module Derive.Show (deriveShow) where
import List(intersperse,partition)
import Maybe(isNothing,fromJust)
import Syntax(Exp(ExpVar,ExpCon,ExpLit,ExpApplication,PatWildcard),Fun(Fun)
import MkSyntax(mkInt)
import IntState
import IdKind
import NT
import State
import Derive.Lib(syntaxType,syntaxCtxs)
import TokenId(tTrue,tShow,tshowParen,tshowChar,tshowString
import Nice(showsOp,showsVar)
import Id(Id)
deriveShow :: ((TokenId,IdKind) -> Id)
-> Id -> Id -> [Id] -> [(Id,Id)] -> Pos -> a -> IntState -> (Decl Id,IntState)
deriveShow tidFun cls typ tvs ctxs pos =
getUnique >>>= \d ->
let expD = ExpVar pos d
ishowsPrec = tidFun (tshowsPrec,Method)
ishowsType = tidFun (tshowsType,Method)
expShowsPrec = ExpVar pos ishowsPrec
expShowsType = ExpVar pos ishowsType
expTrue = ExpCon pos (tidFun (tTrue,Con))
expShowString = ExpVar pos (tidFun (tshowString,Var))
expShowParen = ExpVar pos (tidFun (tshowParen,Var))
expShowSpace = ExpApplication pos [ExpVar pos (tidFun (tshowChar,Var)),ExpLit pos (LitChar Boxed ' ')]
expLessThan = ExpVar pos (tidFun (t_lessthan,Var))
expDot = ExpVar pos (tidFun (t_dot,Var))
getInfo typ >>>= \ typInfo ->
mapS getInfo (constrsI typInfo) >>>= \ constrInfos ->
addInstMethod tShow (tidI typInfo) tshowsPrec (NewType tvs [] ctxs [mkNTcons typ (map mkNTvar tvs)]) ishowsPrec >>>= \ fun ->
addInstMethod tShow (tidI typInfo) tshowsType (NewType tvs [] ctxs [mkNTcons typ (map mkNTvar tvs)]) ishowsType >>>= \ funT ->
mapS (mkShowFun expTrue expD expShowString expShowSpace expShowParen expShowsPrec expLessThan expDot pos) constrInfos >>>= \ funs ->
mkShowFunTs expTrue expShowsType expShowParen expShowString expShowSpace expDot pos typInfo constrInfos >>>= \ funTs ->
unitS $
DeclInstance pos (syntaxCtxs pos ctxs) cls [syntaxType pos typ tvs] $
DeclsParse [DeclFun pos fun funs
,DeclFun pos funT funTs]
mkShowFun :: a -> Exp Id -> Exp Id -> Exp Id -> Exp Id -> Exp Id -> Exp Id -> Exp Id
-> Pos -> Info -> b -> IntState -> (Fun Id,IntState)
mkShowFun expTrue expD expShowString expShowSpace expShowParen expShowsPrec expLessThan expDot pos constrInfo =
fields = fieldsI constrInfo
conTid = dropM (tidI constrInfo)
con = ExpCon pos (uniqueI constrInfo)
expShowsConOp =
ExpApplication pos
[expShowString,ExpLit pos (LitString Boxed (showsOp conTid ""))]
expShowsConVar =
ExpApplication pos
[expShowString,ExpLit pos (LitString Boxed (showsVar conTid ""))]
in case ntI constrInfo of
NewType _ _ _ [nt] -> -- This constructor has no arguments
unitS (Fun [expD,con] (Unguarded expShowsConVar) (DeclsParse []))
NewType _ _ _ [a,b,r] | isTidOp conTid ->
-- Infix constructor with two arguments
getUnique >>>= \ v1 ->
getUnique >>>= \ v2 ->
let (lp,p,rp) = case fixityI constrInfo of
(Infix,p) -> (p,p,p)
(InfixR,p) -> (p+1,p,p)
(_,p) -> (p,p,p+1)
v1e = ExpVar pos v1
v2e = ExpVar pos v2
in unitS (
Fun [expD,ExpApplication pos [con,v1e,v2e]]
(Unguarded (ExpApplication pos
,ExpApplication pos [expLessThan,mkInt pos p,expD]
,ExpApplication pos
,ExpApplication pos [expShowsPrec,mkInt pos lp,v1e]
,ExpApplication pos
,ExpApplication pos
,ExpApplication pos
,ExpApplication pos [expShowsPrec,mkInt pos rp,v2e]]]]]]
)) (DeclsParse []))
NewType _ _ _ (_:nts) | any isNothing fields ->
-- We only want a list with one element for each argument, the elements themselves are never used
mapS ( \ _ -> unitS (ExpVar pos) =>>> getUnique) nts >>>= \ args ->
let exp10 = ExpLit pos (LitInt Boxed 10)
exp9 = ExpLit pos (LitInt Boxed 9)
expShowsPrec10 arg = ExpApplication pos [expShowsPrec,exp10,arg]
in unitS (
Fun [expD,ExpApplication pos (con:args)]
(Unguarded (ExpApplication pos
,ExpApplication pos [expLessThan,exp9,expD]
,foldl ( \ acc arg ->
ExpApplication pos
,ExpApplication pos [expDot, acc ,expShowSpace]
,expShowsPrec10 arg])
(DeclsParse []))
NewType _ _ _ (_:nts) -> -- named field labels must be shown
mapS ( \ _ -> unitS (ExpVar pos) =>>> getUnique) nts >>>= \ args ->
mapS (getInfo.fromJust) fields >>>= \ labels ->
let exp10 = ExpLit pos (LitInt Boxed 10)
exp9 = ExpLit pos (LitInt Boxed 9)
expShowsPrec10 arg = ExpApplication pos [expShowsPrec,exp10,arg]
expShowsLabel label =
ExpApplication pos
,ExpLit pos (LitString Boxed (showsVar (dropM (tidI label)) "="))]
expShowsOpen =
ExpApplication pos [expShowString,ExpLit pos (LitString Boxed "{")]
expShowsClose =
ExpApplication pos [expShowString,ExpLit pos (LitString Boxed "}")]
expShowsComma =
ExpApplication pos [expShowString,ExpLit pos (LitString Boxed ",")]
in unitS (
Fun [expD,ExpApplication pos (con:args)]
(ExpApplication pos
,ExpApplication pos [expLessThan,exp9,expD]
,( foldl (\acc item->
ExpApplication pos [expDot,acc,item]) expShowsConVar .
