module SccModule(sccTopDecls) where
import Id
import List
import Scc
import Syntax
import Util.Extra(pair,emptySet,unionSet,singletonSet,removeSet,strPos,assocDef)
import SyntaxPos
---- A simple monad
infixl 5 `sAdd`
infixl 5 `sSub`
sUnit a = (a,emptySet)
sAdd (a',ua) (b',ub) = (a' b',unionSet ua ub)
sSub (a',ua) (b',ub) = (a' b',removeSet ua ub)
sMap a [] = sUnit []
sMap a (x:xs) = sUnit (:) `sAdd` a x `sAdd` sMap a xs
sId id = (id,singletonSet id)
---- Now the real work
sccTopDecls :: Decls Id -> Decls Id
sccTopDecls topdecls = fst (sDecls topdecls)
sDecls :: Decls Id -> (Decls Id,[Id])
sDecls (DeclsParse ds) =
let (ds',dep,trans) = split (toEnum 0::Id) [] [] [] (map_sDecl ds)
dep' = map (\(l,rs) -> (l,nub (translate trans rs))) dep
scc = sccDepend dep'
(DeclsScc (fixDecl scc ds'),remove dep)
split n ds dep trans [] = (ds,dep,trans)
split n ds dep trans ((d,(xs,ys)):r) = split (succ n) ((n,d):ds)
(map (\x->(x,n)) xs ++ trans) r
translate trans [] = []
translate trans (x:xs) = translate' trans x (translate trans xs)
translate' [] x r = r
translate' ((t,n):ts) x r = if t == x then n : r else translate' ts x r
fixDecl [] ds = []
fixDecl (NoRec n:scc) ds = DeclsNoRec (assocDef ds (error "fixDecl1") n):fixDecl scc ds
fixDecl (Rec ns:scc) ds = DeclsRec (map (assocDef ds (error "fixDecl2")) ns):fixDecl scc ds
remove dep = case unzip dep of
(def,depend) -> removeSet (nub (concat depend)) def
sDecls _ = error "I: sDecls not on [DeclParse..]"
map_sDecl :: [Decl Id] -> [(Decl Id,([Id],[Id]))]
map_sDecl [] = []
map_sDecl (DeclIgnore str: r) = map_sDecl r
map_sDecl (DeclFixity f: r) = map_sDecl r
map_sDecl (DeclVarsType _ _ _: r) = map_sDecl r
map_sDecl (DeclDataPrim _ _ _: r) = map_sDecl r
map_sDecl (DeclData _ _ _ _ _: r) = map_sDecl r
map_sDecl (DeclPat (Alt pat rhs decls): r) =
let (decls',use) = sDecls decls
(rhs',useRhs) = sRhs rhs
in (DeclPat (Alt pat rhs' decls')
,(defPat pat,use `unionSet` useRhs)): map_sDecl r
map_sDecl (DeclFun pos fun funs: r) =
let (ds,use) = unzip (map_sFun funs)
in (DeclFun pos fun ds
,([fun],foldr unionSet emptySet use)): map_sDecl r
map_sDecl (d@(DeclPrimitive pos fun arity typ): r) =
(d, ([fun],emptySet)): map_sDecl r
map_sDecl (d@(DeclForeignImp pos callConv str fun arity cast typ x): r) =
(d, ([fun],emptySet)): map_sDecl r
map_sDecl (d@(DeclForeignExp pos callConv str fun typ): r) =
(d, ([fun],emptySet)): map_sDecl r
map_sDecl (DeclType simpleid typeid: _) = error "map_sDecl: DeclType"
map_sDecl (DeclTypeRenamed pos id : r) = map_sDecl r
map_sDecl (DeclConstrs pos id pidid:_) = error "map_sDecl: DeclConstrs"
map_sDecl (DeclClass pos cid id1 id2 fd did:_) = error "map_sDecl: DeclClass"
map_sDecl (DeclInstance pos cid id1 id2 did:_) = error "map_sDecl: DeclInstance"
map_sDecl (DeclError s:_) = error "map_sDecl: DeclError"
-- map_sDecl (DeclAnnot did aid:r) = map_sDecl r -- Ignore, introduced in Rename...
map_sDecl (x: r) = error ("map_sDecl (_ at " ++ strPos (getPos x) ++ ":r)\n")
map_sFun [] = []
map_sFun (Fun pats rhs decls:r) =
let (decls',use) = sDecls decls
(rhs',useRhs) = sRhs rhs
in (Fun pats rhs' decls',(use `unionSet` useRhs) `removeSet` defPats pats): map_sFun r
defDecls (DeclsParse decls) = concat (map defDecl decls)
defDecl (DeclVarsType ids ctx t) = [] -- error "I: defDecl (DeclVarsType ...)"
