{- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------}
{- |
Small tweaks based on type information.
optimisation: evaluation of `fromInteger' where possible
Also removes data constructors defined by newtype.
module FixSyntax(fixSyntax) where
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Maybe
import Syntax
import IdKind(IdKind(..))
import State
import IntState(IntState,lookupIS,tidIS,strIS)
import TokenId
import Info(isData,isMethod,tidI)
import FSLib(FSMonad,startfs,fsState,fsTidFun,fsExpAppl,fsClsTypSel,fsExp2,fsId
import Ratio
import Machine
import Id(Id)
import NT(NT(..))
litFloatInteger :: a {-boxed-} -> Integer -> Lit a
litFloatInteger b v = LitFloat b (fromInteger v)
litFloatRational :: a {-boxed-} -> Ratio Integer -> Lit a
litFloatRational b v = LitFloat b (fromRational v)
-- | main function of this pass
fixSyntax :: Decls Id
-> IntState
-> ((TokenId,IdKind) -> Id)
-> ([Decl Id] -- modified declarations
,IntState -- modified internal state
,Map.Map TokenId Id)
fixSyntax topdecls state tidFun =
startfs fsTopDecls topdecls state tidFun
fsTopDecls :: Decls Id -> FSMonad [Decl Id]
fsTopDecls (DeclsScc depends) =
unitS (concat :: ([[Decl Id]] -> [Decl Id])) =>>>
-- concat must be typed for hbc ?
mapS fsTopDepend depends
fsTopDepend :: DeclsDepend Id -> FSMonad [Decl Id]
fsTopDepend (DeclsNoRec d) = fsDecl d >>>= \ d -> unitS [d]
fsTopDepend (DeclsRec ds) = mapS fsDecl ds
fsDecls :: Decls Id -> FSMonad (Decls Id)
fsDecls (DeclsScc depends) = unitS DeclsScc =>>> mapS fsDepend depends
fsDepend :: DeclsDepend Id -> FSMonad (DeclsDepend Id)
fsDepend (DeclsNoRec d) = unitS DeclsNoRec =>>> fsDecl d
fsDepend (DeclsRec ds) = unitS DeclsRec =>>> mapS fsDecl ds
fsDecl :: Decl Id -> FSMonad (Decl Id)
fsDecl d@(DeclPrimitive pos fun arity t) =
unitS d
fsDecl d@(DeclForeignImp pos _ _ fun arity cast t _) =
unitS d
fsDecl d@(DeclForeignExp pos _ _ fun t) =
unitS d
fsDecl (DeclFun pos fun funs) =
unitS (DeclFun pos fun) =>>> mapS fsFun funs
fsDecl (DeclPat (Alt pat rhs decls)) =
fsPat pat >>>= \ pat ->
fsRhs rhs >>>= \ rhs ->
fsDecls decls >>>= \ decls ->
unitS (DeclPat (Alt pat rhs decls))
fsFun :: Fun Id -> FSMonad (Fun Id)
fsFun (Fun pats rhs decls) =
mapS fsPat pats >>>= \ pats ->
fsRhs rhs >>>= \ rhs ->
fsDecls decls >>>= \ decls ->
unitS (Fun pats rhs decls)
fsRhs :: Rhs Id -> FSMonad (Rhs Id)
fsRhs (Unguarded e) = fsExp False e >>>= \e -> unitS (Unguarded e)
fsRhs (PatGuard gdexps) =
mapS fsPatGdExp gdexps >>>= \gdexps -> unitS (PatGuard gdexps)
fsPatGdExp :: ([Qual Id],Exp Id) -> FSMonad ([Qual Id],Exp Id)
fsPatGdExp (qs,e) =
mapS fsQual qs >>>= \ qs ->
fsExp False e >>>= \ e ->
unitS (qs,e)
fsQual :: Qual Id -> FSMonad (Qual Id)
fsQual (QualExp e) = fsExp False e >>>= unitS . QualExp
fsQual (QualPatExp p e) = fsPat p >>>= \p->
fsExp False e >>>= unitS . QualPatExp p
fsQual (QualLet ds) = fsDecls ds >>>= unitS . QualLet
-- | fsPat is exactly like fsExp, except that dictionary selectors with
-- a statically known dict are not compiled away. (Need to keep them
-- for e.g. numeric pattern-matching.)
fsPat :: Exp Id -> FSMonad (Exp Id)
fsPat exp = fsExp True exp
-- | fsExp takes a boolean argument, indicating whether we are in a pattern
-- (True) or in an expression (False).
