][1];
-			if (*p == BOX_CHAR)
-			{
-				if (target != NULLSTR)
-				{
-					usage();
-					/* NOTREACHED */
-				}
-				target = ++p;
-			}
-			if (*p == '\0')
-			{
-				usage();
-				/* NOTREACHED */
-			}
-			vec_str(&bvec, newstr(p));
-			continue;
-		}
-		if (argv[i][j++] != '-')
-		{
-			usage();
-			/* NOTREACHED */
-		}
-		while (argv[i][j] != '\0')
-		{
-			switch (argv[i][j++])
-			{
-			case 'a':
-				all = 1;
-				continue;
-			case 'c':
-				if (action != show)
-				{
-					usage();
-					/* NOTREACHED */
-				}
-				action = create;
-				continue;
-			case 'd':
-				if (action != show)
-				{
-					usage();
-					/* NOTREACHED */
-				}
-				action = delete;
-				continue;
-			case 'i':
-				inbox = 1;
-				continue;
-			case 'l':
-				if (action != show)
-				{
-					usage();
-					/* NOTREACHED */
-				}
-				action = list;
-				continue;
-			case 'm':
-				current = 1;
-				goto set_scan;
-			case 'o':
-				outbox = 1;
-				continue;
-			case 'r':
-				rev = 1;
-				goto set_scan;
-			case 't':
-				show_to = 1;
-				goto set_scan;
-			case 's':
-			set_scan:
-				if (action != show && action != scan)
-				{
-					usage();
-					/* NOTREACHED */
-				}
-				action = scan;
-				continue;
-			default:
-				usage();
-				/* NOTREACHED */
-			}
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	if (all && action == create)
-	{
-		usage();
-	}
-	if (rev && action != scan)
-	{
-		usage();
-	}
-	if (action == show)
-	{
-		if (bvec.v_count > 1)
-		{
-			usage();
-			/* NOTREACHED */
-		}
-		if (bvec.v_count == 1)
-			action = set;
-	}
-	if (all)
-	{
-		register char	**v;
-		if (bvec.v_count != 0)
-		{
-			usage();
-			/* NOTREACHED */
-		}
-		v = read_dir(mace_dir());
-		if (*v == NULLSTR)
-		{
-			fprintf(stderr, "%s: You have no boxes.\n", my_name);
-			exit(1);
-			/* NOTREACHED */
-		}
-		for (i = 0; v[i] != NULLSTR; i++)
-			;
-		qsort((char *)v, i, sizeof(*v), box_cmp);
-		while (*v != NULLSTR)
-			vec_str(&bvec, *v++);
-	}
-	else if (bvec.v_count == 0)
-		vec_str(&bvec, select_box());
-	vec_str(&bvec, NULLSTR);
-	if (action != create)
-	{
-		validate(bvec.v_list, &target);
-		if (bvec.v_list[0] == NULLSTR)
-			exit(1);
-	}
-	else
-		(*action)(bvec.v_list);
-	if
-	(
-		(target != NULLSTR && set_box(target))
-		||
-		(action != create && (*action)(bvec.v_list))
-	)
-	{
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	exit(0);
//GO.SYSIN DD box.c
echo com.c
sed 's/.//' >com.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD com.c'
- *	com | rep | fwd [ -si ] [ +box ] [ message ]
- *
- *	Message composition, reply and forwarding.
- */
-#ifndef	lint
-static char	sccsid[]	= "%W%";
-#endif	lint
-#include	"mace.h"
-#include	"line.h"
-#include	"message.h"
-#include	"headers.h"
-#include	"regexp.h"
-#include	"conf.h"
-#include	"addr.h"
-#include	<sys/types.h>
-#include	<sys/stat.h>
-#include	<stdio.h>
-vec		to;
-vec		cc;
-char		*subject	= NULLSTR;
-char		*message_id	= NULLSTR;
-char		*my_address	= NULLSTR;
-match		*removeit	= (match *)0;
-int		external	= 0;
-int		sender		= 0;
-int		include_current	= 0;
-int		replying	= 0;
-char		*current;
-vec		refiled;
-find_msg(m, s)
-mbox	*m;
-char	*s;
-	msg_idx	i;
-	if (*s == '\0')
-	{
-		if (m->m_current == NULLMSG)
-			fprintf(stderr, "%s: No current message in \"%s\".\n", my_name, m->m_name);
-		return m->m_current;
-	}
-	if ((i = valid_id(s) ? mess_index(m, s) : mess_alias(m, s)) == NULLMSG)
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: No such message qualifier as \"%s\".\n", my_name, s);
-	return i;
-mbox	*
-char	*id;
-	static mbox	*mb	= NULLBOX;
-	msg_idx		idx;
-	char		*box;
-	if (mb != NULLBOX)
-		return mb;
-	if ((box = curr_box()) == NULLSTR)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: No current box.\n", my_name);
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	if ((mb = read_box(box)) == NULLBOX)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Box \"%s\" does not exist.\n", my_name, box);
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	(void)free(box);
-	if (id != NULLSTR)
-	{
-		if ((idx = find_msg(mb, id)) == NULLMSG)
-		{
-			exit(1);
-			/* NOTREACHED */
-		}
-		mb->m_current = idx;
-		mb->m_messid = mb->m_list[idx];
-		(void)set_current(mb->m_name, mb->m_messid);
-	}
-	if (mb->m_current == NULLMSG)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: No current message in \"%s\".\n", my_name, mb->m_name);
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	return mb;
-char	*id;
-	mbox	*mb;
-	char	*msg;
-	int	fd;
-	mb = current_box(id);
-	msg = concat3(mb->m_path, "/", mb->m_messid);
-	if ((fd = open(msg, O_RD)) == SYSERROR)
-	{
-		could_not("open", msg);
-	}
-	current = msg;
-	return fd;
- *	Compare two addresses.
- */
-same_address(a, b)
-char	*a;
-char	*b;
-	for (;;)
-	{
-		char	c;
-		char	d;
-		if (*a != *b)
-		{
-			if (*a == '\0')
-				return (c = *b) == RFC_SPEC_PERCENT || c == RFC_SPEC_AT || c == RFC_SPEC_DOT;
-			if (*b == '\0')
-				return (c = *a) == RFC_SPEC_PERCENT || c == RFC_SPEC_AT || c == RFC_SPEC_DOT;
-			if ((c = *a) >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
-				c = c - 'A' + 'a';
-			if ((d = *b) >= 'A' && d <= 'Z')
-				d = d - 'A' + 'a';
-			if (c != d)
-				return 0;
-		}
-		else if (*a == '\0')
-			return 1;
-		a++;
-		b++;
-	}
- *	Add to a list of recipients after removing self.
- */
-add_recipient(vp, s)
-vec	*vp;
-char	*s;
-	char	*p;
-	Addr	*ap;
-	Addr		*addrs;
-	if ((p = parse_address(&addrs, s)) != NULLSTR)
-	{
-		/*
-		 * If the address has a syntax error add the raw text.
-		 */
-		vec_str(vp, newstr(s));
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: warning: \"%s\" %s.\n", my_name, s, p);
-		return;
-	}
-	for (ap = addrs; ap != (Addr *)0; ap = ap->next)
-	{
-		/*
-		 *	This is hideous, but necessary until I fix the `group bug'.
-		 */
-		if (ap->group != NULLSTR)
-		{
-			if (ap->text != NULLSTR)
-				vec_str(vp, newstr(ap->text));
-			continue;
-		}
-		if (removeit != (match *)0)
-		{
-			if (regexec(removeit->m_cre, ap->text) == 0)
-			{
-				if (re_error != NULLSTR)
-					fprintf(stderr, "%s: Regular expression \"%s\" %s\n", my_name, removeit->m_re, re_error);
-				else
-					vec_str(vp, newstr(ap->text));
-			}
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			if (!same_address(my_address, p = make_address(ap)))
-				vec_str(vp, newstr(ap->text));
-			(void)free(p);
-		}
-	}
- *	Add multiple To: and Cc: lines to a list of recipients (removing self).
- */
-add_multiple(mbox *mb, vec *list, char **h, char *type)
-	while (*h != NULLSTR)
-	{
-		if (rfc_hdr_cmp(*h, type))
-		{
-			char	*ht;
-			if ((ht = header_text(*h)) == NULLSTR)
-			{
-				fprintf(stderr, "%s: Malformed \"%s\" line in \"%s\".\n", my_name, type, mb->m_messid);
-				exit(1);
-				/* NOTREACHED */
-			}
-			add_recipient(list, ht);
-		}
-		h++;
-	}
- * Add links to the message based on the boxes it it refiled in.
- */
-static void
-addlinks(char *box, char *id)
-	int	i;
-	for (i = 1; i < refiled.v_count; i++)
-	{
-		char	*a[6];
-		int	n;
-		int	s;
-		int	t;
-		/*
-		 * Use 'lnk' to avoid code duplication.
-		 */
-		n = 0;
-		a[n++] = LNK_STR;
-		a[s = n++] = concat(" ", box);
-		a[s][0] = BOX_CHAR;
-		a[n++] = id;
-		a[t = n++] = concat(" ", refiled.v_list[i]);
-		a[t][0] = BOX_CHAR;
-		a[n++] = NULLSTR;
-		run(a);
-		free(a[s]);
-		free(a[t]);
-	}
- * Create a list of boxes in which the message is refiled.
- */
-refile(char *inbox, message *m, match *re)
-	vec_str(&refiled, newstr(re->m_action));
-set_recipients(conf *cf, char * id)
-	message	*mp;
-	mbox		*mb;
-	char		**h;
-	char		*p;
-	char		*ht;
-	static char		lwsp_1[2] = { RFC_LWSP_1,	'\0' };
-	mb = current_box(id);
-	vec_init(&to, 64);
-	vec_init(&cc, 64);
-	if (mb->m_current == NULLMSG)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: No current message in \"%s\".\n", my_name, mb->m_name);
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	if ((mp = read_mess(mb, mb->m_messid)) == NULLMESS)
-	{
-		could_not("read", mb->m_name);
-	}
-	if
-	(
-		(h = find_header(&mp->ms_headers.v_list[0], p = RFC_REPLY_TO)) == (char **)NULLSTR
-		&&
-		(h = find_header(&mp->ms_headers.v_list[0], p = RFC_FROM)) == (char **)NULLSTR
-	)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Missing \"%s\" or \"%s\" line in \"%s\".\n", my_name, RFC_REPLY_TO, RFC_FROM, mb->m_messid);
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	if ((ht = header_text(*h)) == NULLSTR)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Malformed \"%s\" line in \"%s\".\n", my_name, p, mb->m_messid);
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	add_recipient(&to, ht);
-	add_multiple(mb, &to, &mp->ms_headers.v_list[0], RFC_TO);
-	add_multiple(mb, &cc, &mp->ms_headers.v_list[0], RFC_CC);
-	if
-	(
-		(h = find_header(&mp->ms_headers.v_list[0], RFC_SUBJECT)) != (char **)NULLSTR
-		&&
-		(subject = header_text(*h)) != NULLSTR
-		&&
-		rfc_hdr_cmp(subject, UNIX_REGARDING) == 0
-	)
-		subject = concat3(UNIX_REGARDING, lwsp_1, subject);
-	if ((h = find_header(&mp->ms_headers.v_list[0], RFC_MESSAGE_ID)) != (char **)NULLSTR)
-		message_id = header_text(*h);
-	if (subject != NULLSTR)
-		subject = newstr(subject);
-	if (message_id != NULLSTR)
-		message_id = newstr(message_id);
-	/*
-	 * Build a list of where there are refiled copies of the message.
