Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/fernan/nhc98/src/compiler98/Case.hs

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{- |
Translates all patterns into case expressions

module Case(caseTopLevel) where

import List(sort)
import Ratio
import Util.Extra
import Syntax
import SyntaxPos
import PosCode
import State
import IntState
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import IdKind
import TokenId
import Bind(identPat)
import Info
import CaseLib
import CaseHelp
import CaseOpt
import FSLib
import SyntaxUtil
import ForeignCode(ImpExp(..))
import Id(Id)
import Maybe

caseTopLevel :: String
             -> Map.Map TokenId Id
             -> [ClassCode (Exp Id) Id]
             -> [Decl Id]
             -> IntState
             -> ((TokenId,IdKind) -> Id)
             -> ([(Id,PosLambda)],IntState)

caseTopLevel modstr t2i code topdecls state tidFun =
        down = (\dict ->                                -- expEqualNumEq
                 ExpApplication noPos
                        [ExpVar noPos (tidFun (t_equalequal,Var))
                        ,ExpApplication noPos [Exp2 noPos (tidFun (tNum,TClass))
                                                          (tidFun (tEq,TClass))
               ,ExpVar noPos (tidFun (t_eqInteger,Var)) -- expEqInteger
               ,ExpVar noPos (tidFun (t_eqFloat,Var))   -- expEqFloat
               ,ExpVar noPos (tidFun (t_eqDouble,Var))  -- expEqDouble
               ,ExpCon noPos (tidFun (tTrue,Con))       -- expTrue
               ,(ExpCon noPos (tidFun (t_List,Con))     -- expList  expNil
               ,ExpCon noPos (tidFun (t_Colon,Con)))    --          expCons
               ,ExpVar noPos (tidFun (t_patternMatchFail,Var))     -- expError
               ,tidFun                                  -- used by stgRatioCon
               ,PosVar noPos (tidFun (t_undef,Var))     -- stgUndef
               ,modstr                                  -- strModid
               ,Map.empty                               -- translate

        up = (state
             ,t2i  -- TokenId -> Int   generated (and some tuples) to unique
     case caseTopDecls topdecls down up of
      (bs,up) ->
       case mapS caseCode code down up of
        (bs',(state,t2i)) -> (bs ++ concat bs',state)

caseNoMatch :: String -> Pos -> CaseFun (CaseFun PosExp)
caseNoMatch x pos down@(expEqualNumEq,expEqInteger,expEqFloat,expEqDouble
                       ,strModid,translate) up =
  (caseExp $
    ExpApplication pos
       ,ExpLit pos (LitString Boxed (strModid ++ ": " ++ x ++ "."))]

caseTopDecls :: [Decl Id] -> CaseFun [(Id, PosLambda)]
caseTopDecls depends =
  unitS (concat :: ( [[a]]->[a])) =>>> mapS caseDecl depends

caseDecls :: (Decls Id) -> CaseFun PosExp -> CaseFun PosExp
caseDecls (DeclsScc depends) exp = caseDepends depends exp

caseDepends :: [DeclsDepend Id] -> CaseFun PosExp -> CaseFun PosExp
caseDepends []               e = e
caseDepends (DeclsNoRec d:r) e =
  unitS (PosExpLet False noPos) =>>> caseDecl d =>>> caseDepends r e
caseDepends (DeclsRec  ds:r) e =
  unitS (PosExpLet True noPos . concat) =>>> mapS caseDecl ds =>>> caseDepends r e

caseDecl :: Decl Id -> CaseFun [(Id,PosLambda)]
caseDecl d@(DeclPrimitive pos fun arity t) =
  unitS [(fun, PosPrimitive pos fun)]
caseDecl d@(DeclForeignImp pos callconv str fun arity safety t _) =
  unitS [(fun, PosForeign pos fun arity str callconv Imported)]
caseDecl d@(DeclForeignExp pos callconv str fun t) =
  unitS [(fun, PosForeign pos fun 0 str callconv Exported)]
caseDecl (DeclFun pos fun funs) =
  unitS ((:[]) . pair fun) =>>> matchFun pos fun funs
caseDecl (DeclPat (Alt pat gdexps decls)) =
  caseDeclPatAs pat gdexps decls

