{- |
Central data structures of the symbol table
module Info(module Info, module Id, IdKind,TokenId,NewType,InfixClass(..),Pos
) where
import IdKind(IdKind)
import TokenId(TokenId)
import NT
import Util.Extra(Pos,strace)
import SysDeps(PackedString,trace)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Syntax(InfixClass(..))
import Id(Id)
import Maybe
data IE = IEnone | IEsel | IEsome | IEabs | IEall deriving (Eq,Show)
-- ^ This is "Interface Exports"
-- > defined in a lattice IEall
-- > / \
-- > | IEsome
-- > IEsel |
-- > | IEabs
-- > \ /
-- > IEnone
-- > IEall -> exported (with all constructors/fields/methods)
-- > IEsome -> exported with selected constructors/fields/methods
-- > IEabs -> exported abstractly (without constructors/fields/methods)
-- > IEnone -> not exported
-- > IEsel -> selected constructors/fields/methods
-- > (is exported, despite defn below!)
isExported :: IE -> Bool
isExported IEnone = False
isExported IEsel = False
isExported _ = True
combIE :: IE -> IE -> IE
combIE IEall _ = IEall
combIE _ IEall = IEall
combIE IEnone i = i
combIE i IEnone = i
combIE IEsome IEabs = IEsome
combIE IEabs IEsome = IEsome
combIE _ i = i
-- | Patch newtype for exports (Its constructor must always be in the
-- interface file, even if not visible in the importing module.)
patchIE :: IE -> IE
patchIE IEabs = IEsome
patchIE ie = ie
data DataKind =
DataTypeSynonym Bool -- True <-> unboxed after expansion
Int -- depth (used to determine
-- which type synonym to expand)
| DataNewType Bool -- always False
[Id] -- constructor(one or zero)
| Data Bool -- True <-> unboxed
[Id] -- constructors
| DataPrimitive Int -- size
deriving (Show)
-- | Given all the selector functions below, shouldn't these
-- constructors be record constructors? -SamB
data Info =
InfoClear -- used to remove imported when redefining in mutally
-- recursive modules and when compiling the prelude
| InfoUsed Id -- unique
[(IdKind,TokenId,PackedString,Pos)] -- occurrence where used
| InfoUsedClass Id -- unique
[(IdKind,TokenId,PackedString,Pos)] -- occurrence where used
(Map.Map Id (PackedString,[Id],[(Id,Id)]))
-- instances of the class
-- the tree associates a type constructor with
-- the module name, free variables and the superclass context
-- of an instance
| InfoData -- data type (algebraic, type synonym, ...)
Id -- unique
TokenId -- token of data type name
IE -- is exported?
NewType -- if type synonym: type it is defined to be
-- if data or newtype: defined type
-- e.g.: data Num a => Test a b = A a | B b
-- NewType [1,2] [] [(NumId, 1)]
-- [NTvar 1 Star, NTvar 2 Star, mkNTcons TestId
-- [NTvar 1 Star, NTvar 2 Star]]
DataKind -- kind of data type
| InfoClass Id -- unique
TokenId -- token of class name
IE -- is exported?
NewType -- pseudo type built from class and type variable
-- (type of dictionary?)
[Id] -- method ids refering to type declaration
[Id] -- method ids refering to default definition
-- ids in same position refer to same method
-- => lists have same lengths
(Map.Map Id (PackedString,[Id],[(Id,Id)]))
-- instances of the class
-- the tree associates a type constructor with
-- the module name, free variables and the superclass context
-- of an instance
| InfoVar -- term variable
Id -- unique
TokenId -- token for name
IE -- is exported?
(InfixClass TokenId,Int) -- fixity
NewType -- type
(Maybe Int) -- arity (if available)
| InfoConstr -- data constructor
Id -- unique
TokenId -- token for name
IE -- is exported?
(InfixClass TokenId,Int) -- fixity
NewType -- type of the constructor
[Maybe Id] -- field names (if they exist)
Id -- data type to which constructor belongs
| InfoField -- field name
Id -- unique
TokenId -- token for name
IE -- is exported?
[(Id,Int)] -- [(data constructor, offset for this constr.)]
Id -- iData
Id -- iSel
-- unique tid [(constructor,offset)] type selector
| InfoMethod -- for type declaration of method in a class definition
Id -- unique
TokenId -- token for method name
IE -- is exported?