-	 */
-	vec_init(&refiled, 64);
-	regex_apply(cf->c_inbox, mp, cf->c_refile, refile);
-	(void)free_mess(mp);
-tack_address(vp, ap)
-vec	*vp;
-vec	*ap;
-	int		i;
-	static char	sep[7]	=
-	{
-		'\n',
-		RFC_LWSP_1,
-		RFC_LWSP_1,
-		RFC_LWSP_1,
-		RFC_LWSP_1,
-		'\0'
-	};
-	for (i = 1; i < ap->v_count; i++)
-		vec_cat(vp, concat(sep, ap->v_list[i]));
-merge_headers(vp, h)
-vec	*vp;
-char	**h;
-	while (*h != NULLSTR)
-	{
-		char	**x;
-		if ((x = find_header(vp->v_list, *h)) != (char **)NULLSTR)
-		{
-			if (header_text(*h) != NULLSTR)
-			{
-				(void)free(*x);
-				*x = newstr(*h);
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				char	*p;
-				extern char	*strchr();
-				p = *x;
-				*x = concat(*h, strchr(p, RFC_SPEC_COLON) + 1);
-				(void)free(p);
-			}
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			vec_cat(vp, newstr(*h));
-			vec_str(vp, NULLSTR);
-		}
-		h++;
-	}
-msg_proto(vp, cf, mb, id)
-vec	*vp;
-conf	*cf;
-mbox		*mb;
-char		*id;
-	char		*p;
-	message		*pp;
-	static char	lwsp_1[2] = { RFC_LWSP_1,	'\0' };
-	static char	lwsp_2[2] = { RFC_LWSP_2,	'\0' };
-	static char	at[2]     = { RFC_SPEC_AT,	'\0' };
-	static char	dot[2]    = { RFC_SPEC_DOT,	'\0' };
-	static char	langle[2] = { RFC_SPEC_LANGLE,	'\0' };
-	static char	rangle[2] = { RFC_SPEC_RANGLE,	'\0' };
-	static char	comma[2]  = { RFC_SPEC_COMMA,	'\0' };
-	long		t;
-	vec_init(vp, 64);
-	time(&t);
-	vec_str(vp, concat(RFC_FROM, lwsp_1));
-	if (sender)
-		vec_str(vp, concat(RFC_SENDER, lwsp_1));
-	if ((p = user_name()) != NULLSTR)
-	{
-		vec_cat(vp, concat(p, lwsp_1));
-		vec_cat(vp, concat3(langle, my_address, rangle));
-	}
-	else
-		vec_cat(vp, my_address);
-	if (sender)
-		vec_str(vp, concat(RFC_REPLY_TO, lwsp_1));
-	vec_str(vp, concat(RFC_DATE, lwsp_1));
-	vec_cat(vp, rfc_date(t));
-	if (to.v_count > 0)
-	{
-		vec_str(vp, concat3(RFC_TO, lwsp_1, to.v_list[0]));
-		tack_address(vp, &to);
-	}
-	else
-		vec_str(vp, concat(RFC_TO, lwsp_1));
-	if (cc.v_count > 0)
-	{
-		vec_str(vp, concat3(RFC_CC, lwsp_1, cc.v_list[0]));
-		tack_address(vp, &cc);
-	}
-	else
-		vec_str(vp, concat(RFC_CC, lwsp_1));
-	vec_str(vp, concat(RFC_BCC, lwsp_1));
-	if (subject == NULLSTR)
-		vec_str(vp, concat(RFC_SUBJECT, lwsp_1));
-	else
-		vec_str(vp, concat3(RFC_SUBJECT, lwsp_1, subject));
-	if (message_id != NULLSTR)
-		vec_str(vp, concat3(RFC_IN_REPLY_TO, lwsp_1, message_id));
-	vec_str(vp, concat(RFC_MESSAGE_ID, lwsp_1));
-	vec_cat(vp, rfc_message_id(t, cf, mb->m_name, id));
-	vec_str(vp, NULLSTR);
-	/* global prototyping */
-	p = concat3(mace_dir(), "/", PROTO);
-	if ((pp = parse_file(p, 0)) != NULLMESS)
-	{
-		merge_headers(vp, pp->ms_headers.v_list);
-		free_mess(pp);
-	}
-	(void)free(p);
-	/* per box prototyping for composition */
-	if (!replying && (pp = read_mess(mb, PROTO)) != NULLMESS)
-	{
-		merge_headers(vp, pp->ms_headers.v_list);
-		free_mess(pp);
-	}
-	vec_cat(vp, newstr(""));
-	vec_str(vp, NULLSTR);
-interpolate(msg, fd, fp)
-char		*msg;
-int	fd;
-FILE	*fp;
-	char	*p;
-	lineio	ld;
-	(void)lopen(&ld, fd, LREAD);
-	if (fseek(fp, 0, 2) == 0)
-	{
-		while ((p = lread(&ld)) != NULLSTR && !ferror(fp))
-		{
-			fprintf(fp, "%s%s\n", *p == '\0' ? "" : FWD_LEADER, p);
-			(void)free(p);
-		}
-		if (!ferror(fp))
-			fprintf(fp, "\n");
-	}
-	else
-		would_not("seek on", msg);
-	if (lclose(&ld))
-	{
-		(void)close(fd);
-		(void)fclose(fp);
-		(void)unlink(msg);
-		could_not("read", current);
-	}
-	if (close(fd) == SYSERROR)
-	{
-		(void)fclose(fp);
-		(void)unlink(msg);
-		could_not("close", current);
-	}
-	if (ferror(fp))
-	{
-		(void)fclose(fp);
-		(void)unlink(msg);
-		could_not("write", msg);
-	}
-	if (fclose(fp) != 0)
-	{
-		(void)unlink(msg);
-		could_not("close", msg);
-	}
-conf	*cf;
-	static char	at[2]     = { RFC_SPEC_AT,	'\0' };
-	static char	dot[2]    = { RFC_SPEC_DOT,	'\0' };
-	my_address = concat3(user_id(), at, cf->c_address);
-	fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [ -is ] [ %cbox ] [ message ]\n", my_name, BOX_CHAR);
-	exit(1);
-main(argc, argv)
-int	argc;
-char	*argv[];
-	char	*s;
-	char	*box;
-	conf	*cf;
-	mbox	*mb;
-	int	i;
-	int		mfd;
-	FILE		*mfp;
-	char		*id;
-	char		*msg;
-	vec		args;
-	vec		proto;
-	int		ok;
-	name(argv[0]);
-	box = NULLSTR;
-	id = NULLSTR;
-	for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
-	{
-		int	j;
-		if (argv[i][j = 0] == BOX_CHAR)
-		{
-			if (box != NULLSTR)
-			{
-				usage();
-				/* NOTREACHED */
-			}
-			if (argv[i][1] == BOX_CHAR)
-				box = newstr(&argv[i][2]);
-			else
-				box = newstr(&argv[i][1]);
-			if (*box == '\0')
-			{
-				usage();
-				/* NOTREACHED */
-			}
-			continue;
-		}
-		if (argv[i][j++] != '-')
-		{
-			if (id != NULLSTR)
-			{
-				usage();
-				/* NOTREACHED */
-			}
-			id = newstr(argv[i]);
-			continue;
-		}
-		while (argv[i][j] != '\0')
-		{
-			switch (argv[i][j++])
-			{
-			case 'i':
-				include_current = 1;
-				continue;
-			case 'e':
-				external = 1;
-				continue;
-			case 's':
-				sender = 1;
-				continue;
-			default:
-				usage();
-				/* NOTREACHED */
-			}
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	mfd = SYSERROR;
-	if (strcmp(my_name, "com") == 0 && id != NULLSTR)
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Message id \"%s\" ignored.\n", my_name, id);
-	/*
-	 *	Construct the users' address.
-	 */
-	cf = read_config();
-	address(cf);
-	removeit = cf->c_remove;
-	if (strcmp(my_name, REP_STR) == 0)
-	{
-		replying = 1;
-		set_recipients(cf, id);
-	}
-	if (strcmp(my_name, FWD_STR) == 0 || include_current)
-		mfd = open_msg(id);
-	/*
-	 *	If the box isn't specified choose one.
-	 */
-	if (box == NULLSTR)
-	{
-		/*
-		 *	If this is a reply choose the box from the first
-		 *	of the boxes where the message is refiled.
-		 */
-		if (replying && refiled.v_count > 0)
-			box = refiled.v_list[0];
-		else
-		{
-			/*
-			 *	If the current box is "inbox" choose "outbox",
-			 *	otherwise use the current box.
-			 */
-			if ((box = curr_box()) == NULLSTR)
-			{
-				fprintf(stderr, "%s: No current box.\n", my_name);
-				exit(1);
-			}
-			if (strcmp(box, cf->c_inbox) == 0)
-				box = cf->c_outbox;
-		}
-	}
-	if ((mb = read_box(box)) == NULLBOX)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Box \"%s\" does not exist.\n", my_name, box);
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	if (mb->m_count == 0)
-		s = nextid(NULLSTR);
-	else
-		s = nextid(mb->m_list[mb->m_count - 1]);
-	msg_proto(&proto, cf, mb, s);
-	msg = concat3(mb->m_path, "/", s);
-	id = s;
-	if (mfd != SYSERROR && (mfp = fopen(msg, "w")) == NULL)
-	{
-		could_not("open", msg);
-	}
-	if (write_file(msg, s = splice(proto.v_list, "\n")))
-	{
-		(void)unlink(msg);
-		could_not("write", msg);
-	}
-	(void)free(s);
-	vec_free(&proto);
-	if (mfd != SYSERROR)
-		interpolate(msg, mfd, mfp);
-	/*
-	 * Add refiled links to this message.
-	 */
-	if (replying && refiled.v_count > 0)
-	{
-		addlinks(mb->m_name, id);
-		vec_free(&refiled);
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Invoke $EDITOR
-	 */
-	if (!external)
-	{
-		vec_init(&args, 4);
-		vec_str(&args, newstr(defenv(ENV_EDITOR, DEF_EDITOR)));
-		vec_str(&args, msg);
-		vec_str(&args, NULLSTR);
-		ok = run(args.v_list);
-	}
-	else
-		ok = 0;
-	if (set_state(msg, MESG_COMP))
-		ok = 1;
-	if (set_box(mb->m_name) || set_current(mb->m_name, id))
-		ok = 1;
-	exit(ok != 0);
-	return ok != 0;		/* shut up! */
//GO.SYSIN DD com.c
echo despool.c
sed 's/.//' >despool.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD despool.c'
- *	despool [ -delete ] [ -f mailfile ]
- *
- *	Mail despooler.
- *
- *	Prints mail on standard output and optionally removes it.
- */
-#ifndef	lint
-static char	sccsid[]	= "@(#)despool.c	1.31";
-#endif	lint
-#include	"mace.h"
-#include	<stdio.h>
-#include	<signal.h>
-#define	DELETE_STR	"-delete"
-int	sig;
-	signal(sig, SIG_IGN);
-	if (mail_locked())
-		mail_unlock(0);
-	exit(1);
-	fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [ %s ] [ -f mailfile ]\n", my_name, DELETE_STR);
-	exit(1);
-main(argc, argv)
-int	argc;
-char	*argv[];
-	register int	i;
-	register int	j;
-	register int	fd;
-	int		delete;
-	char		*mail;
-	char		buf[FS_BLKZ];
-	name(argv[0]);
-	mail = NULLSTR;
-	delete = 0;
-	for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
-	{
-		if (argv[i][0] != '-')
-		{
-			usage();
-			/* NOTREACHED */
-		}
-		j = 1;
-		while (argv[i][j] != '\0')
-		{
-			switch (argv[i][j++])
-			{
-			case 'd':
-				if (strcmp(argv[i], DELETE_STR) != 0)
-				{
-					usage();
-					/* NOTREACHED */
-				}
-				delete = 1;
-				break;
-			case 'f':
-				if (mail != NULLSTR)
-				{
-					usage();
-					/* NOTREACHED */
-				}
-				if (argv[i][j] != '\0')
-					mail = &argv[i][j];
-				else if (++i < argc)
-					mail = argv[i];
-				else
-				{
-					usage();
-					/* NOTREACHED */
-				}
-				break;
-			default:
-				usage();
-				/* NOTREACHED */
-			}
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	(void)signal(SIGHUP, terminate);
-	(void)signal(SIGINT, terminate);
-	(void)signal(SIGQUIT, terminate);
-	(void)signal(SIGPIPE, terminate);
-	(void)signal(SIGTERM, terminate);
-	if ((fd = mail_lock(&mail)) == SYSERROR)
-		exit(1);
-	for (;;)
-	{
-		register int	n;
-		switch (n = read(fd, buf, sizeof buf))
-		{
-		case SYSERROR:
-			would_not("read", mail);
-			exit(mail_unlock(0) != 0);
-			/* NOTREACHED */
-		case 0:
-			if (close(fd) == SYSERROR)
-			{
-				would_not("close", mail);
-				exit(mail_unlock(0) != 0);
-				/* NOTREACHED */
-			}
-			break;
-		default:
-			if (write(fileno(stdout), buf, n) != n)
-			{
-				would_not("write", "<stdout>");
-				exit(mail_unlock(0) != 0);
-				/* NOTREACHED */
-			}
-			continue;
-		}
-		break;
-	}
-	exit(mail_unlock(delete) != 0);
//GO.SYSIN DD despool.c
echo mace.c
sed 's/.//' >mace.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD mace.c'
- *	mace [ -dsu ] [ -f mailfile ]
- *
- *	Mace your mail-file & extract the mail.
