{- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Derive class instances that are demanded in derived clause of data type
module Derive.Derive (derive) where
import List(sort)
import TokenId
import Util.Extra(pair,snub,mixCommaAnd,strPos,mapSnd)
import NT
import Syntax
import IntState
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Rename(fixInstance)
import Type.Ctx
import State
import IdKind
import Type.Data
import Id(Id)
import Maybe
--import DeriveEval -- Removed in Haskell 98
import Derive.Eq
import Derive.Ord
import Derive.Show
import Derive.Read
import Derive.Enum
import Derive.Ix
import Derive.Bounded
import Derive.Binary -- MALCOLM
import Derive.Lib
derive :: ((TokenId,IdKind) -> Id) ->
IntState ->
[(Id,[(Pos,Id)])] -> -- instances that have to be derived:
-- class, (type constructor with position)
Decls Id -> Either [String] (IntState,(Decls Id))
derive tidFun state derived (DeclsParse topdecls) =
let preWork = doPreWork derived in
case allThere preWork of
errors@(_:_) -> Left errors
[] -> case mapS (\w-> deriveOne state tidFun w >>>= \decl ->
fixInstance (tidFun (tTrue,Con)) decl)
(work preWork) () state of
(instdecls,state) ->
Right (state, DeclsParse (instdecls++topdecls))
-- just reorder
doPreWork :: [(Id,[(Pos,Id)])] -> [(Id,(Pos,Id))]
doPreWork d = concatMap (\(con,pos_clss)-> map (pair con) pos_clss) d
allThere :: [(Id,(Pos,Id))] -> [String]
allThere preWork =
foldr (checkSC state (foldr (\(con,(pos,cls)) t -> Set.insert (cls,con) t)
Set.empty preWork))
[] preWork
work :: [(Id,(Pos,Id))] -> [(((Id,Id),([Id],[(Id,Id)])),(Pos,[NT]))]
work preWork = solve state (map (startDeriving tidFun state) preWork)
copyInst :: Id -> Id -> (Pos,Id) -> IntState -> IntState
copyInst tcon realtcon (pos,cls) state =
case lookupAT ((instancesI . fromJust . lookupIS state) cls) realtcon of
Just (free,ctxs) -> addInstance cls tcon free ctxs () state
Nothing ->
addError state
("Deriving of " ++ strIS state cls ++ " at " ++ strPos pos ++
" for newtype " ++ strIS state tcon ++
" is not possible as no instance exist for the isomorphic type" ++
strIS state realtcon)
checkSC :: IntState -> Set.Set (Id,Id) -> (Id,(Pos,Id)) -> [String] -> [String]
checkSC state willDerive (con,(pos,cls)) errors =
case lookupIS state cls of
Just info ->
case (map (\ sc ->
case lookupIS state sc of
Just info -> (sc,instancesI info))
. superclassesI) info of
scinsts ->
case filter (\ (sc,insts) ->
not (Set.member (sc,con) willDerive)
&& isNothing (Map.lookup con insts))
scinsts of
[] -> errors
scinsts -> ("Need " ++
(map (\ (sc,_) ->
strIS state sc ++ ' ':strIS state con )
++ " to derive " ++ strIS state cls ++
' ':strIS state con ++ " at " ++ strPos pos) : errors
checkClass :: IntState -> Id -> TokenId -> Bool
checkClass state cls tid =
case lookupIS state cls of
Nothing -> False
Just info -> tidI info == tid
deriveOne :: IntState
-> ((TokenId,IdKind) -> Id)
-> (((Id,Id),([Id],[(Id,Id)])),(Pos,[NT]))
-> b
-> IntState
-> (Decl Id,IntState)
{- gone in Haskell 98
deriveOne state tidFun (((cls,typ),(tvs,ctxs)),(pos,types))
| checkClass state cls tEval = deriveEval tidFun cls typ tvs ctxs pos
deriveOne state tidFun (((cls,typ),(tvs,ctxs)),(pos,types))
| checkClass state cls tEq = deriveEq tidFun cls typ tvs ctxs pos
| checkClass state cls tOrd = deriveOrd tidFun cls typ tvs ctxs pos
| checkClass state cls tShow = deriveShow tidFun cls typ tvs ctxs pos
| checkClass state cls tRead = deriveRead tidFun cls typ tvs ctxs pos
| checkClass state cls tEnum = deriveEnum tidFun cls typ tvs ctxs pos
| checkClass state cls tIx = deriveIx tidFun cls typ tvs ctxs pos
| checkClass state cls tBounded = deriveBounded tidFun cls typ tvs ctxs pos
| checkClass state cls tBinary = deriveBinary tidFun cls typ tvs ctxs pos
| otherwise =
getInfo cls >>>= \ clsInfo ->
deriveError ("Don't know how to derive " ++ show (tidI clsInfo)
++ " at " ++ strPos pos)
--- ============================ Derive needed contexts
-- Eval doesn't care about constructors at all
-- Bounded only cares about arguments to the the first and
-- the last constructor
-- All other classes need type of all constructor arguments
--startDeriving tidFun state (con,(pos,cls)) | checkClass state cls tEval =
-- case lookupIS state con of
-- Just conInfo ->
-- let (NewType free exist ctx nt) = ntI conInfo
-- in (((cls,con),(free,[])),(pos,[]))
startDeriving :: a -> IntState -> (Id,(b,Id)) -> (((Id,Id),([Id],[(Id,Id)])),(b,[NT]))
startDeriving tidFun state (con,(pos,cls)) | checkClass state cls tBounded =
case lookupIS state con of
Just conInfo ->
let (NewType free [] ctx _) = ntI conInfo
fstAndlst [] = []
fstAndlst [x] = [x]
fstAndlst xs = [head xs,last xs]
types = (snub . concatMap ( ( \ (NewType free [] ctxs nts) -> init nts) . ( \ (Just info) -> ntI info) . lookupIS state) . fstAndlst . constrsI) conInfo
in (((cls,con),(free,map (pair cls) free ++ ctx)),(pos,types))
startDeriving tidFun state (con,(pos,cls)) =
case lookupIS state con of
Just conInfo ->
let (NewType free [] ctx _) = ntI conInfo
types = (snub . concatMap ( ( \ (NewType free [] ctxs nts) -> init nts) . ( \ (Just info) -> ntI info) . lookupIS state) . constrsI) conInfo
in (((cls,con),(free,map (pair cls) free ++ ctx)),(pos,types))
oneStep :: IntState
-> [ ((Id,Id),([Id],[(Id,Id)])) ]
-> ( ((Id,Id),([Id],[(Id,Id)])) , (Pos,[NT]) )
-> ( ((Id,Id),([Id],[(Id,Id)])) , (Pos,[NT]) )
oneStep state given ((cls_con@(cls,con),(free,ctxs)),pos_types@(pos,types)) =
let (NewType _ _ data_ctxs _) = ntI (fromJust (lookupIS state con))
case ( sort
. ctxsReduce state
. (map (mapSnd mkNTvar) data_ctxs ++)
. concatMap (ctxsSimplify [] state given)
. map (\ nt -> TypeDict cls nt [(toEnum 0,pos)])) types of
ctxs -> ((cls_con,(free,map (mapSnd stripNT) ctxs)),pos_types)
solve :: IntState
-> [(((Id, Id), ([Id], [(Id, Id)])), (Pos, [NT]))]
-> [(((Id, Id), ([Id], [(Id, Id)])), (Pos, [NT]))]
solve intState work =
if map (snd.fst) work' == map (snd.fst) work
then work
else solve intState work'
given' = map fst work
work' = map (oneStep intState given') work