defDecl (DeclPat (Alt pat gdexps decls)) =
defPat pat
defDecl (DeclFun pos fun funs) =
defDecl (DeclPrimitive pos fun arity typ) =
defDecl (DeclForeignImp pos callConv str fun arity cast typ _) =
defDecl (DeclForeignExp pos callConv str fun typ) =
defDecl (DeclIgnore str) =
defDecl e = error ("defDecl: _" ++ strPos (getPos e))
defPat p = snd (sPat p)
defPats p = snd (sPats p)
sRhs (Unguarded exp) = sUnit Unguarded `sAdd` sExp exp
sRhs (PatGuard gdexps) = sUnit PatGuard `sAdd` sMap sPatGdExp gdexps
sPatGdExp (qs,e2) =
sUnit pair `sAdd` sQuals qs `sAdd` sExp e2
sQuals [] = sUnit []
sQuals (QualExp exp:r) = sUnit (\ e r -> QualExp e:r) `sAdd` sExp exp `sAdd` sQuals r
sQuals (QualPatExp pat exp:r) = sUnit (\ e r p -> QualPatExp p e:r) `sAdd` sExp exp `sAdd` sQuals r `sSub` sPat pat
sQuals (QualLet decls:r) =
let (decls',use) = sDecls decls
(r',ruse) = sQuals r
in (QualLet decls':r',(use `unionSet` ruse) `removeSet` defDecls decls)
sExps es = sMap sExp es
sPats es = sExps es
sPat e = sExp e
sField (FieldExp pos field exp) = sUnit (FieldExp pos field) `sAdd` sExp exp
sStmts [] = sUnit []
sStmts (StmtExp exp:r) = sUnit (\ e r -> StmtExp e:r) `sAdd` sExp exp `sAdd` sStmts r
sStmts (StmtBind pat exp:r) = sUnit (\ e r p -> StmtBind p e:r) `sAdd` sExp exp `sAdd` sStmts r `sSub` sPat pat
sStmts (StmtLet decls:r) =
let (decls',use) = sDecls decls
(r',ruse) = sStmts r
in (StmtLet decls':r',(use `unionSet` ruse) `removeSet` defDecls decls)
sExp (ExpLet pos decls e) =
let (decls',use) = sDecls decls
(e',euse) = sExp e
in (ExpLet pos decls' e',(use `unionSet` euse) `removeSet` defDecls decls)
sExp (ExpLambda pos pats e) = sUnit (\e p-> ExpLambda pos p e) `sAdd` sExp e `sSub` sPats pats
sExp (ExpCase pos e alts) = sUnit (ExpCase pos) `sAdd` sExp e `sAdd` sAlts alts
sExp (ExpIf pos c e1 e2) = sUnit (ExpIf pos) `sAdd` sExp c `sAdd` sExp e1 `sAdd` sExp e2
sExp (ExpType pos e ctx t) = sUnit (\e -> ExpType pos e ctx t) `sAdd` sExp e
sExp (ExpDo pos stmts) = sUnit (ExpDo pos) `sAdd` sStmts stmts
--- Above only in expressions
sExp (ExpRecord exp fields) = sUnit ExpRecord `sAdd` sExp exp `sAdd` sMap sField fields
sExp (ExpApplication pos es) = sUnit (ExpApplication pos) `sAdd` sExps es
sExp (ExpVar pos id) = sUnit (ExpVar pos) `sAdd` sId id
sExp (ExpCon pos id) = sUnit (ExpCon pos) `sAdd` sId id
sExp (ExpList pos es) = sUnit (ExpList pos) `sAdd` sExps es
sExp (ExpLit pos lit) = sUnit (ExpLit pos lit)
--- Below only in pattess
sExp (PatAs pos id e) = sUnit (PatAs pos) `sAdd` sId id `sAdd` sPat e
sExp (PatWildcard pos) = sUnit (PatWildcard pos)
sExp (PatIrrefutable pos e) = sUnit (PatIrrefutable pos) `sAdd` sPat e
sExp (PatNplusK pos n n' k le nk)= sUnit (PatNplusK pos) `sAdd` sId n `sAdd` sId n' `sAdd` sExp k `sAdd` sExp le `sAdd` sExp nk
-- hacky hacky hacky!
-- fixes a bug when tup = (+,*) is given
-- but dies later with a bad error message (but at least gives the position!)
sExp (ExpVarOp pos id) = sUnit (ExpVarOp pos) `sAdd` sId id
sAlts alts = sMap sAlt alts
sAlt (Alt pat rhs decls) =
let (decls',use) = sDecls decls
(rhs',useRhs) = sRhs rhs
in (Alt pat rhs' decls',(use `unionSet` useRhs) `removeSet` defPat pat)