-- for information see:
-- http://www.haskell.org/ghc/docs/6.4.2/html/users_guide/using-ghc.html#source-file-options
module Parse.Pragma(parsePragmas) where
import Data.Char
import Util.Text
-- | Takes the source file
-- Returns a list of the pragma's that are YHC specific
parsePragmas :: String -> [String]
parsePragmas src = f $ lines src
f (x:xs) = case parsePragma x of
Nothing -> []
Just (a,b) -> [b | a == "OPTIONS_YHC"] ++ f xs
-- Example:
-- {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}
-- either a line isn't a pragma (Nothing)
-- or it is, with a pragma type and value Just (OPTIONS_YHC, -cpp)
parsePragma :: String -> Maybe (String, String)
parsePragma x = p1 x
p1 ('>':xs) = p2 xs
p1 xs = p2 xs
p2 xs = p3 $ trimLeft xs
p3 ('{':'-':'#':xs) = p4 xs
p3 _ = Nothing
p4 xs | end == "#-}" = p5 $ trim body
(body,end) = splitAt (length xs2 - 3) xs2
xs2 = trimRight xs
p4 _ = Nothing
p5 xs = Just (a, trimLeft b)
where (a,b) = break isSpace xs