module Package (package, getModule, getOneModule, PackageData) where
import Directory
import List
import Char
import Maybe
import Control.Monad
import Flags
import Error
import System.FilePath
data PackageData = PackageData [FilePath]
package :: Flags -> FilePath -> IO PackageData
package flags rootpath =
do let paths = [sBasePath flags </> "lib" </> "yhc" </> "packages"]
packages <- concatMapM getDirectoryListFull paths
versions <- concatMapM f packages
let result = pickPackages versions
return $ PackageData (rootpath : sIncludes flags ++ result)
getDirectoryListFull path = do xs <- getDirectoryList path
return [(x, combine path x) | x <- xs]
f (pack, path) = do vers <- getDirectoryList path
return [(pack, ver, combine path ver) | ver <- vers]
-- decide which packages are "best"
-- data structure is (package name, package version, package folder)
pickPackages :: [(String, String, FilePath)] -> [FilePath]
pickPackages xs = concatMap f $ groupBy eqFst3 $ sortBy cmpFst3 xs
cmpFst3 (a,_,_) (b,_,_) = a `compare` b
eqFst3 (a,_,_) (b,_,_) = a == b
cmpFstRev (a,_) (b,_) = b `compare` a
f xs = if any (null . fst) vers then map snd vers else [snd $ head $ sortBy cmpFstRev vers]
where vers = map (\(a,b,c) -> (versionNumber b, c)) xs
-- return [] on nothing
versionNumber :: String -> [Integer]
versionNumber xs = g [] "" xs
g res todo ('.':xs) | todo /= [] = g (g res todo []) "" xs
g res todo ( x :xs) | isDigit x = g res (x:todo) xs
g res todo [] | todo /= [] = res ++ [read (reverse todo)]
g _ _ _ = []
-- | take the package data and the name of the module you want
-- return the (modulepath.hs, modulepath.hi)
-- if either doesn't exist, return null, at least one must exist
-- if requireHi is True then the .hi file MUST exist
getModule :: PackageData -> Bool -> String -> String -> IO (FilePath, FilePath)
getModule (PackageData rs@(root:rest)) requireHi asker file =
do local <- testPackage root
res <- concatMapM testPackage rest
case (local,res) of
([x], _) -> return x
(_, [x]) -> return x
([], []) -> raiseError $ ErrorFileNone noErrPos askMsg file rs
(as, bs) -> raiseError $ ErrorFileMany noErrPos askMsg file (map anyOne (as ++ bs))
askMsg = if null asker then "asked for by the compiler" else "imported from " ++ asker
-- for error messages only, when you find multiple items
anyOne ("",x) = x
anyOne (x, _) = x
-- what is the location for an .hi file (in the hi dir)
hiLocation = "hi" </> addExtension file "hi"
hsLocation = getLocations file
testPackage pkg =
bHi <- doesFileExist basehi
his <- mapM (calcHi bHi) basehs
hss <- mapM calcHs basehs
let poss = filter isValid $ [("",basehi) | bHi] ++ concatMap power (zip hss his)
(hasHs, noHs) = partition (not . null . fst) poss
return $ if null hasHs then noHs else hasHs
basehi = combine pkg hiLocation
basehs = map (combine pkg) hsLocation
-- calculate an hi path
calcHi True path = return [basehi]
calcHi False path = do let s = addExtension path "hi"
b <- doesFileExist s
if b then return [s] else return []
calcHs path = do let slhs = addExtension path "lhs"
shs = addExtension path "hs"
blhs <- doesFileExist slhs
bhs <- doesFileExist shs
return $ [slhs | blhs] ++ [shs | bhs]
power ([],xs) = map (\x -> ("",x)) xs
power (xs,[]) = map (\x -> (x,"")) xs
power (xs,ys) = [(x,y) | x <- xs, y <- ys]
isValid (hs,hi) = not (null hi) || (not requireHi && not (null hs))
-- | Find the location of one single module
getOneModule :: String -> IO FilePath
getOneModule modName = do curdir <- getCurrentDirectory
(res,_) <- getModule (PackageData [curdir]) False "" modName
return res
-- figure out where a module could roam
-- obey the Haskell' proposal (
getLocations :: String -> [FilePath]
getLocations modu = reverse $ f [] modu
f prefix xs = joinPath (prefix ++ [xs]) :
if null b then [] else f (prefix ++ [a]) (tail b)
where (a,b) = break (=='.') xs
concatMapM :: Monad m => (a -> m [b]) -> [a] -> m [b]
concatMapM f xs = liftM concat $ mapM f xs
getDirectoryList :: FilePath -> IO [String]
getDirectoryList path = do x <- getDirectoryContents path
let xfull = filter (not . isFakeDirectory) x
filterM (\a -> doesDirectoryExist $ combine path a) xfull
isFakeDirectory :: FilePath -> Bool
isFakeDirectory x = x == "." || x == ".."