Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/fernan/nhc98/include/packages/Cabal/Distribution/Compat/ReadP.hi

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Distributed under the MIT License.
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interface Distribution.Compat.ReadP where {
infixr  5 <++;
infixr  5 +++;

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Prelude.Integral a) => Prelude.Fractional (Ratio.Ratio a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Prelude.Integral a) => Prelude.RealFrac (Ratio.Ratio a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Prelude.Integral a) => Prelude.Num (Ratio.Ratio a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Prelude.Integral a) => Prelude.Real (Ratio.Ratio a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Prelude.Integral a) => Prelude.Enum (Ratio.Ratio a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Prelude.Read a,Prelude.Integral a) => Prelude.Read (Ratio.Ratio a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Prelude.Integral a) => Prelude.Ord (Ratio.Ratio a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Prelude.Integral a) => Prelude.Eq (Ratio.Ratio a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Functor (Parser a b);

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Functor NHC.Internal.IO;

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Prelude.Integral a) => Prelude.Show (Ratio.Ratio a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Prelude.Show a) => Prelude.Show (NHC.Internal.IO a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance Control.Monad.MonadPlus (Parser a b);

{-# NEED #-}
instance Control.Monad.MonadPlus (P a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance Control.Monad.MonadPlus Prelude.Maybe;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Control.Monad.MonadPlus Prelude.[];

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Monad (Parser a b);

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Monad (P a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Monad NHC.Internal.IO;
interface Ratio
{-# NEED Ratio #-}
data Ratio a;
interface NHC.Internal
{-# NEED IO #-}
newtype {-#  #-} IO a;

{-# NEED World #-}
data World;
interface ! Distribution.Compat.ReadP
{-# NEED readS_to_P #-}
readS_to_P{-# 1 #-}::(([a] -> [(b,[a])]) -> (Parser c a b));

{-# NEED readP_to_S #-}
readP_to_S{-# 1 #-}::((Parser a b a) -> ([b] -> [(a,[b])]));

{-# NEED manyTill #-}
manyTill{-# 2 #-}::((Parser a b c) -> ((Parser [c] b d) -> (Parser a b [c])));

{-# NEED chainl1 #-}
chainl1{-# 2 #-}::((Parser a b c) -> ((Parser a b (c -> (c -> c))) -> (Parser a b c)));

{-# NEED chainr1 #-}
chainr1{-# 2 #-}::((Parser a b c) -> ((Parser a b (c -> (c -> c))) -> (Parser a b c)));

{-# NEED chainl #-}
chainl{-# 3 #-}::((Parser a b c) -> ((Parser a b (c -> (c -> c))) -> (c -> (Parser a b c))));

{-# NEED chainr #-}
chainr{-# 3 #-}::((Parser a b c) -> ((Parser a b (c -> (c -> c))) -> (c -> (Parser a b c))));

{-# NEED endBy1 #-}
endBy1{-# 2 #-}::((Parser a b c) -> ((Parser a b d) -> (Parser a b [c])));

{-# NEED endBy #-}
endBy{-# 2 #-}::((Parser a b c) -> ((Parser a b d) -> (Parser a b [c])));

{-# NEED sepBy1 #-}
sepBy1{-# 2 #-}::((Parser a b c) -> ((Parser a b d) -> (Parser a b [c])));

{-# NEED sepBy #-}
sepBy{-# 2 #-}::((Parser a b c) -> ((Parser a b d) -> (Parser a b [c])));

{-# NEED skipMany1 #-}
skipMany1{-# 1 #-}::((Parser a b c) -> (Parser a b ()));

{-# NEED skipMany #-}
skipMany{-# 1 #-}::((Parser a b c) -> (Parser a b ()));

{-# NEED many1 #-}
many1{-# 1 #-}::((Parser a b c) -> (Parser a b [c]));

{-# NEED many #-}
many{-# 1 #-}::((Parser a b c) -> (Parser a b [c]));

{-# NEED optional #-}
optional{-# 1 #-}::((Parser a b c) -> (Parser a b ()));

{-# NEED option #-}
option{-# 2 #-}::(a -> ((Parser b c a) -> (Parser b c a)));

{-# NEED between #-}
between{-# 3 #-}::(Prelude.Monad a) => ((a b) -> ((a c) -> ((a d) -> (a d))));

{-# NEED count #-}
count{-# 2 #-}::(Prelude.Monad a) => (Prelude.Int -> ((a b) -> (a [b])));

{-# NEED skipSpaces #-}
skipSpaces{-# 0 #-}::(Parser a Prelude.Char ());

{-# NEED choice #-}
choice{-# 1 #-}::([(Parser a b c)] -> (Parser a b c));

{-# NEED munch1 #-}
munch1{-# 1 #-}::((Prelude.Char -> Prelude.Bool) -> (Parser a Prelude.Char [Prelude.Char]));

{-# NEED munch #-}
munch{-# 1 #-}::((Prelude.Char -> Prelude.Bool) -> (Parser a Prelude.Char [Prelude.Char]));

{-# NEED string #-}
string{-# 1 #-}::(Prelude.Eq a) => ([a] -> (Parser b a [a]));

{-# NEED char #-}
char{-# 1 #-}::(Prelude.Eq a) => (a -> (Parser b a a));

{-# NEED satisfy #-}
satisfy{-# 1 #-}::((a -> Prelude.Bool) -> (Parser b a a));

{-# NEED gather #-}
gather{-# 1 #-}::((Parser ([a] -> (P a b)) a c) -> (Parser b a ([a],c)));

{-# NEED (<++) #-}
(<++){-# 2 #-}::((Parser a b a) -> ((Parser c b a) -> (Parser c b a)));

{-# NEED (+++) #-}
(+++){-# 2 #-}::((Parser a b c) -> ((Parser a b c) -> (Parser a b c)));

{-# NEED pfail #-}
pfail{-# 0 #-}::(Parser a b c);

{-# NEED look #-}
look{-# 0 #-}::(Parser a b [b]);

{-# NEED get #-}
get{-# 0 #-}::(Parser a b b);

{-# NEED ReadP #-}
type {-# 1 #-} ReadP a b = (Parser a Prelude.Char b);
interface Distribution.Compat.ReadP
{-# NEED Parser #-}
newtype {-#  #-} Parser a b c;

{-# NEED P #-}
data P a b;
interface ! Prelude
{-# NEED ReadS #-}
type {-# 2 #-} ReadS a = (String -> [(a,String)]);

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