Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/fernan/nhc98/include/packages/polyparse/Text/ParserCombinators/Poly/NoLeak/StateLazy.hi

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interface Text.ParserCombinators.Poly.NoLeak.StateLazy where {
infixl  3 `Text.ParserCombinators.Poly.Base.discard`;
infixl  3 `Text.ParserCombinators.Poly.Base.apply`;
infixl  6 `Text.ParserCombinators.Poly.Base.onFail`;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Text.ParserCombinators.Poly.Base.PolyParse (Parser a b);

{-# NEED #-}
instance Text.ParserCombinators.Poly.Base.PolyParse Prelude.[];

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Monad (Parser a b);

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Monad NHC.Internal.IO;

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Functor (Result a b);

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Functor (Parser a b);

{-# NEED #-}
instance Prelude.Functor NHC.Internal.IO;

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Prelude.Integral a) => Prelude.Fractional (Ratio.Ratio a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Prelude.Integral a) => Prelude.RealFrac (Ratio.Ratio a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Prelude.Integral a) => Prelude.Num (Ratio.Ratio a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Prelude.Integral a) => Prelude.Real (Ratio.Ratio a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Prelude.Integral a) => Prelude.Enum (Ratio.Ratio a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Prelude.Read a,Prelude.Integral a) => Prelude.Read (Ratio.Ratio a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Prelude.Integral a) => Prelude.Ord (Ratio.Ratio a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Prelude.Integral a) => Prelude.Eq (Ratio.Ratio a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Prelude.Show a) => Prelude.Show (NHC.Internal.IO a);

{-# NEED #-}
instance (Prelude.Integral a) => Prelude.Show (Ratio.Ratio a);
interface NHC.Internal
{-# NEED IO #-}
newtype {-#  #-} IO a;

{-# NEED World #-}
data World;
interface Ratio
{-# NEED Ratio #-}
data Ratio a;
interface ! Text.ParserCombinators.Poly.NoLeak.StateLazy
{-# NEED reparse #-}
reparse{-# 1 #-}::([a] -> (Parser b a ()));

{-# NEED stGet #-}
stGet{-# 0 #-}::(Parser a b a);

{-# NEED stQuery #-}
stQuery{-# 1 #-}::((a -> b) -> (Parser a c b));

{-# NEED stUpdate #-}
stUpdate{-# 1 #-}::((a -> a) -> (Parser a b ()));

{-# NEED satisfy #-}
satisfy{-# 1 #-}::((a -> Prelude.Bool) -> (Parser b a a));

{-# NEED next #-}
next{-# 0 #-}::(Parser a b b);

{-# NEED manyFinally #-}
manyFinally{-# 2 #-}::((Parser a b c) -> ((Parser a b d) -> (Parser a b [c])));

{-# NEED runParser #-}
runParser{-# 1 #-}::((Parser a b c) -> (a -> ([b] -> (c,a,[b]))));

{-# NEED {Parser P} #-}
newtype {-#  #-} Parser a b c
  = P (a -> ([b] -> (Result [b] a c)));
interface Text.ParserCombinators.Poly.NoLeak.StateLazy
{-# NEED Result #-}
data Result a b c;
interface ! Text.ParserCombinators.Poly.Base
{-# NEED failBad #-}
failBad{-# 1 #-}::(Text.ParserCombinators.Poly.Base.PolyParse a) => (Prelude.String -> (a b));

{-# NEED discard #-}
discard{-# 2 #-}::(Text.ParserCombinators.Poly.Base.PolyParse a) => ((a b) -> ((a c) -> (a b)));

{-# NEED adjustErrBad #-}
adjustErrBad{-# 2 #-}::(Text.ParserCombinators.Poly.Base.PolyParse a) => ((a b) -> ((Prelude.String -> Prelude.String) -> (a b)));

{-# NEED oneOf #-}
oneOf{-# 1 #-}::(Text.ParserCombinators.Poly.Base.PolyParse a) => ([(a b)] -> (a b));

{-# NEED indent #-}
indent{-# 1 #-}::(Prelude.Int -> (Prelude.String -> Prelude.String));

{-# NEED optional #-}
optional{-# 1 #-}::(Text.ParserCombinators.Poly.Base.PolyParse a) => ((a b) -> (a (Prelude.Maybe b)));

{-# NEED exactly #-}
exactly{-# 2 #-}::(Text.ParserCombinators.Poly.Base.PolyParse a) => (Prelude.Int -> ((a b) -> (a [b])));

{-# NEED many #-}
many{-# 1 #-}::(Text.ParserCombinators.Poly.Base.PolyParse a) => ((a b) -> (a [b]));

{-# NEED many1 #-}
many1{-# 1 #-}::(Text.ParserCombinators.Poly.Base.PolyParse a) => ((a b) -> (a [b]));

{-# NEED sepBy #-}
sepBy{-# 2 #-}::(Text.ParserCombinators.Poly.Base.PolyParse a) => ((a b) -> ((a c) -> (a [b])));

{-# NEED sepBy1 #-}
sepBy1{-# 2 #-}::(Text.ParserCombinators.Poly.Base.PolyParse a) => ((a b) -> ((a c) -> (a [b])));

{-# NEED bracketSep #-}
bracketSep{-# 4 #-}::(Text.ParserCombinators.Poly.Base.PolyParse a) => ((a b) -> ((a c) -> ((a d) -> ((a e) -> (a [e])))));

{-# NEED bracket #-}
bracket{-# 3 #-}::(Text.ParserCombinators.Poly.Base.PolyParse a) => ((a b) -> ((a c) -> ((a d) -> (a d))));

{-# NEED {PolyParse apply commit adjustErr onFail oneOf'} #-}
class (Prelude.Functor a,Prelude.Monad a) => PolyParse a where {
  apply{-# 2 #-}::((a (b -> c)) -> ((a b) -> (a c)));
  commit{-# 1 #-}::((a b) -> (a b));
  adjustErr{-# 2 #-}::((a b) -> ((Prelude.String -> Prelude.String) -> (a b)));
  onFail{-# 2 #-}::((a b) -> ((a b) -> (a b)));
  oneOf'{-# 1 #-}::([(Prelude.String,(a b))] -> (a b));

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