Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/fernan/nhc98/include/packages/Cabal/Distribution/Version.hi

Copyright © 2021 Plan 9 Foundation.
Distributed under the MIT License.
Download the Plan 9 distribution.

interface Distribution.Version where {

{-# NEED #-}
instance Data.Bits.Bits NHC.FFI.Word64;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Data.Bits.Bits NHC.FFI.Word32;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Data.Bits.Bits NHC.FFI.Word16;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Data.Bits.Bits NHC.FFI.Word8;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Data.Bits.Bits NHC.FFI.Int8;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Data.Bits.Bits NHC.FFI.Int16;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Data.Bits.Bits NHC.FFI.Int32;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Data.Bits.Bits NHC.FFI.Int64;

{-# NEED #-}
instance NHC.FFI.Storable NHC.FFI.CInt;

{-# NEED #-}
instance NHC.FFI.Storable (NHC.FFI.Ptr a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance NHC.FFI.Storable (NHC.FFI.FunPtr a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance NHC.FFI.Storable NHC.FFI.Word64;

{-# NEED #-}
instance NHC.FFI.Storable NHC.FFI.Word32;

{-# NEED #-}
instance NHC.FFI.Storable NHC.FFI.Word16;

{-# NEED #-}
instance NHC.FFI.Storable NHC.FFI.Word8;

{-# NEED #-}
instance NHC.FFI.Storable NHC.FFI.Int8;

{-# NEED #-}
instance NHC.FFI.Storable NHC.FFI.Int16;

{-# NEED #-}
instance NHC.FFI.Storable NHC.FFI.Int32;

{-# NEED #-}
instance NHC.FFI.Storable NHC.FFI.Int64;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Data.Typeable.Typeable2 Prelude.Either;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Data.Typeable.Typeable2 Array.Array;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Data.Typeable.Typeable2 ( (->) a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Prelude.Integral a) => Prelude.Fractional (Ratio.Ratio a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Prelude.Integral a) => Prelude.RealFrac (Ratio.Ratio a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Data.Typeable.Typeable a) => Data.Typeable.Typeable1 (Prelude.Either a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance Data.Typeable.Typeable1 Prelude.Maybe;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Data.Typeable.Typeable1 Ratio.Ratio;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Data.Typeable.Typeable1 NHC.FFI.ForeignPtr;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Data.Typeable.Typeable1 NHC.FFI.Ptr;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Data.Typeable.Typeable1 NHC.FFI.FunPtr;

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Data.Typeable.Typeable a) => Data.Typeable.Typeable1 (Array.Array a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance Data.Typeable.Typeable1 NHC.Internal.IO;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Data.Typeable.Typeable1 Prelude.[];

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Data.Typeable.Typeable a) => Data.Typeable.Typeable1 ( (->) a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Data.Typeable.Typeable a,Data.Typeable.Typeable b) => Data.Typeable.Typeable (Prelude.Either a b);

{-# NEED #-}
instance Data.Typeable.Typeable Prelude.Double;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Data.Typeable.Typeable Prelude.Float;

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Data.Typeable.Typeable a) => Data.Typeable.Typeable (Prelude.Maybe a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Data.Typeable.Typeable a) => Data.Typeable.Typeable (Ratio.Ratio a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance Data.Typeable.Typeable IO.Handle;

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Data.Typeable.Typeable a) => Data.Typeable.Typeable (NHC.FFI.ForeignPtr a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Data.Typeable.Typeable a) => Data.Typeable.Typeable (NHC.FFI.Ptr a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Data.Typeable.Typeable a) => Data.Typeable.Typeable (NHC.FFI.FunPtr a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance Data.Typeable.Typeable Data.Typeable.TypeRep;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Data.Typeable.Typeable Data.Typeable.TyCon;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Data.Typeable.Typeable NHC.FFI.Word64;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Data.Typeable.Typeable NHC.FFI.Word32;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Data.Typeable.Typeable NHC.FFI.Word16;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Data.Typeable.Typeable NHC.FFI.Word8;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Data.Typeable.Typeable NHC.FFI.Int8;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Data.Typeable.Typeable NHC.FFI.Int16;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Data.Typeable.Typeable NHC.FFI.Int32;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Data.Typeable.Typeable NHC.FFI.Int64;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Data.Typeable.Typeable Prelude.Int;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Data.Typeable.Typeable Prelude.Integer;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Data.Typeable.Typeable Prelude.Ordering;