(InfixClass TokenId,Int) -- fixity
(Maybe Int) -- arity (if available; here bogus)
Id -- unique of class to which method belongs
| InfoIMethod -- for definition in instance definition
Id -- unique
TokenId -- token for name
(Maybe Int) -- arity (if available)
Id -- iMethod (0 after renaming)
-- The type is NewType free instancs_ctx instance_type,
-- for real type follow iMethod
| InfoDMethod -- for default definition in class definition
Id -- unique
TokenId -- token for method name
(Maybe Int) -- arity (if available)
Id -- class to which method belongs
-- | Only used in "Export"
| InfoInstance Id -- unique
PackedString -- where it was defined
Id -- unique of class (of which this is instance)
| InfoName Id -- unique
TokenId -- token for name
Int -- arity
Bool --PHtprof indicates subfn
-- inserted late to hold name and arity for some functions
-- (second TokenId is profname )
deriving (Show)
{- Template
z (InfoUsed unique uses) =
z (InfoUsedClass unique uses insts) =
z (InfoData unique tid ie nt dk) =
case dk of
(DataTypeSynonym unboxed depth) ->
(DataNewType unboxed constructors) ->
(Data unboxed constrs) ->
(DataPrimitive size) ->
z (InfoClass unique tid ie nt ms ds insts) =
z (InfoVar unique tid ie fix nt annot) =
z (InfoConstr unique tid ie fix nt fields iType) =
z (InfoField unique tid ie icon_offs iData iSel) =
z (InfoMethod unique tid ie fix nt annot iClass) =
z (InfoIMethod unique tid nt annot iMethod) =
z (InfoDMethod unique tid nt annot iClass) =
z (InfoInstance unique nt iClass) =
z (InfoName pos unique tid Int ptid subfn) = --PHtprof
clearI :: a -> Info
clearI _ = InfoClear
--isClear InfoClear = True
--isClear _ = False
isMethod :: Info -> Bool
isMethod (InfoMethod unique tid ie fix nt annot iClass) = True
isMethod _ = False
isData :: Info -> Bool
isData (InfoData unique tid exp nt dk) = True
isData _ = False
isRealData :: Info -> Bool
isRealData (InfoData unique tid exp nt dk) =
case dk of
(DataTypeSynonym unboxed depth) -> False
(DataNewType unboxed constructors) -> False
(DataPrimitive size) -> True
(Data unboxed constrs) -> True
isRealData info = error ("isRealData " ++ show info)
isRenamingFor :: Map.Map Id Info -> Info -> NewType
isRenamingFor st (InfoData unique tid exp nt (DataTypeSynonym _ depth)) = nt
isRenamingFor st info@(InfoData unique tid exp nt (DataNewType _ constrs)) =
case constrs of
[] -> error ("Problem with type of a foreign imported function:\n"
++"Cannot find constructor for newtype: "++show info)
[c] -> case Map.lookup c st of
Just i -> ntI i
Nothing -> error ("Cannot find info for newtype constructor: "
++show info)
isRenamingFor st info = error ("isRenamingFor " ++ show info)
isDataUnBoxed :: Info -> Bool
isDataUnBoxed (InfoData unique tid exp nt dk) =
case dk of
(DataTypeSynonym unboxed depth) -> unboxed
(DataNewType unboxed constructors) -> unboxed
(Data unboxed constrs) -> unboxed
(DataPrimitive size) -> True
isDataUnBoxed info = error ("isDataUnBoxed: " ++ show info)
isField :: Info -> Bool
isField (InfoField _ _ _ _ _ _) = True
isField _ = False
isClass :: Info -> Bool
isClass (InfoClass _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = True
isClass _ = False
isUsedClass :: Info -> Bool
isUsedClass (InfoUsedClass _ _ _) = True
isUsedClass _ = False
isConstr :: Info -> Bool
isConstr (InfoConstr _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = True
isConstr _ = False
depthI :: Info -> Maybe Int
depthI (InfoData unique tid exp nt dk) =
case dk of
(DataTypeSynonym unboxed depth) -> Just depth
_ -> Nothing
depthI _ = Nothing
typeSynonymBodyI :: Info -> Maybe NewType
typeSynonymBodyI (InfoData _ _ _ nt (DataTypeSynonym _ _)) = Just nt
typeSynonymBodyI _ = Nothing
updTypeSynonym :: Bool -> Int -> Info -> Info
updTypeSynonym unboxed depth (InfoData unique tid exp nt dk) =
case dk of
(DataTypeSynonym _ _) ->
(InfoData unique tid exp nt (DataTypeSynonym unboxed depth))
{- |
Sets the unboxedness information in newtype info as given.
updNewType :: Bool -> Info -> Info
updNewType unboxed (InfoData unique tid exp nt dk) =
case dk of
(DataNewType _ constructors) ->
InfoData unique tid exp nt (DataNewType unboxed constructors)
{- |
Sets the type information in variable info as given.