caseDeclPatAs (PatAs p v pat) gdexps decls =
  caseUnique >>>= \ newId ->
  caseState >>>= \ state ->
    (InfoName newId ((forceM (mrpsIS state) . visible . strPos)
      (getPos pat)) 0  tunknown True) >>> --PHtprof
  caseDeclPatFix (getPos pat,newId) pat (Unguarded (ExpVar p v)) decls
        >>>= \ innerpats->
  caseDecls decls (onePat p pat Nothing gdexps) >>>= \ exp ->
  unitS ((v,PosLambda p LamFLNone [] [] exp) : innerpats)
caseDeclPatAs pat gdexps decls =
  caseUnique >>>= \ newId ->
  caseState >>>= \ state ->
    (InfoName newId ((forceM (mrpsIS state) . visible . strPos)
      (getPos pat)) 0  tunknown True) >>> --PHtprof
  caseDeclPatFix (getPos pat,newId) pat gdexps decls

caseDeclPatFix (pos,topPatId) pat rhs decls =
  singleVars pat >>>= \ easy ->
  case easy of
    Just pis ->
       caseTuple (length pis) >>>= \ tupleCon ->
       caseDecls decls (onePat pos pat Nothing rhs) >>>= \ exp ->
       mapS (oneSel (PosVar pos topPatId) tupleCon pis)
         (map ( \ (Just p,i) -> (p,i) ) (filter (isJust.fst) (zip pis [1..])))
         >>>= \ sels ->
       unitS ((topPatId,PosLambda pos LamFLNone [] [] exp) : sels)

    Nothing ->
      let pis :: [(Pos,Id)]
          pis = identPat pat
      in caseTuple (length pis) >>>= \ tupleCon ->
         caseDecls decls
           (onePat pos pat
               (ExpApplication pos
                 (ExpCon pos tupleCon : map (uncurry ExpVar) pis)
           rhs) >>>= \ exp ->
         mapS (oneSel (PosVar pos topPatId) tupleCon pis)
           (zip pis [1..]) >>>= \ sels ->
         unitS ((topPatId,PosLambda pos LamFLNone [] [] exp) : sels)

oneSel :: PosExp -> Id -> [a] -> ((Pos,Id),Int) -> CaseFun (Id,PosLambda)
oneSel t tuplecon pis ((pos,ident),index) =
  caseUniques pis >>>= \ gunki ->   -- Only want the unique integers
  unitS (ident
        ,PosLambda pos LamFLNone [] []
             (PosExpCase pos t
                   [PosAltCon pos tuplecon
                        (map (pair pos . snd) gunki)
                        (PosVar pos (map snd gunki !! (index-1::Int)))]))

onePat :: Pos -> ExpI -> Maybe ExpI -> Rhs Id -> CaseFun PosExp
onePat pos pat tuple rhs =
  caseTrue >>>= \ true@(ExpCon _ itrue) ->
  caseNoMatch ("All guards false for pattern at " ++ strPos pos) pos
    >>>= \ noguard ->
  fixRhs itrue rhs noguard >>>= \ exp ->
  case tuple of  -- No tuple means that exp already has the correct format
    Nothing -> unitS exp
    Just tuple ->
      caseNoMatch ("No match in pattern expression at " ++ strPos pos)
        pos >>>= \ nomatch ->
      match [exp] [Fun [pat] (Unguarded tuple) (DeclsScc [])] nomatch

onePat pos pat tuple gdexps =
  caseTrue >>>= \ true@(ExpCon _ itrue) ->
  caseNoMatch ("All guards false for pattern at " ++ strPos pos) pos
  >>>= \ noguard ->
  fixGdExp itrue gdexps noguard >>>= \ exp ->
  caseNoMatch ("No match in pattern expression at " ++ strPos pos) pos
  >>>= \ nomatch ->
  match [exp] [Fun [pat] [(true,tuple)] (DeclsScc [])] nomatch

caseExp :: ExpI -> CaseFun PosExp
caseExp (ExpCase pos exp alts) =
  caseExp exp >>>= \ exp ->  matchCase pos exp alts
caseExp (ExpIf pos c e1 e2) =
  unitS (PosExpIf pos False) =>>> caseExp c =>>> caseExp e1 =>>> caseExp e2
caseExp (ExpLambda pos pats exp) = matchLambda pos pats exp