- */
-#ifndef	lint
-static char	sccsid[]	= "@(#)mace.c	1.3";
-#endif	lint
-#include	<stdio.h>
-#include	<fcntl.h>
-#include	<errno.h>
-#include	<signal.h>
-#include	"mace.h"
-#include	"regexp.h"
-#include	"line.h"
-#include	"message.h"
-#include	"conf.h"
-#include	"headers.h"
-#include	"flex.h"
-typedef struct boxes	boxes;
-typedef struct matches	matches;
-struct boxes
-	mbox	*b_mbox;
-	char	*b_messid;
-	boxes	*b_next;
-struct matches
-	char	*me_box;
-	char	*me_messid;
-	char	*me_private;
-	matches	*me_next;
-int		just_unlock	= 0;	/* unlock the AUDIT trail */
-int		do_audit	= 1;	/* create an AUDIT trail */
-int		silent		= 0;	/* don't print the header lines */
-int		fail		= 0;
-matches		*cmds		= (matches *)0;
-mess_close(lp, id)
-register lineio	*lp;
-register char	*id;
-	if (lp->l_fd != SYSERROR)
-	{
-		if (lclose(lp))
-		{
-			fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning - \"%s\" may be incomplete. %s\n", my_name, id, sysmess());
-			fail = 1;
-		}
-		if (close(lp->l_fd) == SYSERROR)
-		{
-			would_not("close", id);
-			fail = 1;
-		}
-	}
-char	*
-new_mess(lp, mb)
-register lineio	*lp;
-register mbox	*mb;
-	register char	*id;
-	register char	*p;
-	register int	fd;
-	static int	first	= 1;
-	if (first)
-	{
-		if (mb->m_count == 0)
-			id = nextid(NULLSTR);
-		else
-			id = nextid(mb->m_list[mb->m_count - 1]);
-		(void)set_current(mb->m_name, id);
-		first = 0;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		id = nextid(mb->m_messid);
-		(void)free(mb->m_messid);
-	}
-	p = concat3(mb->m_path, "/", id);
-	if ((fd = creat(p, CREAT_MODE)) == SYSERROR)
-	{
-		lp->l_fd = SYSERROR;
-		lp->l_flag = LWRITE|LERROR;
-		fail = 1;
-		would_not("create", p);
-	}
-	else
-		(void)lopen(lp, fd, LWRITE);
-	(void)free(p);
-	return mb->m_messid = id;
- *	Maintain a cache (linked list) of boxes.
- */
-boxes	*
-register char	*s;
-	register boxes	*bp;
-	register mbox	*mb;
-	static boxes	*all	= (boxes *)0;
-	static boxes	**n	= &all;
-	for (bp = all; bp != (boxes *)0; bp = bp->b_next)
-	{
-		if (strcmp(bp->b_mbox->m_name, s) == 0)
-			return bp;
-	}
-	if ((mb = read_box(s)) == NULLBOX)
-		return (boxes *)0;
-	bp = (boxes *)salloc(sizeof *bp);
-	bp->b_mbox = mb;
-	bp->b_messid = mb->m_count ? newstr(mb->m_list[mb->m_count - 1]) : NULLSTR;
-	bp->b_next = (boxes *)0;
-	*n = bp;
-	n = &bp->b_next;
-	return bp;
- *	Link two messages together.
- */
-tag(box, id, target)
-char	*box;
-char	*id;
-char	*target;
-	register char	*curr;
-	register char	*msg;
-	register boxes	*bp;
-	register char	*p;
-	int		ok;
-	ok = 0;
-	if ((bp = get_box(target)) != (boxes *)0)
-	{
-		curr = concat3(mace_dir(), "/", p = concat3(box, "/", id));
-		(void)free(p);
-		msg = concat3(bp->b_mbox->m_path, "/", p = nextid(bp->b_messid));
-		if (bp->b_messid != NULLSTR)
-			(void)free(bp->b_messid);
-		bp->b_messid = p;
-		if (link(curr, msg) == -1)
-			would_not("link to", msg);
-		else
-			ok = 1;
-		(void)free(msg);
-		(void)free(curr);
-	}
-	else
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Could not save \"%s\" in \"%s\".  %s.\n", my_name, id, target, sysmess());
-	return ok;
- *	Match the regular expressions against the headers.
- *
- *	This should be replaced by the more general regex_match().
- */
-save(cf, box, id, hdrs)
-conf	*cf;
-char	*box;
-char	*id;
-char	**hdrs;
-	register char	**n;
-	register match	*mp;
-	int		hit;
-	hit = 0;
-	for (mp = cf->c_save; mp != (match *)0; mp = mp->m_next)
-	{
-		for (n = hdrs; *n != NULLSTR && **n != '\0'; n++)
-		{
-			re_error = NULLSTR;
-			if (regexec(mp->m_cre, *n) == 0)
-			{
-				if (re_error != NULLSTR)
-				{
-					fprintf(stderr, "%s: Regular expression \"%s\" %s\n", my_name, mp->m_re, re_error);
-					break;
-				}
-				continue;
-			}
-			if (tag(box, id, mp->m_action))
-				hit = 1;
-		}
-	}
-	return hit;
- *	Snarf away a regex match's private data.
- */
-add_match(mp, box, id, private)
-matches	**mp;
-char	*box;
-char	*id;
-char	*private;
-	matches	*p;
-	while (*mp != (matches *)0)
-		mp = &(*mp)->me_next;
-	*mp = p = (matches *)salloc(sizeof (matches));
-	p->me_box = newstr(box);
-	p->me_messid = newstr(id);
-	p->me_private = private;
-	p->me_next = (matches *)0;
- *	Match a list of regular expressions against a message's headers.
- */
-regex_match(mp, box, id, hdrs, mlp)
-match	*mp;
-char	*box;
-char	*id;
-char	**hdrs;
-matches	**mlp;
-	register char	**n;
-	while (mp != (match *)0)
-	{
-		for (n = hdrs; *n != NULLSTR && **n != '\0'; n++)
-		{
-			re_error = NULLSTR;
-			if (regexec(mp->m_cre, *n) == 0)
-			{
-				if (re_error != NULLSTR)
-				{
-					fprintf(stderr, "%s: Regular expression \"%s\" %s\n", my_name, mp->m_re, re_error);
-					break;
-				}
-				continue;
-			}
-			add_match(mlp, box, id, mp->m_action);
-		}
-		mp = mp->m_next;
-	}
- *	Take a list of matches and run the corresponding commands.
- */
-matches	**mp;
-	matches	*p;
-	int	fd;
-	lineio	l;
-	char	*av[2];
-	av[0] = defenv(ENV_SHELL, DEF_SHELL);
-	av[1] = NULLSTR;
-	if ((fd = pipe_execv(av, 'w')) == SYSERROR)
-	{
-		would_not("pipe to", av[0]);
-		return;
-	}
-	(void)lopen(&l, fd, LWRITE);
-	while ((p = *mp) != (matches *)0 && (l.l_flag & LERROR) == 0)
-	{
-		(void)lwrite(&l, special_expand(p->me_private, p->me_box, p->me_messid));
-		(void)free(p->me_box);
-		(void)free(p->me_messid);
-		*mp = p->me_next;
-		(void)free((char *)p);
-	}
-	if (lclose(&l))
-		would_not("write pipe to", av[0]);
-	if (pipe_close(fd) == SYSERROR)
-		would_not("close pipe to", av[0]);	
- *	Simple RFC 822 canonical processing.
- */
-rfc_peruse(cf, box, id, ps)
-conf	*cf;
-char	*box;
-char	*id;
-char	**ps;
-	register char	*p;
-	register char	*q;
-	register char	*s;
-	static char	*agent		= DELIVERY_AGENT;
-	static regexp	*re		= (regexp *)0;
-	static int	bogus_from	= 0;
-	static int	prev_was_header	= 0;
-	static char	*from		= NULLSTR;
-	static char	*date		= NULLSTR;
-	static vec	hdr;
-	static char	lwsp[2]		= { RFC_LWSP_1, '\0'};
-	extern char	*strchr();
-	s = *ps;
-	if (hdr.v_size == 0)
-		vec_init(&hdr, 64);
-	if (agent != NULLSTR && re == (regexp *)0)
-	{
-		if ((re = regcomp(agent)) == (regexp *)0)
-		{
-			fprintf(stderr, "%s: Regular expression \"%s\" %s\n", my_name, agent, re_error);
-			agent = NULLSTR;
-		}
-	}
-	if (*s == UNIX_FWD_CHAR)
-	{
-		/*
-		 *	Trash or keep misquoted headers gernerated by broken
-		 *	mailers in the middle of the message headers.
-		 *
-		 *	Eg:
-		 *		From: foo
-		 *		>From foo ...			# trash
-		 *		>From: foo			# keep
-		 *		Date: ...
-		 */
-		if (prev_was_header)
-		{
-			if (!rfc_header(s + 1))
-				free(s);
-			else
-				vec_str(&hdr, s);
-			return 0;
-		}
-		if (!bogus_from)
-			goto body;
-		if (strncmp(s + 1, UNIX_FROM, (sizeof UNIX_FROM) - 1) != 0)
-			goto body;
-		p = newstr(s + 1);
-		(void)free(s);
-		s = p;
-	}
-	if (strncmp(s, UNIX_FROM, (sizeof UNIX_FROM) - 1) == 0)
-	{
-		if ((p = strchr(s, ' ')) == NULLSTR)
-		{
-			fprintf(stderr, "%s: Malformed \"%s\" line in mailbox.\n", my_name, UNIX_FROM);
-			(void)free(s);
-			return 0;
-		}
-		q = ++p;
-		while (*q != ' ' && *q != '\0')
-			q++;
-		if (*q == ' ')
-			*q++ = '\0';
-		re_error = NULLSTR;
-		if (re == (regexp *)0 || regexec(re, p) == 0)
-		{
-			if (re_error != NULLSTR)
-			{
-				fprintf(stderr, "%s: Regular expression \"%s\" %s\n", my_name, agent, re_error);
-				re = (regexp *)0;
-			}
-			from = concat3(RFC_FROM, lwsp, p);
-			/*
-			 *	Ensure removal of "remote from ...".
-			 */
-			for (p = q; *p != '\0'; p++)
-			{
-				if (p - q == UNIX_DATE_LEN)
-				{
-					*p = '\0';
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-			date = concat3(RFC_DATE, lwsp, p = rfc_cvt_date(q));
-			(void)free(p);
-			bogus_from = 0;
-		}
-		else
-			bogus_from = 1;
-		(void)free(s);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	/*
-	 *	This should be simpler but we can't guarantee
-	 *	RFC 822 compatibility in respect of the message
-	 *	body being preceeded by a blank line.  After all,
-	 *	there are some V7 style mailers out there.
-	 */
-	if (rfc_header(s))
-	{
-		vec_str(&hdr, s);
-		prev_was_header = 1;
-		return 0;
-	}
-	/*
-	 *	Previous line was a header -- concatenate this header text.
-	 */
-	if (prev_was_header && (*s == RFC_LWSP_1 || *s == RFC_LWSP_2))
-	{
-		vec_cat(&hdr, concat("\n", s));
-		(void)free(s);
-		return 0;
-	}
-	/*
-	 *	End of headers and start of message body.
-	 */
-	{
-		int		hit;
-		extern long	time();
-		vec_str(&hdr, NULLSTR);
-		/*
-		 *	Fix the From: and Date: fields.
-		 */
-		if (find_header(hdr.v_list, RFC_FROM) == (char **)0)
-		{
-			if (from == NULLSTR)
-				from = concat3(RFC_FROM, lwsp, "Address Unknown <unknown@nowhere>");
-			vec_cat(&hdr, from);
-			vec_str(&hdr, NULLSTR);
-		}
-		if (find_header(hdr.v_list, RFC_DATE) == (char **)0)
-		{
-			if (date == NULLSTR)
-			{
-				date = concat3(RFC_DATE, lwsp, p = rfc_date(time((long *)0)));
-				(void)free(p);
-			}
-			vec_cat(&hdr, date);
-			vec_str(&hdr, NULLSTR);
-		}
-		if (*s != '\0')
-		{
-			vec_cat(&hdr, newstr(""));
-			vec_str(&hdr, s);
-		}
-		else
-			vec_cat(&hdr, s);
-		vec_str(&hdr, NULLSTR);
-		reorder_headers(&hdr);
-		hit = save(cf, box, id, &hdr.v_list[0]);
-		regex_match(cf->c_exec, box, id, &hdr.v_list[0], &cmds);
-		if (!silent)
-		{
-			static int	first	= 1;
-			print_summary(box, id, hdr.v_list, first, hit ? 2 : 1, 0, 0);
-			first = 0;
-		}
-		*ps = splice(&hdr.v_list[0], "\n");
-		(void)free(s);
-		bogus_from = 0;
-		prev_was_header = 0;
-		from = NULLSTR;
-		date = NULLSTR;
-		vec_free(&hdr);
-		return 1;
-	}
- *	This message has no body, so we fake it.