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Data.Typeable.Typeable a,Data.Typeable.Typeable b) => Data.Typeable.Typeable (Array.Array a b);

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Data.Typeable.Typeable a) => Data.Typeable.Typeable (NHC.Internal.IO a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance Data.Typeable.Typeable Prelude.Bool;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Data.Typeable.Typeable ();

{-# NEED #-}
instance Data.Typeable.Typeable Prelude.Char;

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Data.Typeable.Typeable a) => Data.Typeable.Typeable [a];

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Data.Typeable.Typeable a,Data.Typeable.Typeable b) => Data.Typeable.Typeable (a -> b);

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Prelude.Integral a) => Prelude.Num (Ratio.Ratio a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Num NHC.FFI.CInt;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Num NHC.FFI.Word64;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Num NHC.FFI.Word32;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Num NHC.FFI.Word16;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Num NHC.FFI.Word8;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Num NHC.FFI.Int8;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Num NHC.FFI.Int16;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Num NHC.FFI.Int32;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Num NHC.FFI.Int64;

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Prelude.Integral a) => Prelude.Real (Ratio.Ratio a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Real NHC.FFI.CInt;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Real NHC.FFI.Word64;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Real NHC.FFI.Word32;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Real NHC.FFI.Word16;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Real NHC.FFI.Word8;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Real NHC.FFI.Int8;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Real NHC.FFI.Int16;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Real NHC.FFI.Int32;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Real NHC.FFI.Int64;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Bounded NHC.FFI.CInt;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Bounded Data.Char.GeneralCategory;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Bounded IO.IOMode;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Bounded IO.SeekMode;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Bounded NHC.FFI.Word64;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Bounded NHC.FFI.Word32;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Bounded NHC.FFI.Word16;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Bounded NHC.FFI.Word8;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Bounded NHC.FFI.Int8;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Bounded NHC.FFI.Int16;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Bounded NHC.FFI.Int32;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Bounded NHC.FFI.Int64;

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Prelude.Integral a) => Prelude.Enum (Ratio.Ratio a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Enum DErrNo.ErrNo;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Enum NHC.FFI.CInt;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Enum (NHC.FFI.Ptr a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Enum Data.Char.GeneralCategory;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Enum IO.IOMode;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Enum IO.SeekMode;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Enum NHC.FFI.Word64;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Enum NHC.FFI.Word32;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Enum NHC.FFI.Word16;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Enum NHC.FFI.Word8;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Enum NHC.FFI.Int8;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Enum NHC.FFI.Int16;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Enum NHC.FFI.Int32;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Enum NHC.FFI.Int64;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Read Dependency;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Read VersionRange;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Read Version;

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Prelude.Read a,Prelude.Integral a) => Prelude.Read (Ratio.Ratio a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Read IO.BufferMode;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Read NHC.FFI.CInt;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Read Data.Char.GeneralCategory;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Read IO.IOMode;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Read IO.SeekMode;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Read NHC.FFI.Word64;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Read NHC.FFI.Word32;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Read NHC.FFI.Word16;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Read NHC.FFI.Word8;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Read NHC.FFI.Int8;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Read NHC.FFI.Int16;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Read NHC.FFI.Int32;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Read NHC.FFI.Int64;

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Ix.Ix a,Prelude.Read a,Prelude.Read b) => Prelude.Read (Array.Array a b);

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Ord Version;

