Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/fernan/nhc98/src/compiler98/Lift.hs

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{- |
Performs lambda-lifting of the program

module Lift (liftCode) where

import List
import State
import PosCode
import SyntaxPos
import Util.Extra (emptySet,unionSet,removeSet,noPos,strace,pair)
import Maybe
import Id
import IntState
import TokenId
import IdKind
import Building (Compiler(..),compiler)
--------- ===========

data LiftDown =
    Bool                        -- strict
    ((TokenId,IdKind)->Id)      -- tidFun
    TokenId                     -- current function

data LiftThread =
    [(Id,[Id])]    -- translation from lifted identifier to new free variables
    [PosBinding]   -- new top-level definitions

liftCode :: [(Id,PosLambda)] -> IntState -> ((TokenId,IdKind) -> Id) -> ([(Id,PosLambda)],IntState)
liftCode code state tidFun =
  case (mapS liftTopBinding code)
             (LiftDown True tidFun tunknown)
             (LiftThread [] [] state) of
    (code,LiftThread _ _ state) -> (concat code,state)

liftTopBinding d =
  liftSetTid (fst d) >=>
  liftBinding d >>>= \ d ->
  liftTop    >>>= \ sc ->
  unitS (d:sc)

liftScc pos bindingsIn down@(LiftDown strict tidFun ptid)
                       up@(LiftThread transIn scIn stateIn) =
      (declsInLift,declsInStay) = partition liftIt bindingsIn

      definedLift = map fst declsInLift

      envLift = foldr unionSet emptySet
                (map (expandEnv transIn)
                     (removeSet (foldr (unionSet . map snd . getEnvs)

      transNew = map (`pair` envLift) definedLift ++ transIn

      (declsOutLift,LiftThread _ scInLift state1) =
                 mapS liftBinding declsInLift (LiftDown True tidFun ptid)
                                              (LiftThread transNew [] stateIn)

      (declsOutStay,LiftThread _ scInStay state2) =
                 mapS liftBinding declsInStay (LiftDown False tidFun ptid)
                                              (LiftThread transNew [] state1)

      scHere = map (addArgs envLift) declsOutLift

      newBindings = map (addEnvs transNew) declsOutStay

      newSC = scHere ++ scInLift++scInStay++scIn
      newState = foldr (updateInfo ptid) state2 scHere
  in (newBindings, LiftThread transNew newSC newState)

updateInfo ptid (fun, PosLambda pos int envs args exp) state =
 let arity = length args in
 updateIS state fun
          (\info-> let tid = tidI info in
                   (seq tid (InfoName fun tid arity (tidPos ptid pos) True)))

addArgs newargs (fun, PosLambda pos int envs args exp) =
  (fun, PosLambda pos int [] (map (pair pos) newargs++args) exp)

addEnvs trans (fun, PosLambda pos int envs args exp) =
  (fun, PosLambda pos int (map (pair pos)
                           (foldr unionSet
                                  (map (expandEnv trans . snd) envs)))
                      args exp)

liftIt (fun, PosLambda pos int envs args exp) = not (null args)

getEnvs (fun, PosLambda pos int envs args exp) = envs

expandEnv trans f =
  case lookup f trans of
    Nothing -> [f]
    Just set -> set

liftLambda pos int envs args exp down@(LiftDown strict tidFun ptid)
                                   up@(LiftThread transIn scIn stateIn) =
      newEnvs = map (pair pos)
                    (foldr unionSet
                           (map (expandEnv transIn . snd) envs))

      fl = if int then LamFLIntro else LamFLLambda
      scHere =  (fun, PosLambda pos fl [] (newEnvs++args) exp)
      arity = length newEnvs + length args
      (fun,state2) = uniqueIS stateIn
      tid = (visible (reverse ("LAMBDA" ++ strId fun))) -- Not exported
      newSC = scHere:scIn
      newState = seq tid $ addIS fun (InfoName fun tid arity
                                               (tidPos ptid pos) True) --PHtprof

  in (PosExpApp pos (PosVar pos fun:map (uncurry PosVar) newEnvs)
     ,LiftThread transIn newSC newState

liftBinding (fun,PosLambda pos int envs args exp) =
  liftExp exp >>>= \ exp ->
  unitS (fun,PosLambda pos int envs args exp)
liftBinding (fun,PosPrimitive pos fn) =
  unitS (fun,PosPrimitive pos fn)
liftBinding (fun,PosForeign pos fn ar t c ie) =
  unitS (fun,PosForeign pos fn ar t c ie)

liftExpLambda pos int envs args exp =
  liftStrict True (liftExp exp) >>>=
  liftLambda pos int envs args

