Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/boyd/sys/src/cmd/md5.bundle

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# To unbundle, run this file
echo Makefile
sed 's/.//' >Makefile <<'//GO.SYSIN DD Makefile'
-TESTS		= \
-		A-Za-z0-9 \
-		a \
-		a-z \
-		abc \
-		message-digest \
-		null \
-		numbers
-SRC		= \
-		Makefile \
-		results \
-		md5.c
-all		: md5
-test		: md5 $(TESTS) results
-		./md5 $(TESTS) | diff results -
-bundle		: $(SRC)
-		bundle $(SRC) > md5.bundle
-# tests
-A-Za-z0-9	:
-		echo ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 | tr -d '\012' > $@
-a		:
-		echo a | tr -d '\012' > $@
-a-z		:
-		echo abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz | tr -d '\012' > $@
-abc		:
-		echo abc | tr -d '\012' > $@
-message-digest	:
-		echo message digest | tr -d '\012' > $@
-null		:
-		> $@
-numbers		:
-		echo 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 | tr -d '\012' > $@
//GO.SYSIN DD Makefile
echo results
sed 's/.//' >results <<'//GO.SYSIN DD results'
-d174ab98d277d9f5a5611c2c9f419d9f A-Za-z0-9
-0cc175b9c0f1b6a831c399e269772661 a
-c3fcd3d76192e4007dfb496cca67e13b a-z
-900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72 abc
-f96b697d7cb7938d525a2f31aaf161d0 message-digest
-d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e null
-57edf4a22be3c955ac49da2e2107b67a numbers
//GO.SYSIN DD results
echo md5.c
sed 's/.//' >md5.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD md5.c'
- *	%W%
- *
- *	md5 [ files ... ]
- *
- *	MD5 message digest.
- *
- *	Written from the decription in _Network Security_, Kaufman et al
- *	and RFC 1321.  The description in _Network Security_ is just wrong.
- *
- *
- *	Boyd Roberts
- *	November '95
- *
- *
- *	The following, taken from RFC 1321, is required to be attached
- *	for licencing reasons:
- *
- *		derived from the RSA Data Security, Inc.
- *		MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm
- */
-#include	<stdio.h>
-#include	<sys/types.h>
-#include	<sys/stat.h>
-#include	<fcntl.h>
-#include	<string.h>
-#define SYSERROR	(-1)
- *	32 bit unsigned integer
- */
-#if	__osf__ && __alpha
-typedef unsigned int	u32;
-typedef unsigned long	u32;
-typedef unsigned char	uchar;
-#define bzero(b, n)	memset(b, '\0', n)
- *	Message block sizes.
- */
-#define MSG_BITS	512
-#define MSG_BYTES	(MSG_BITS / 8)
-#define MSG_WORDS	(MSG_BYTES / sizeof(u32))
- *	Number of words in the digest.
- */
-#define DIGEST_WORDS	4
- *	Byte offset in the message block for the message size in bits.
- */
-#define MSG_LEN1_BYTE	(MSG_BYTES - sizeof(u32))
-#define MSG_LEN0_BYTE	(MSG_LEN1_BYTE - sizeof(u32))
- *	Constants and function required for each round.
- */
-typedef struct md5tab
-	u32	t;			/* constant */
-	u32	(*f)(u32, u32, u32);	/* function */
-	int	i;			/* message block word */
-	int	s;			/* shift */
-		md5tab;
- *	Digest mangling functions.
