module Main(main) where
import System.Directory
import System.Environment
import IO
import Util.Extra
import Flags
import Core.View
import System.FilePath
import Make
import Error
import Package
-- read the base path from the environment variable
-- the include files will be search for from that location
-- otherwise use the base file path
getBasePath :: IO String
getBasePath = catch (getEnv "YHC_BASE_PATH") errHandle
errHandle e = do
res <- findExecutable "yhc"
case res of
Nothing -> do
putStrLn $ "Warning: the environment variable YHC_BASE_PATH is not set\n" ++
" and yhc cannot be found on the path"
return ""
Just x -> return $ takeDirectory $ takeDirectory x
-- program start point
main :: IO ()
main =
do basePath <- getBasePath
args <- getArgs
let flags = fixFlags basePath (processArgs args)
let yhcVERSION = "(unversioned)"
if sVersion flags then putStrLn $ "yhc: The York Haskell Compiler version " ++ yhcVERSION
else if sHelp flags then putStr $ printUsage True
else if not $ null $ sViewCore flags then mapM_ (\x -> getFile ["ycr"] x >>= viewCore) (sViewCore flags)
else if null (sRootFile flags) then putStr $ printUsage False
else do realFile <- getHaskellFile (sRootFile flags)
make flags realFile
fixFlags base flags = flags { sPreludes = (base ++ "/include") : sPreludes flags,
sBasePath = base }
-- | From the file path the user gave, figure out the file path they meant
-- in particular add .hs or .lhs if they missed it
getHaskellFile :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
getHaskellFile = getFile ["hs","lhs"]
getFile :: [String] -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
getFile exts orig =
full <- canonicalizePath orig
b <- doesFileExist full
if b then
return full
do res <- mapM (f full) exts
case concat res of
[] -> getOneModule orig
[x] -> return x
xs -> raiseError $ ErrorFileMany noErrPos "Typed at the console" full xs
f full ext = do let s2 = full <.> ext
b <- doesFileExist s2
return [s2 | b]