Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/fernan/nhc98/src/compiler98/ByteCode/Write.hs

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-- | Functions to write bytecode sequences to file
module ByteCode.Write(bcWrite,withDirectory ) where

import ByteCode.Type
--import BCTags

import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Control.Monad.State
import List(sortBy)
import Char(chr)
import SysDeps(trace,openBinaryFileWrite)
import Flags
import Util.Extra
import Util.Text(splitList)
import IntState
import IO
import System.FilePath
import System.Directory
import ForeignCode
import Syntax(CallConv(..))
import Data.Maybe(fromJust)


-- | the state of the writing monad
data WState = WS {
    wsStrings :: Map.Map String StringId,
    wsFreeStrings :: [StringId],
    wsOutput :: Binary

type StringId = Int
type Binary = [Char]

-- | a writing monad
type Writer a = State WState a


-- | the current bytecode version
bcVersion :: (Int,Int)
bcVersion = (1,10)

-- | Write a sequence of bytecode declarations into a file.
bcWrite :: IntState       -- ^ internal compiler state
        -> Flags          -- ^ compiler flags
        -> FileFlags      -- ^ info about the file to write
        -> BCModule       -- ^ bytecode declarations to write to file
        -> IO ()

bcWrite state flags fflags prog = withDirectory (sObjectFile fflags) id (reverse $ wsOutput ws')
    (_,ws') = runState (wProgram prog) $ WS Map.empty [0..] []

-- | write the data to the correct file and directory
withDirectory :: String -> (String -> String) -> String -> IO ()
withDirectory dstPath xform dat =
    do let dstDir = takeDirectory dstPath
           dstFile = takeFileName dstPath
       createDirectoryIfMissing True dstDir
       handle <- openBinaryFileWrite (combine dstDir (xform dstFile))
       hPutStr handle dat
       hFlush handle
       hClose handle

-- | write a program to a file
wProgram :: BCModule -> Writer ()
wProgram m = do
    mapM_ wChar "HSBC"
    wUShort (fst bcVersion)
    wUShort (snd bcVersion)
    wUShort 0x00                -- flags
    wUShort (length $ bcmDecls m)
    decls <- inNewBlock $ mapM_ wDecl (bcmDecls m)
    mref <- inNewBlock $ wModuleName (bcmModule m)
    wBlock mref
    wBlock decls

-- | write a single declaration
wDecl :: BCDecl -> Writer ()
wDecl (Fun name pos arity args code consts prim stack numDict fl) = do
    wLocal name
    wSizedBlock $ do
        wChar 'F'
        wUByte arity
        wUShort stack
        wUByte (intFlags fl)
        wConstTable consts
        wCode code

wDecl (Con name pos size tag) = do
    wLocal name
    wSizedBlock $ do { wChar 'C' ; wUByte size ; wUByte tag }

wDecl (External name pos arity cname cconv args) = do
    wLocal name
    wSizedBlock $ do
        wChar 'X'
        wString cname
        wUShort arity
        wCallConv cconv
        wExternalArg (last args)
        mapM_ wExternalArg (init args)

wDecl (Prim name pos) = do
    wLocal name
    wSizedBlock $ do { wChar 'P' ; wQualif name }

-- | write a constant table (of a function)
wConstTable :: ConstTable -> Writer ()
wConstTable ct = do
        wUShort (length ct')
        mapM_ wConst ct'
    ct' = map snd $ sortBy (\(x,_) (y,_) -> compare x y) $ Map.toList ct

-- | write a single constant table item
wConst :: ConstItem -> Writer ()
wConst (CInt i)      = do { wChar 'i' ; wInt i }
wConst (CInteger i)  = do { wChar 'l' ; wInteger i }
wConst (CFloat f)    = do { wChar 'f' ; wFloat f }
wConst (CDouble d)   = do { wChar 'd' ; wDouble d }
wConst (CString s)   = do { wChar 's' ; wString s }
wConst (CPos p)      = return ()
wConst (CVarDesc n p) = return ()
wConst (CGlobal i y) = do { wChar (gType y) ; wQualif i }
    gType g = fromJust $ lookup g [ (GCAF,'A'), (GFUN,'F'), (GFUN0,'0'), (GCON,'C'), (GZCON,'Z'), (GPRIM,'P'), (GEXT,'X') ]