-- Nothing to do
caseExp (ExpApplication pos es)   =
  mapS caseExp es >>>= \ es ->
  unitS (PosExpApp pos es)

caseExp (ExpDict exp) =  caseExp exp >>>= \ exp -> unitS (PosExpDict exp)
caseExp (ExpLet pos decls exp)    =  caseDecls decls (caseExp exp)
caseExp (ExpVar pos ident) = caseIdent pos ident
caseExp (ExpCon pos ident) = unitS (PosCon pos ident)
caseExp (ExpLit pos (LitInt b v)) = unitS (PosInt pos v)
caseExp (ExpLit pos (LitChar b v)) =  unitS (PosChar pos (fromEnum v))
caseExp (ExpLit pos (LitInteger b v)) = unitS (PosInteger pos v)
caseExp (ExpLit pos (LitRational b v)) =
        caseRatioCon >>>= \ ratioCon ->
        unitS (PosExpApp pos [ ratioCon
                             , PosInteger pos (numerator v)
                             , PosInteger pos (denominator v)])
caseExp (ExpLit pos (LitString b v)) = unitS (PosString pos v)
caseExp (ExpLit pos (LitDouble b v)) = unitS (PosDouble pos v)
caseExp (ExpLit pos (LitFloat b v)) = unitS (PosFloat pos v)
caseExp  ExpFail = unitS PosExpFail
caseExp (Exp2 pos i1 i2) =
  unitS (PosVar pos) =>>> fsExp2i pos i1 i2  -- re-introduced by expEqualNumEq
caseExp (PatWildcard pos) =  caseUndef
caseExp (ExpTypeRep pos _) = error $ "caseExp: ExpTypeRep "++strPos pos
caseExp e  =  error ("caseExp " ++ strPos (getPos e))

-------- Interface to match

matchFun :: Pos -> a -> [Fun Id] -> CaseFun PosLambda
matchFun pos fun funs@(Fun args _ _:_) =
  caseUniques args >>>= \ iargs ->
  caseNoMatch ("Pattern match failure in function at " ++ strPos pos) pos
    >>>= \ nomatch ->
  let vars = map ( \ (a,i) -> (getPos a,i)) iargs
  in match (map (uncurry PosVar) vars) funs nomatch >>>=  \ exp ->
     unitS (PosLambda pos LamFLNone [] vars exp)

matchLambda :: Pos -> [Exp Id] -> Exp Id -> CaseFun PosExp
matchLambda pos pats exp =
 if all isExpVar pats
   unitS (PosExpLambda pos False [] (map ( \ (ExpVar p a) -> (p,a) ) pats))
   =>>> caseExp exp
   caseUniques pats >>>= \ ipats ->
   caseNoMatch ("Pattern match failure in lambda at " ++ strPos pos)
     pos >>>= \ nomatch ->
   let vars = map ( \ (p,i) -> (getPos p,i) ) ipats
   in match (map (uncurry PosVar) vars)
            [Fun pats (Unguarded exp) (DeclsScc [])] nomatch >>>= \ exp ->
      unitS (PosExpLambda pos False [] vars exp)

matchCase :: Pos -> PosExp -> [Alt Id] -> CaseFun PosExp
matchCase pos cexp alts =
  caseNoMatch ("No matching alternative in case expression at " ++ strPos pos)
              pos >>>= \ nomatch ->
  match [cexp] (map alt2fun alts) nomatch