fsExp :: Bool -> Exp Id -> FSMonad (Exp Id)
fsExp _ (ExpLambda pos pats exp) =
mapS fsPat pats >>>= \ pats ->
fsExp False exp >>>= \ exp ->
unitS (ExpLambda pos pats exp)
fsExp _ (ExpLet pos decls exp) =
fsDecls decls >>>= \ decls ->
fsExp False exp >>>= \ exp ->
unitS (ExpLet pos decls exp)
fsExp k (ExpDict exp) =
fsExp k exp >>>= \ exp ->
unitS (ExpDict exp)
fsExp _ (ExpCase pos exp alts) =
unitS (ExpCase pos) =>>> fsExp False exp =>>> mapS fsAlt alts
fsExp _ (ExpIf pos c e1 e2) =
unitS (ExpIf pos) =>>> fsExp False c =>>> fsExp False e1 =>>> fsExp False e2
fsExp k exp@(ExpApplication _ _) =
fsExp' k exp
--- No ExpList anymore
fsExp k (ExpList pos es) =
mapS (fsExp k) es >>>= \ es ->
fsList >>>= \ (nil,cons,_,_) ->
unitS (foldr (\ h t -> ExpApplication pos [cons,h,t]) nil es)
--- Change con into (con)
fsExp k e@(ExpCon pos ident) = fsExp k (ExpApplication pos [e])
--- Change Char into Int
--fsExp _ (ExpLit pos (LitChar b i)) = unitS (ExpLit pos (LitInt b (fromEnum i)))
fsExp _ (Exp2 pos i1 i2) = fsExp2 pos i1 i2
fsExp _ (PatAs pos i pat) = unitS (PatAs pos i) =>>> fsPat pat
fsExp _ (PatIrrefutable pos pat) = unitS (PatIrrefutable pos) =>>> fsPat pat
-- Change typeRep into something that builds the type
fsExp _ (ExpTypeRep pos nt) =
fsList >>>= \ list ->
fsState >>>= \ state ->
unitS $ makeTypeRep pos list state nt
fsExp _ e = unitS e
makeTypeRep :: Pos -> ExpList -> IntState -> NT -> Exp Id
makeTypeRep pos (eNil,eCons,eTyCon,eTyGen) state nt = rep (deTypeType nt)
deTypeType (NTcons _ _ [t]) = t
rep (NTvar i kind) =
case lookupIS state i of
Just info -> tyCon (show (tidI info)) []
Nothing -> tyGen $ 'v':(show i)
rep (NTapp x y) = app (rep x) (rep y)
rep (NTstrict _) = error "rep: NTstrict"
rep (NTcons i k xs) =
let iStr = strIS state i
in tyCon iStr (map rep xs)
rep (NTexist _ _) = error "rep: NTexists"
rep (NTany _) = error "rep: NTany"
rep _ = error "rep: ???"
foldAp [nt] = rep nt
foldAp (x:xs) =
let xs' = foldAp xs
in app (rep x) xs'
app x y = ExpApplication pos [eTyCon, string "Prelude.->", list [x, y]]
tyCon s ts = ExpApplication pos [eTyCon, string s, list ts]
tyGen s = ExpApplication pos [eTyGen, string s]
string s = ExpLit pos (LitString Boxed s)
list [] = eNil
list (x:xs) = ExpApplication pos [eCons, x, list xs]
-- | Auxiliary for fsExp guaranteed to get ExpApplications only.
fsExp' k (ExpApplication pos (ExpApplication _ xs:ys)) =
fsExp' k (ExpApplication pos (xs++ys))
--- fromInteger {Int Integer Float Double} constant
fsExp' k exp@(ExpApplication pos [v@(ExpVar _ qfromInteger)
,(ExpDict v2@(Exp2 _ qNum qType))
,l@(ExpLit pl (LitInteger b i))]) =
fsState >>>= \ state ->
if tidIS state qfromInteger == tfromInteger && tidIS state qNum == tNum
then if tidIS state qType == tInt
&& not (k && (abs(i)>32767)) then unitS (ExpLit pl (LitInt b (fromInteger i)))
else if tidIS state qType == tIntHash then unitS (ExpLit pl (LitInt UnBoxed (fromInteger i)))
else if tidIS state qType == tInteger then unitS l
else if tidIS state qType == tFloat then unitS (ExpLit pl (litFloatInteger b i))
else if tidIS state qType == tFloatHash then unitS (ExpLit pl (litFloatInteger UnBoxed i))
else if tidIS state qType == tDouble then unitS (ExpLit pl (LitDouble b (fromInteger i)))
else if tidIS state qType == tDoubleHash then unitS (ExpLit pl (LitDouble UnBoxed (fromInteger i)))
else if tidIS state qType == tRational then unitS (ExpLit pl (LitRational b (fromInteger i)))
else fsExp' k (ExpApplication pos [v,ExpDict (ExpApplication pos [v2]),l]) -- Match (sel (class.type dicts) args)
else fsExp' k (ExpApplication pos [v,ExpDict (ExpApplication pos [v2]),l])
--- fromRational {Float Double Rational} constant
fsExp' k (ExpApplication pos [v@(ExpVar _ qfromRational)
,(ExpDict v2@(Exp2 _ qFractional qType))
,l@(ExpLit pl (LitRational b i))]) =
fsState >>>= \ state ->
fsTidFun >>>= \ tidFun ->
-- strace (strPos pos++": normal literal Rational expr/pat\n") $