-- | write the code of a function
wCode :: Code -> Writer ()
wCode (CWrites ws) = wSizedBlock $ mapM_ wWrite ws
    wWrite (WUByte n)  = wUByte n
    wWrite (WUShort n) = wUShort n
    wWrite (WByte n)   = wByte n
    wWrite (WShort n)  = wShort n

-- | write out a calling convention
wCallConv :: String -> Writer ()
wCallConv cc = case lookup cc cmap of
                    Just c -> wChar c
                    _      -> error $ "Writing bytecode: the calling convention '"++cc++"' is not supported"
    where cmap = [ ("ccall",'c'), ("cast",'x'), ("address",'a'), ("primitive",'p'), ("stdcall",'s'),
                   ("fastccall",'C'), ("faststdcall",'S'), ("builtin",'b') ]

-- | write an external arg
wExternalArg :: String -> Writer ()
wExternalArg ex = case lookup ex exs of
                    Just c -> wChar c
                    _      -> error $ "Unknown external arg type '"++ex++"'"
    exs = [ ("Data.Int;Int8",'i'), ("Data.Int;Int16",'j'), ("Data.Int;Int32",'k'), ("Data.Int;Int64",'l'),
            ("Data.Word;Word8",'w'), ("Data.Word;Word16",'x'), ("Data.Word;Word32",'y'), ("Data.Word;Word64",'z'),
            ("Prelude;Int",'I'), ("Prelude;Float",'F'), ("Prelude;Double",'D'), ("Prelude;Char",'C'),
            ("Prelude;Bool",'B'), ("Foreign.Ptr;Ptr",'P'), ("Foreign.Ptr;FunPtr",'P'),("Foreign.StablePtr;StablePtr",'p'),
            ("Foreign.ForeignPtr;ForeignPtr",'f'), ("Data.PackedString;PackedString",'u'), ("Prelude;Integer",'N'),
            ("Prelude;->",'H'), ("Prelude;a",'u'), ("Prelude;()",'U') ]

-- | write the table of strings
wStringTable :: Writer ()
wStringTable = do
    st <- gets wsStrings
    let st' = map fst $ sortBy (\(_,x) (_,y) -> compare x y) $ Map.toList st
    wUShort (length st')
    mapM_ wString st'


-- | write a fully qualified id, i.e. module name and item name
wQualif :: String -> Writer ()
wQualif name = do { wModuleName mod ; wUnqualif ";" item }
    where (mod,item) = splitQualified name

-- | write the local part of a fully qualified name  (i.e. no module name)
wLocal :: String -> Writer ()
wLocal name = wUnqualif ";" $ snd $ splitQualified name

-- | write a module name
wModuleName :: String -> Writer ()
wModuleName name = wUnqualif "." name

-- | write an unqualified name, this should either be a module name or an item name but not both
wUnqualif :: String -> String -> Writer ()
wUnqualif sep name
    | length parts == 0 = error $ "wUnqualif: really shouldn't get empty name '"++name++"'"
    | otherwise = do
        wUByte (length parts)
        mapM_ wStringRef parts
    parts = splitList sep name

-- | write a reference to a string, this allocates a new string in the table and writes it's id
wStringRef :: String -> Writer ()
wStringRef s = do { i <- addString s ; wUShort i }

-- | write a single character (8 bits)
wChar :: Char -> Writer ()
wChar c = modify $ \ ws -> ws { wsOutput = c : wsOutput ws }

-- | write a signed byte (8 bits)
wByte :: Int -> Writer ()
wByte i | isByte i = wChar $ chr $ (i + 256) `mod` 256
        | otherwise = error $ "wByte of "++show i

-- | write an unsigned byte (8 bits)
wUByte :: Int -> Writer ()
wUByte i | isUByte i = wChar $ chr i
         | otherwise = error $ "wUByte of "++show i

-- | write a generic integer up to some number of bytes
wIntGeneric :: Integer -> Int -> Writer ()
wIntGeneric i 0 | i == 0 || i == (-1) = return ()
                | otherwise           = error $ "wIntGeneric "++show i ++" 0"
wIntGeneric i n                       = do { wIntGeneric hi (n-1) ; wUByte (fromInteger lo) }
    where (hi,lo) = i `divMod` 256