--------------------  Help functions

fixFuns :: Id -> [Fun Id] -> CaseFun PosExp -> CaseFun PosExp
fixFuns true [Fun _ rhs decls] def =
  caseDecls decls (fixRhs true rhs def)
fixFuns true (Fun _ rhs decls : rest) def =
  caseDecls decls (fixRhs true rhs (unitS PosExpFail)) >>>= \ e1 ->
  fixFuns true rest def >>>= \ e2 ->
  optFatBar e1 e2

fixRhs :: Id -> Rhs Id -> CaseFun PosExp -> CaseFun PosExp
fixRhs true (Unguarded e) def = unitS0 >>> caseExp e
fixRhs true (PatGuard gdexps) def = fixPatGdExp true gdexps def

fixPatGdExp :: Id -> [([Qual Id],ExpI)] -> CaseFun PosExp -> CaseFun PosExp
fixPatGdExp true [] def = def
fixPatGdExp true ((qs,exp):r) def =
  fixQuals qs exp (fixPatGdExp true r def)

fixQuals [] good bad = caseExp good
fixQuals (QualExp (ExpApplication pos [x]): r) good bad =
  fixQuals (QualExp x: r) good bad
fixQuals (QualExp e: r) good bad =
  unitS (PosExpIf noPos True) =>>> caseExp e =>>> fixQuals r good bad =>>> bad
fixQuals (QualPatExp p e: r) good bad =
  caseUnique >>>= \ ipat ->
  let pos = getPos p
      var = (pos, ipat) in
  match [uncurry PosVar var] funs bad >>>= \ rhs ->
    caseExp e >>>= \ e ->
    unitS (PosExpLet False pos [(ipat,PosLambda pos LamFLNone [] [] e)] rhs)
 -- unitS (PosExpApp pos [ PosExpLambda pos LamFLNone [] [var] rhs , e ])
  where funs = [Fun [p] (PatGuard [(r,good)]) (DeclsScc [])]
fixQuals (QualLet ds: r) good bad =
  caseDecls ds (fixQuals r good bad)

--------  The core 

match ::  [PosExp] -> [Fun Id] -> CaseFun PosExp -> CaseFun PosExp
match [] funs def = caseTrue >>>= \ (ExpCon _ true) -> fixFuns true funs def
  -- All patterns matched
match vars funs def =
  caseState >>>= \ state ->
  caseList >>>= \ list ->
  case splitPattern list state funs of
    []  -> def                  -- No more patterns to match
    [x] -> matchOne vars x def
    xs  ->
      case vars of
        (PosVar _ _:_) -> matchMany vars xs def
        (ve:ves) -> if any needLet xs then
                       caseUnique >>>= \ v ->
                       let pos = getPos ve
                       in matchMany (PosVar pos v:ves) xs def >>>= \ exp ->
                          unitS (PosExpLet False pos [(v,PosLambda pos LamFLNone [] [] ve)] exp)
                       matchMany vars xs def

matchMany :: [PosExp] -> [Pattern] -> CaseFun PosExp -> CaseFun PosExp
matchMany vars [] def = def
matchMany vars (x:xs) def = matchOne vars x (matchMany vars xs def)

matchOne :: [PosExp]
         -> Pattern
         -> ( ( Exp Int -> Exp Int,Exp Int,Exp Int,Exp Int,Exp Int
              , (Exp Int,Exp Int),Exp Int,(TokenId,IdKind) -> Int
              , PosExp,[Char],Tree (Int,Int)
              -> (IntState,Tree (TokenId,Int))
              -> (PosExp,(IntState,Tree (TokenId,Int)))
         -> ( Exp Int -> Exp Int,Exp Int,Exp Int,Exp Int,Exp Int
            , (Exp Int,Exp Int),Exp Int,(TokenId,IdKind) -> Int
            , PosExp,[Char],Tree (Int,Int)
         -> (IntState,Tree (TokenId,Int))
         -> (PosExp,(IntState,Tree (TokenId,Int)))

matchOne :: [PosExp] -> Pattern -> CaseFun PosExp -> CaseFun PosExp
matchOne (ce:ces) (PatternVar x) def =
  case unzip x of
    (pats,funs) ->
      varExpT (concatMap getTrans pats) ce >>>= \ (trans,v,f,ce) ->
      caseTranslate v trans >=>
      match ces funs def >>>= \ exp ->
      unitS (f exp)

