module Parse.Parse2
( parseConstr, parseContexts, parseDeriving, parseFixDecls
, parseFixDecl, parseImpDecls, parseInst, parseSimple, parseType
, parseExports, parseStrict, parsePragma
, bigModId
) where
import Util.Extra(pair,triple)
import Parse.Lex hiding (TokenId)
import Syntax hiding (TokenId)
import Parse.LexPre (PosTokenPre)
import Parse.Lexical (PosToken, LexState)
import MkSyntax
import Parse.ParseLib
import Parse.ParseLex
import SyntaxPos
import TokenId(t_Arrow,TokenId(..))
import SysDeps (packString,unpackPS)
parseExports :: Parser (Maybe [Export TokenId]) [PosToken] b
parseExports =
Just `parseChk` lpar `apCut` manySep comma parseExport `chk`
optional comma `chk` rpar
parse Nothing `chk` (lit (L_ACONID (TupleId 0))
lit (L_ACONID (TupleId 2)))
parse (Just [])
parseExport :: Parser (Export TokenId) [(Pos, Lex, Parse.Lexical.LexState, [Parse.LexPre.PosTokenPre])] b
parseExport =
(uncurry ExportModid) `parseChk` lit L_module `apCut` bigModId -- 1.3
-- (uncurry ExportModid) `parseAp` aconid `chk` dotdot -- 1.2
-- `orelse`
(\e -> ExportEntity (getPos e) e) `parseAp` parseEntity
parseImpDecls :: Parser [ImpDecl TokenId] [PosToken] c
parseImpDecls =
manysSep semi parseImpDecl
parseImpDecl :: Parser (ImpDecl TokenId) [(Pos, Lex, LexState, [PosTokenPre])] b
parseImpDecl =
Importas `parseChk` lit L_import `ap` bigModId
`chk` k_as `ap` bigModId `ap` parseImpSpec -- added in H98
importas `parseChk` lit L_import `ap` aconid `ap` parseImpSpec
ImportQas `parseChk` lit L_import `chk` k_qualified `ap` bigModId
`chk` k_as `ap` bigModId `ap` parseImpSpec
importQas `parseChk` lit L_import `chk` k_qualified
`ap` aconid `ap` parseImpSpec -- impSpec is FAKE
importas m@(p,Visible _) s = Import m s
importas m@(p,Qualified a b) s = Import (deQualify m) s
-- importas m@(p,Qualified a b) s = Importas (deQualify m) (p,Visible b) s
importQas m@(p,Visible _) s = ImportQ m s
importQas m@(p,Qualified a b) s = ImportQ (deQualify m) s
-- importQas m@(p,Qualified a b) s = ImportQas (deQualify m) (p,Visible b) s
bigModId :: Parser (Pos, TokenId) [(Pos, Lex, e, f)] c
bigModId = deQualify `parseAp` aconid
deQualify :: (a, TokenId) -> (a, TokenId)
deQualify m@(pos,Visible _) = m
deQualify (pos,Qualified a b) = (pos, (Visible . packString . concat)
[unpackPS b,".",unpackPS a])
parseImpSpec :: Parser (ImpSpec TokenId) [PosToken] b
parseImpSpec =
(NoHiding []) `parseChk` (k_unit `orelse` lit (L_ACONID (TupleId 2)))
-- fix for import Module() and import Module (,)
NoHiding `parseChk` lpar `apCut` manySep comma parseEntity `chk`
optional comma `chk` rpar
Hiding `parseChk` k_hiding `chk` lpar `apCut`
manySep comma parseEntity `chk` optional comma `chk` rpar
(Hiding []) `parseChk` k_hiding `chk` (k_unit `orelse`
lit (L_ACONID (TupleId 2)))
-- fix for hiding () and hiding (,)
parse (Hiding [])
parseEntity :: Parser (Entity TokenId) [(Pos, Lex, LexState, [PosTokenPre])] b
parseEntity =
(uncurry EntityConClsAll) `parseAp` aconid `chk`
lpar `chk` dotdot `chk` rpar
(\(pos,x) -> EntityConClsSome pos x []) `parseAp` aconid `chk` tuple0
(uncurry EntityConClsSome) `parseAp` aconid `chk`
lpar `ap` (manySep comma (conid `orelse` varid)) `chk` rpar
(uncurry EntityConClsSome) `parseAp` aconid `ap` (parse [])
(uncurry EntityVar) `parseAp` varid
parseFixDecls :: Parser [(InfixClass TokenId, Int, [FixId TokenId])] [PosToken] b
parseFixDecls =
semi `revChk` parseFixDecls
manysSep semi parseFixDecl
defint :: Int -> Parser Int [(Pos, Lex, e, f)] b
defint d =
parse d
parseInfix :: Parser (InfixClass a) [(Pos, Lex, e, f)] b
parseInfix = InfixL `parseChk` lit L_infixl
InfixR `parseChk` lit L_infixr
Infix `parseChk` lit L_infix
parseFixDecl :: Parser (InfixClass TokenId, Int, [FixId TokenId]) [(Pos, Lex, LexState, [PosTokenPre])] b
parseFixDecl =
triple `parseAp` parseInfix `ap` defint 9 `ap` someSep comma parseFixId
k_prefix `into` \ _ -> varid `into` \ (p,v) -> defint 9 `into` \ l -> parseFixId `into` \ fid ->
parse (InfixPre v,l,[fid])
parseFixId :: Parser (FixId TokenId) [(Pos, Lex, LexState, [PosTokenPre])] b
parseFixId =
(uncurry FixCon) `parseAp` conop
(uncurry FixVar) `parseAp` varop
parseType :: Parser (Type TokenId) [PosToken] b
parseType =
parseBType `into` parseCType
`into` \ t1 -> (