Is only applied to identifiers without types,i.e. never methods of any kind!
newNT :: NewType -> Info -> Info
newNT nt (InfoVar unique tid ie fix _ annot) =
InfoVar unique tid ie fix nt annot
ntI :: Info -> NewType
ntI i = fromJust (maybeNtI i)
maybeNtI :: Info -> Maybe NewType
maybeNtI (InfoData unique tid ie nt dk) = Just nt
-- maybeNtI (InfoClass unique tid ie nt ms ds) = Just nt --- Not needed?
maybeNtI (InfoVar unique tid ie fix nt annot) = Just nt
maybeNtI (InfoConstr unique tid ie fix nt fields iType) = Just nt
maybeNtI (InfoMethod unique tid ie fix nt annot iClass) = Just nt
maybeNtI (InfoIMethod unique tid nt annot iMethod) = Just nt -- Work here?
maybeNtI (InfoDMethod unique tid nt annot iClass) = Just nt
maybeNtI _ = Nothing
strictI :: Info -> [Bool]
strictI (InfoConstr _ _ _ _ (NewType free [] ctx nts) _ _) =
map strictNT (init nts)
strictI _ = []
-- Not strict in any argument so it doesn't matter if we return empty list
qDefI :: Info -> Bool
qDefI (InfoUsed _ _) = False
qDefI (InfoUsedClass _ _ _) = False
qDefI _ = True
uniqueI :: Info -> Id
uniqueI (InfoUsed unique _) = unique
uniqueI (InfoUsedClass unique _ _) = unique
uniqueI (InfoData unique tid ie nt dk) = unique
uniqueI (InfoClass unique _ _ _ _ _ _) = unique
uniqueI (InfoVar unique _ _ _ _ _) = unique
uniqueI (InfoConstr unique _ _ _ _ _ _) = unique
uniqueI (InfoField unique _ _ _ _ _) = unique
uniqueI (InfoMethod unique _ _ _ _ _ _) = unique
uniqueI (InfoIMethod unique _ _ _ _) = unique
uniqueI (InfoDMethod unique _ _ _ _) = unique
uniqueI (InfoInstance unique _ _ _) = unique
uniqueI (InfoName unique _ _ _ _) = unique --PHtprof
descI :: Info -> String
descI (InfoUsed _ _) = "InfoUsed"
descI (InfoUsedClass _ _ _) = "InfoUsedClass"
descI (InfoData _ _ _ _ _ ) = "InfoData"
descI (InfoClass _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = "InfoClass"
descI (InfoVar _ _ _ _ _ _) = "InfoVar"
descI (InfoConstr _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = "InfoConstr"
descI (InfoField _ _ _ _ _ _) = "InfoField"
descI (InfoMethod _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = "InfoMethod"
descI (InfoIMethod _ _ _ _ _) = "InfoIMethod"
descI (InfoDMethod _ _ _ _ _) = "InfoDMethod"
descI (InfoInstance _ _ _ _) = "InfoInstance"
descI (InfoName _ _ _ _ _) = "InfoName"
descI _ = "InfoUnknown!"
