-- | Converts the jump and label linear instruction list into a flow graph,
-- this aids later optimisation and memory phases.
-- It also includes the code for the graph monad which is used extensively
-- in later analysis processes.
module ByteCode.Graph(
-- * Bytecode graph conversion
-- * Graph state monad
, GState(..)
, GraphMonad
, gGetStart
, gSetStart
, gGetLabels
, gGetNode
, gSetNode
, gGetJumpers
, gSetJumpers
, gAddJumpers
, gRemoveJumpers
, gAlwaysReturns
, gReadX
, gWriteX
, gWriteX_
, module StateMonad
) where
import ByteCode.Type
import StateMonad
import Control.Monad.State
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Maybe(fromJust)
-- graph monad
-- | Generic graph monad state
data GState x = GState { gsStart :: GLabel,
gsGraph :: Graph,
gsJumpers :: Jumpers,
gsExtra :: x }
-- | A graph monad with a given extra state, returning a given value
type GraphMonad x a = State (GState x) a
gGetStart :: GraphMonad x GLabel
gGetStart = readState gsStart
gSetStart :: GLabel -> GraphMonad x ()
gSetStart start = writeState_ $ \s -> s { gsStart = start }
gGetLabels :: GraphMonad x [GLabel]
gGetLabels = readState $ \s -> (map fst . Map.toList . gsGraph) s
gGetNode :: GLabel -> GraphMonad x GraphNode
gGetNode label = readState $ \s -> fromJust $ Map.lookup label (gsGraph s)
gSetNode :: GLabel -> GraphNode -> GraphMonad x ()
gSetNode label node = writeState_ $ \s -> s { gsGraph = Map.insert label node (gsGraph s) }
gGetJumpers :: GLabel -> GraphMonad x (Set.Set GLabel)
gGetJumpers label = readState $ \s -> maybe Set.empty id $ Map.lookup label (gsJumpers s)
gSetJumpers :: GLabel -> Set.Set GLabel -> GraphMonad x ()
gSetJumpers label jumps = writeState_ $ \s -> s { gsJumpers = Map.insert label jumps (gsJumpers s) }
gAddJumpers :: GLabel -> Set.Set GLabel -> GraphMonad x ()
gAddJumpers label jumps = do old <- gGetJumpers label
gSetJumpers label (old `Set.union` jumps)
gRemoveJumpers :: GLabel -> Set.Set GLabel -> GraphMonad x ()
gRemoveJumpers label jumps = do old <- gGetJumpers label
gSetJumpers label (old `Set.difference` jumps)
gReadX :: (x -> a) -> GraphMonad x a
gReadX f = readState $ \s -> f (gsExtra s)
gWriteX :: (x -> (x,a)) -> GraphMonad x a
gWriteX f = writeState $ \s -> let (x',a) = f (gsExtra s)
in (s { gsExtra = x' }, a)
gWriteX_ :: (x -> x) -> GraphMonad x ()
gWriteX_ f = gWriteX (\x -> (f x,()))
-- | Given a node, chase down it to see if it invariably ends up
-- at a return without doing anything substantial on the way
gAlwaysReturns :: GLabel -> GraphMonad x Bool
gAlwaysReturns label =
do node <- gGetNode label
case node of
GLinear ins False next ->
if allSlides ins then gAlwaysReturns next
else return False
GReturn -> return True
GDead -> error $ "gAlwaysReturns: somehow reached dead code! "++show label
_ -> return False
-- given a list of instructions returns whether all the instructions are
-- slides, pops or need heaps. If so then they can be ignored before a return
allSlides [] = True
allSlides ((NEED_HEAP n,_):is) = allSlides is
allSlides ((SLIDE n,_):is) = allSlides is
allSlides ((POP n,_):is) = allSlides is
allSlides _ = False
-- graph builder specifics
-- extra state for graph building
data Extra = Extra { sMapping :: Map.Map Label GLabel,
sLabels :: [GLabel] }
type Builder a = GraphMonad Extra a
-- monadic helpers for building graphs
-- bind a label to particular graph node
bind :: GLabel -> GraphNode -> Builder ()
bind label node = gSetNode label node
-- allocate a new unique label
newLabel :: Builder GLabel
newLabel = gWriteX $ \s -> let (l:ls) = sLabels s
in (s { sLabels = ls }, l)
-- record a label mapping from old labels to new labels
mapping :: Label -> GLabel -> Builder ()
mapping from to = gWriteX_ $ \s -> s { sMapping = Map.insert from to (sMapping s) }
-- records what a particular label is mapped to, if anything
mappedTo :: Label -> Builder (Maybe GLabel)
mappedTo from = gReadX $ \s -> Map.lookup from (sMapping s)
-- records a jump mapping from a label to a list of target labels. Note that this is actually stored
-- the other way round, i.e. record all the labels that jump to a particular label
jumpsTo :: GLabel -> [GLabel] -> Builder ()
jumpsTo from to = mapM_ (addJump from) to
addJump from to = gAddJumpers to (Set.singleton from)
-- graph building
-- | Turn linear bytecode into a graph representation.
bcGraph :: BCModule -> BCModule
bcGraph m = m { bcmDecls = map bcDecl $ bcmDecls m }
-- build the graph for a single declaration
bcDecl :: BCDecl -> BCDecl
bcDecl (Fun name pos arity args (CLinear code) consts isPrim stack numDict fl) =
Fun name pos arity args graph consts isPrim stack numDict fl
st = GState undefined Map.empty Map.empty (Extra Map.empty (map GLabel [0..]))