(\ pos t2 -> TypeCons pos t_Arrow [t1,t2]) `parseAp` rarrow `apCut` parseType
parse t1)
parseCType :: Type TokenId -> Parser (Type TokenId) [PosToken] b
parseCType t1 =
parseAType `into` (\ t2 -> parseCType (TypeApp t1 t2))
parse t1
parseBType :: Parser (Type TokenId) [PosToken] b
parseBType =
( \ (pos,c) ts -> TypeCons pos c ts) `parseAp` conid `ap` some parseAType
parseAType :: Parser (Type TokenId) [PosToken] b
parseAType =
(uncurry TypeVar) `parseAp` varid
(\(pos,c) -> TypeCons pos c []) `parseAp` conid
mkParType `parseAp` lpar `apCut` manySep comma parseType `chk` rpar
mkTypeList `parseAp` lbrack `apCut` parseType `chk` rbrack
parseContexts :: Parser [Context TokenId] [PosToken] b
parseContexts =
lpar `revChk` manySep comma parseContext `chk` rpar `chk` impl
(:[]) `parseAp` parseContext `chk` impl
parse [] `chk` tuple0 `chk` impl
parse []
parseContext :: Parser (Context TokenId) [(Pos, Lex, LexState, [PosTokenPre])] c
parseContext =
(\ (pos,c) pt_t -> Context pos c pt_t) `parseAp` conid `ap` some varid
parseSimple :: Parser (Simple TokenId) [PosToken] c
parseSimple =
(uncurry Simple) `parseAp` conid `ap` many varid
parseConstr :: Parser (Constr TokenId) [PosToken] b
parseConstr =
(k_forall `revChk` some varid `into` \ free -> k_dot `revChk` parseConstr' free)
parseConstr' []
parseConstr' :: [(Pos, TokenId)] -> Parser (Constr TokenId) [PosToken] b
parseConstr' free =
(\a (pos,op) b -> (if null free
then Constr pos op [a,b]
else ConstrCtx free [] pos op [a,b]))
`parseAp` parseOneFieldType `ap` conop `ap` parseOneFieldType
(\ctxs (pos,op) a ->
case ctxs of
[] -> (if null free
then Constr pos op (concat a)
else ConstrCtx free [] pos op (concat a))
_ -> ConstrCtx free ctxs pos op (concat a)) `parseAp` parseContexts
`ap` conid `ap` many parseManyFieldType
parseOneFieldType :: Parser (Maybe [(Pos, TokenId)], Type TokenId) [PosToken] b
parseOneFieldType =
(\ field typ -> (Just [field],typ)) `parseChk` lcurl `apCut` varid `chk` coloncolon `ap` parseSBType `chk` rcurl
(pair Nothing) `parseAp` parseSBType
parseManyFieldType :: Parser [(Maybe [(Pos, TokenId)], Type TokenId)] [PosToken] b
parseManyFieldType =
lcurl `into` (\ _ -> manySep comma parseManyFieldType' `chk` rcurl) -- { v1,...,v2::typeN , ... w1,...,wN::typeN }
((:[]).pair Nothing) `parseAp` (parseStrict parseAType)
parseManyFieldType' :: Parser (Maybe [(Pos, TokenId)], Type TokenId) [PosToken] c
parseManyFieldType' =
(\ fields typ -> (Just fields,typ)) `parseAp` someSep comma varid `chk` coloncolon `ap` parseSBType -- v1,...,v2::typeN
parseSBType :: Parser (Type TokenId) [PosToken] b
parseSBType =
parseStrict parseType
parseStrict :: Parser (Type id) [PosToken] b
-> Parser (Type id) [PosToken] b
parseStrict p =
TypeStrict `parseAp` bang `ap` p
parseDeriving :: Parser [(Pos, TokenId)] [PosToken] b
parseDeriving =
lit L_deriving `revChk` lpar `revChk` manySep comma conid `chk` rpar
parse [] `chk` lit L_deriving `chk` tuple0
(:[]) `parseChk` lit L_deriving `apCut` conid
parse []
{- The following code parses Haskell'98 instance heads.
-- H'98 is much more restrictive about the possible types in an instance
-- than MPTC with fundeps.
parseInst =
(\ (p,c) -> TypeCons p c []) `parseAp` conid -- type without arguments
lpar `revChk` parseInst' `chkCut` rpar -- type inside parenthesis
(\p (_,pat) -> mkInstList p pat) `parseAp` lbrack `apCut` varid
`chk` rbrack -- the list type
parseInst' =
lpar `revChk` parseInst' `chkCut` rpar -- useless extra parenthesis
varid `revAp` ((\pos (pa,a) (pb,b) ->
TypeCons pos t_Arrow [TypeVar pb b,TypeVar pa a])
`parseAp` rarrow `apCut` varid
(\a b@(p,_) -> mkParInst p (b:a)) `parseChk` comma
`apCut` someSep comma varid
mkAppInst `parseAp` conid `ap` many varid
(\pos-> TypeCons pos t_Arrow []) `parseAp` k_rarrow
-- (TypeCons noPos (t_Tuple 0) []) `parseChk` lpar `chk` rpar
-- `orelse`
parse (TypeCons noPos (t_Tuple 0) [])
parseInst :: Parser (Type TokenId) [PosToken] b
parseInst = parseAType
parsePragma :: Parser (Decl id) [PosToken] c
parsePragma =
DeclIgnore "PRAGMA" `parseChk` lannot `chk`
many notRannot `chk` rannot
{- possible extension for when we want to use pragmas in nhc98 -}
--parsePragma =
-- DeclPragma `parseChk` lannot `ap` conid `chk`
-- ("" `parseChk` many notRannot) `chk` rannot