(expShowsOpen:) .
(++[expShowsClose]) .
intersperse expShowsComma .
zipWith (\label arg->
ExpApplication pos [expDot,expShowsLabel label,
expShowsPrec10 arg])
) args
-- ExpApplication pos [expDot,
-- foldl ( \ acc (label,arg) ->
-- ExpApplication pos [expDot,
-- ExpApplication pos [expDot, acc ,
-- ExpApplication pos [expDot, expShowSpace,
-- expShowsLabel label]],
-- expShowsPrec10 arg])
-- (ExpApplication pos [expDot, expShowsConVar, expShowsOpen])
-- (zip (map tidI labels) args),
-- expShowsClose]])]
(DeclsParse []))
mkShowFunTs :: Exp Id -> Exp Id -> Exp Id -> Exp Id -> Exp Id -> Exp Id
-> Pos -> Info -> [Info]
-> a -> IntState -> ([Fun Id],IntState)
mkShowFunTs expTrue expShowsType expShowParen expShowString expShowSpace expDot pos typInfo constrInfos =
getUnique >>>= \ v ->
let expA = ExpVar pos v
expTypeStr = ExpApplication pos [expShowString,(ExpLit pos . LitString Boxed . show . dropM . tidI) typInfo]
case ntI typInfo of
NewType [] [] [] _ ->
unitS [Fun [expA] (Unguarded expTypeStr) (DeclsParse [])]
NewType free exist _ _ ->
mapS (\ f -> getUnique >>>= \ i -> unitS (f,i,ExpVar pos i))
free >>>= \ fitypes ->
mapS0 (\(f,i,ei)-> addNewLetBound i (visImport ('v':(show i)))) fitypes >>>
mapS ( getType pos expA expShowsType expTrue expShowString constrInfos ) fitypes >>>= \ des ->
case unzip des of
(ds,es) ->
unitS [Fun [expA]
(Unguarded (ExpApplication pos
,foldl ( \ acc e ->
ExpApplication pos
,ExpApplication pos [expDot, acc ,expShowSpace]
(DeclsParse (concat ds))
getType :: Show a
=> Pos -> Exp Id -> Exp Id -> b -> Exp Id -> [Info] -> (Id,a,Exp Id)
-> c -> d -> (([Decl Id],Exp Id),d)
getType pos expA expShowsType expTrue expShowString [] (f,i,iexp) =
unitS ([],ExpApplication pos [expShowString,ExpLit pos (LitString Boxed ('?':'v':show i++"?"))])
getType pos expA expShowsType expTrue expShowString (info:infos) (f,i,iexp) =
patConstr pos info f iexp >>>= \ qpat ->
case qpat of
Just pat ->
unitS ([DeclPat (Alt pat (Unguarded expA) (DeclsParse[]))]
,ExpApplication pos [expShowsType,iexp])
Nothing ->
getType pos expA expShowsType expTrue expShowString infos (f,i,iexp)
patConstr :: Pos -> Info -> Id -> Exp Id -> a -> b -> (Maybe (Exp Id),b)
patConstr pos info f iexp =
case ntI info of
NewType free exist ctxs nts ->
let ints = (zip [0 .. ] . init) nts
in case (partition (simpleNT . snd) . filter (elem f . freeNT . snd)) ints of
([],[]) -> unitS Nothing
((i,nt):_,_) -> unitS (Just (ExpApplication pos (ExpCon pos (uniqueI info) : map (toExp i iexp) ints)))
([],xs) -> unitS Nothing -- can do better here !!
toExp i iexp (i',_) = if i == i' then iexp else PatWildcard pos
simpleNT :: NT -> Bool
simpleNT (NTstrict nt) = simpleNT nt
simpleNT (NTvar v _) = True
simpleNT (NTany v) = True
simpleNT _ = False