tidI :: Info -> TokenId
tidI (InfoData unique tid exp nt dk) = tid
tidI (InfoClass u tid _ _ _ _ _) = tid
tidI (InfoVar u tid _ _ _ _) = tid
tidI (InfoConstr u tid _ _ _ _ _) = tid
tidI (InfoField u tid _ _ _ _) = tid
tidI (InfoMethod u tid _ _ _ _ _) = tid
tidI (InfoIMethod u tid _ _ _) = tid
tidI (InfoDMethod u tid _ _ _) = tid
tidI (InfoName u tid _ _ _) = tid --PHtprof
tidI (InfoUsedClass u ((_,tid,_,_):_) _) = tid --MW
tidI (InfoUsed u ((_,tid,_,_):_)) = tid --TS
tidI info = error ("tidI (Info.hs) called with bad info:\n" ++ show info)
cmpTid :: TokenId -> Info -> Bool
cmpTid t (InfoUsed _ _) = False
cmpTid t (InfoUsedClass _ _ _) = False
cmpTid t i = tidI i == t
methodsI :: Info -> [(Id,Id)]
methodsI (InfoClass u tid ie nt ms ds inst) = zip ms ds
instancesI :: Info -> Map.Map Id (PackedString,[Id],[(Id,Id)])
instancesI (InfoClass u tid e nt ms ds inst) = inst
instancesI info@(InfoUsedClass u uses inst) =
strace ("***instanceI(1) "++show info++"\n") inst
instancesI info =
strace ("***instanceI(2) "++show info++"\n") Map.empty
-- This is a lie!!! For some reason has this class no real entry
{- | Return identifiers of all superclasses of the class which is described
by given info.
superclassesI :: Info -> [Id]
superclassesI (InfoClass _ _ _ (NewType _ [] ctxs _) _ _ _) = map fst ctxs
superclassesI info = error ("superclassesI " ++ show info)
{- | Add information about an instance to info of a class.
If information about this instance exists already in info, then info left
type constructor -> free type variables -> context -> class info -> class info
addInstanceI :: Id -> PackedString -> [Id] -> [(Id,Id)] -> Info -> Info
addInstanceI con loc free ctxs info@(InfoClass u tid e nt ms ds inst) =
case Map.lookup con inst of
Just _ -> info
Nothing -> InfoClass u tid e nt ms ds (Map.insert con (loc,free,ctxs) inst)
addInstanceI con loc free ctxs info@(InfoUsedClass u uses inst) =
case Map.lookup con inst of
Just _ -> info
Nothing -> InfoUsedClass u uses (Map.insert con (loc,free,ctxs) inst)
addInstanceI con loc free ctxs (InfoUsed u uses) =
addInstanceI con loc free ctxs (InfoUsedClass u uses Map.empty)
{- |
In joining two trees for describing instances the second one gets
precedence in case of conflict.
joinInsts :: Map.Map Id a -> Map.Map Id a -> Map.Map Id a
joinInsts inst inst' =
foldr (\(k,v) inst -> Map.insert k v inst) inst (Map.toList inst')
{- | Determine constructors of a type from the info of the type -}
constrsI :: Info -> [Id]
constrsI (InfoName unique tid i ptid _) = [unique] --PHtprof
-- ABOVE: this is a lie! but it is consistent with belongstoI :-)
constrsI (InfoData unique tid exp nt dk) =
case dk of
(DataTypeSynonym unboxed depth) ->
strace ("Constr of type synonym "++show tid++"\n") []
(DataNewType unboxed constructors) -> constructors
(DataPrimitive size) ->
strace ("Constr of data primitive "++show tid++"\n") []
(Data unboxed constrs) -> constrs
constrsI info = error ("constrsI " ++ show info)
updConstrsI :: Info -> [Id] -> Info
updConstrsI (InfoData unique tid exp nt dk) constrs' =
case dk of
(Data unboxed constrs) ->
InfoData unique tid exp nt (Data unboxed constrs')
fieldsI :: Info -> [Maybe Id]
fieldsI (InfoConstr unique tid ie fix nt fields iType) = fields
combInfo :: Info -> Info -> Info
combInfo InfoClear info' = info'
combInfo (InfoUsed _ w) (InfoUsed u' w') = InfoUsed u' (w++w')
combInfo (InfoUsed _ _) info' = info'
combInfo info InfoClear = info
combInfo info (InfoUsed _ _) = info
combInfo i1@(InfoUsedClass _ uses insts)
i2@(InfoClass u tid exp nt ms ds insts') =
InfoClass u tid exp nt ms ds (joinInsts insts' insts)
combInfo i1@(InfoClass _ tid exp nt ms ds insts)
i2@(InfoUsedClass u uses insts') =
InfoClass u tid exp nt ms ds (joinInsts insts' insts)
combInfo (InfoClass u tid exp nt ms ds insts)
(InfoClass u' tid' exp' nt' [] [] insts') =
InfoClass u tid (combIE exp exp') nt ms ds (joinInsts insts' insts)
combInfo (InfoClass u tid exp nt ms ds insts)
(InfoClass u' tid' exp' nt' ms' ds' insts') =
InfoClass u tid (combIE exp exp') nt' ms' ds' (joinInsts insts' insts)
combInfo info@(InfoData u tid exp nt dk)
info'@(InfoData u' tid' exp' nt' dk') =
case dk' of
Data unboxed [] -> info
_ -> if isExported exp' then info' else info
combInfo info info' =
-- Use new (if possible) so that code can override old imported
if isExported (expI info)
then info
else info'
expI :: Info -> IE
expI (InfoData _ _ ie _ _) = ie
expI (InfoClass _ _ ie _ _ _ _) = ie
expI (InfoVar _ _ ie _ _ _) = ie
expI (InfoConstr _ _ ie _ _ _ _) = ie
expI (InfoField _ _ ie _ _ _) = ie -- Data contains export info
expI (InfoMethod _ _ ie _ _ _ _) = ie
expI (InfoIMethod _ _ _ _ _) = IEnone
expI (InfoDMethod _ _ _ _ _) = IEnone
expI info = IEnone -- I get InfoUsed here !!!