- */
-u32		F(u32, u32, u32);
-u32		G(u32, u32, u32);
-u32		H(u32, u32, u32);
-u32		I(u32, u32, u32);
- *	MD5 constants:
- *
- *		for (i = 1; i <= 64; i++)
- *			t[i - 1] = floor((4294967296.0 * fabs(sin((double)i)));
- *
- *		4294967296.0 == 2 ^ 32
- */
-md5tab		rounds[]	=
-	/* pass 1 */
-	{ 0xd76aa478, F,  0,  7, },
-	{ 0xe8c7b756, F,  1, 12, },
-	{ 0x242070db, F,  2, 17, },
-	{ 0xc1bdceee, F,  3, 22, },
-	{ 0xf57c0faf, F,  4,  7, },
-	{ 0x4787c62a, F,  5, 12, },
-	{ 0xa8304613, F,  6, 17, },
-	{ 0xfd469501, F,  7, 22, },
-	{ 0x698098d8, F,  8,  7, },
-	{ 0x8b44f7af, F,  9, 12, },
-	{ 0xffff5bb1, F, 10, 17, },
-	{ 0x895cd7be, F, 11, 22, },
-	{ 0x6b901122, F, 12,  7, },
-	{ 0xfd987193, F, 13, 12, },
-	{ 0xa679438e, F, 14, 17, },
-	{ 0x49b40821, F, 15, 22, },
-	/* pass 2 */
-	{ 0xf61e2562, G,  1,  5, },
-	{ 0xc040b340, G,  6,  9, },
-	{ 0x265e5a51, G, 11, 14, },
-	{ 0xe9b6c7aa, G,  0, 20, },
-	{ 0xd62f105d, G,  5,  5, },
-	{ 0x02441453, G, 10,  9, },
-	{ 0xd8a1e681, G, 15, 14, },
-	{ 0xe7d3fbc8, G,  4, 20, },
-	{ 0x21e1cde6, G,  9,  5, },
-	{ 0xc33707d6, G, 14,  9, },
-	{ 0xf4d50d87, G,  3, 14, },
-	{ 0x455a14ed, G,  8, 20, },
-	{ 0xa9e3e905, G, 13,  5, },
-	{ 0xfcefa3f8, G,  2,  9, },
-	{ 0x676f02d9, G,  7, 14, },
-	{ 0x8d2a4c8a, G, 12, 20, },
-	/* pass 3 */
-	{ 0xfffa3942, H,  5,  4, },
-	{ 0x8771f681, H,  8, 11, },
-	{ 0x6d9d6122, H, 11, 16, },
-	{ 0xfde5380c, H, 14, 23, },
-	{ 0xa4beea44, H,  1,  4, },
-	{ 0x4bdecfa9, H,  4, 11, },
-	{ 0xf6bb4b60, H,  7, 16, },
-	{ 0xbebfbc70, H, 10, 23, },
-	{ 0x289b7ec6, H, 13,  4, },
-	{ 0xeaa127fa, H,  0, 11, },
-	{ 0xd4ef3085, H,  3, 16, },
-	{ 0x04881d05, H,  6, 23, },
-	{ 0xd9d4d039, H,  9,  4, },
-	{ 0xe6db99e5, H, 12, 11, },
-	{ 0x1fa27cf8, H, 15, 16, },
-	{ 0xc4ac5665, H,  2, 23, },
-	/* pass 4 */
-	{ 0xf4292244, I,  0,  6, },
-	{ 0x432aff97, I,  7, 10, },
-	{ 0xab9423a7, I, 14, 15, },
-	{ 0xfc93a039, I,  5, 21, },
-	{ 0x655b59c3, I, 12,  6, },
-	{ 0x8f0ccc92, I,  3, 10, },
-	{ 0xffeff47d, I, 10, 15, },
-	{ 0x85845dd1, I,  1, 21, },
-	{ 0x6fa87e4f, I,  8,  6, },
-	{ 0xfe2ce6e0, I, 15, 10, },
-	{ 0xa3014314, I,  6, 15, },
-	{ 0x4e0811a1, I, 13, 21, },
-	{ 0xf7537e82, I,  4,  6, },
-	{ 0xbd3af235, I, 11, 10, },
-	{ 0x2ad7d2bb, I,  2, 15, },
-	{ 0xeb86d391, I,  9, 21, },
- *	Initial little endian message digest.
- *	They make sense if written big endian.
- */
-u32		d[DIGEST_WORDS]	=
-	0x67452301, 0xefcdab89, 0x98badcfe, 0x10325476,
-char		*my_name;
-int		ok		= 0;
- *	32 bit unsigned to little endian.
- */
-unpack(u32 u, uchar *b)
-	b[0] = u & 0xFF;
-	b[1] = (u >> 8) & 0xFF;
-	b[2] = (u >> 16) & 0xFF;
-	b[3] = (u >> 24) & 0xFF;
- *	Little endian to 32 bit unsigned.
- */
-pack(uchar *b)
-	return ((u32)b[3] << 24) | ((u32)b[2] << 16) | ((u32)b[1] << 8) | b[0];
-char *
-	extern int	errno;
-	extern int 	sys_nerr;
-	extern char	*sys_errlist[];
-	return errno > 0 && errno <= sys_nerr ? sys_errlist[errno] : "Unknown error";
-could_not(char *what, char *with)
-	fprintf(stderr, "%s: Could not %s '%s'. %s\n", my_name, what, with, sysmess());
-	ok = 1;
-F(u32 x, u32 y, u32 z)
-	return (x & y) | (~x & z);
-G(u32 x, u32 y, u32 z)
-	return (x & z) | (y & ~z);
-H(u32 x, u32 y, u32 z)
-	return x ^ y ^ z;
-I(u32 x, u32 y, u32 z)
-	return y ^ (x | ~z);
- *	Print the message digest (little endian).
