Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/fernan/nhc98/src/compiler98/AssocTree.hs

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module AssocTree
  ( AssocTree
  , Tree
  , initAT	-- :: AssocTree k v
  , listAT	-- :: AssocTree k v -> [(k,v)]
  , reorderAT	-- :: (AssocTree k v -> (j,u) -> AssocTree k v)
		--			 -> AssocTree j u -> AssocTree k v
  , addAT	-- :: Ord k =>
		--	 AssocTree k v -> (v->v->v) -> k -> v -> AssocTree k v
  , lookupAT	-- :: Ord a =>
		--	 AssocTree k v -> k -> Maybe v
  , updateAT 	-- :: Ord k =>
		--	 AssocTree k v -> k -> (v->v) -> AssocTree k v
  , mapAT       -- :: (v -> w) -> AssocTree k v -> AssocTree k w
  ) where

import Tree234

newtype AssocTree k v = AssocTree (Tree (k,v))

instance (Show k, Show v) => Show (AssocTree k v) where
  show t = show (listAT t)

initAT :: AssocTree k v
initAT = AssocTree initTree

listAT :: AssocTree k v -> [(k,v)]
listAT (AssocTree t) = treeMapList (:) t

reorderAT :: (AssocTree k v -> (j,u) -> AssocTree k v)
	 -> AssocTree j u -> AssocTree k v
reorderAT translate t = 
   foldl translate initAT (listAT t) 

cmp1 key (key',value) = compare key key'

cmp2 key _ (key',value) = compare key key'

addAT :: Ord k => AssocTree k v -> (v->v->v) -> k -> v -> AssocTree k v
addAT (AssocTree t) comb key value = 
  AssocTree $ treeAdd combine (cmp2 key) (key,value) t
   combine (k1,v1) (k2,v2) = (k2,comb v1 v2)

lookupAT :: Ord k => AssocTree k v -> k -> Maybe v
lookupAT (AssocTree t) key = 
   treeSearch Nothing ok (cmp1 key) t
   ok (key,value) = Just value

updateAT :: Ord k => AssocTree k v -> k -> (v->v) -> AssocTree k v
updateAT (AssocTree t) key upd = 
  AssocTree $ treeUpdate update (cmp1 key) t
   update (k1,v1) = (k1,upd v1)

mapAT :: (v -> w) -> AssocTree k v -> AssocTree k w
mapAT f (AssocTree t) = AssocTree $ treeMap (\(k, v) -> (k, f v))  t

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