{- |
Internal state of the compiler used from need analysis until renaming
Needs 'IdSupply'?
module ImportState (module ImportState, module Info, Decl) where
import State
import SysDeps(PackedString,packString)
import Syntax(Decl)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Info
import Error
import Id
-- | It is probably best to refrain from direct access to the fields...
data ImportState =
ImportState {
visibleIS :: Bool,
uniqueIS :: Id, -- ^ next unique 'Id'
rpsIS :: PackedString, -- ^ modid of interface file
sectionRpsIS :: PackedString, -- ^ modid of this section of the interface file
needIS :: (Set.Set TokenId), -- ^ needI [What does this mean? --SamB]
renameIS :: (Map.Map (TokenId,IdKind) (Either [Pos] [Id])),
-- ^ rename (name -> unique)
symtabIS :: (Map.Map (TokenId,IdKind) Info),
-- ^ symboltable (real name -> info)
instsIS :: [(TokenId,TokenId,TokenId,[Id],[(Pos,TokenId,Id)])],
-- ^ [ (mod,realClass, realData, free , Ctxs) ]
fixityIS :: (TokenId -> (InfixClass TokenId,Int)),
-- ^ fixity information (name -> fixity)
errorsIS :: [Error] -- ^ errors
instance IdSupply ImportState where
getUniqueId _ is@(ImportState { uniqueIS = unique })
= (unique, is { uniqueIS = succ unique })
{- | initial import state -}
initIS :: Map.Map (TokenId,IdKind) [Pos] -> ImportState
initIS rt =
ImportState False (toEnum 1) (packString "???") (packString "???") Set.empty
(Map.map Left rt) Map.empty [] (error "no fixity") []
{- | put modid of interface file into import state -}
putModidIS :: ImportState -> PackedString -> ImportState
putModidIS is rps = is { visibleIS = True, rpsIS = rps, sectionRpsIS = rps }
{- | put modid of current section of interface file into import state -}
putModid2IS :: ImportState -> Bool -> PackedString -> ImportState
putModid2IS is visible rps = is { visibleIS = visible, sectionRpsIS = rps }
getNeedIS :: ImportState -> (PackedString, PackedString, Set.Set TokenId)
getNeedIS is = (rpsIS is, sectionRpsIS is, needIS is)
getSymbolTableIS :: ImportState -> Map.Map (TokenId, IdKind) Info
getSymbolTableIS = symtabIS
getRenameTableIS :: ImportState -> Map.Map (TokenId, IdKind) (Either [Pos] [Id])
getRenameTableIS = renameIS
getErrIS :: ImportState -> Either [Error] ImportState
getErrIS is@(ImportState { errorsIS = errors })
| null errors = Right is
| otherwise = Left errors
importError :: Error -> a -> () -> ImportState -> (a,ImportState)
importError err r _ is = (r, is { errorsIS = err : errorsIS is })
-- Things added as part of an attempt to keep "IExtract" from having
-- to pattern match on so many 'ImportState's
-- | Maybe this should be rolled into 'addSymbolIS'?
addNeedIS :: TokenId -> State0 a ImportState ImportState
addNeedIS tid _ is = is { needIS = Set.insert tid (needIS is) }
addSymbolIS :: (TokenId, IdKind) -> Info -> State0 a ImportState ImportState
addSymbolIS symbol info _ is = is { symtabIS = Map.insertWith combInfo symbol info (symtabIS is) }
findSymbolIS :: (TokenId, IdKind) -> State a ImportState (Maybe Info) ImportState
findSymbolIS symbol _ is = (Map.lookup symbol (symtabIS is), is)