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Prelude.Integral a) => Prelude.Ord (Ratio.Ratio a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Ord IO.BufferMode;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Ord (NHC.FFI.ForeignPtr a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Ord NHC.FFI.CInt;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Ord (NHC.FFI.Ptr a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Ord (NHC.FFI.FunPtr a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Ord Data.Char.GeneralCategory;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Ord IO.IOMode;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Ord IO.SeekMode;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Ord NHC.FFI.Word64;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Ord NHC.FFI.Word32;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Ord NHC.FFI.Word16;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Ord NHC.FFI.Word8;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Ord NHC.FFI.Int8;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Ord NHC.FFI.Int16;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Ord NHC.FFI.Int32;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Ord NHC.FFI.Int64;

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Ix.Ix a,Prelude.Ord b) => Prelude.Ord (Array.Array a b);

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Show Dependency;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Show VersionRange;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Show Version;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Show Data.HashTable.HashData;

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Prelude.Integral a) => Prelude.Show (Ratio.Ratio a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Show IO.Handle;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Show IO.BufferMode;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Show IO.HandlePosn;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Show DErrNo.ErrNo;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Show (NHC.FFI.ForeignPtr a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Show NHC.FFI.CInt;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Show (NHC.FFI.Ptr a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Show (NHC.FFI.FunPtr a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Show Data.Typeable.TypeRep;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Show Data.Typeable.TyCon;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Show Data.Char.GeneralCategory;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Show IO.IOMode;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Show IO.SeekMode;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Show NHC.FFI.Word64;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Show NHC.FFI.Word32;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Show NHC.FFI.Word16;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Show NHC.FFI.Word8;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Show NHC.FFI.Int8;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Show NHC.FFI.Int16;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Show NHC.FFI.Int32;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Show NHC.FFI.Int64;

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Ix.Ix a,Prelude.Show a,Prelude.Show b) => Prelude.Show (Array.Array a b);

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Prelude.Show a) => Prelude.Show (NHC.Internal.IO a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Integral NHC.FFI.CInt;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Integral NHC.FFI.Word64;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Integral NHC.FFI.Word32;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Integral NHC.FFI.Word16;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Integral NHC.FFI.Word8;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Integral NHC.FFI.Int8;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Integral NHC.FFI.Int16;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Integral NHC.FFI.Int32;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Integral NHC.FFI.Int64;

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Ix.Ix a,Ix.Ix b,Ix.Ix c,Ix.Ix d,Ix.Ix e,Ix.Ix f,Ix.Ix g,Ix.Ix h,Ix.Ix i,Ix.Ix j,Ix.Ix k,Ix.Ix l,Ix.Ix m,Ix.Ix n) => Ix.Ix (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n);

{-# NEED #-}
instance Ix.Ix Data.Char.GeneralCategory;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Ix.Ix IO.IOMode;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Ix.Ix IO.SeekMode;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Ix.Ix NHC.FFI.Word64;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Ix.Ix NHC.FFI.Word32;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Ix.Ix NHC.FFI.Word16;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Ix.Ix NHC.FFI.Word8;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Ix.Ix NHC.FFI.Int8;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Ix.Ix NHC.FFI.Int16;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Ix.Ix NHC.FFI.Int32;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Ix.Ix NHC.FFI.Int64;

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Ix.Ix a,Ix.Ix b) => Ix.Ix (a,b);

{-# NEED #-}
instance Ix.Ix Prelude.Int;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Ix.Ix Prelude.Integer;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Ix.Ix Prelude.Ordering;

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Ix.Ix a,Ix.Ix b,Ix.Ix c) => Ix.Ix (a,b,c);

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Ix.Ix a,Ix.Ix b,Ix.Ix c,Ix.Ix d) => Ix.Ix (a,b,c,d);

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Ix.Ix a,Ix.Ix b,Ix.Ix c,Ix.Ix d,Ix.Ix e) => Ix.Ix (a,b,c,d,e);

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Ix.Ix a,Ix.Ix b,Ix.Ix c,Ix.Ix d,Ix.Ix e,Ix.Ix f) => Ix.Ix (a,b,c,d,e,f);

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Ix.Ix a,Ix.Ix b,Ix.Ix c,Ix.Ix d,Ix.Ix e,Ix.Ix f,Ix.Ix g) => Ix.Ix (a,b,c,d,e,f,g);

