{- Heap should not grow. With nhc13:
nhc13test8 10000
runs out of space. Whereas with hbc even:
nhc13test8 -H32K 50000
does not. Also, do a heap profile and see it ramp. -}
import System(getArgs)
data Test = Test !Int
f :: Test -> Int -> Test
f (Test n) i = Test (n+i)
g :: Test -> Int
g (Test n) = n
sfoldl :: Eval a => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a
sfoldl f z [] = z
sfoldl f z (x:xs) = sfoldl f fzx (fzx `seq` xs)
where fzx = f z x
main = do argv <- getArgs
print (g (sfoldl f (Test 0) [1..(read (argv!!0))]))