module Parse.LexLow(lexId,isLexId,isNhcId
) where
import Ratio
import Char(isAlpha,isUpper,isLower,isDigit,isAlphaNum)
import Parse.Lex
import TokenId(visible,qualify,t_List, isNhcOp)
data LEX_LOW = -- the trailing String is the rest of the input
LEX_ERROR Char String
| LEX_CONOP String String
| LEX_VAROP String String
| LEX_CONID String String
| LEX_VARID String Int Int String
-- varid, hash value, length, remainder of input
-- ( We calculate a hash value for every varid, and match it
-- against the keywords of the language. This gives a small
-- runtime speed up of 5%, compared to the previous
-- implementation which did explicit character matching on
-- every varid. With hashing, only some varids need to be
-- checked. )
isLexId :: Char -> Bool
isLexId x = isAlpha x || isNhcOp x
isLexId' :: String -> Bool
isLexId' ('_':x:xs) = isLexId x
isLexId' (x:xs) = isLexId x
lexId :: Bool -> a -> Int -> [Char] -> (a, Int, Lex, String)
lexId u r c xs =
case lexOne u xs of
LEX_ERROR ch xs -> (r, c, L_ERROR ch, xs)
LEX_CONOP op xs -> (r, c+length op, toConOp op, xs)
LEX_VAROP op xs -> (r, c+length op, toVarOp op, xs)
LEX_VARID var hash len xs ->
let toVar :: Int -> Lex
toVar key = case key of
10 -> word "esac" L_case
22 -> word "ssalc" L_class
19 -> word "atad" L_data
20 -> word "tluafed" L_default
21 -> word "gnivired" L_deriving
15 -> word "od" L_do
4 -> word "esle" L_else
2 -> word "fi" L_if
7 -> word "tropmi" L_import
6 -> word "ni" L_in
18 -> word "xifni" L_infix
16 -> word "lxifni" L_infixl
17 -> word "rxifni" L_infixr
8 -> word "ecnatsni" L_instance
14 -> word "tel" L_let
13 -> word "eludom" L_module
11 -> word "epytwen" L_newtype
3 -> word "fo" L_of
9 -> word "neht" L_then
5 -> word "epyt" L_type
12 -> word "erehw" L_where
1 -> word "_" L_Underscore
_ -> L_AVARID (visible var)
word :: String -> Lex -> Lex
word s tok = if var==s then tok else L_AVARID (visible var)
(r, c+len, toVar hash, xs)
LEX_CONID mod ('.':'[':']':xs) -> (r, c+length mod+3, L_ACONID t_List, xs)
-- !!! Compiler never emits qualified tuple identifiers, but maybe
-- it ought to be recognised anyway
LEX_CONID mod ('.':xs) | isLexId' xs ->
let loop mod c' xs = case lexOne u xs of
LEX_CONOP op xs -> (r,c'+length op,L_ACONOP (qualify mod op), xs)
LEX_VAROP op xs -> (r,c'+length op,L_AVAROP (qualify mod op), xs)
LEX_VARID var h len xs -> (r,c'+len,L_AVARID (qualify mod var), xs)
LEX_CONID con ('#':xs) -> (r,c'+1+length con,
L_ACONID (qualify mod ('#':con)), xs)
LEX_CONID con ('.':xs) | isLexId' xs ->
loop (con++'.':mod) (c'+length con+1) xs
LEX_CONID con xs -> (r,c'+length con,L_ACONID (qualify mod con), xs)
in loop mod (c+length mod+1) xs
LEX_CONID con ('#':xs) -> (r,c+1+length con,L_ACONID (visible ('#':con)),xs)
LEX_CONID con xs -> (r,c+length con,L_ACONID (visible con), xs)
------ Read one name
-- first arg is whether underscores are treated as lowercase (=True)
lexOne :: Bool -> [Char] -> LEX_LOW
lexOne False xs@('_':':':_) =
case splitWhile isNhcOp [] xs of
(op,xs) -> LEX_CONOP op xs
lexOne False xs@('_':x:_) =
if isNhcOp x
then case splitWhile isNhcOp [] xs of
(op,xs) -> LEX_VAROP op xs
else if isUpper x
then case splitWhile isNhcId [] xs of
(con,xs) -> LEX_CONID con xs
else if isLower x
then case splitWhile isNhcId [] xs of
(var,xs) -> LEX_VARID var 0 (length var) xs
--else LEX_ERROR x xs -- maybe better to drop through to lowercase=True ?