- */
-botched_message(cf, mlp, box, id)
-conf		*cf;
-register char	*box;
-register lineio	*mlp;
-register char	*id;
-	char	*s;
-	s = newstr("");
-	(void)rfc_peruse(cf, box, id, &s);
-	if ((mlp->l_flag & LERROR) == 0 && lwrite(mlp, s) == NULLSTR)
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning - \"%s\" may be incomplete. %s\n", my_name, id, sysmess());
-	(void)free(s);
-	return (mlp->l_flag & LERROR) != 0;
-mace(cf, mf, delete)
-conf	*cf;
-char	*mf;
-int	delete;
-	register int	fd;
-	register char	*audit;
-	char		*s;
-	register int	text;
-	register mbox	*mb;
-	lineio		pld;
-	lineio		ald;
-	lineio		mld;
-	char		*id;
-	char		*despool;
-	extern long	lseek();
-	if ((mb = read_box(cf->c_inbox)) == NULLBOX)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Incoming box \"%s\" does not exist.\n", my_name, cf->c_inbox);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	audit = concat3(mace_dir(), "/", AUDIT);
-	if (just_unlock)
-		goto fix_locks;
-	if (!mail_check(mf))
-		return 1;
-	if (set_box(cf->c_inbox))
-		return 1;
-	if (do_audit)
-	{
-		for (;;)
-		{
-			switch (lock(audit))
-			{
-			case 0:
-				fd = open(audit, O_WRONLY);
-				if (lseek(fd, 0L, 2) == SYSERROR)
-				{
-					(void)close(fd);
-					fd = SYSERROR;
-					unlock(audit);
-				}
-				break;
-			case ENOENT:
-				if ((fd = creat(audit, 0666)) == SYSERROR)
-					break;
-				continue;
-			case EEXIST:
-			default:
-				fprintf(stderr, "%s: \"%s\" locked. %s\n", my_name, audit, sysmess());
-				return 1;
-			}
-			break;
-		}
-		if (fd == SYSERROR)
-		{
-			would_not("create", audit);
-			return 1;
-		}
-		(void)lopen(&ald, fd, LWRITE);
-	}
-	despool = newstr(delete ? cf->c_despool : cf->c_peruse);
-	if (mf != NULLSTR)
-	{
-		char	*p;
-		p = despool;
-		despool = concat3(p, " -f ", mf);
-		(void)free(p);
-	}
-	if ((fd = pipe_open(despool, 'r')) == SYSERROR)
-	{
-		fail = 1;
-		would_not("pipe to", cf->c_despool);
-		goto fix_locks;
-	}
-	(void)lopen(&pld, fd, LREAD);
-	id = NULLSTR;
-	mld.l_fd = SYSERROR;
-	text = 0;
-	while ((s = lread(&pld)) != NULLSTR)
-	{
-		if (strncmp(s, UNIX_FROM, (sizeof UNIX_FROM) - 1) == 0)
-		{
-			if (id != NULLSTR && text == 0 && botched_message(cf, &mld, mb->m_name, id))
-				fail = 1;
-			text = 0;
-			mess_close(&mld, id);
-			id = new_mess(&mld, mb);		
-		}
-		if
-		(
-			do_audit
-			&&
-			(ald.l_flag & LERROR) == 0
-			&&
-			lwrite(&ald, s) == NULLSTR
-		)
-		{
-			would_not("write", audit);
-			fail = 1;
-		}
-		if (!text && rfc_peruse(cf, mb->m_name, id, &s))
-			text = 1;
-		if (text)
-		{
-			if ((mld.l_flag & LERROR) == 0 && lwrite(&mld, s) == NULLSTR)
-			{
-				fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning - \"%s\" may be incomplete. %s\n", my_name, id, sysmess());
-				fail = 1;
-			}
-			(void)free(s);
-		}
-		if
-		(
-			(
-				(ald.l_flag & LERROR) != 0
-				||
-				do_audit == 0
-			)
-			&&
-			(mld.l_flag & LERROR) != 0
-		)
-			break;
-	}
-	if (id != NULLSTR && text == 0 && botched_message(cf, &mld, mb->m_name, id))
-		fail = 1;
-	mess_close(&mld, id);
-	if (do_audit)
-	{
-		if (lclose(&ald))
-		{
-			fprintf(stderr, "%s: Warning - audit \"%s\" may be incomplete. %s\n", my_name, audit, sysmess());
-			fail = 1;
-		}
-		if (close(ald.l_fd) == SYSERROR)
-		{
-			would_not("close", audit);
-			fail = 1;
-		}
-	}
-	if (lclose(&pld) != 0)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: \"%s\" line close error.\n", my_name, cf->c_despool, sysmess());
-		fail = 1;
-	}
-	if (pipe_close(fd) != 0)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: \"%s\" despooling error.\n", my_name, cf->c_despool, sysmess());
-		fail = 1;
-	}
-	if (do_audit && unlock(audit) != 0)
-		would_not("unlock", audit);
-	(void)free(audit);
-	run_matches(&cmds);
-	return fail;
-	fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [ -dsu ] [ -f mailfile ]\n", my_name);
-	exit(1);
-main(argc, argv)
-int	argc;
-char	*argv[];
-	register int	i;
-	register int	j;
-	char		*mail_file;
-	int		delete;
-	name(argv[0]);
-	mail_file = NULLSTR;
-	delete = 1;
-	for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
-	{
-		if (argv[i][0] != '-')
-		{
-			usage();
-			/* NOTREACHED */
-		}
-		j = 1;
-		while (argv[i][j] != '\0')
-		{
-			switch (argv[i][j++])
-			{
-			case 'd':
-				do_audit = 0;
-				continue;
-			case 's':
-				silent = 1;
-				continue;
-			case 'u':
-				just_unlock = 1;
-				continue;
-			case 'f':
-				if (mail_file != NULLSTR)
-				{
-					usage();
-					/* NOTREACHED */
-				}
-				if (argv[i][j] != '\0')
-					mail_file = &argv[i][j];
-				else if (++i < argc)
-					mail_file = argv[i];
-				else
-				{
-					usage();
-					/* NOTREACHED */
-				}
-				delete = 0;
-				break;
-			default:
-				usage();
-				/* NOTREACHED */
-			}
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	if (just_unlock && !do_audit)
-	{
-		usage();
-	}
-	/*
-	 *	Here's hoping...
-	 */
-	(void)signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN);
-	(void)signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
-	(void)signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN);
-	(void)signal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN);
-	exit(mace(read_config(), mail_file, delete));
//GO.SYSIN DD mace.c
echo mad.c
sed 's/.//' >mad.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD mad.c'
- *	mad|mcp|mln +box messages...
- *
- *	mad - add messages to a box
- *
- *	mcp - copy messages to a box
- */
-#ifndef	lint
-static char	sccsid[]	= "@(#)mad.c	1.29";
-#endif	lint
-#include	"mace.h"
-#include	<stdio.h>
-#include	<signal.h>
-mad(s, t)
-register char	*s;
-register char	*t;
-	if
-	(
-		link(s, t) == SYSERROR
-		||
-		unlink(s) == SYSERROR
-	)
-	{
-		would_not("move", s);
-		(void)unlink(t);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	return 0;
-mln(s, t)
-register char	*s;
-register char	*t;
-	if (link(s, t) == SYSERROR)
-	{
-		would_not("link", s);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	return 0;
-mcp(s, t)
-register char	*s;
-register char	*t;
-	register int	rfd;
-	register int	wfd;
-	register int	n;
-	char		buf[FS_BLKZ];
-	if ((rfd = open(s, O_RD)) == SYSERROR)
-	{
-		would_not("open", s);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	if ((wfd = creat(t, CREAT_MODE)) == SYSERROR)
-	{
-		(void)close(rfd);
-		would_not("create", t);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	for (;;)
-	{
-		switch (n = read(rfd, buf, sizeof buf))
-		{
-		case SYSERROR:
-			would_not("read", s);
-			goto disaster;
-		case 0:
-			break;
-		default:
-			if (write(wfd, buf, n) != n)
-			{
-				would_not("write", t);
-				goto disaster;
-			}
-			continue;
-		}
-		break;
-	}
-	if (close(rfd) == SYSERROR)
-	{
-		(void)close(wfd);
-		(void)unlink(t);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	if (close(wfd) == SYSERROR)
-	{
-		(void)unlink(t);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	return 0;
-	(void)close(rfd);
-	(void)close(wfd);
-	(void)unlink(t);
-	return 1;
-	fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s %cbox messages...\n", my_name, BOX_CHAR);
-	exit(1);
-main(argc, argv)
-register int	argc;
-register char	*argv[];
-	register mbox	*mb;
-	register int	i;
-	register char	*id;
-	int		(*action)();
-	char		*box;
-	int		ok;
-	name(argv[0]);
-	if (strcmp(my_name, "mad") == 0)
-		action = mad;
-	else if (strcmp(my_name, "mcp") == 0)
-		action = mcp;
-	else if (strcmp(my_name, "mln") == 0)
-		action = mln;
-	else
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Invocation error.\n", my_name);
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	if (argc < 3 || argv[1][0] != BOX_CHAR || argv[1][1] == '\0')
-	{
-		usage();
-	}
-	box = &argv[1][1];
-	if ((mb = read_box(box)) == NULLBOX)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: No such box as \"%s\".\n", my_name, box);		
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	if (mb->m_count == 0)
-		id = nextid(NULLSTR);
-	else
-		id = nextid(mb->m_list[mb->m_count - 1]);
-	ok = 0;
-	for (i = 2; i < argc; i++)
-	{
-		register char	*p;
-		p = concat3(mb->m_path, "/", id);
-		signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN);
-		signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
-		signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN);
-		signal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN);
-		if ((*action)(argv[i], p))
-			ok = 1;
-		else if (set_current(mb->m_name, id))
-			ok = 1;
-		signal(SIGHUP, SIG_DFL);
-		signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL);
-		signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_DFL);
-		signal(SIGTERM, SIG_DFL);
-		free(p);
-		p = id;
-		id = nextid(id);
-		free(p);
-	}
-	return ok;
//GO.SYSIN DD mad.c
echo mal
sed 's/.//' >mal <<'//GO.SYSIN DD mal'
-# @(#)mal	1.2
-# mal +box ...
-# Mail aliasing based on a box's .proto 
-myname="`basename \"$0\"`"
-case $# in
-	echo "usage: $myname ${bchar}box ..." 1>&2
-	exit 1
-	;;
-# find mail directory
-if [ ! -r "$dir" ]
-	echo "$myname: Could not read '$dir'." 1>&2
-	exit 1
-mdir="`cat \"$dir\"`"
-case "$mdir" in
-	echo "$myname: '$dir' empty." 1>&2
-	exit 1
-	;;
-	# absolute pathname, ok
-	;;
-	# relative pathname, so prepend $HOME
-	mdir="$HOME/$mdir"
-	;;
-for b
-	# use box to verify box name, but the usage message is a bit weird
-	if box -l "$b" > /dev/null
-	then
-		case "$b" in
-		${bchar}*)
-			# slice off leading ${bchar}
-			b="`expr \"$b\" : \"^${bchar}\(.*\)$\"`"
-			;;
-		esac
-		# snarf To:/Cc:/Bcc:
-		sed -n \
-			-e '/^[Tt][Oo][ 	]*:[ 	]*/s///p' \
-			-e '/^[Cc][Cc][ 	]*:[ 	]*/s///p' \
-			-e '/^[Bb][Cc][Cc][ 	]*:[ 	]*/s///p' \
-			"$mdir/$b/$proto" 2> /dev/null
-	fi
-done | sed -e '$n' -e 's/$/,/'			# insert , between addresses
echo mam.c
sed 's/.//' >mam.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD mam.c'
- *	mam [ -u ] [ -dps ] [ +[+]box ] [ files ] ...
- *
- *	Read an RFC 822 message and add it to a box.
- */
-#ifndef	lint
-static char	sccsid[]	= "@(#)mam.c	1.5";
-#endif	lint
-#include	<stdio.h>
-#include	<fcntl.h>
-#include	<errno.h>
-#include	<signal.h>
-#include	"mace.h"
-#include	"regexp.h"
-#include	"line.h"
-#include	"message.h"
-typedef struct boxes	boxes;
-typedef struct matches	matches;
-struct boxes
-	mbox	*mbox;
-	char	*messid;
-	int	first;
-	boxes	*next;
-int		just_unlock	= 0;	/* unlock the AUDIT trail */
-int		do_audit	= 1;	/* create an AUDIT trail */
-int		preserve	= 0;	/* preserve the current message */
-int		silent		= 0;	/* don't print the header lines */
-int		quit		= 0;	/* exit when ready */
-int		errors		= 0;	/* error occured */
-	Lock	= 0,			/* lock audit file */
-	Write,				/* write to audit file */
-	Unlock,				/* unlock audit file */
- *	Maintain a cache (linked list) of boxes.