- */
-md5print(char *file, u32 *d)
-	int	i;
-	for (i = 0; i < DIGEST_WORDS; i++)
-	{
-		uchar	b[4];
-		unpack(d[i], b);
-		printf("%02x%02x%02x%02x", b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3]);
-	}
-	if (file)
-		printf(" %s", file);
-	printf("\n");
- *	Compute the message digest for a message block.
- */
-md5block(uchar *b, u32 *d)
-	u32	*m;
-	int	i;
-	md5tab	*rp;
-	u32	old[DIGEST_WORDS];
-	u32	message[MSG_WORDS];
-	m = message;
-	for (i = 0; i < MSG_BYTES; i += sizeof *m)
-	{
-		*m = pack(b);
-		b += sizeof(*m);
-		m++;
-	}
-	m = message;
-	rp = rounds;
-	/* save current digest */
-	old[0] = d[0];
-	old[1] = d[1];
-	old[2] = d[2];
-	old[3] = d[3];
-	for (i = 0; i < sizeof rounds / sizeof rounds[0]; i++)
-	{
-		u32	x;
-		x = d[-i & 3] + (*rp->f)(d[(1 - i) & 3], d[(2 - i) & 3], d[(3 - i) & 3]) + m[rp->i] + rp->t;
-		/* 32 bit rotate */
-		x = (x << rp->s) | (x >> (32 - rp->s));
-		d[-i & 3] = d[(1 - i) & 3] + x;
-		rp++;
-	}
-	/* add previous digest to current  */
-	d[0] += old[0];
-	d[1] += old[1];
-	d[2] += old[2];
-	d[3] += old[3];
- *	Compute the message digest for a file.
- */
-md5(char *file, int fd)
-	uchar	buf[MSG_BYTES * 64];
-	uchar	*mb;
-	uchar	*me;
-	u32	digest[DIGEST_WORDS];
-	u32	bits[2];
-	int	i;
-	/* initial digest */
-	for (i = 0; i < DIGEST_WORDS; i++)
-		digest[i] = d[i];
-	/* size of message in bits */
-	bits[0] = bits[1] = 0;
-	mb = me = buf;
-	for (;;)
-	{
-		if (mb >= me)
-		{
-			int	n;
-			switch (n = read(fd, buf, sizeof buf))
-			{
-			case SYSERROR:
-				could_not("read", file ? file : "<stdin>");
-				return;
-			case 0:
-				mb = me = buf;
-				break;
-			default:
-				mb = buf;
-				me = &buf[n];
-				/* update size in bits*/
-				n <<= 3;
-				if ((bits[0] += n) < n)
-					bits[1]++;
-			}
-		}
-		if (me - mb < MSG_BYTES)
-			break;
-		/* process whole block */
-		md5block(mb, digest);
-		mb += MSG_BYTES;
-	}
-	/* pad message */
-	*me++ = 0x80;
-	if ((me - mb) > MSG_LEN0_BYTE)
-	{
-		/* digest this block and substitute a padded block */
-		bzero(me, MSG_BYTES - (me - mb));
-		md5block(mb, digest);
-		bzero(mb, MSG_LEN0_BYTE);
-	}
-	else
-		bzero(me, MSG_LEN0_BYTE - (me - mb));
-	/* append size in bits */
-	unpack(bits[0], &mb[MSG_LEN0_BYTE]);
-	unpack(bits[1], &mb[MSG_LEN1_BYTE]);
-	md5block(mb, digest);
-	md5print(file, digest);
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
-	int		i;
-	int		fd;
-	extern char	*strrchr();
-	if ((my_name = strrchr(argv[0], '/')) == 0 || *++my_name == '\0')
-		my_name = argv[0];
-	if (argc > 1)
-	{
-		for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
-		{
-			if ((fd = open(argv[i], O_RDONLY)) == SYSERROR)
-			{
-				could_not("open", argv[i]);
-				ok = 1;
-				continue;
-			}
-			md5(argv[i], fd);
-			(void)close(fd);
-		}
-	}
-	else
-		md5(NULL, 0);
-	exit(ok);
//GO.SYSIN DD md5.c

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