Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/fernan/nhc98/src/compiler98/FSLib.hs

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{- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
The FSMonad and some helper functions for FixSyntax
module FSLib(module FSLib, TokenId) where

import Syntax hiding (TokenId)
import SysDeps(PackedString,trace)
import IdKind
import Info hiding (TokenId,NewType)
import State
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Util.Extra(noPos)
import TokenId
import IntState(IntState,lookupIS,addIS,uniqueIS,tidIS,mrpsIS,strIS,defaultMethodsIS)
import NT(NewType(..))
import Id(Id)
import Maybe

type ExpList = (Exp Id,Exp Id,Exp Id,Exp Id)  -- expList (nil, cons, TyCon, TyGeneric)

type Inherited = (  ExpList
                  , Exp Id           -- expId
                  , (TokenId,IdKind) -> Id) --tidFun

type Threaded = (IntState, Map.Map TokenId Id)

type FSMonad a = State Inherited Threaded a Threaded

startfs :: (Decls Id -> FSMonad a)
        -> Decls Id
        -> IntState
        -> ((TokenId,IdKind) -> Id)
        -> (a, IntState, Map.Map TokenId Id)

startfs fs x state tidFun =
      let down = ( ( ExpCon noPos (tidFun (t_List,Con))
                   , ExpCon noPos (tidFun (t_Colon,Con))
                   , ExpVar noPos (tidFun (tTyCon,Var))
                   , ExpVar noPos (tidFun (tTyGeneric,Var))
                 , ExpVar noPos (tidFun (t_id,Var))
                 , tidFun

          up = (state, Map.empty)
        case fs x down up of
         (x,(state,t2i)) -> (x,state,t2i)

fsList :: FSMonad ExpList
fsList down@(expList,expId,tidFun) up = (expList,up)

fsId :: FSMonad (Exp Id)
fsId down@(expList,expId,tidFun) up = (expId,up)

fsState :: FSMonad IntState
fsState down up@(state,t2i) = (state,up)

fsTidFun :: FSMonad ((TokenId,IdKind) -> Id)
fsTidFun down@(expList,expId,tidFun) up =

Returns True iff given data constructor is defined by data definition,
not newtype definition.
fsRealData :: Id -> FSMonad Bool

fsRealData con down up@(state,t2i) =
  ((isRealData . fromJust . lookupIS state . belongstoI
    . fromJust . lookupIS state) con,up)

fsExpAppl :: Pos -> [Exp Id] -> FSMonad (Exp Id)

fsExpAppl pos [x] = unitS x
fsExpAppl pos xs = unitS (ExpApplication pos xs)

fsInstanceFor :: Id -> Id -> Maybe Id -> IntState -> PackedString
fsInstanceFor cls typ sel state =
    let clsInfo  = fromJust $ lookupIS state cls
        typInfo  = fromJust $ lookupIS state typ
        insts    = instancesI clsInfo
        defs     = defaultMethodsIS state cls
        isDef    = maybe False (`elem` defs) sel
    in if not isDef && isData typInfo then
         case Map.lookup typ insts of
             Just (rps,free,ctxt) -> rps
             Nothing              -> error $ "fsInstanceFor: No instance of class " ++ strIS state cls ++
                                             " for type " ++ strIS state typ
         extractM (tidI clsInfo)

fsClsTypSel :: Pos -> Id -> Id -> Id -> FSMonad (Exp Id)
fsClsTypSel pos cls typ sel down  up@(state,t2i) =
    let clsInfo = fromJust $ lookupIS state cls
        typInfo = fromJust $ lookupIS state typ
        mi      = fsInstanceFor cls typ (Just sel) state

        tid = mkQual3 mi (tidI clsInfo) (tidI typInfo) (tidIS state sel)
    in case Map.lookup tid t2i of
           Just i -> (ExpVar pos i,up)
           Nothing ->
               case uniqueIS state of
                    (u,state) ->
                        let   -- !!! Arity of selector doesn't look right !!!
                           selAR = (arityIM . fromJust . lookupIS state) sel
                           clsAR = (length . (\(_,_,x)->x) . fromJust . flip Map.lookup (instancesI clsInfo)) typ
                           arity = selAR + clsAR
                           info = InfoName  u tid arity tid False --PHtprof
--                         info = InfoMethod  u tid IEnone (InfixDef,9) NoType (Just arity) cls
                        in (ExpVar pos u,(addIS u info state,Map.insert tid u t2i))

fsExp2 :: Pos -> Id -> Id
       -> State a 
                (IntState, Map.Map TokenId Id)
		(Exp Id)
		(IntState, Map.Map TokenId Id)
fsExp2 pos cls i =
  unitS (ExpVar pos) =>>> fsExp2i pos cls i

fsExp2i :: Pos -> Id -> Id -> a
        -> (IntState, Map.Map TokenId Id)
        -> (Id, (IntState, Map.Map TokenId Id))

fsExp2i pos cls i down  up@(state,t2i) =
  case lookupIS state cls of
   Just clsInfo ->
     case lookupIS state i of
       Just clsdatInfo ->
         let mi = fsInstanceFor cls i Nothing state
             tid = mkQual2 mi (tidI clsInfo)  (tidI clsdatInfo)
         in case Map.lookup tid t2i of
           Just i ->  (i,up)
           Nothing ->
             case uniqueIS state of
               (u,state) ->
                 if isClass clsdatInfo
                 then -- Exp2 is either superclass (Ord.Eq) taking one argument ...
                    (u,(addIS u (InfoMethod u tid IEnone (InfixDef,9) NoType
                                            (Just 1) cls) state
                       ,Map.insert tid u t2i))
                 else -- ... or instance (Eq.Int) argument depends on type
                    let arity = (length . (\(_,_,x)->x) . fromJust
                                . flip Map.lookup (instancesI clsInfo)) i
                        -- snd instead of fst !!!
                    in seq arity (u,(addIS u (InfoVar u tid IEall (InfixDef,9)
                                                      NoType (Just arity))
                                    ,Map.insert tid u t2i))

{- End Module FSLib ---------------------------------------------------------}

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