matchOne (ce:ces) (PatternCon x) def =
  varExpT (concatMap (getTrans.fst) x) ce >>>= \ (trans,v,f,ce) ->
  caseTranslate v trans >=>
  mapS (matchAltCon ces) (sortCon x) >>>= \ alts ->
  def >>>= \ e2 ->
  optFatBar (f (PosExpCase (getPos ce) ce alts)) e2
matchOne (ce:ces) (PatternInt isInt x) def =
  varExpT (concatMap (getTrans.fst) x) ce >>>= \ (trans,v,f,ce) ->
  caseTranslate v trans >=>
  mapS (matchAltInt isInt ces) (sortInt x) >>>= \ alts ->
  def >>>= \ e2 ->
  optFatBar (f (PosExpCase (getPos ce) ce alts)) e2

matchOne (ce:ces) (PatternNK x) def =
  varExp ce >>>= \ (v,f,ce) ->
  caseTranslate v (concatMap (getTrans.fst) x) >=>
  mapS (matchNK v ces) x >>>= \ nks ->
  def >>>= \ e2 ->
--optFatBar (f (foldr ($) PosExpFail nks)) e2
  optFatBar (f (foldr1 (PosExpFatBar True) nks)) e2

matchOne (ce:ces) (PatternIf x) def =
  varExp ce >>>= \ (v,f,ce) ->
  caseTranslate v (concatMap (getTrans.fst) x) >=>
  mapS (matchAltIf v ces) x >>>= \ ifs ->  -- varExp always returns a valid v!
  def >>>= \ e2 ->
  optFatBar (f (foldr1 (PosExpFatBar True) ifs)) e2
--  optFatBar (f (foldr ($) PosExpFail ifs)) e2
matchOne (ce:ces) (PatternIrr (pat,fun)) def =
  varExp ce >>>= \ (v,f,ce) ->
  caseTranslate v (getTrans pat) >=>
  case dropPatAs pat of
    (PatIrrefutable pos pat) ->
      let pis = identPat pat
          pos = getPos pat
      in caseTuple (length pis) >>>= \ tupleCon ->
         caseUnique >>>= \ tupleId ->
         caseState >>>= \ state ->
         caseAdd (InfoName tupleId
                           ((forceM (mrpsIS state) . visible . strPos . getPos)
                           0 tunknown True) >>> --PHtprof
         mapS (oneSel (PosVar pos tupleId) tupleCon pis) (zip pis [1..])
           >>>= \ sels ->
         matchCase pos ce
           [Alt pat
               (ExpApplication noPos
                 (ExpCon noPos tupleCon: map (uncurry ExpVar) pis)))
             (DeclsScc [])] >>>= \ exp ->
         unitS (PosExpLet False pos ((tupleId,PosLambda pos LamFLNone [] [] (f exp)) :sels))
           =>>> match ces [fun] def

-- Ugly hack ought to at least try to group same constant if it is safe
-- (which it is for Integer,Double and Float, but not for unknown types)
matchAltIf :: Id -> [PosExp] -> (ExpI,Fun Id) -> CaseFun PosExp
matchAltIf v ces (PatAs _ _ pat,fun) = matchAltIf v ces (pat,fun)

-- match numeric literal in an unresolved context
matchAltIf v ces (pat@(ExpApplication pos [fromInteger,dict,lit]), fun) =
  caseEqualNumEq >>>= \ equalNumEq ->
  unitS (PosExpIf pos False) =>>>
        caseExp (ExpApplication pos [equalNumEq dict,ExpVar pos v,pat]) =>>>
        match ces [fun] (unitS PosExpFail) =>>>
          (unitS PosExpFail)
-- match numeric literals in resolved contexts
matchAltIf v ces (pat@(ExpLit pos (LitInteger _ a)),fun) =
  caseEqInteger >>>= \ equal ->
  mkIfLit v ces pos pat fun equal
matchAltIf v ces (pat@(ExpLit pos (LitFloat _ a)),fun) =
  caseEqFloat >>>= \ equal ->
  mkIfLit v ces pos pat fun equal
matchAltIf v ces (pat@(ExpLit pos (LitDouble _ a)),fun) =
  caseEqDouble >>>= \ equal ->
  mkIfLit v ces pos pat fun equal
matchAltIf v ces (pat@(ExpLit pos (LitRational _ a)),fun) =
  strace ("Warning: literal numeric Rational pattern at "++strPos pos++"\n"++
          "    Compiled code _will_ give wrong result.\n"++
          "    This compiler is at fault - report as a bug.\n") $
  caseEqDouble >>>= \ equal ->
  mkIfLit v ces pos pat fun equal