(start,st') = runState (gBody code) st
graph = CGraph start (gsGraph st') (gsJumpers st')
bcDecl x = x
-- build the body of a function
gBody :: [UseIns] -> Builder GLabel
gBody code = do ret <- gCode code []
oGraph ret
return ret
-- build a graph out of a list of instructions, uses an accumulator to store
-- which nodes should go in the current block
gCode :: [UseIns] -> [UseIns] -> Builder GLabel
gCode [(RETURN,_)] acc =
do next <- newLabel
accL <- gAcc acc next
bind next GReturn
return $ accL `orMaybe` next
gCode ((LABEL n,_):is) acc =
do m <- mappedTo n
next <- case m of
Just m -> return m
Nothing -> do next <- gCode is []
mapping n next
return next
accL <- gAcc acc next
return $ accL `orMaybe` next
gCode ((EVAL,us):is) acc =
do next <- gCode is []
(Just accL) <- gAcc ((EVAL,us):acc) next
return accL
gCode ((JUMP j,_):is) acc =
do next <- gCodeAt j is []
accL <- gAcc acc next
return $ accL `orMaybe` next
gCode ((JUMP_FALSE j,_):is) acc =
do true <- gCode is []
false <- gCodeAt j is []
next <- newLabel
bind next (GIf true false)
jumpsTo next [true,false]
accL <- gAcc acc next
return $ accL `orMaybe` next
gCode ((CASE int tas def,_):is) acc =
do tas' <- mapM (gAlt is) tas
next <- newLabel
def' <- case def of
Just def -> do def' <- gCodeAt def is []
jumpsTo next [def']
return $ Just def'
Nothing -> return Nothing
bind next (GCase int tas' def')
jumpsTo next (map snd tas')
accL <- gAcc acc next
return $ accL `orMaybe` next
gCode ((STOP,us):is) acc = gCode [(RETURN,us)] acc
gCode (i:is) acc = gCode is (i:acc)
-- does that same as gCode but skips instructions until it finds the given label
gCodeAt :: Label -> [UseIns] -> [UseIns] -> Builder GLabel
gCodeAt j is acc
| null is' = error $ "gCodeAt: cannot jump to label L_"++show j++" because it does not exist"
| otherwise = gCode is' acc
is' = dropWhile (\k -> case k of
(LABEL k,_) -> j /= k
_ -> True) is
-- convert the accumulation buffer into a graph node if it's not empty
gAcc :: [UseIns] -> GLabel -> Builder (Maybe GLabel)
gAcc [] next = return Nothing
gAcc acc next =
do lab <- newLabel
let isEval = case acc of
((EVAL,_):_) -> True
_ -> False
bind lab (GLinear (reverse acc) isEval next)
jumpsTo lab [next]
return (Just lab)
-- handle the alt of a case, simply a lifted gCodeAt
gAlt :: [UseIns] -> (Tag,Label) -> Builder (Tag,GLabel)
gAlt is (tag,j) = do next <- gCodeAt j is []
return (tag,next)
-- helper functions
-- return the first item if it's not Nothing, otherwise return the second
orMaybe :: Maybe a -> a -> a
orMaybe m d = maybe d id m
-- graph optimisation functions
oGraph :: GLabel -> Builder ()
oGraph label =
do node <- gGetNode label
case node of
GLinear ins True next -> oGraph next
GLinear ins False next -> oLinear label node
GCase int tas def -> do mapM_ (\(t,as) -> oGraph as) tas
case def of
Just def -> oGraph def
Nothing -> return ()
GIf true false -> do oGraph true
oGraph false
GReturn -> return ()
oLinear :: GLabel -> GraphNode -> Builder ()
oLinear label (GLinear ins False next) =
do (extra,eval,next') <- oRemove next
gSetNode label (GLinear (ins++extra) eval next')
oGraph next'
oRemove :: GLabel -> Builder ([UseIns],Bool,GLabel)
oRemove label =
do jumps <- gGetJumpers label
if Set.size jumps /= 1 then
return ([],False,label)
do node <- gGetNode label
examine node
examine (GLinear ins eval next) =
do more <- if not eval then
oRemove next
return ([],True,next)
let (extra,eval',next') = more
-- now we can remove this node
oRemoveFromGraph label next'
-- return the code
return (ins ++ extra, eval',next')
examine _ =
return ([],False,label)
oRemoveFromGraph :: GLabel -> GLabel -> Builder ()
oRemoveFromGraph node next =
do parents <- gGetJumpers node
gRemoveJumpers next (Set.singleton node)
gAddJumpers next parents
gSetNode node GDead
gSetJumpers node Set.empty