-- | write a signed short integer (16 bits)
wShort :: Int -> Writer ()
wShort i | isShort i = wIntGeneric (toInteger i) 2
         | otherwise = error $ "wShort of "++show i

-- | write an unsigned short integer (16 bits)
wUShort :: Int -> Writer ()
wUShort i | isUShort i = wIntGeneric (toInteger i) 2
          | otherwise  = error $ "wUShort of "++show i

-- | write a signed integer (32 bits)
wInt :: Int -> Writer ()
wInt i | isInt i   = wIntGeneric (toInteger i) 4
       | otherwise = error $ "wInt of "++show i

-- | write an arbitrary sized integer
wInteger :: Integer -> Writer ()
wInteger i
 | i == 0 = wByte 0
 | otherwise = do
    iblock <- inNewBlock $ wInteger' (abs i)
    wByte $ length iblock * fromInteger (signum i)
    wBlock iblock
  wInteger' 0 = return ()
  wInteger' i = do { wInteger' hi ; wUByte (fromInteger lo) }
    (hi,lo) = i `divMod` 256

-- | write a string
wString :: String -> Writer ()
wString s = do { wUShort (length s) ; mapM_ wChar s }

-- | write a floating point number
wFloat :: Float -> Writer ()
wFloat f = do { wInteger mant ; wShort exp }
    where (mant,exp) = decodeFloat f

-- | write a double precision floating point number
wDouble :: Double -> Writer ()
wDouble f = do { wInteger mant ; wShort exp }
    where (mant,exp) = decodeFloat f

-- | write a block with preceeded by its length
wSizedBlock :: Writer () -> Writer ()
wSizedBlock w = do
    block <- inNewBlock w
    wUShort (length block)
    wBlock block

-- | write a block (previous returned by 'inNewBlock')
-- | assumes block is already reversed
wBlock :: Binary -> Writer ()
wBlock block = modify $ \ ws -> ws { wsOutput = block ++ wsOutput ws }


-- | take a writer computation and perform its operations in a new output block
inNewBlock :: Writer () -> Writer Binary
inNewBlock w = do
    old <- State $ \ ws -> (wsOutput ws, ws { wsOutput = [] })
    State $ \ ws -> (wsOutput ws, ws { wsOutput = old })

-- | add a new string to the string table
addString :: String -> Writer StringId
addString s = State $ \ ws ->
    case Map.lookup s (wsStrings ws) of
        Just i -> (i,ws)
        Nothing -> let (i:is) = wsFreeStrings ws
                   in (i, ws { wsFreeStrings = is, wsStrings = Map.insert s i (wsStrings ws) })


-- | separate a list with a separator, e.g.
--        seperateBy (==';') "abc;def;;gh;" = [ "abc","def","","gh","" ]
separateBy :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]
separateBy sep [] = []
separateBy sep xs = case break sep xs of
                        (before,[])   -> [before]
                        (before,_:ys) -> before : separateBy sep ys


wConstTable :: ConstTable -> Writer
wConstTable ct = wUShort (length ct') >>> wMap wConst ct'
    ct' = map snd $ sortBy (\(x,_) (y,_) -> compare x y) $ Map.toList ct

wConst :: ConstItem -> Writer
wConst (CGlobal i y) = wGType y  >>> wId i
wConst (CInt i)      = wChar 'i' >>> wInt i
wConst (CInteger i)  = wChar 'l' >>> wInteger i
wConst (CFloat f)    = wChar 'f' >>> wFloat f
wConst (CDouble f)   = wChar 'd' >>> wDouble f
wConst (CString s)   = wChar 's' >>> wString s
wConst (CPos p)      =
   let (P s e)       = p
   in wChar 'p' >>> wInt s >>> wInt e
wConst (CVarDesc n p) =
   let (P s e)       = p
   in wChar 'v' >>> wString n >>> wInt s >>> wInt e

wGType :: GType -> Writer
wGType GCAF   = wChar 'A'
wGType GFUN   = wChar 'F'
wGType GFUN0  = wChar '0'
wGType GCON   = wChar 'C'
wGType GZCON  = wChar 'Z'
wGType GPRIM  = wChar 'P'
wGType GEXT   = wChar 'X'