- */
-boxes	*
-register char	*s;
-	register boxes	*bp;
-	register mbox	*mb;
-	static boxes	*all	= (boxes *)0;
-	static boxes	**n	= &all;
-	for (bp = all; bp != (boxes *)0; bp = bp->next)
-	{
-		if (strcmp(bp->mbox->m_name, s) == 0)
-			return bp;
-	}
-	if ((mb = read_box(s)) == NULLBOX)
-		return (boxes *)0;
-	bp = (boxes *)salloc(sizeof *bp);
-	bp->mbox = mb;
-	bp->messid = mb->m_count ? newstr(mb->m_list[mb->m_count - 1]) : NULLSTR;
-	bp->first = 1;
-	bp->next = (boxes *)0;
-	*n = bp;
-	n = &bp->next;
-	return bp;
- * Manage the audit trail.
- */
-audit(int type, char *s)
-	static char	*file	= NULLSTR;
-	static lineio	l	= { SYSERROR, };
-	if (file == NULLSTR)
-		file = concat3(mace_dir(), "/", AUDIT);
-	switch (type)
-	{
-	case Lock:
-		for (;;)
-		{
-			int	fd;
-			switch (lock(file))
-			{
-			case 0:
-				fd = open(file, O_WRONLY);
-				if (lseek(fd, 0L, 2) == SYSERROR)
-				{
-					(void)close(fd);
-					fd = SYSERROR;
-					unlock(file);
-				}
-				lopen(&l, fd, LWRITE);
-				break;
-			case ENOENT:
-				if ((fd = creat(file, CREAT_MODE)) == SYSERROR)
-				{
-					could_not("creat", file);
-					/* NOTREACHED */
-				}
-				continue;
-			case EEXIST:
-			default:
-				fprintf(stderr, "%s: \"%s\" locked. %s\n", my_name, file, sysmess());
-				exit(1);
-				/* NOTREACHED */
-			}
-			return;
-		}
-	case Write:
-		if (l.l_fd == SYSERROR)
-		{
-			fatal("audit: not locked");
-			/* NOTREACHED */
-		}
-		if ((l.l_flag & LERROR) != 0)
-			return;
-		if (lwrite(&l, s) == NULLSTR)
-		{
-			would_not("write", file);
-			quit = 1;
-		}
-		break;
-	case Unlock:
-		if (l.l_fd != SYSERROR && (l.l_flag & LERROR) == 0)
-		{
-			if (lclose(&l))
-			{
-				fprintf(stderr, "%s: warning: '%s' incomplete. %s\n", my_name, file, sysmess());
-				quit = 1;
-			}
-			if (close(l.l_fd) == SYSERROR)
-			{
-				would_not("close", file);
-				quit = 1;
-			}
-		}
-		if (unlock(file) != 0)
-		{
-			could_not("unlock", file);
-			/* NOTREACHED */
-		}
-		return;
-	default:
-		fatal("audit: unknown type");
-	}
- * Catch a signal and force exit.
- */
-signalled(int s)
-	signal(s, SIG_IGN);
-	quit = 1;
- * Arrange for signals to be caught.
- */
-	int		i;
-	static int	sigs[]		=
-	{
-	};
-	static char	*names[]	=
-	{
-		"SIGHUP",
-		"SIGINT",
-	};
-	for (i = 0; i < sizeof sigs / sizeof sigs[0]; i++)
-	{
-		SIG_RET	(*f)();
-		if ((f = signal(sigs[i], signalled)) == (SIG_RET (*)())SYSERROR)
-		{
-			could_not("set signal", names[i]);
-			/* NOTREACHED */
-		}
-		if (f == SIG_DFL || f == SIG_IGN)
-			continue;
-		if (signal(sigs[i], f) == (SIG_RET (*)())SYSERROR)
-		{
-			could_not("reset signal", names[i]);
-			/* NOTREACHED */
-		}
-	}
- * Close a line and it's file descriptor, handling errors.
- */
-clunk(lineio *l, char *f, char *box, char *id)
-	int	fd;
-	int	rw;
-	if (l->l_flag == 0)
-		return;
-	fd = l->l_fd;
-	rw = (l->l_flag & LWRITE) != 0;
-	if (lclose(l))
-	{
-		if (rw)
-			would_not("lclose", f);
-		else
-			fprintf(stderr, "%s: warning: %c%s %s may be incomplete. %s\n", my_name, BOX_CHAR, box, id, sysmess());
-		close(fd);
-		errors = 1;
-		return;
-	}
-	if (close(fd) == SYSERROR)
-	{
-		would_not("close", f);
-		errors = 1;
-	}
- * Write an audited line to a message file.
- */
-awrite(lineio *l, char *s)
-	if (do_audit)
-		audit(Write, s);
-	if ((l->l_flag & LERROR) == 0)
-		lwrite(l, s);
- * Read a file containing an RFC 822 message and add it to a box.
- */
-mam(char *box, char *f)
-	boxes		*b;
-	char		*id;
-	message		*m;
-	int		fd;
-	char		*s;
-	char		*new;
-	lineio		in;
-	lineio		out;
-	int		first;
-	char		**h;
-	if ((b = get_box(box)) == 0)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: No such box as %c%s\n", my_name, BOX_CHAR, box);
-		errors = quit = 1;
-		return;
-	}
-	first = 0;
-	id = b->messid = nextid(b->messid);
-	/*
-	 * Set first message to be current.
-	 */
-	if (preserve == 0 && b->first)
-	{
-		if (set_current(box, id) == 0)
-		{
-			first = 1;
-			b->first = 0;
-		}
-		else
-			errors = 1;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Validate headers.
-	 */
-	if ((m = f != NULLSTR ? parse_file(f, &in) : parse_fd(fileno(stdin), &in)) == NULLMESS)
-	{
-		would_not("parse", f != NULLSTR ? f : "<stdin>");
-		errors = 1;
-		return;
-	}
-	if (!silent)
-		print_summary(box, id, m->ms_headers.v_list, first, 1, 0, 0);
-	/*
-	 * Copy the file into the new message with auditing.
-	 */
-	out.l_flag = 0;
-	new = concat3(b->mbox->m_path, "/", id);
-	if ((fd = creat(new, CREAT_MODE)) == SYSERROR)
-	{
-		would_not("create", new);
-		errors = 1;
-		goto finish;
-	}
-	lopen(&out, fd, LWRITE);
-	/*
-	 * Write out headers.
-	 */
-	reorder_headers(&m->ms_headers);
-	for (h = m->ms_headers.v_list; (s = *h) != NULLSTR; h++)
-		awrite(&out, s);
-	free_mess(m);
-	/*
-	 * Write separator between headers and body.
-	 */
-	awrite(&out, "");
-	/*
-	 * Write out message body.
-	 */
-	while ((s = lread(&in)) != NULLSTR && !quit)
-	{
-		awrite(&out, s);
-		free(s);
-	}
-	clunk(&in, f, box, id);
-	clunk(&out, new, box, id);
-	fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [ -u ] [ -dps ] [ +[+]box ] [ files ] ... \n", my_name);
-	exit(1);
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
-	int	i;
-	int	j;
-	char	*box;
-	int	filter;
-	name(argv[0]);
-	for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
-	{
-		if (argv[i][0] != '-')
-			break;
-		j = 1;
-		while (argv[i][j] != '\0')
-		{
-			switch (argv[i][j++])
-			{
-			case 'd':
-				do_audit = 0;
-				continue;
-			case 'p':
-				preserve = 1;
-				continue;
-			case 's':
-				silent = 1;
-				continue;
-			case 'u':
-				just_unlock = 1;
-				continue;
-			default:
-				usage();
-				/* NOTREACHED */
-			}
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	if (just_unlock)
-	{
-		if (argc > 2)
-		{
-			usage();
-			/* NOTREACHED */
-		}
-		audit(Unlock, NULLSTR);
-		exit(0);
-	}
-	if ((box = curr_box()) == NULLSTR)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: No current box.\n", my_name);
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	catch();
-	if (do_audit)
-		audit(Lock, NULLSTR);
-	filter = 1;
-	while (i < argc && !quit)
-	{
-		/*
-		 *	New box to pick messages from?
-		 */
-		if (argv[i][0] == BOX_CHAR)
-		{
-			/*
-			 *	Change current box?
-			 */
-			if (argv[i][1] == BOX_CHAR)
-			{
-				box = newstr(&argv[i][2]);
-				if (set_box(box))
-				{
-					quit = errors = 1;
-					filter = 0;
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-			else
-				box = &argv[i][1];
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			mam(box, argv[i]);
-			filter = 0;
-		}
-		i++;
-	}
-	if (filter)
-		mam(box, NULLSTR);
-	if (do_audit)
-		audit(Unlock, NULLSTR);
-	exit(errors);
-	return errors;
//GO.SYSIN DD mam.c
echo mda.c
sed 's/.//' >mda.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD mda.c'
- *	mda messages...
- *
- *	Message delivery agent.
- */
-#ifndef	lint
-static char	sccsid[]	= "@(#)mda.c	1.31";
-#endif	lint
-#include	<stdio.h>
-#include	<fcntl.h>
-#include	<errno.h>
-#include	<signal.h>
-#include	<sys/types.h>
-#include	<sys/stat.h>
-#include	"mace.h"
-#include	"regexp.h"
-#include	"line.h"
-#include	"message.h"
-#include	"conf.h"
-#include	"headers.h"
-#include	"addr.h"
- *	Turn an RFC 822 address into a network address argument.
- */
-char	*
-net_address(vp, s)
-register vec	*vp;
-register char	*s;
-	register char	*p;
-	register Addr	*ap;
-	Addr		*addrs;
-	if ((p = parse_address(&addrs, s)) != NULLSTR)
-		return p;
-	for (ap = addrs; ap != (Addr *)0; ap = ap->next)
-		vec_str(vp, make_address(ap));
-	return NULLSTR;
- *	Add multiple To:/Cc:/Bcc lines to a list of recipients.
- *
- *	Returns 0 on success, 1 on failure.
- */
-add_multiple(char *m, vec *list, char **h, char *type)
-	int	n;
-	n = 0;
-	while (*h != NULLSTR)
-	{
-		if (rfc_hdr_cmp(*h, type))
-		{
-			char	*p;
-			if ((p = header_text(*h)) == NULLSTR)
-			{
-				/* Empty Bcc: is ok */
-				if (strcmp(type, RFC_BCC) != 0)
-				{
-					fprintf(stderr, "%s: \"%s\": Malformed \"%s\" field.\n", my_name, m, type);
-					return 1;
-				}
-			}
-			else if ((p = net_address(list, p)) != NULLSTR)
-			{
-				fprintf(stderr, "%s: \"%s\": \"%s\" address error; %s\n", my_name, m, type, p);
-				return 1;
-			}
-			n++;
-		}
-		h++;
-	}
-	/* Only one From: allowed */
-	if (strcmp(type, RFC_FROM) == 0 && n > 1)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: \"%s\": Multiple \"%s\" fields.\n", my_name, m, RFC_FROM);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	return 0;
- *	Check From: field(s).
- *
- *	Returns 0 on success, 1 on failure.
- */
-from(char *m, char **h)
-	vec	v;
-	int	n;
-	int	fail;
-	fail = 0;
-	vec_init(&v, 32);
-	if (add_multiple(m, &v, h, RFC_FROM))
-		fail = 1;
-	n = v.v_count;
-	vec_free(&v);
-	if (fail)
-		return fail;
-	/*
-	 *	Check there is a Sender: field if more than one address in
-	 *	the From: field has been specified.
-	 */
-	if (n <= 1)
-		return 0;
-	if
-	(
-		(h = find_header(h, RFC_SENDER)) != (char **)NULLSTR
-		&&
-		header_text(*h) != NULLSTR
-	)
-		return 0;
-	fprintf(stderr, "%s: \"%s\": Multiple \"%s\" addresses require a \"%s\" field.\n", my_name, m, RFC_FROM, RFC_SENDER);
-	return 1;
- *	Pipe the message into the delivery agent after some validation.
- */
-deliver(d, m)
-char	*d;
-char	*m;
-	char		*p;
-	message		*mp;
-	char		**h;
-	lineio		mld;
-	lineio		pld;
-	vec		args;
-	int		mfd;
-	int		pfd;
-	int		headers;
-	static char	*dests[] = { RFC_TO, RFC_CC, RFC_BCC, NULLSTR };
-	/*
-	 *	Read its headers.
-	 */
-	if ((mp = parse_file(m, 0)) == NULLMESS)
-	{
-		would_not("open", m);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	vec_init(&args, 32);
-	/*
-	 *	Date: field?