matchAltIf v ces pat = error ("What? matchAltIf at "++strPos (getPos pat)++"\n")

mkIfLit :: Id -> [PosExp] -> Pos -> ExpI -> Fun Id -> ExpI -> CaseFun PosExp
mkIfLit v ces pos pat fun equal =
 unitS (PosExpIf pos False) =>>>
       caseExp (ExpApplication pos [equal,ExpVar pos v,pat]) =>>>
       match ces [fun] (unitS PosExpFail) =>>>
       (unitS PosExpFail)

matchAltCon :: [PosExp] -> (Id,[([Pos],Fun Id)]) -> CaseFun PosAlt
matchAltCon ces (con,(poss_funs)) =
  caseUniques (fst (head poss_funs)) >>>= \ vs ->
  let ces' = map (uncurry PosVar) vs
  in match (ces' ++ ces) (map snd poss_funs) (unitS PosExpFail) >>>= \ exp ->
     unitS (PosAltCon noPos con vs exp)

matchAltInt isInt ces (i,funs) =
  match ces funs (unitS PosExpFail) >>>= \ exp ->
  unitS (PosAltInt noPos i isInt exp)

--matchNK :: Int -> [PosExp] -> (ExpI,Fun Int) -> CaseFun (PosExp->PosExp)
matchNK :: Id -> [PosExp] -> (ExpI,Fun Id) -> CaseFun PosExp
matchNK v ces (PatNplusK pos n n' k kle ksub, fun) =
  match ces [fun] (unitS PosExpFail) >>>= \ exp ->
    (DeclFun pos n'
       [Fun [] (Unguarded (ExpVar pos v)) (DeclsScc [])]) >>>= \ local ->
  caseExp kle >>>= \ cond ->
    (DeclFun pos n [Fun [] (Unguarded ksub) (DeclsScc [])]) >>>= \ binding ->
--  (\f-> PosExpLet pos local (PosExpIf pos cond (PosExpLet pos binding exp) f))
    (PosExpLet False pos local
               (PosExpIf pos False cond (PosExpLet False pos binding exp) PosExpFail))


caseCode (CodeClass pos cls) =
  caseState >>>= \ state ->
  let clsInfo = fromJust (lookupIS state cls)
  in mapS (fsExp2i pos cls) (superclassesI clsInfo) >>>= \ sc ->
     caseUniques (sc ++ forceOrder state (map fst (methodsI clsInfo)))
       >>>= \ msi ->
     caseTuple (length msi) >>>= \ tupleCon ->
     mapS (select tupleCon (map snd msi)) msi
  select tupleCon tvars (c,i) =
    caseUnique >>>= \ v ->
    unitS (c, PosLambda pos LamFLNone [] [(pos,v)]
                  (PosExpCase noPos (PosVar noPos v)
                       [PosAltCon noPos tupleCon (map (pair noPos) tvars)
                            (PosVar noPos i)]))

caseCode d@(CodeInstance pos cls typ args exps methods) =
  caseState >>>= \ state ->
  fsExp2i pos cls typ >>>= \ u ->
  caseTuple (length exps + length methods) >>>= \ tupleCon ->
  let eargs = map (ExpVar pos) args
  in caseExp (ExpApplication noPos
                             (ExpCon noPos tupleCon:exps
                             ++ map (ExpApplication noPos . (:eargs)
                                      . ExpVar noPos)
                                    (forceOrder state methods))) >>>= \tuple ->
     unitS [(u,PosLambda pos LamFLNone [] (map (pair pos) args) tuple)]

forceOrder state is =
  map snd (sort (map ( \ i -> (tidIS state i,i)) is))


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