-- | arity without context (Visible)
arityVI :: Info -> Int
arityVI (InfoVar _ _ _ _ _ (Just arity)) = arity
arityVI (InfoConstr _ _ _ _ (NewType _ _ _ nts) _ _) = length nts - 1
arityVI (InfoMethod _ _ _ _ _ (Just arity) _) = 1
arityVI (InfoIMethod _ _ _ (Just arity) _) = arity
arityVI (InfoDMethod _ _ _ (Just arity) _) = arity
arityVI (InfoName _ _ arity _ _) = arity --PHtprof
-- | arity with context
arityI :: Info -> Int
arityI (InfoVar _ _ _ _ (NewType _ _ ctx _) (Just arity)) = length ctx + arity
arityI (InfoVar _ _ _ _ _ (Just arity)) = arity
-- NR Generated after type deriving
arityI (InfoConstr _ _ _ _ (NewType _ _ _ nts) _ _) = length nts - 1
arityI (InfoMethod _ _ _ _ _ (Just arity) _) = 1
-- Wrong !!!
-- arityI (InfoIMethod _ _ (NewType _ _ ctx _) (Just arity) _)
-- = length ctx + arity
arityI (InfoDMethod _ _ (NewType _ _ ctx _) (Just arity) _)
= length ctx + arity
+ 1
-- +1 is for the dictionary
arityI (InfoName unique tid arity ptid _) = arity --PHtprof
arityI info = error ("arityI " ++ show info)
arityIM :: Info -> Int
arityIM (InfoMethod _ _ _ _ (NewType _ _ ctx _) (Just arity) _)
= length ctx + arity
fixityI :: Info -> (InfixClass TokenId, Int)
fixityI (InfoVar unique tid ie fix nt annot) = fix
fixityI (InfoConstr unique tid ie fix nt fields iType) = fix
fixityI (InfoMethod unique tid ie fix nt annot iClass) = fix
fixityI _ = (InfixDef,9::Int)
belongstoI :: Info -> Id
belongstoI (InfoConstr unique tid ie fix nt fields iType) = iType
belongstoI (InfoField unique tid ie icon_offs iData iSel) = iData
belongstoI (InfoMethod unique tid ie fix nt annot iClass) = iClass
belongstoI (InfoIMethod unique tid nt annot iMethod) = iMethod
-- Maybe ought to be it's own function
belongstoI (InfoDMethod unique tid nt annot iClass) = iClass
belongstoI (InfoInstance unique mrs nt iClass) = iClass
belongstoI (InfoName unique tid i ptid _) = unique --PHtprof
-- ABOVE: this is a lie! but it is consistent with constrsI :-)
belongstoI info = error ("belongstoI " ++ show info)
profI :: Info -> TokenId
profI (InfoData unique tid exp nt dk) = tid
profI (InfoClass u tid _ _ _ _ _) = tid
profI (InfoVar u tid _ _ _ _) = tid
profI (InfoConstr u tid _ _ _ _ _) = tid
profI (InfoField u tid _ _ _ _) = tid
profI (InfoMethod u tid _ _ _ _ _) = tid
profI (InfoIMethod u tid _ _ _) = tid
profI (InfoDMethod u tid _ _ _) = tid
profI (InfoName u tid _ ptid _) = ptid --PHtprof
profI info = error ("profII (Info.hs) " ++ show info)