module PosCode(module Prim, module PosCode, Pos) where
import Util.Extra(noPos)
import Prim
import ForeignCode (ImpExp)
import Syntax (CallConv)
import SyntaxPos
import Id
type PosCode = [PosBinding]
type PosBinding = (Id, PosLambda)
data LambdaFlags = LamFLNone | LamFLIntro | LamFLLambda deriving Eq
instance Show LambdaFlags where
show LamFLNone = ""
show LamFLIntro = "INT"
show LamFLLambda = "LAMBDA"
data PosLambda
= PosLambda Pos LambdaFlags [(Pos,Id)] [(Pos,Id)] PosExp
| PosPrimitive Pos Id
| PosForeign Pos Id Int String CallConv ImpExp
posExpApp :: Pos -> [PosExp] -> PosExp
posExpApp pos [a] = a
posExpApp pos as = PosExpApp pos as
posExpLet :: Pos -> [PosBinding] -> PosExp -> PosExp
posExpLet pos [] exp = exp
posExpLet pos bindings exp = PosExpLet False pos bindings exp
data PosExp
= PosExpDict PosExp -- ^ Hack to mark dictionaries
| PosExpLet Bool Pos [PosBinding] PosExp -- ^ True for recursive lets, false otherwise
| PosExpCase Pos PosExp [PosAlt]
| PosExpApp Pos [PosExp]
| PosExpThunk Pos Bool [PosExp] -- ^ True if this is really \'apply\'
| PosExpFatBar Bool PosExp PosExp -- ^ True if fail can escape fatbar
| PosExpFail
| PosExpIf Pos Bool PosExp PosExp PosExp -- ^ True if this is really a guard
| PosVar Pos Id
| PosCon Pos Id
| PosInt Pos Int
| PosChar Pos Int
| PosFloat Pos Float
| PosDouble Pos Double
| PosInteger Pos Integer
| PosString Pos String
| PosPrim Pos Prim Id
-- | Only temporary !!
| PosExpLambda Pos Bool [(Pos,Id)] [(Pos,Id)] PosExp
-- In reality this data structure should have
-- PosAltChar and PosAltInteger
-- FIXME required
data PosAlt
= PosAltCon Pos Id [(Pos,Id)] PosExp -- ^ Constructor numbers, new variables, expression
| PosAltInt Pos Int Bool PosExp -- ^ Is the Int an Integer{True} or a Char{False}
isPosAtom :: PosExp -> Bool
isPosAtom (PosVar _ _) = True
isPosAtom (PosCon _ _) = True
isPosAtom (PosInt _ _) = True
isPosAtom (PosChar _ _) = True
isPosAtom (PosFloat _ _) = True
isPosAtom (PosDouble _ _) = True
isPosAtom (PosInteger _ _) = True
isPosAtom (PosString _ _) = True
isPosAtom (PosPrim _ _ _) = True
isPosAtom (PosExpThunk _ _ [atom]) = isPosAtom atom -- thunks representing zero arity functions and constructors are atoms
isPosAtom _ = False
instance HasPos PosExp where
getPos (PosExpDict exp) = getPos exp
getPos (PosExpLet _ pos _ _) = pos
getPos (PosExpCase pos _ _) = pos
getPos (PosExpApp pos _) = pos
getPos (PosExpThunk pos _ _) = pos
getPos (PosExpFatBar _ e _) = getPos e
getPos (PosExpFail) = noPos
getPos (PosExpIf pos _ _ _ _) = pos
getPos (PosVar pos _) = pos
getPos (PosCon pos _) = pos
getPos (PosInt pos _) = pos
getPos (PosChar pos _) = pos
getPos (PosFloat pos _) = pos
getPos (PosDouble pos _) = pos
getPos (PosInteger pos _) = pos
getPos (PosString pos _) = pos
getPos (PosPrim pos _ _) = pos
getPos (PosExpLambda pos _ _ _ _) = pos
class PlayPosExp a where
mapPosExp :: (PosExp -> PosExp) -> a -> a
instance PlayPosExp a => PlayPosExp [a] where
mapPosExp f xs = map (mapPosExp f) xs
-- since its not a Haskell 98 instance
mapPosExp_Binding :: PlayPosExp b => (PosExp -> PosExp) -> (a, b) -> (a, b)
mapPosExp_Binding f (a, b) = (a, mapPosExp f b)
instance PlayPosExp PosLambda where
mapPosExp f (PosLambda p i a b x) = PosLambda p i a b (mapPosExp f x)
mapPosExp f x = x
instance PlayPosExp PosExp where
mapPosExp f y = f $ case y of
(PosExpDict x) -> PosExpDict (g x)
(PosExpLet a b c d) -> PosExpLet a b (map (mapPosExp_Binding f) c) (g d)
(PosExpCase a b c) -> PosExpCase a (g b) (g c)
(PosExpApp a b) -> PosExpApp a (g b)
(PosExpThunk a b c) -> PosExpThunk a b (g c)
(PosExpFatBar a b c) -> PosExpFatBar a (g b) (g c)
(PosExpIf a b c d e) -> PosExpIf a b (g c) (g d) (g e)
(PosExpLambda a b c d e) -> PosExpLambda a b c d (g e)
x -> x
g x = mapPosExp f x
instance PlayPosExp PosAlt where
mapPosExp f (PosAltCon a b c d) = PosAltCon a b c (mapPosExp f d)
mapPosExp f (PosAltInt a b c d) = PosAltInt a b c (mapPosExp f d)