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Ix.Ix a,Ix.Ix b,Ix.Ix c,Ix.Ix d,Ix.Ix e,Ix.Ix f,Ix.Ix g,Ix.Ix h) => Ix.Ix (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h);

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Ix.Ix a,Ix.Ix b,Ix.Ix c,Ix.Ix d,Ix.Ix e,Ix.Ix f,Ix.Ix g,Ix.Ix h,Ix.Ix i) => Ix.Ix (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i);

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Ix.Ix a,Ix.Ix b,Ix.Ix c,Ix.Ix d,Ix.Ix e,Ix.Ix f,Ix.Ix g,Ix.Ix h,Ix.Ix i,Ix.Ix j) => Ix.Ix (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j);

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Ix.Ix a,Ix.Ix b,Ix.Ix c,Ix.Ix d,Ix.Ix e,Ix.Ix f,Ix.Ix g,Ix.Ix h,Ix.Ix i,Ix.Ix j,Ix.Ix k) => Ix.Ix (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k);

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Ix.Ix a,Ix.Ix b,Ix.Ix c,Ix.Ix d,Ix.Ix e,Ix.Ix f,Ix.Ix g,Ix.Ix h,Ix.Ix i,Ix.Ix j,Ix.Ix k,Ix.Ix l) => Ix.Ix (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l);

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Ix.Ix a,Ix.Ix b,Ix.Ix c,Ix.Ix d,Ix.Ix e,Ix.Ix f,Ix.Ix g,Ix.Ix h,Ix.Ix i,Ix.Ix j,Ix.Ix k,Ix.Ix l,Ix.Ix m) => Ix.Ix (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m);

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Ix.Ix a,Ix.Ix b,Ix.Ix c,Ix.Ix d,Ix.Ix e,Ix.Ix f,Ix.Ix g,Ix.Ix h,Ix.Ix i,Ix.Ix j,Ix.Ix k,Ix.Ix l,Ix.Ix m,Ix.Ix n,Ix.Ix o) => Ix.Ix (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o);

{-# NEED #-}
instance Ix.Ix Prelude.Bool;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Ix.Ix Prelude.Char;

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Ix.Ix a) => Prelude.Functor (Array.Array a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Functor NHC.Internal.IO;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Functor (Distribution.Compat.ReadP.Parser a b);

{-# NEED #-}
instance Control.Monad.MonadPlus Prelude.Maybe;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Control.Monad.MonadPlus Prelude.[];

{-# NEED #-}
instance Control.Monad.MonadPlus (Distribution.Compat.ReadP.Parser a b);

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Monad NHC.Internal.IO;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Monad (Distribution.Compat.ReadP.Parser a b);

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Eq Dependency;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Eq VersionRange;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Eq Version;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Eq Data.Typeable.KeyPr;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Eq Data.Typeable.Key;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Eq Data.HashTable.Inserts;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Eq Data.HashTable.HashData;

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Prelude.Integral a) => Prelude.Eq (Ratio.Ratio a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Eq IO.Handle;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Eq IO.BufferMode;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Eq IO.HandlePosn;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Eq DErrNo.ErrNo;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Eq (NHC.FFI.ForeignPtr a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Eq NHC.FFI.CInt;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Eq (NHC.FFI.Ptr a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Eq (NHC.FFI.FunPtr a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Eq Data.Typeable.TypeRep;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Eq Data.Typeable.TyCon;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Eq Data.Char.GeneralCategory;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Eq IO.IOMode;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Eq IO.SeekMode;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Eq NHC.FFI.Word64;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Eq NHC.FFI.Word32;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Eq NHC.FFI.Word16;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Eq NHC.FFI.Word8;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Eq NHC.FFI.Int8;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Eq NHC.FFI.Int16;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Eq NHC.FFI.Int32;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Eq NHC.FFI.Int64;

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Ix.Ix a,Prelude.Eq b) => Prelude.Eq (Array.Array a b);
interface Data.Typeable
{-# NEED Typeable #-}
class Typeable a;
interface NHC.Internal
{-# NEED IO #-}
newtype {-#  #-} IO a;