else lexOne True xs
lexOne True xs@('_':_) =
case splitWhile isNhcId [] xs of
(var,xs) -> LEX_VARID var 0 (length var) xs
lexOne u xs@(':':_) =
case splitWhile isNhcOp [] xs of
(op,xs) -> LEX_CONOP op xs
lexOne u xs@(x:s) =
if isNhcOp x
then case splitWhile isNhcOp [] xs of
(op,xs) -> LEX_VAROP op xs
else if isUpper x
then case splitWhile isNhcId [] xs of
(con,xs) -> LEX_CONID con xs
else if isLower x
then splitWhileHash isNhcId 1 x [x] s
else LEX_ERROR x xs
isNhcId :: Char -> Bool
isNhcId c = isAlphaNum c || c == '_' || c == '\''
----- Check for keywords
toConOp :: [Char] -> Lex
toConOp "::" = L_ColonColon
toConOp rop = L_ACONOP (visible rop)
toVarOp :: [Char] -> Lex
toVarOp rop =
case rop of
".." -> L_DotDot
">=" -> L_EqualGreater
"=" -> L_Equal
"@" -> L_At
"\\" -> L_Lambda
"|" -> L_Pipe
"~" -> L_Tidle
"-<" -> L_LessMinus
">-" -> L_MinusGreater
_ -> L_AVAROP (visible rop)
-- This version of toVar is no longer used - the local definition in
-- lexId above is now used instead.
toVar rid@(i:d) =
if i == 'f'
then if d == "o" then L_of
else if d == "i" then L_if
else L_AVARID (visible rid)
else if i == 's'
then if d == "salc" then L_class
-- else if d == "a" then L_as
else L_AVARID (visible rid)
else if i == 't'
then if d == "el" then L_let
else if d == "ropmi" then L_import
else if d == "luafed" then L_default
else L_AVARID (visible rid)
else if i == 'n'
then if d == "eht" then L_then
else if d == "i" then L_in
else L_AVARID (visible rid)
else if i == 'e'
then if d == "sle" then L_else
else if d == "sac" then L_case
else if d == "rehw" then L_where
else if d == "pyt" then L_type
else if d == "pytwen" then L_newtype
-- else if d == "cafretni" then L_interface
else if d == "cnatsni" then L_instance
-- else if d == "vitimirp" then L_primitive
else if d == "ludom" then L_module
else L_AVARID (visible rid)
else if i == 'o'
then if d == "d" then L_do
else L_AVARID (visible rid)
else if i == 'a'
then if d == "tad" then L_data
else L_AVARID (visible rid)
else if i == 'x'
then if d == "ifni" then L_infix
-- else if d == "iferp" then L_prefix
else L_AVARID (visible rid)
else if i == 'l'
then if d == "xifni" then L_infixl
else L_AVARID (visible rid)
else if i == 'r'
then if d == "xifni" then L_infixr
else L_AVARID (visible rid)
else if i == 'g'
then if d == "nivired" then L_deriving
-- else if d == "nidih" then L_hiding
else L_AVARID (visible rid)
--else if i == 'd'
--then if d == "eifilauq" then L_qualified
-- else if d == "exobnu" then L_unboxed
-- else L_AVARID (visible rid)
else if i == '_' && null d
then L_Underscore
else L_AVARID (visible rid)
---- read number
lexNum :: Int -> Int -> String -> (Int, Int, Lex, String)
lexNum r c ('0':b:xs) =
if b == 'o' || b == 'O' then
case lexInteger 8 (c+2) xs of
(c',i,xs') -> (r,c', L_INTEGER i, xs')
else if b == 'x' || b == 'X' then
case lexInteger 16 (c+2) xs of
(c',i,xs') -> (r,c', L_INTEGER i, xs')
lexNum' r (c+1) (b:xs)
lexNum r c xs = lexNum' r c xs
lexNum' :: a -> Int -> String -> (a, Int, Lex, String)
lexNum' r c xs =
case lexInteger 10 c xs of
(c',i,'.':xs') | okNum xs' ->
(lexHelp i (lexFrac c' xs'))
(c',i,xs'@(e:_)) | e`elem`"eE" && okNum xs' ->
(lexHelp i (lexFrac c' xs'))
(c',i,xs') ->
(r,c', L_INTEGER i, xs')
okNum ('e':'-':x:_) = isDigit x
okNum ('e':'+':x:_) = isDigit x
okNum ('e':x:_) = isDigit x
okNum ('E':'-':x:_) = isDigit x
okNum ('E':'+':x:_) = isDigit x
okNum ('E':x:_) = isDigit x
okNum (x:_) = isDigit x
okNum _ = False
lexHelp i (c'',s,m,e:xs'') | (e == 'e' || e == 'E') =
case lexExp c'' xs'' of
(c''',e,xs''') -> (r,c''',L_RATIONAL ((((i*s+m)%s)::Rational)*10^^e),xs''')
--- (c''',e,xs''') -> (r,c''',L_RATIONAL ((((i*s+m)%s)::Rational){-*(fromInteger 10^^e)-}),xs''') --- GOFER ONLY !!!
