Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/fernan/nhc98/src/compiler98/Import.hs
{- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Read and process the interface file of one imported module. -} module Import (Flags,ImportState,PackedString,TokenId,IdKind,HideDeclIds ,readFirst,importOne) where import IO import SysDeps(PackedString,unpackPS) import Flags import Util.Extra import Util.OsOnly (isPrelude,fixImportNames) import TokenId(TokenId(..),extractV) import Parse.ParseCore(parseit) import Parse.ParseI import Parse.Lexical(PosToken,lexical) import Error import IExtract import ImportState(ImportState,putModid2IS) import IdKind(IdKind) import PreImp(HideDeclIds) import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set import Maybe -- (fromJust) import Building(Compiler(..),compiler) {- Open an interface file for given module name. Returns unpacked module name, filename of interface file and its content. -} openImport :: Flags -> PackedString -> Map.Map String FilePath -> IO (String,String,String) openImport flags mrps hiDeps | compiler==Yhc = do let fstr = hiFile finput <- tryReadFile "import" fstr if sImport flags then hPutStr stderr ("Importing module " ++ mstr ++ " from " ++ fstr ++ ".\n") else return () return (mstr, fstr, finput) | compiler==Nhc98 = catch (do (fstr,finput) <- readFirst filenames if sImport flags then hPutStr stderr ("Importing module " ++ mstr ++ " from " ++ fstr ++ ".\n") else return () return (mstr,fstr,finput)) (\ err -> ioError (userError (can'tOpenStr mstr filenames err))) where isUnix = sUnix flags preludes = sPreludes flags includes = sIncludes flags ++ preludes mstr = (reverse . unpackPS) mrps hiFile = fromJust (Map.lookup mstr hiDeps) filenames = fixImportNames isUnix (sHiSuffix flags) mstr (if isPrelude mstr then preludes else includes) {- Read and process the interface file of one imported module. -} importOne :: Flags -> ImportState -> Map.Map String FilePath -> ( PackedString , (PackedString, PackedString, Set.Set TokenId) -> [[TokenId]] -> Bool , HideDeclIds) -> IO ImportState importOne flags importState hiDeps (mrps,needFun,hideFun) = do (mstr,fstr,finput) <- openImport flags mrps hiDeps let lexdata = lexical (sUnderscore flags) fstr finput pF (sILex flags) "Lexical Interface" (mixSpace (map (\ (p,l,_,_) -> strPos p ++ ':':show l) lexdata)) case parseit parseInterface1 lexdata of Left err -> parseIError fstr err Right (modid,imports,fixity,rest) -> do if not (sLib flags || sPart flags) && show modid /= mstr then hPutStr stderr ("Warning: The module " ++ mstr ++ " is called " ++ show modid ++ " in its interface file (" ++ fstr ++")\n") else return () case parseit (parseInterface2 (needFixity fixity (putModidIS importState (extractV modid))) hideFun) rest of Left err -> parseIError fstr err Right (importState,need,rest) -> importCont' importState needFun hideFun mstr fstr need rest -- needFun -- down ((Memo TokenId -> [[TokenId]] -> Bool) importCont' :: ImportState -> ((PackedString, PackedString, Set.Set TokenId) -> [[TokenId]] -> Bool) -> HideDeclIds -> a -- module name -> [Char] -- filename -> Maybe [[TokenId]] -- need -> [PosToken] -- lexical input -> IO ImportState importCont' importState needFun hideFun modid filename need rest = importCont (Right (ParseNeed importState need rest)) where importCont (Left err) = parseIError filename err importCont (Right (ParseEof importState)) = return importState :: (IO ImportState) importCont (Right (ParseNext importState visible (pos,Visible mrps) rest)) = importCont (parseit (parseUntilNeed (putModid2IS importState visible mrps)) rest) importCont (Right (ParseNeed importState (Just needs@(_:_)) rest)) = if needFun (getNeedIS importState) needs then importCont (parseit (parseInterface3 importState needs hideFun) rest) else importCont (parseit (parseUntilNeed importState) rest) importCont (Right (ParseNeed importState (Just []) rest)) = importCont (parseit (parseInterface3 importState [] hideFun) rest) importCont (Right (ParseNeed importState _ rest)) = importCont2 (parseit (parseInterface4 importState hideFun) rest) importCont2 (Left err) = parseIError filename err importCont2 (Right (ParseEof importState)) = return importState importCont2 (Right (ParseNext importState visible (pos,Visible mrps) rest)) = importCont (parseit (parseUntilNeed (putModid2IS importState visible mrps)) rest) {- Output an error message that is caused by parsing an interface file. -} parseIError :: [Char] -> (Pos,String,[String]) -> IO a parseIError filename err = (ioError . userError . showErr filename) err