{-# NEED World #-}
data World;
interface Data.Typeable
{-# NEED KeyPr #-}
data KeyPr;

{-# NEED Key #-}
newtype {-#  #-} Key;
interface Data.HashTable
{-# NEED Inserts #-}
data Inserts;

{-# NEED HashData #-}
data HashData;
interface Ratio
{-# NEED Ratio #-}
data (Prelude.Integral a) => Ratio a;
interface IO
{-# NEED Handle #-}
newtype {-#  #-} Handle;

{-# NEED BufferMode #-}
data BufferMode;

{-# NEED HandlePosn #-}
data HandlePosn;
interface DErrNo
{-# NEED ErrNo #-}
data ErrNo;
interface NHC.FFI
{-# NEED ForeignPtr #-}
data ForeignPtr a;

{-# NEED CInt #-}
newtype {-#  #-} CInt;

{-# NEED Ptr #-}
data Ptr a;

{-# NEED FunPtr #-}
data FunPtr a;
interface Data.Typeable
{-# NEED TypeRep #-}
data TypeRep;

{-# NEED TyCon #-}
data TyCon;
interface Data.Char
{-# NEED GeneralCategory #-}
data GeneralCategory;
interface IO
{-# NEED IOMode #-}
data IOMode;

{-# NEED SeekMode #-}
data SeekMode;
interface NHC.FFI
{-# NEED Word64 #-}
data Word64;

{-# NEED Word32 #-}
data Word32;

{-# NEED Word16 #-}
data Word16;

{-# NEED Word8 #-}
data Word8;

{-# NEED Int8 #-}
data Int8;

{-# NEED Int16 #-}
data Int16;

{-# NEED Int32 #-}
data Int32;

{-# NEED Int64 #-}
data Int64;
interface Array
{-# NEED Array #-}
data (Ix.Ix a) => Array a b;
interface Ix
{-# NEED Ix #-}
class (Prelude.Ord a) => Ix a;
interface ! Distribution.Version
{-# NEED parseVersionRange #-}
parseVersionRange{-# 0 #-}::(Distribution.Compat.ReadP.ReadP a VersionRange);

{-# NEED {Dependency Dependency} #-}
data Dependency
  = Dependency Prelude.String VersionRange;

{-# NEED showVersionRange #-}
showVersionRange{-# 1 #-}::(VersionRange -> Prelude.String);

{-# NEED withinRange #-}
withinRange{-# 2 #-}::(Version -> (VersionRange -> Prelude.Bool));

{-# NEED betweenVersionsInclusive #-}
betweenVersionsInclusive{-# 2 #-}::(Version -> (Version -> VersionRange));

{-# NEED orEarlierVersion #-}
orEarlierVersion{-# 1 #-}::(Version -> VersionRange);

{-# NEED orLaterVersion #-}
orLaterVersion{-# 1 #-}::(Version -> VersionRange);

{-# NEED {VersionRange AnyVersion ThisVersion LaterVersion EarlierVersion UnionVersionRanges IntersectVersionRanges} #-}
data VersionRange
  = AnyVersion 
  | ThisVersion Version
  | LaterVersion Version
  | EarlierVersion Version
  | UnionVersionRanges VersionRange VersionRange
  | IntersectVersionRanges VersionRange VersionRange;

{-# NEED parseVersion #-}
parseVersion{-# 0 #-}::(Distribution.Compat.ReadP.ReadP a Version);
interface Distribution.Compat.ReadP
{-# NEED ReadP #-}
type {-# 1 #-} ReadP a b = (Distribution.Compat.ReadP.Parser a Prelude.Char b);

{-# NEED Parser #-}
newtype {-#  #-} Parser a b c;
interface ! Distribution.Version
{-# NEED showVersion #-}
showVersion{-# 1 #-}::(Version -> Prelude.String);

{-# NEED {Version Version versionBranch versionTags} #-}
data Version
  = Version {versionBranch :: [Prelude.Int]} {versionTags :: [Prelude.String]};

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