wExternal :: String -> Pos -> Int -> String -> CallConv -> Writer
wExternal name pos arity cName cc =
  do state <- getWIntState
     let syms    = getSymbolTable state
         memo    = foreignMemo syms
         forn    = toForeign syms memo cc Imported cName arity name
         cName'  = reverse $ takeWhile (/='&') $ reverse cName
     wForeign name cName' cc forn

wForeign :: String -> String -> CallConv -> Foreign -> Writer
wForeign name cName cc (Foreign ie proto style mpath _ htok arity args res) =
    do id <- wIdRef name
       rest <- wChar 'X' >>> wString cName >>> wUShort arity >>> wCallConv cc style >>> wExternalArg res >>> wMap wExternalArg args
       let rest' = rest []
       len <- wUShort (length rest')
       return $ id . len . (rest'++)

wCallConv :: CallConv -> Style -> Writer
wCallConv _         Address     = wChar 'a'
wCallConv _         FunAddress  = wChar 'a'
wCallConv C         _           = wChar 'c'
wCallConv Cast      _           = wChar 'x'
wCallConv (Other s) _
  | s == "primitive" = wChar 'p'
  | s == "stdcall" = wChar 's'
  | s == "fastccall" = wChar 'C'
  | s == "faststdcall" = wChar 'S'
  | s == "builtin" = wChar 'b'
wCallConv e         _           = error $ "calling convention "++show e++" is not supported yet"

wExternalArg :: Arg -> Writer
wExternalArg a = wChar c
  c  = case a of
        Int8 -> 'i'
        Int16 -> 'j'
        Int32 -> 'k'
        Int64 -> 'l'
        Word8 -> 'w'
        Word16 -> 'x'
        Word32 -> 'y'
        Word64 -> 'z'
        Int -> 'I'
        Float -> 'F'
        Double -> 'D'
        Char -> 'C'
        Bool -> 'B'
        Ptr -> 'P'
        (FunPtr _) -> 'P'
        StablePtr -> 'p'
        ForeignPtr -> 'f'
        Addr -> error "wExternalArg: Addr is no longer supported"
        ForeignObj -> error "wExternalArg: ForeignObj is no longer supported"
        PackedString -> 'u'
        Integer -> 'N'
        (HaskellFun _) -> 'H'
        (Unknown _) -> 'u'
        Unit -> 'U'

wReference :: BCDecl -> Writer
wReference (Fun name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = wIdRef name
wReference (Con name _ _ _)             = wIdRef name

wStringTable :: Map.Map String StringId -> Writer
wStringTable st = wUShort (length st') >>> wMap wString st'


wAll :: Flags -> IntState -> [BCDecl] -> Binary
wAll flags state ds = bs []
    ws = WS state Map.empty [0..] Map.empty [0..]
    (bs,ws') = runState (wProgram flags ds) ws

wProgram :: Flags -> [BCDecl] -> Writer
wProgram flags ds =
    do header <- wChar 'H' >>> wChar 'S' >>> wChar 'B' >>> wChar 'C' >>>
                 wUShort (fst bcVersion) >>> wUShort (snd bcVersion) >>>
                 wUShort fl
       decls <-  wMap wDecl ds
       state <- readState wsState
       mref  <-  wModule (sepM $ strIS state $ miIS state)
       strings <- readState wsStrings
       extra  <-  wUShort (length ds) >>>
                  wStringTable strings
       return $ header . extra . mref . decls
  fl = 0 + if sHat flags then 1 else 0

wDecl :: BCDecl -> Writer
wDecl (Fun name pos arity args code consts prim stack numDict fl) =
    do id <- wIdRef name
       rest <- wChar 'F' >>> wUByte arity >>> wUShort stack >>> wUByte (intFlags fl) >>> wConstTable consts >>> wCode code
       let rest' = rest  []
       len <- wUShort (length rest')
       return $ id . len . (rest'++)

wDecl (Con name pos size tag) =
    do id <- wIdRef name
       rest <- wChar 'C' >>> wUByte size >>> wUByte tag
       let rest' = rest []
       len <- wUShort (length rest')
       return $ id . len . (rest'++)

wDecl (Prim name pos) =
    do id <- wIdRef name
       rest <- wChar 'P' >>> wId name
       let rest' = rest []
       len <- wUShort (length rest')
       return $ id . len . (rest'++)