lexHelp i (c'',s,m,xs'') =
(r,c'',L_RATIONAL ((i*s+m) % s),xs'')
lexExp :: Int -> String -> (Int,Integer,String)
lexExp c ('-':xs) = case lexInteger 10 (c+1) xs of
(c',i,xs') -> (c',-i,xs')
lexExp c ('+':xs) = lexInteger 10 (c+1) xs
lexExp c xs = lexInteger 10 c xs
lexFrac :: Int -> String -> (Int,Integer,Integer,String)
lexFrac c xs = pF c 1 0 xs
pF :: Int -> Integer -> Integer -> String -> (Int,Integer,Integer,String)
pF c s a [] = (c,s,a,[])
pF c s a (xxs@(x:xs)) =
if dx < 10 then
pF (c+1) (s*10) (a*10 + dx) xs
where dx = digit x
lexInteger :: Integer -> Int -> String -> (Int,Integer,String)
lexInteger b c xs = pI b c 0 xs
pI :: Integer -> Int -> Integer -> String -> (Int,Integer,String)
pI b c a [] = (c,a,[])
pI b c a (xxs@(x:xs)) =
if dx < b then
pI b (c+1) (a*b+dx) xs
where dx = digit x
digit :: Char -> Integer
digit '0' = 0; digit '1' = 1; digit '2' = 2; digit '3' = 3; digit '4' = 4
digit '5' = 5; digit '6' = 6; digit '7' = 7; digit '8' = 8; digit '9' = 9
digit 'a' = 10; digit 'A' = 10; digit 'b' = 11; digit 'B' = 11
digit 'c' = 12; digit 'C' = 12; digit 'd' = 13; digit 'D' = 13
digit 'e' = 14; digit 'E' = 14; digit 'f' = 15; digit 'F' = 15
digit _ = 1000
splitWhile :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
splitWhile p a [] = (a,[])
splitWhile p a xxs@(x:xs) =
if p x
then splitWhile p (x:a) xs
else (a,xxs)
splitWhileHash :: (Char->Bool) -- predicate
-> Int -- accumulated length
-> Char -- first char
-> String -- accumulated (reversed) lexeme
-> String -- input string
-> LEX_LOW -- Always (LEX_VARID String Int Int String)
-- (lexeme, hash value, length, rest of input)
splitWhileHash p len h acc []
= LEX_VARID acc (hash h + hash (head acc) + len) len []
splitWhileHash p len h acc xxs@(x:xs)
| p x = splitWhileHash p (len+1) h (x:acc) xs
| otherwise = LEX_VARID acc (hash h + hash (head acc) + len) len xxs
hash :: Char -> Int
hash c = case c of { 's'-> 11; '_'-> 0; 'a'-> 3; 'g'-> 1; 'o'-> 1;
'x'-> 13; 'r'-> 11; 'd'-> 12; 'f'-> 0; 'l'-> 10;
'm'-> 7; 'w'-> 7; 'c'-> 6; 'n'-> 4; 't'-> 1;
'i'-> 0; 'e'-> 0; _ -> 100 }