if tidIS state qfromRational == tfromRational && tidIS state qFractional == tFractional
if tidIS state qType == tFloat then unitS (ExpLit pl (litFloatRational b i))
else if tidIS state qType == tFloatHash then unitS (ExpLit pl (litFloatRational UnBoxed i))
else if tidIS state qType == tDouble then unitS (ExpLit pl (LitDouble b (fromRational i)))
else if tidIS state qType == tDoubleHash then unitS (ExpLit pl (LitDouble UnBoxed (fromRational i)))
else if tidIS state qType == tRational then {- let ratioFun = ExpVar pl (tidFun (tRatioCon,Var))
qIntegral = tidFun (tIntegral,TClass)
dict = ExpDict (Exp2 pl qFractional qIntegral)
num = ExpLit pl (LitInteger b (numerator i))
denom = ExpLit pl (LitInteger b (denominator i))
in unitS (ExpApplication pl [dict, num, denom]) -}
unitS l -- results in a nasty hack in Case
else fsExp' k (ExpApplication pos [v,ExpDict (ExpApplication pos [v2]),l]) -- Match (sel (class.type dicts) args)
else fsExp' k (ExpApplication pos [v,ExpDict (ExpApplication pos [v2]),l])
--- negate {Int Integer Float Double Rational} constant
fsExp' k (ExpApplication pos [v@(ExpVar pos3 qnegate)
,d@(ExpDict v2@(Exp2 _ qNum qType))
,p]) =
fsState >>>= \ state ->
if tidIS state qnegate == tnegate && tidIS state qNum == tNum then
fsExp k p >>>= \ p ->
case p of
ExpLit pos (LitInt b i) -> unitS (ExpLit pos (LitInt b (-i)))
ExpLit pos (LitInteger b i) -> unitS (ExpLit pos (LitInteger b (-i)))
ExpLit pos (LitFloat b i) -> unitS (ExpLit pos (LitFloat b (-i)))
ExpLit pos (LitDouble b i) -> unitS (ExpLit pos (LitDouble b (-i)))
ExpLit pos (LitRational b i) -> unitS (ExpLit pos (LitRational b (-i)))
-- negate (fromInteger v) in a pattern is a special case:
-- If the fromInteger was not elided in the recursive call
-- (e.g. instance Num UserType) then we need to keep the dictionary
-- for later, when we lookup the (==) method to match the pattern.
ExpApplication _ [ExpVar _ _,ExpLit _ _] ->
unitS (ExpApplication pos [v,d,p])
_ -> fsExp' k (ExpApplication pos [v,ExpDict (ExpApplication pos3 [v2]),p]) -- Will do p once more :-(
fsExp' k (ExpApplication pos [v,ExpDict (ExpApplication pos3 [v2]),p])
-- Transforms (sel class.type args) into (sel (class.type) args)
fsExp' k (ExpApplication pos (v@(ExpVar _ _):ExpDict v2@(Exp2 _ _ _):es)) =
fsExp' k (ExpApplication pos (v:ExpDict (ExpApplication pos [v2]):es))
-- Match (sel (class.type dicts) args)
-- Transforms (sel (class.type dicts) args) into ((class.type.sel dicts) args)
fsExp' k (ExpApplication pos (ExpVar sp sel
:ExpDict (ExpApplication ap (Exp2 _ cls qtyp:args))
:es)) =
fsState >>>= \ state ->
if (isMethod . fromJust . lookupIS state) sel &&
(isData . fromJust . lookupIS state) qtyp && not k then
fsClsTypSel sp cls qtyp sel >>>= \ fun ->
mapS (fsExp k) (args++es) >>>= \ args ->
fsExpAppl pos (fun:args)
fsExp2 ap cls qtyp >>>= \ fun ->
mapS (fsExp k) args >>>= \ args ->
fsExpAppl ap (fun:args) >>>= \ appl ->
mapS (fsExp k) es >>>= \ es ->
fsExpAppl pos (ExpVar sp sel : ExpDict appl :es)
Check if data constructor is from newtype definition.
If it is, then remove it or replace it by the identity function.
fsExp' k (ExpApplication pos (econ@(ExpCon cpos con):xs)) =
fsRealData con >>>= \ realdata ->
if realdata then
mapS (fsExp k) xs >>>= \ xs ->
fsExpAppl pos (econ:xs)
if length xs < 1 then
fsId -- because argument not available, have to replace by identity
mapS (fsExp k) xs >>>= \ xs ->
fsExpAppl pos xs
-- Can be an application if newtype is isomorphic to a function type
-- No! \[x] -> unitS x should do, but that doesn't matter.
--- Nothing to do
fsExp' k (ExpApplication pos xs) =
mapS (fsExp k) xs >>>= \ xs ->
fsExpAppl pos xs
fsAlt :: Alt Id -> FSMonad (Alt Id)
fsAlt (Alt pat rhs decls) =
fsPat pat >>>= \ pat ->
fsDecls decls >>>= \ decls ->
fsRhs rhs >>>= \ rhs ->
unitS (Alt pat rhs decls)
{- End FixSyntax ------------------------------------------------------------}