wDecl (External name pos arity cname cc nt) = wExternal name pos arity cname cc

wConstTable :: ConstTable -> Writer
wConstTable ct = wUShort (length ct') >>> wMap wConst ct'
    ct' = map snd $ sortBy (\(x,_) (y,_) -> compare x y) $ Map.toList ct

wConst :: ConstItem -> Writer
wConst (CGlobal i y) = wGType y  >>> wId i
wConst (CInt i)      = wChar 'i' >>> wInt i
wConst (CInteger i)  = wChar 'l' >>> wInteger i
wConst (CFloat f)    = wChar 'f' >>> wFloat f
wConst (CDouble f)   = wChar 'd' >>> wDouble f
wConst (CString s)   = wChar 's' >>> wString s
wConst (CPos p)      =
   let (P s e)       = p
   in wChar 'p' >>> wInt s >>> wInt e
wConst (CVarDesc n p) =
   let (P s e)       = p
   in wChar 'v' >>> wString n >>> wInt s >>> wInt e

wGType :: GType -> Writer
wGType GCAF   = wChar 'A'
wGType GFUN   = wChar 'F'
wGType GFUN0  = wChar '0'
wGType GCON   = wChar 'C'
wGType GZCON  = wChar 'Z'
wGType GPRIM  = wChar 'P'
wGType GEXT   = wChar 'X'

wExternal :: String -> Pos -> Int -> String -> CallConv -> Writer
wExternal name pos arity cName cc =
  do state <- getWIntState
     let syms    = getSymbolTable state
         memo    = foreignMemo syms
         forn    = toForeign syms memo cc Imported cName arity name
         cName'  = reverse $ takeWhile (/='&') $ reverse cName
     wForeign name cName' cc forn

wForeign :: String -> String -> CallConv -> Foreign -> Writer
wForeign name cName cc (Foreign ie proto style mpath _ htok arity args res) =
    do id <- wIdRef name
       rest <- wChar 'X' >>> wString cName >>> wUShort arity >>> wCallConv cc style >>> wExternalArg res >>> wMap wExternalArg args
       let rest' = rest []
       len <- wUShort (length rest')
       return $ id . len . (rest'++)

wCallConv :: CallConv -> Style -> Writer
wCallConv _         Address     = wChar 'a'
wCallConv _         FunAddress  = wChar 'a'
wCallConv C         _           = wChar 'c'
wCallConv Cast      _           = wChar 'x'
wCallConv (Other s) _
  | s == "primitive" = wChar 'p'
  | s == "stdcall" = wChar 's'
  | s == "fastccall" = wChar 'C'
  | s == "faststdcall" = wChar 'S'
  | s == "builtin" = wChar 'b'
wCallConv e         _           = error $ "calling convention "++show e++" is not supported yet"

wExternalArg :: Arg -> Writer
wExternalArg a = wChar c
  c  = case a of
        Int8 -> 'i'
        Int16 -> 'j'
        Int32 -> 'k'
        Int64 -> 'l'
        Word8 -> 'w'
        Word16 -> 'x'
        Word32 -> 'y'
        Word64 -> 'z'
        Int -> 'I'
        Float -> 'F'
        Double -> 'D'
        Char -> 'C'
        Bool -> 'B'
        Ptr -> 'P'
        (FunPtr _) -> 'P'
        StablePtr -> 'p'
        ForeignPtr -> 'f'
        Addr -> error "wExternalArg: Addr is no longer supported"
        ForeignObj -> error "wExternalArg: ForeignObj is no longer supported"
        PackedString -> 'u'
        Integer -> 'N'
        (HaskellFun _) -> 'H'
        (Unknown _) -> 'u'
        Unit -> 'U'

wReference :: BCDecl -> Writer
wReference (Fun name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = wIdRef name
wReference (Con name _ _ _)             = wIdRef name

wStringTable :: Map.Map String StringId -> Writer
wStringTable st = wUShort (length st') >>> wMap wString st'
    st' = sortListAT st

wModuleTable :: Map.Map Module ModuleId -> Writer
wModuleTable mt = wMap wModule (sortListAT mt)

wModule :: String -> Writer
wModule m = do is <- mapM addString ms
               wUByte (length ms) >>> wMap wUShort is
    ms = splitModule ';' m []

