module Derive.Binary (deriveBinary) where
import List
import Syntax
import MkSyntax(mkInt)
import IntState
import Id
import IdKind
import NT
import State
import Derive.Lib
import TokenId(t_Tuple,t_Colon,t_List,
deriveBinary :: ((TokenId, IdKind) -> Id)
-> Id -> Id -> [Id] -> [(Id, Id)] -> Pos
-> State d IntState (Decl Id) IntState
deriveBinary tidFun cls typ tvs ctxs pos =
getUnique >>>= \d ->
let iPut = tidFun (t_put,Method)
iGet = tidFun (t_get,Method)
iFGet = tidFun (t_getF,Method)
iSize = tidFun (t_sizeOf,Method)
expPut = ExpVar pos iPut
expGet = ExpVar pos iGet
expFGet = ExpVar pos iFGet
expSize = ExpVar pos iSize
expPair = ExpCon pos (tidFun (t_Tuple 2,Con))
expCons = ExpCon pos (tidFun (t_Colon,Con))
expNil = ExpCon pos (tidFun (t_List,Con))
expPutBits = ExpVar pos (tidFun (t_putBits,Var))
expGetBits = ExpVar pos (tidFun (t_getBits,Var))
expGetBitsF = ExpVar pos (tidFun (t_getBitsF,Var))
expLtLt = ExpVar pos (tidFun (t_ltlt,Var))
expGtGt = ExpVar pos (tidFun (t_gtgt,Var))
expGtGtEq = ExpVar pos (tidFun (t_gtgteq,Var))
expReturn = ExpVar pos (tidFun (t_return,Var))
expPlus = ExpVar pos (tidFun (t_plus,Var))
getInfo typ >>>= \ typInfo ->
mapS getInfo (constrsI typInfo) >>>= \ constrInfos ->
let sizeC = ((ceiling . logBase 2 . fromIntegral . length) constrInfos)::Int
addInstMethod tBinary (tidI typInfo) t_put (NewType tvs [] ctxs [mkNTcons typ (map mkNTvar tvs)]) iPut >>>= \ funP ->
addInstMethod tBinary (tidI typInfo) t_get (NewType tvs [] ctxs [mkNTcons typ (map mkNTvar tvs)]) iGet >>>= \ funG ->
addInstMethod tBinary (tidI typInfo) t_getF (NewType tvs [] ctxs [mkNTcons typ (map mkNTvar tvs)]) iFGet >>>= \ funF ->
addInstMethod tBinary (tidI typInfo) t_sizeOf (NewType tvs [] ctxs [mkNTcons typ (map mkNTvar tvs)]) iSize >>>= \ funS ->
mapS (mkPutFun expPutBits expPut expGtGt expGtGtEq expReturn sizeC pos) (zip [0..] constrInfos) >>>= \ funPs ->
mkGetFuns expGetBits expGet expGtGtEq expReturn expCons expNil sizeC pos typInfo constrInfos >>>= \ funGs ->
mkFGetFuns expGetBitsF expFGet expLtLt expPair expCons expNil sizeC pos typInfo constrInfos >>>= \ funFs ->
mapS (mkSizeFun sizeC expSize expPlus pos) constrInfos >>>= \ funSs ->
unitS $
DeclInstance pos (syntaxCtxs pos ctxs) cls [syntaxType pos typ tvs] $
DeclsParse [DeclFun pos funP funPs
,DeclFun pos funG funGs
,DeclFun pos funF funFs
,DeclFun pos funS funSs]
mkPutFun :: Exp Id -> Exp Id -> Exp Id -> Exp Id -> Exp Id
-> Int -> Pos -> (Int, Info)
-> State d IntState (Fun Id) IntState
mkPutFun expPutBits expPut expGtGt expGtGtEq expReturn sizeC pos (numC,constrInfo) =
getUnique >>>= \bh->
--conTid = dropM (tidI constrInfo)
con = ExpCon pos (uniqueI constrInfo)
expBH = ExpVar pos bh
expPutCon = ExpApplication pos [expPutBits, expBH, mkInt pos sizeC, mkInt pos numC]
in case ntI constrInfo of
NewType _ _ _ [nt] -> -- This constructor has no arguments
unitS (Fun [expBH,con] (Unguarded expPutCon) (DeclsParse []))
NewType _ _ _ (_:nts) -> -- We only want a list with one element for each argument, the elements themselves are never used
mapS ( \ _ -> unitS (ExpVar pos) =>>> getUnique) nts >>>= \(fstarg:args) ->
getUnique >>>= \ h ->
let expH = ExpVar pos h
expPutArg arg = ExpApplication pos [expPut,expBH,arg]
in unitS
(Fun [expBH,ExpApplication pos (con:fstarg:args)]
(ExpApplication pos
,ExpLambda pos [expH]
(ExpApplication pos
,(foldl (\z arg ->
ExpApplication pos [expGtGt,z,expPutArg arg])
(expPutArg fstarg)
,ExpApplication pos [expReturn,expH]])]))
(DeclsParse []))
-- this code is modified from *showType*, not from *readsPrec*.