-	 */
-	if
-	(
-		(h = find_header(&mp->ms_headers.v_list[0], RFC_DATE)) == (char **)NULLSTR
-		||
-		header_text(*h) == NULLSTR
-	)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: \"%s\": Missing \"%s\" field.\n", my_name, m, RFC_DATE);
-		goto disaster;
-	}
-	/*
-	 *	From: field(s)?
-	 */
-	if (from(m, mp->ms_headers.v_list))
-		goto disaster;
-	vec_str(&args, d);
-	/*
-	 *	Add destination(s).
-	 */
-	for (h = dests; *h != NULLSTR; h++)
-	{
-		if (add_multiple(m, &args, mp->ms_headers.v_list, *h))
-			goto disaster;
-	}
-	if (args.v_count == 1)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: \"%s\": No destination.\n", my_name, m);
-		goto disaster;
-	}
-	vec_str(&args, NULLSTR);
-	/*
-	 *	Pipe it into the delivery agent.
-	 */
-	if ((mfd = open(m, O_RD)) == SYSERROR)
-	{
-		would_not("open", m);
-		goto disaster;
-	}
-	(void)lopen(&mld, mfd, LREAD);
-	if ((pfd = pipe_execv(args.v_list, 'w')) == -1)
-	{
-		would_not("pipe to", args.v_list[0]);
-		(void)lclose(&mld);
-		(void)close(mfd);
-		goto disaster;
-	}
-	(void)lopen(&pld, pfd, LWRITE);
-	for (h = mp->ms_headers.v_list; *h != NULLSTR; h++)
-	{
-		if (header_text(*h) == NULLSTR || rfc_hdr_cmp(*h, RFC_BCC))
-			continue;
-		if (lwrite(&pld, *h) == NULLSTR)
-			goto failure;
-	}
-	headers = 1;
-	while ((p = lread(&mld)) != NULLSTR)
-	{
-		if (headers)
-		{
-			if (*p != '\0')
-			{
-				(void)free(p);
-				continue;
-			}
-			headers = 0;
-		}
-		if (lwrite(&pld, p) == NULLSTR)
-		{
-			(void)free(p);
-			break;
-		}
-		(void)free(p);
-	}
-	if (lclose(&mld))
-	{
-		would_not("read", m);
-		(void)close(mfd);
-		(void)lclose(&pld);
-		(void)pipe_close(pfd);
-		goto disaster;
-	}
-	(void)close(mfd);
-	if (lclose(&pld))
-	{
-		would_not("deliver", m);
-		(void)pipe_close(pfd);
-		goto disaster;
-	}
-	if (pipe_close(pfd))
-	{
-		would_not("deliver", m);
-		goto disaster;
-	}
-	free_mess(mp);
-	vec_free(&args);
-	return 0;
-	free_mess(mp);
-	vec_free(&args);
-	return 1;
-#else	RFC_DELIVERER == 0
-#if     RFC_VALIDATE != 0
- *	Check that the supplied headers in the message are ok. If evils
- *	like `sendmail' were half way sane this wouldn't be necessary,
- *	but I'm sick of getting mail from `mailer-daemon' about garbled
- *	headers, that should have been barfed on at invocation.
- */
-char	*m;
-	char		**cp;
-	message		*mp;
-	int		fail;
-	vec		v;
-	static char	*check[] = { RFC_TO, RFC_CC, RFC_BCC, NULLSTR, };
-	fail = 0;
-	/*
-	 *	Read its headers.
-	 */
-	if ((mp = parse_file(m, 0)) == NULLMESS)
-	{
-		would_not("open", m);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	/*
-	 *	From: field(s)?
-	 */
-	if (from(m, mp->ms_headers.v_list))
-		fail = 1;
-	vec_init(&v, 32);
-	/*
-	 *	Check the specified headers.
-	 */
-	for (cp = check; *cp != NULLSTR; cp++)
-	{
-		if (add_multiple(m, &v, mp->ms_headers.v_list, *cp))
-			fail = 1;
-	}
-	if (v.v_count == 0)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: \"%s\": No destination.\n", my_name, m);
-		fail = 1;
-	}
-	(void)free_mess(mp);
-	vec_free(&v);
-	return fail;
-#endif  RFC_VALIDATE != 0
- *	The delivery agent understands about the recipients
- *	being embedded in the message itself.
- */
-deliver(d, m)
-char	*d;
-char	*m;
-	register int	fd;
-	register int	ok;
-	register char	*agent	= DELIVERER;
-	char		*argv[2];
-	if (agent == NULLSTR)
-	{
-		fatal("deliver");
-	}
-	(void)close(0);
-	if ((fd = open(m, O_RD)) != 0)
-	{
-		would_not("open", m);
-		(void)close(fd);
-		return 1;
-	}
-#if	RFC_VALIDATE != 0
-	if (headers_ok(m))
-	{
-		(void)close(fd);
-		return 1;
-	}
-#endif	RFC_VALIDATE != 0
-	argv[0] = d;
-	argv[1] = NULLSTR;
-	ok = run(argv);
-	if (close(0) == SYSERROR)
-	{
-		would_not("close", m);
-		ok = 1;
-	}
-	return ok;
-#endif	RFC_DELIVERER == 0
-	fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s messages...\n", my_name);
-	exit(1);
-main(argc, argv)
-int	argc;
-char	*argv[];
-	register int	i;
-	register conf	*cf;
-	register int	ok;
-	name(argv[0]);
-	if (argc < 2)
-	{
-		usage();
-	}
-	cf = read_config();
-	ok = 0;
-	for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
-	{
-		if (deliver(cf->c_deliver, argv[i]) || set_state(argv[i], MESG_SENT))
-			ok = 1;
-	}
-	exit(ok);
//GO.SYSIN DD mda.c
echo mox.c
sed 's/.//' >mox.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD mox.c'
- *	mox [ -ds ] [ -delete ]
- *
- *	Add messages, one per file, from a directory with mam.
- *	Sort of like mace, but not quite.
- */
-#ifndef	lint
-static char	sccsid[]	= "@(#)mox.c	1.2";
-#endif	lint
-#include	<stdio.h>
-#include	<fcntl.h>
-#include	<errno.h>
-#include	<signal.h>
-#include	"mace.h"
-#include	"regexp.h"
-#include	"line.h"
-#include	"message.h"
-#include	"conf.h"
-int		delete		= 0;	/* delete files from spool directory */
-char		*_delete	= "-delete";
-int		do_audit	= 1;	/* create an AUDIT trail */
-int		silent		= 0;	/* don't print message summary */
- * Link a message into another box by calling 'lnk'.
- */
-refile(char *inbox, message *m, match *re)
-	char	*args[6];
-	int	i;
-	int	bi;
-	int	bo;
-	args[i = 0] = LNK_STR;
-	args[bi = ++i] = concat(" ", inbox);
-	args[bi][0] = BOX_CHAR;
-	args[++i] = m->ms_messid;
-	args[bo = ++i] = concat(" ", re->m_action);
-	args[bo][0] = BOX_CHAR;
-	args[++i] = NULLSTR;
-	if (run(args) == 0)
-		m->ms_copies++;
-	free(args[bi]);
-	free(args[bo]);
- * Run a command with a message.
- */
-command(char *inbox, message *m, match *re)
-	char	*args[2];
-	int	i;
-	/* we know that run calls sh -c */
-	args[i = 0] = special_expand(re->m_action, inbox, m->ms_messid);
-	args[++i] = NULLSTR;
-	run(args);
- * Invoke 'mam' to add a message to a box returning the newly created message.
- *
- * Returns NULLMESS on failure.
- */
-message *
-mam(char *inbox, char *file, int first)
-	message *m;
-	char	*args[7];
-	mbox	*b;
-	int	i;
-	int	bi;
-	/*
-	 * Invoke mam, silently, preserving the first message added to the box.
-	 */
-	args[i = 0] = MAM_STR;
-	args[++i] = "-s";
-	if (!first)
-		args[++i] = "-p";
-	if (!do_audit)
-		args[++i] = "-d";
-	args[bi = ++i] = concat(" ", inbox);
-	args[bi][0] = BOX_CHAR;
-	args[++i] = file;
-	args[++i] = NULLSTR;
-	if (run(args) || (b = read_box(inbox)) == NULLBOX)
-	{
-		free(args[bi]);
-		return NULLMESS;
-	}
-	free(args[bi]);
-	/*
-	 * Newly added message will be the last in the box.
-	 */
-	if (b->m_count == 0 || (m = read_mess(b, b->m_list[b->m_count - 1])) == NULLMESS)
-	{
-		free_box(b);
-		return NULLMESS;
-	}
-	free_box(b);
-	return m;
- * Treat each file in a directory as a mail message passing
- * it to 'mam' and matching it against regular expressions.
- */
-	conf	*cf;
-	char	**dir;
-	char	**d;
-	int	first;
-	int	fail;
-	first = 1;
-	fail = 0;
-	cf = read_config();
-	if (cf->c_spooldir == NULLSTR)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Specification of \"%s\" missing from \"%s/%s\".\n", my_name, CT_SPOOLDIR, mace_dir(), CONFIG);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	dir = read_dir(cf->c_spooldir);
-	for (d = dir; *d != NULLSTR; d++)
-	{
-		char	*f;
-		message	*m;
-		f = concat3(cf->c_spooldir, "/", *d);
-		if ((m = mam(cf->c_inbox, f, first)) == NULLMESS)
-		{
-			free(f);
-			fail = 1;
-			continue;
-		}
-		if (first && set_box(cf->c_inbox))
-			fail = 1;
-		/*
-		 * Summarise after the refile's but before the exec's.
-		 * This way the output is more meaningful.