splitModule :: Char -> String -> String -> [String]
splitModule sep []     []  = []
splitModule sep []     acc = [reverse acc]
splitModule sep (c:cs) acc
    | c == sep  = (reverse acc) : splitModule sep cs []
    | otherwise = splitModule sep cs (c:acc)

wCode :: Code -> Writer
wCode (CWrites ws) = do is <- wMap wWrite ws
                        let is' = is []
                        len <- wUShort (length is')
                        return $ len . (is'++)

wWrite :: Write -> Writer
wWrite (WUByte n)  = wUByte n
wWrite (WUShort n) = wUShort n
wWrite (WByte n)   = wByte n
wWrite (WShort n)  = wShort n

wIdRef :: String -> Writer
wIdRef i = do state <- readState wsState
              let tid = tidIS state i
                  (md,id) = splitM tid
              wModule id

wStringRef :: String -> Writer
wStringRef s = do i <- addString s
                  wUShort i

wId :: Id -> Writer
wId i = do state <- readState wsState
           let tid = tidIS state i
               (md,id) = splitM tid
               md' = if md == "" then sepM $ strIS state $ miIS state else md
           wModule md' >>> wModule id


addString :: String -> State WState Int
addString x = writeState (\s -> case Map.lookup x (wsStrings s) of
                                    Just i -> (s, i)
                                    _      -> let (i:is) = wsFreeS s
                                                  s' = s { wsFreeS = is, wsStrings = Map.insert x i (wsStrings s) }
                                              in (s', i)

addModule :: [Int] -> State WState Int
addModule x = writeState (\s -> case Map.lookup x (wsModules s) of
                                    Just i -> (s, i)
                                    _      -> let (i:is) = wsFreeM s
                                                  s' = s { wsFreeM = is, wsModules = Map.insert x i (wsModules s) }
                                              in (s', i)

sortListAT :: Ord v => Map.Map k v -> [k]
sortListAT st = map fst $ sortBy (\(_,x) (_,y) -> compare x y) $ Map.toList st

wMap :: (a -> Writer) -> [a] -> Writer
wMap f []     = wNil
wMap f (x:xs) = f x >>> wMap f xs

(>>>) :: Writer -> Writer -> Writer
x >>> y = do a <- x
             b <- y
             return $ a . b

wChar :: Char -> Writer
wChar c = return (c:)

wNil :: Writer
wNil = return id

wByte :: Int -> Writer
wByte i = if isByte i then let i' = (i + 256) `mod` 256 in wChar (chr i')
                      else error $ "wByte of "++show i

wUByte :: Int -> Writer
wUByte i = if isUByte i then wChar $ chr i
                        else error $ "wUByte of "++show i

wIntGeneric :: Integer -> Int -> Writer
wIntGeneric i 0
    | i == 0 || i == (-1) = wNil
    | otherwise           = error $ "wIntGeneric "++show i ++" 0"
wIntGeneric i n = wIntGeneric hi (n-1) >>> wUByte (fromInteger lo)
    (hi,lo) = i `divMod` 256

wShort :: Int -> Writer
wShort i = if isShort i then wIntGeneric (toInteger i) 2
                        else error $ "wShort of "++show i

wUShort :: Int -> Writer
wUShort i = if isUShort i then wIntGeneric (toInteger i) 2
                          else error $ "wUShort of "++show i

wInt :: Int -> Writer
wInt i = if isInt i then wIntGeneric (toInteger i) 4
                    else error $ "wInt of "++show i

wInteger :: Integer -> Writer
wInteger i
 | i == 0 = wByte 0
 | i > 0  = do bs <- wInteger' i
               let len = length $ bs []
               wByte len >>> return bs
 | i < 0  = do bs <- wInteger' (-i)
               let len = length $ bs []
               wByte (-len) >>> return bs
  wInteger' :: Integer -> Writer
  wInteger' 0 = wNil
  wInteger' i = wInteger' hi >>> wUByte (fromInteger lo)
    (hi,lo) = i `divMod` 256

wString :: String -> Writer
wString s = wUShort (length s) >>> wMap wChar s

wFloat :: Float -> Writer
wFloat f = wInteger mant >>> wShort exp
    (mant,exp) = decodeFloat f

wDouble :: Double -> Writer
wDouble f = wInteger mant >>> wShort exp
    (mant,exp) = decodeFloat f

getWIntState :: State WState IntState
getWIntState = get >>= return . wsState


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