mkGetFuns :: Exp Id -> Exp Id -> Exp Id -> Exp Id -> Exp Id -> Exp Id
-> Int -> Pos -> Info -> [Info]
-> State d IntState [Fun Id] IntState
mkGetFuns expGetBits expGet expGtGtEq expReturn expCons expNil sizeC pos typInfo constrInfos =
getUnique >>>= \ i ->
getUnique >>>= \ bh ->
let expI = ExpVar pos i
expBH = ExpVar pos bh
expGetCon = ExpApplication pos [expGetBits, expBH, mkInt pos sizeC]
--mkListExp pos expCons expNil expGtGtEq expGet expBH expReturn constrInfos >>>= \listExp->
mkAltList pos (mkGetExp pos expGtGtEq expGet expBH expReturn) constrInfos >>>= \altList->
unitS [Fun [expBH]
(ExpApplication pos
,ExpLambda pos [expI] (ExpCase pos expI altList)
(DeclsParse [])]
mkGetExp :: Pos -> Exp id -> Exp id -> Exp id -> Exp id -> Exp id
-> [Exp id] -> Info
-> Exp id
mkGetExp pos expGtGtEq expGet expBH expReturn expCon args constrInfo =
foldr (\ arg z -> ExpApplication pos [expGtGtEq, (ExpApplication pos [expGet,expBH]), ExpLambda pos [arg] z])
(ExpApplication pos [expReturn,
ExpApplication pos (expCon:args)])
mkAltList :: Pos
-> (Exp Id -> [Exp Id] -> Info -> Exp id)
-> [Info]
-> State d IntState [Alt id] IntState
mkAltList pos mkExpFun constrInfos =
mapS (\(n,constrInfo) ->
let expCon = ExpCon pos (uniqueI constrInfo)
expN = mkInt pos n
case ntI constrInfo of
NewType _ _ _ (_:nts) ->
mapS ( \ _ -> unitS (ExpVar pos) =>>> getUnique) nts >>>= \args ->
unitS (Alt expN
(Unguarded (mkExpFun expCon args constrInfo))
(DeclsParse []))
(zip [0..] constrInfos)
-- this code is modified from *showType*, not from *readsPrec*.
mkFGetFuns :: Exp Id -> Exp Id -> Exp Id -> Exp Id -> Exp Id -> Exp Id
-> Int -> Pos -> Info -> [Info]
-> State d IntState [Fun Id] IntState
mkFGetFuns expGetBitsF expFGet expLtLt expPair expCons expNil sizeC pos typInfo constrInfos =
getUnique >>>= \ bh ->
getUnique >>>= \ p ->
getUnique >>>= \ p' ->
getUnique >>>= \ n ->
let expBH = ExpVar pos bh
expP = ExpVar pos p
expP' = ExpVar pos p'
expN = ExpVar pos n
expInit = ExpApplication pos [expGetBitsF, expBH, mkInt pos sizeC, expP]
expFGetBH = ExpApplication pos [expFGet, expBH]
mkAltList pos (mkGetFExp pos expLtLt expFGetBH expPair expP') constrInfos >>>= \altList->
unitS [Fun [expBH,expP]
(ExpLet pos
(Alt (ExpApplication pos [expPair,expN,expP'])
(Unguarded expInit) (DeclsParse []))])
(ExpCase pos expN altList)
(DeclsParse [])]
mkGetFExp :: Pos -> Exp id -> Exp id -> Exp id -> Exp id -> Exp id
-> [b] -> Info
-> Exp id
mkGetFExp pos expLtLt expFGetBH expPair expP' expCon args constrInfo =
foldl (\ acc arg -> ExpApplication pos [expLtLt, acc, expFGetBH])
(ExpApplication pos [expPair,expCon,expP'])
mkSizeFun :: Int -> Exp Id -> Exp Id -> Pos -> Info
-> State d IntState (Fun Id) IntState
mkSizeFun sizeC expSize expPlus pos constrInfo =
con = ExpCon pos (uniqueI constrInfo)
expCsize = mkInt pos sizeC
expSizeOf arg = ExpApplication pos [expSize,arg]
in case ntI constrInfo of
NewType _ _ _ (_:nts) ->
mapS ( \_ -> unitS (ExpVar pos) =>>> getUnique) nts >>>= \args ->
unitS (
Fun [ExpApplication pos (con:args)]
(foldl (\z arg->
ExpApplication pos [expPlus,expSizeOf arg,z])
expCsize args))
(DeclsParse []))