-		 */
-		regex_apply(cf->c_inbox, m, cf->c_refile, refile);
-		if (!silent)
-			print_summary(cf->c_inbox, m->ms_messid, m->ms_headers.v_list, first, m->ms_copies, 0, m->ms_state);
-		regex_apply(cf->c_inbox, m, cf->c_exec, command);
-		free_mess(m);
-		first = 0;
-		if (delete && unlink(f) == SYSERROR)
-		{
-			would_not("unlink", f);
-			fail = 1;
-		}
-		free(f);
-	}
-	free_dir(dir);
-	return fail;
-	fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [ -ds ] [ %s ]\n", my_name, _delete);
-	exit(1);
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
-	int	i;
-	int	j;
-	name(argv[0]);
-	for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
-	{
-		if (argv[i][0] != '-')
-		{
-			usage();
-			/* NOTREACHED */
-		}
-		j = 1;
-		while (argv[i][j] != '\0')
-		{
-			switch (argv[i][j++])
-			{
-			case 's':
-				silent = 1;
-				continue;
-			case 'd':
-				/* this is not good */
-				if (strcmp(argv[i], _delete) != 0)
-				{
-					do_audit = 0;
-					continue;
-				}
-				delete = 1;
-				break;
-			default:
-				usage();
-				/* NOTREACHED */
-			}
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	exit(mox());
-	return 0;		/* shut up! */
//GO.SYSIN DD mox.c
echo msg.c
sed 's/.//' >msg.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD msg.c'
- *	msg - show messages
- */
-#ifndef	lint
-static char	sccsid[]	= "@(#)msg.c	1.39";
-#endif	lint
-#include	<stdio.h>
-#include	<sys/types.h>
-#include	<sys/stat.h>
-#include	"mace.h"
-#include	"flex.h"
-#include	"line.h"
-#include	"message.h"
-char		*target		= NULLSTR;	/* target box for mov|cop|lnk */
-char		*new_box	= NULLSTR;	/* new current box */
-apply(it, v)
-register char	*it;
-register vec	*v;
-	register int	i;
-	register char	**n;
-	register char	**argv;
-	int		s;
-	argv = n = (char **)salloc((int)((v->v_count + 2) * sizeof(char *)));
-	*n++ = it;
-	for (i = 0; i < v->v_count; i++)
-		*n++ = v->v_list[i];
-	*n = NULLSTR;
-	s = run(argv);
-	(void)free((char *)argv);
-	return s != 0;
-register vec	*v;
-	return apply(defenv(ENV_PAGER, DEF_PAGER), v);
-register vec	*v;
-	return apply(defenv(ENV_EDITOR, DEF_EDITOR), v);
-register vec	*v;
-	register int	i;
-	int		ok;
-	ok = 0;
-	for (i = 0; i < v->v_count; i++)
-	{
-		if (unlink(v->v_list[i]) == SYSERROR)
-		{
-			would_not("unlink", v->v_list[i]);
-			ok = 1;
-		}
-	}
-	return ok;
-invoke_alias(s, v)
-register char	*s;
-register vec	*v;
-	register char	*what;
-	register char	*q;
-	int		ok;
-	char		p[2];
-	p[0] = BOX_CHAR;
-	p[1] = '\0';
-	q = concat(p, target);
-	what = concat3(s, " ", q);
-	free(q);
-	ok = apply(what, v);
-	free(what);
-	return ok;
-register vec	*v;
-	return invoke_alias(MAD_STR, v);
-register vec	*v;
-	return invoke_alias(MCP_STR, v);
-register vec	*v;
-	return invoke_alias(MLN_STR, v);
-register vec	*v;
-	return apply(MDA_STR, v);
-register vec	*v;
-	register char	*p;
-	register int	i;
-	char		*ids;
-	flex		f;
-	int		ok;
-	flex_init(&f);
-	ok = 0;
-	for (i = 0; i < v->v_count; i++)
-	{
-		char	*b;
-		char	*m;
-		path_to_mess(v->v_list[i], &b, &m);
-		(void)set_state(v->v_list[i], MESG_MARK);
-		flex_char(&f, BOX_CHAR);
-		flex_str(&f, b);
-		flex_char(&f, ' ');
-		flex_str(&f, m);
-		flex_char(&f, '\n');
-		(void)free(b);
-	}
-	if ((ids = read_file(p = concat3(mace_dir(), "/", MARK))) != NULLSTR)
-		flex_str(&f, ids);
-	else
-		f.f_ptr--;	/* yuk */
-	flex_char(&f, '\0');
-	if (write_file(p, f.f_str))
-	{
-		would_not("write", p);
-		ok = 1;
-	}
-	(void)free(p);
-	flex_end(&f);
-	return ok;
-	fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [ [%c]%cbox ] [ first|previous|current|next|last|id|all ] ...\n", my_name, BOX_CHAR, BOX_CHAR);
-	exit(1);
-	fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [ [%c]%cbox ] [ first|previous|current|next|last|id|all ] ... [%c]%cbox\n", my_name, BOX_CHAR, BOX_CHAR, BOX_CHAR, BOX_CHAR);
-	exit(1);
-main(argc, argv)
-int	argc;
-char	*argv[];
-	register int	i;
-	int		(*action)();
-	vec		mvec;
-	name(argv[0]);
-	if (strcmp(my_name, MSG_STR) == 0 || strcmp(my_name, "-") == 0)
-		action = msg;
-	else if (strcmp(my_name, REM_STR) == 0)
-		action = rem;
-	else if (strcmp(my_name, MED_STR) == 0)
-		action = med;
-	else if (strcmp(my_name, MOV_STR) == 0)
-		action = mov;
-	else if (strcmp(my_name, DEL_STR) == 0 || strcmp(my_name, "+") == 0)
-		action = del;
-	else if (strcmp(my_name, COP_STR) == 0)
-		action = cop;
-	else if (strcmp(my_name, LNK_STR) == 0)
-		action = lnk;
-	else if (strcmp(my_name, "mrk") == 0)
-		action = mrk;
-	else
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Invocation error.\n", my_name);
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	vec_init(&mvec, 64);
-	if (action == mov || action == cop || action == lnk)
-	{
-		char	*p;
-		if (argv[--argc][0] != BOX_CHAR)
-		{
-			busage();
-			/* NOTREACHED */
-		}
-		if (*(target = &argv[argc][1]) == BOX_CHAR)
-			new_box = ++target;
-		if (*target == '\0')
-		{
-			busage();
-			/* NOTREACHED */
-		}
-		if ((p = check_box(target)) == NULLSTR)
-		{
-			fprintf(stderr, "%s: No such box as \"%s\".\n", my_name, target);
-			exit(1);
-		}
-		(void)free(p);
-	}
-	args_to_messages(argc, argv, &mvec, &new_box);
-	if
-	(
-		(new_box != NULLSTR && set_box(new_box))
-		||
-		mvec.v_count == 0
-		||
-		(*action)(&mvec)
-	)
-	{
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	if (action == cop || action == mov || action == lnk)
-	{
-		exit(0);
-	}
-	/* set current messages */
-	{
-		char	*b;
-		char	*m;
-		char	*pm;
-		char	*pb;
-		int	ok;
-		ok = 0;
-		path_to_mess(mvec.v_list[i = 0], &pb, &pm);
-		while (++i < mvec.v_count)
-		{
-			path_to_mess(mvec.v_list[i], &b, &m);
-			if (strcmp(b, pb) != 0 && set_current(pb, pm))
-				ok = 1;
-			(void)free(pb);
-			pb = b;
-			pm = m;
-		}
-		if (set_current(pb, pm))
-			ok = 1;
-		exit(ok);
-	}
//GO.SYSIN DD msg.c
echo pop.c
sed 's/.//' >pop.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD pop.c'
- * @(#)pop.c	1.4
- *
- * 	pop [ -delete ] [ -n number ] [ -r [ seconds ] ] [ -s spooldir ] [ -t ] [ [user@]server ]
- *
- *	POP 3 (RFC 1225) client.
- */
-#include	"mace.h"
-#include	"line.h"
-#include	"flex.h"
-#include	"pop.h"
-#include	<netdb.h>
-#include	<sys/types.h>
-#include	<sys/socket.h>
-#include	<netinet/in.h>
-#include	<signal.h>
-#include	<errno.h>
-#include	<stdio.h>
- * POP3 states
- */
-	Idle,
-	Authorization,
-	Transaction,
-	Retrieving,
-	Delete,
-	Done,
- * POP3 responses
- */
-	Ok,
-	Error,
-	End,
-	Data,
-	IoError,
-	Broken,
- * POP3 session termination states.
- */
-	Complete	= 0,
-	NoMail,
-	PopError,
-	AuthError,
-	Timeout	= 120
-typedef struct	sig	sig;
-struct sig
-	int		s;
-	char		*name;
-	SIG_RET		(*f)(int);
-char	*_delete	= "-delete";
-char	*localhost	= "localhost";
-char	*user		= NULLSTR;
-char	*server		= NULLSTR;
-char	*spooldir	= NULLSTR;
-ulong	number		= 0L;
-ulong	retry		= 0L;
-int	delete		= 0;
-int	trace		= 0;
-int	state		= Idle;
-int	signaled	= 0;
-lineio	tx;
-lineio	rx;
-SIG_RET	catch(int);
- * Signal dispositions when run in the foreground.
- */
-sig	foreground[]	=
-	{ SIGHUP,	"SIGHUP",	catch, },
-	{ SIGINT,	"SIGINT",	catch, },
-	{ SIGQUIT,	"SIGQUIT",	catch, },
-	{ SIGTERM,	"SIGTERM",	catch, },
-	{ 0,		NULLSTR,	0, },
- * Signal dispositions when run in the background.
- */
-sig	background[]	=
-	{ SIGHUP,	"SIGHUP",	catch, },
-	{ 0,		NULLSTR,	0, },
- * Finish communicating with the POP server, handling errors.
- */
-	char	*r;
-	switch (state)
-	{
-	case Idle:
-	case Done:
-		break;
-	case Delete:
-		state = Transaction;
-		request(POP_CMD_RSET, NULLSTR, &r);
-		if (state == Done)
-			break;
-		/* fall though */
-	case Authorization:
-	case Transaction:
-		state = Done;
-		request(POP_CMD_QUIT, NULLSTR, &r);
-		break;
-	case Retrieving:
-		state = Done;
-		break;
-	default:
-		fatal("unknown POP3 state");
-	}
-	if (state == Done)
-	{
-		int	s;
-		s = rx.l_fd;
-		lclose(&rx);
-		lclose(&tx);
-		close(s);
-		state = Idle;
-	}
- * Read a reply from the server, returning the text and the reply type.
- */
-reply(char **r)
-	static char	*rcvd	= NULLSTR;
-	if (rcvd != NULLSTR)
-		free(rcvd);
-	if ((rcvd = lread(&rx)) == NULLSTR)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Server '%s' closed connection.\n", my_name, server);
-		state = Done;
-		finish();
-		return IoError;
-	}
-	*r = rcvd;
-	if (trace)
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: <-- %s\n", my_name, *r);
-	if (state != Retrieving)
-	{
-		if (*rcvd == '\0')
-		{
-			finish();
-			return Broken;
-		}
-		if (strncmp(rcvd, POP_REP_OK, sizeof POP_REP_OK - 1) == 0)
-		{
-			*r += sizeof POP_REP_OK - 1;
-			return Ok;
-		}
-		if (strncmp(rcvd, POP_REP_ERR, sizeof POP_REP_ERR - 1) == 0)
-		{
-			*r += sizeof POP_REP_ERR - 1;
-			fprintf(stderr, "%s: [%s] %s\n", my_name, server, *r);
-			finish();
-			return Error;
-		}
-	}
-	if (rcvd[0] == POP_REP_TCHAR && rcvd[1] == '\0')
-		return End;
-	return Data;
- * Signal catcher
- */
-catch(int s)
-	signal(s, SIG_IGN);
-	signaled = 1;
- * Set up signal defaults.
- */
-signals(sig *s)
-	while (s->s != 0)
-	{
-		if (signal(s->s, s->f) == (SIG_RET (*)())SYSERROR)
-			could_not("signal", s->name);
-		s++;
-	}
- * Send a request to the server and return the reply.
- */
-request(char *cmd, char *arg, char **r)
-	static flex	f	= { NULLSTR, NULLSTR, NULLSTR, };
-	if (f.f_str == NULLSTR)
-		flex_init(&f);
-	if (trace)
-		fprintf(stderr, arg == NULLSTR ? "%s: --> %s\n" : "%s: --> %s %s\n", my_name, cmd, strcmp(cmd, POP_CMD_PASS) == 0 ? "..." : arg);
-	flex_str(&f, cmd);
-	if (arg != NULLSTR)
-	{
-		flex_char(&f, ' ');
-		flex_str(&f, arg);
-	}
-	flex_char(&f, '\0');
-	flex_end(&f);
-	if (lwrite(&tx, f.f_str) == NULLSTR)
-	{
-		state = Done;
-		finish();
-		return IoError;
-	}
-	return reply(r);
- * Manage the user typed password in a pipe.
- */
-char	*
-	char		*p;
-	static int	fds[2]	= { SYSERROR, SYSERROR };
-	static char	buf[POP_PASS_LEN + 1];
-	static int	l;
-	/*
-	 * Return user typed password.
-	 */
-	if (fds[0] != SYSERROR)
-	{
-		if (read(fds[0], buf, l) != l)
-		{
-			could_not("read password for", user);
-			/* NOTREACHED */
-		}
-		if (write(fds[1], buf, l) != l)
-		{
-			could_not("write password for", user);
-			/* NOTREACHED */
-		}
-		buf[l] = '\0';
-		return buf;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Read password and write it into the pipe.
-	 */
-	if (pipe(fds) == SYSERROR)
-	{
-		could_not("create pipe for", server);
-	}
-	if ((p = readpass("password: ")) == NULLSTR)
-		p = "";
-	if ((l = strlen(p)) > POP_PASS_LEN)
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Password too long, truncated to %d charecters.\n", my_name, server, POP_PASS_LEN);
-	strncpy(buf, p, POP_PASS_LEN);
-	memset(p, '\0', l);
-	buf[POP_PASS_LEN] = '\0';
-	l = strlen(buf);
-	if (write(fds[1], buf, l) != l)
-	{
-		could_not("write password for", user);
-	}
-	return buf;
- * Create a new file for a message.  Returns 0 on success, 1 on failure.
- */
-newfile(flex *file, lineio *out, char *n)
-	int	fd;
-	if (file->f_str == NULLSTR)
-		return 1;
-	if (spooldir != NULLSTR)
-	{
-		flex_str(file, spooldir);
-		flex_char(file, '/');
-	}
-	flex_str(file, n);
-	flex_char(file, '\0');
-	flex_end(file);
-	if ((fd = creat(file->f_str, 0200)) == SYSERROR)
-	{
-		would_not("creat", file->f_str);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	lopen(out, fd, LWRITE);
-	return 0;
- * Close a message's file for a message.  Returns 0 on success, 1 on failure.
- */
-closefile(flex *file, lineio *out)
-	int	fail;
-	if (file->f_str == NULLSTR || (out->l_flag & LWRITE) == 0)
-		return 1;
-	fail = 0;
-	if ((out->l_flag & LERROR) == 0)
-	{
-		if (lclose(out))
-		{
-			would_not("lclose", file->f_str);
-			fail = 1;
-		}
-	}
-	else
-		fail = 1;
-	if (close(out->l_fd) == SYSERROR)
-	{
-		would_not("close", file->f_str);
-		fail = 1;
-	}
-	if (!fail && chmod(file->f_str, 0600) == SYSERROR)
-	{
-		would_not("chmod", file->f_str);
-		fail = 1;
-	}
-	if (fail && unlink(file->f_str) == SYSERROR)
-		would_not("unlink", file->f_str);		
-	return fail;		
- * Receive mail with POP3 on a socket.