liftExp (PosExpLambda pos int envs args exp) =
  liftExpLambda pos int envs args exp
liftExp (PosExpLet rec pos bindings exp) =
  liftScc pos bindings >>>= \ bindings ->
  liftExp exp >>>= \ exp ->
  unitS (PosExpLet rec pos bindings exp)
liftExp e@(PosExpCase pos exp alts) =
  liftGetStrict >>>= \ strict ->
  if strict
  then unitS (PosExpCase pos) =>>> liftExp exp =>>> mapS liftAlt alts
  else strace "liftExp PosExpCase lazy!" $
       liftExpLambda pos True [] [] e
liftExp e@(PosExpFatBar b e1 e2) =
  liftGetStrict >>>= \ strict ->
  if strict
  then unitS (PosExpFatBar b) =>>> liftExp e1 =>>> liftExp e2
  else strace "liftExp PosExpFatBar lazy!" $
       liftExpLambda noPos True [] [] e
liftExp (PosExpFail) = unitS PosExpFail
liftExp e@(PosExpIf pos g c e1 e2)       =
  liftGetStrict >>>= \ strict ->
  if strict
  then unitS (PosExpIf pos g) =>>> liftExp c =>>> liftExp e1 =>>> liftExp e2
  else strace "liftExp PosExpIf lazy!" $
       liftExpLambda pos True [] [] e
liftExp e@(PosExpApp pos es) =  -- hd es is not always strict !!!
  liftGetStrict >>>= \ strict ->
  if strict
  then --OLD: unitS (posExpApp pos) =>>> liftStrict False (mapS liftExp es)
       liftExp (head es) >>>= \ head_es ->
       liftStrict False (mapS liftExp (tail es)) >>>= \ tail_es ->
       unitS (posExpApp pos (head_es:tail_es))
  else liftApply es >>>= liftExp

liftExp (PosExpThunk pos ap (e:es)) =
  -- A primitive/con/apply with correct number of arguments
  liftExp e >>>= \ e ->
  liftStrict False (mapS liftExp es) >>>= \ es ->
  unitS (PosExpThunk pos ap (e:es))
liftExp (PosVar pos i) = liftIdent pos i
liftExp a = unitS a

liftAlt (PosAltCon pos con args exp) =
  unitS (PosAltCon pos con args) =>>> liftExp exp
liftAlt (PosAltInt pos int b     exp) =
  unitS (PosAltInt pos int b)      =>>> liftExp exp

NOTE: the APPLY instruction in YHC works lazily anyway, so we don't
      need to bother lifting lazy applications.
liftApply | compiler==Yhc   = liftY
          | compiler==Nhc98 = lift
    liftY (e:[]) = unitS e
    liftY (e:es) = unitS (PosExpThunk (getPos e) False (e:es))

    lift (e1:[]) = unitS e1
    lift es@(e1:e2:[]) =
      liftTidFun (t_apply1,Var) >>>= \ f ->
      unitS (PosExpThunk (getPos e1) True (f:es))
    lift es@(e1:e2:e3:[]) =
      liftTidFun (t_apply2,Var) >>>= \ f ->
      unitS (PosExpThunk (getPos e1) True (f:es))
    lift es@(e1:e2:e3:e4:[]) =
      liftTidFun (t_apply3,Var) >>>= \ f ->
      unitS (PosExpThunk (getPos e1) True (f:es))
    lift    (e1:e2:e3:e4:e5:es) =
      liftTidFun (t_apply4,Var) >>>= \ f ->
      lift (PosExpThunk (getPos e1) True (f:e1:e2:e3:e4:e5:[]):es)

liftIdent pos ident down@(LiftDown strict tidFun ptid)
                    up@(LiftThread trans sc state) =
  case lookup ident trans of
    Nothing ->  (PosVar pos ident,up)
    Just env ->  (PosExpApp pos (PosVar pos ident:map (PosVar pos) env),up)

liftSetTid fun down@(LiftDown strict tidFun ptid)
               up@(LiftThread trans sc state) =
  (LiftDown strict tidFun ((profI . fromJust . lookupIS state) fun),up)

liftTop  down up@(LiftThread trans sc state) =
  (sc,LiftThread [] [] state)

liftStrict strict lift down@(LiftDown _ tidFun ptid) up =
  lift (LiftDown strict tidFun ptid) up

liftGetStrict down@(LiftDown strict tidFun ptid) up =

liftTidFun tid down@(LiftDown strict tidFun ptid) up =
  (PosVar noPos (tidFun tid) ,up)

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