- */
-pop3(int s)
-	char	*r;
-	lineio	out;
-	char	*pass;
-	ulong	messages;
-	ulong	size;
-	ulong	i;
-	int	rs;
-	int	spoolfull;
-	flex	file;
-	flex_init(&file);
-	lopen(&rx, s, LREAD|LCRLF);
-	lopen(&tx, s, LWRITE|LCRLF|LLBUF);
-	out.l_flag = 0;
-	/*
-	 * Server up?
-	 */
-	state = Idle;
-	if (reply(&r) != Ok)
-		return PopError;
-	/*
-	 * Send user name and password.
-	 */
-	state = Authorization;
-	switch (request(POP_CMD_USER, user, &r))
-	{
-	case Ok:
-		break;
-	case Error:
-		return AuthError;
-	default:
-		return PopError;
-	}
-	rs = request(POP_CMD_PASS, pass = password(), &r);
-	memset(pass, '\0', strlen(pass));
-	switch (rs)
-	{
-	case Ok:
-		break;
-	case Error:
-		return AuthError;
-	default:
-		return PopError;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Inquire maildrop state.
-	 */
-	state = Transaction;
-	if (request(POP_CMD_STAT, NULLSTR, &r) != Ok)
-		return PopError;
-	switch (sscanf(r, "%lu %lu", &messages, &size))
-	{
-	case 1:
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s:  %d message%s for '%s@%s', maildrop size unknown.\n", my_name, messages, messages == 1 ? "" : "s", user, server);
-		size = 0;
-		break;
-	case 2:
-		if (messages == 0 && retry == 0)
-		{
-			fprintf(stderr, "%s: No messages for '%s@%s'.\n", my_name, user, server);
-			return NoMail;
-		}
-		break;
-	default:
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unknown number of messages for '%s@%s'.\n", my_name, user, server);
-		return PopError;
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Retrieve each message.
-	 */
-	i = 1;
-	while (i <= messages && !signaled)
-	{
-		char	n[16];
-		sprintf(n, "%lu", i);
-		if (request(POP_CMD_RETR, n, &r) != Ok)
-			return PopError;
-		state = Retrieving;
-		sprintf(n, "%ld", number);
-		if (newfile(&file, &out, n))
-			out.l_flag |= LERROR;
-		for (;;)
-		{
-			switch (reply(&r))
-			{
-			case End:
-				/*
-				 * Quit when we've received a message after
-				 * an I/O error on the message spool.
-				 */
-				if (closefile(&file, &out))
-				{
-					i--;
-					goto break2;
-				}
-				i++;
-				number++;
-				break;
-			case Data:
-				if ((out.l_flag & LERROR) == 0 && lwrite(&out, &r[*r == POP_REP_TCHAR]) == NULLSTR)
-					would_not("write", file.f_str);
-				continue;
-			case IoError:
-			case Broken:
-				closefile(&file, &out);
-				return PopError;
-			case Ok:
-				fatal("bogus POP3 OK reply");
-				/* NOTREACHED */
-			default:
-				fatal("unknown POP3 reply");
-				/* NOTREACHED */
-			}
-			break;
-		}
-		state = Transaction;
-	}
-	if (!(spoolfull = i <= messages))
-		i = messages;
-	/*
-	 * Delete retrieved messages.
-	 */
-	if (delete && !signaled)
-	{
-		state = Delete;
-		/*
-		 * Delete backwards to preserve unreceived messages.
-		 */
-		while (i >= 1)
-		{
-			char	n[16];
-			sprintf(n, "%lu", i);
-			if (request(POP_CMD_DELE, n, &r) != Ok)
-				return PopError;
-			i--;
-		}
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Finished with server.
-	 */
-	state = Transaction;
-	if (request(POP_CMD_QUIT, NULLSTR, &r) != Ok)
-		return PopError;
-	state = Done;
-	finish();
-	return spoolfull ? PopError : Complete;
- * Convert an unsigned decimal integer to an unsigned long.
- */
-num(char *s)
-	char	*p;
-	ulong	n;
-	n = 0;
-	for (p = s; *p != '\0'; p++)
-	{
-		char	c;
-		if ((c = *p) < '0' || c > '9')
-		{
-			fprintf(stderr, "%s: '%s' is not numeric.\n", my_name, s);
-			exit(1);
-			/* NOTREACHED */
-		}
-		n = n * 10 + c - '0';
-	}
-	return n;
-	fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [ %s ] [ -n number ] [ -s spooldir ] [ -r [ seconds ] ] [ -t ] [ [user@]server ]\n", my_name, _delete);
-	exit(1);
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
-	struct sockaddr_in	sin;
-	struct hostent		*hp;
-	struct servent		*se;
-	int			i;
-	int			j;
-	char			*p;
-	extern char		*strchr();
-	name(argv[0]);
-	for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
-	{
-		if (argv[i][0] != '-')
-			break;
-		j = 1;
-		while (argv[i][j] != '\0')
-		{
-			switch (argv[i][j++])
-			{
-			case 'd':
-				if (strcmp(argv[i], _delete) != 0)
-				{
-					usage();
-					/* NOTREACHED */
-				}
-				delete = 1;
-				break;
-			case 'n':
-				if (number > 0)
-				{
-					usage();
-					/* NOTREACHED */
-				}
-				if (argv[i][j] != '\0')
-					number = num(&argv[i][j]);
-				else if (++i < argc)
-					number = num(argv[i]);
-				else
-				{
-					usage();
-					/* NOTREACHED */
-				}
-				break;
-			case 'r':
-				if (retry > 0)
-				{
-					usage();
-					/* NOTREACHED */
-				}
-				if (argv[i][j] != '\0')
-					retry = num(&argv[i][j]);
-				else if (i + 1 < argc && argv[i + 1][0] != '-')
-					retry = num(argv[++i]);
-				else
-					retry = Timeout;
-				break;
-			case 's':
-				if (spooldir != NULLSTR)
-				{
-					usage();
-					/* NOTREACHED */
-				}
-				if (argv[i][j] != '\0')
-					spooldir = &argv[i][j];
-				else if (++i < argc)
-					spooldir = argv[i];
-				else
-				{
-					usage();
-					/* NOTREACHED */
-				}
-				break;
-			case 't':
-				trace = 1;
-				break;
-			default:
-				usage();
-				/* NOTREACHED */
-			}
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Set user name and POP server.
-	 */
-	switch (argc - i)
-	{
-	case 0:
-		user = user_id();
-		server = localhost;
-		break;
-	case 1:
-		server = newstr(argv[i]);
-		if ((p = strchr(server, '@')) != NULL)
-		{
-			user = server;
-			*p++ = '\0';
-			server = p;
-		}
-		else
-			user = user_id();
-		break;
-	default:
-		usage();
-	}
-	if (number < 0)
-		number = 0;
-	if ((hp = gethostbyname(server)) == NULL)
-	{
-		could_not("gethostbyname", server);
-	}
-	sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
-	if ((se = getservbyname(POP_SERVICE, POP_PROTOCOL)) != NULL)
-		sin.sin_port = se->s_port;
-	else
-		sin.sin_port = htons(POP_PORT);
-	signals(foreground);
-	while (!signaled)
-	{
-		int		s;
-		static int	forked	= 0;
-		if ((s = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == SYSERROR)
-		{
-			could_not("get socket for", server);
-			/* NOTREACHED */
-		}
-		for (i = 0; hp->h_addr_list[i] != NULL; i++)
-		{
-			int	e;
-			sin.sin_addr = *(struct in_addr *)hp->h_addr_list[i];
-			if (connect(s, (struct sockaddr *)&sin, sizeof sin) == SYSERROR)
-				continue;
-			e = pop3(s);
-			if (retry == 0 || e == AuthError)
-			{
-				exit(e != 0);
-				/* NOTREACHED */
-			}
-			errno = 0;
-			break;
-		}
-		if (errno != 0)
-		{
-			would_not("connect to", server);
-			if (retry == 0)
-			{
-				exit(1);
-				/* NOTREACHED */
-			}
-		}
-		if (!forked)
-		{
-			switch (fork())
-			{
-			case SYSERROR:
-				could_not("fork", my_name);
-				/* NOTREACHED */
-			case 0:
-				forked = 1;
-				signals(background);
-				break;
-			default:
-				exit(0);
-				/* NOTREACHED */
-			}
-		}
-		sleep(retry);
-	}
-	finish();
-	exit(0);
-	return 0;	/* shut up! */
//GO.SYSIN DD pop.c
echo reo.c
sed 's/.//' >reo.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD reo.c'
- *	reo
- *
- *	Read an RFC 822 message and reorder its headers.
- *
- *	This could be a script, but it's trivial as a program.
- */
-#ifndef	lint
-static char	sccsid[]	= "@(#)reo.c	1.1";
-#endif	lint
-#include	<stdio.h>
-#include	<fcntl.h>
-#include	<errno.h>
-#include	<signal.h>
-#include	"mace.h"
-#include	"line.h"
-#include	"message.h"
- * Write a line checking for errors.
- */
-ewrite(lineio *l, char *s)
-	if (lwrite(l, s) == NULLSTR)
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s Could not write standard output.\n", my_name);
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s\n", my_name);
-	exit(1);
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
-	lineio	in;
-	lineio	out;
-	message	*m;
-	char	*s;
-	char	**h;
-	name(argv[0]);
-	if (argc != 1)
-	{
-		usage();
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Validate headers.
-	 */
-	if ((m = parse_fd(0, &in)) == NULLMESS)
-	{
-		could_not("parse", "<stdin>");
-	}
-	lopen(&out, fileno(stdout), LWRITE);
-	/*
-	 * Write out headers.
-	 */
-	reorder_headers(&m->ms_headers);
-	for (h = m->ms_headers.v_list; (s = *h) != NULLSTR; h++)
-		ewrite(&out, s);
-	free_mess(m);
-	/*
-	 * Write separator between headers and body.
-	 */
-	ewrite(&out, "");
-	/*
-	 * Write out message body.
-	 */
-	while ((s = lread(&in)) != NULLSTR)
-	{
-		ewrite(&out, s);
-		free(s);
-	}
-	if (lclose(&out))
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Message truncated.\n", my_name);
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	exit(0);
-	return 0;
//GO.SYSIN DD reo.c
echo ret.c
sed 's/.//' >ret.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD ret.c'
- *	ret - return to a mark
- */
-#ifndef	lint
-static char	sccsid[]	= "@(#)ret.c	1.3";
-#endif	lint
-#include	<stdio.h>
-#include	<sys/types.h>
-#include	<sys/stat.h>
-#include	"mace.h"
-#include	"line.h"
-#include	"message.h"
-	fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s\n", my_name);
-	exit(1);
-set(box, mess)
-char	*box;
-char	*mess;
-	register mbox	*mb;
-	int		ok;
-	ok = 0;
-	if ((mb = read_box(box)) != NULLBOX)
-	{
-		if (!set_box(box) && !set_current(box, mess))
-		{
-			char	*f;
-			if (!clear_state(f = concat3(mb->m_path, "/", mess), MESG_MARK))
-				printf("%c%s %s\n", BOX_CHAR, box, mess);
-			else
-				ok = 1;
-			(void)free(f);
-		}
-		else
-			ok = 1;
-		free_box(mb);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Box \"%s\" does not exist.\n", my_name, box);
-		ok = 1;
-	}
-	return ok;
-main(argc, argv)
-int	argc;
-char	*argv[];
-	register char	*m;
-	char		*p;
-	int		ok;
-	name(argv[0]);
-	if (argc > 1)
-	{
-		usage();
-	}
-	ok = 0;
-	if ((m = read_file(p = concat3(mace_dir(), "/", MARK))) == NULLSTR)
-	{
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	if (*m++ == BOX_CHAR)
-	{
-		register char	c;
-		char		*bp;
-		char		*mp;
-		bp = m;
-		mp = NULLSTR;
-		while ((c = *m) != '\0')
-		{
-			if (c == ' ')
-			{
-				*m++ = '\0';
-				mp = m;
-				while ((c = *m) != '\0')
-				{
-					if (c == '\n')
-					{
-						*m++ = '\0';
-						break;
-					}
-					m++;
-				}
-				ok = set(bp, mp);
-				break;
-			}
-			if (c == '\n')
-			{
-				fprintf(stderr, "%s: \"%s\": missing message-id.\n", my_name, p, BOX_CHAR);
-				ok = 1;
-				m++;
-				break;
-			}
-			m++;
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: \"%s\":  Leading '%c' missing.\n", my_name, p, BOX_CHAR);
-		while (*m != '\0' && *m++ != '\n')
-			;
-		ok = 1;
-	}
-	if (*m != '\0')
-	{
-		if (write_file(p, m))
-		{
-			would_not("write", p);
-			ok = 1;
-		}
-	}
-	else if (unlink(p) == SYSERROR)
-	{
-		would_not("unlink", p);
-		ok = 1;
-	}
-	return ok;
//GO.SYSIN DD ret.c

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