Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/fernan/nhc98/src/compiler98/Type/Env.hs

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module Type.Env( envDecls, envPat, envPats, initEnv, lookupEnv, tvarsInEnv) where

import Syntax
import State
import NT
import Id(Id)
import Type.Data
import Type.Util
import IntState
import Bind(identPat)
import Util.Extra(mapSnd)

-- | Environment represented as a list of (Id,NT) pairs
type Env = [(Id, NT)]

initEnv :: Env
initEnv = []
lookupEnv :: Id -> Env -> Maybe NT
lookupEnv a b = lookup a b
tvarsInEnv :: Env -> [Id.Id]
tvarsInEnv env = concatMap (freeNT . snd) env

envDecls :: [Decl Id] -> t -> TypeState -> (Env, TypeState)
envDecls decls  _ (TypeState state phi ctxs ectxsi) =
  case mapS0 envDecl' decls () ([],[],state) of
    (env,ctxs',state) ->  (env,TypeState state phi (ctxs'++ctxs) ectxsi)

envDecl' :: Decl Id -> d -> (Env, [TypeDict], IntState) -> (Env, [TypeDict], IntState)
envDecl' (DeclPat (Alt pat gdexps decls)) = envPat' pat
envDecl' (DeclFun pos fun funs)           = addEnv' (pos,fun)
envDecl' _                                = unitS0

envPats :: [Exp Id] -> t -> TypeState -> (Env, TypeState)
envPats pats _ (TypeState state phi ctxs ectxsi ) =
  case mapS0 envPat' pats () ([],[],state) of
    (env,ctxs',state) ->  (env,TypeState state phi (ctxs'++ctxs) ectxsi)

envPat :: Exp Id -> t -> TypeState -> (Env, TypeState)
envPat pat _ (TypeState state phi ctxs ectxsi) =
  case envPat' pat () ([],[],state) of
    (env,ctxs',state) ->  (env,TypeState state phi (ctxs'++ctxs) ectxsi)

addEnv' :: (Pos, Id) -> t -> (Env, [TypeDict], IntState) -> (Env, [TypeDict], IntState)
addEnv' (pos,ident) _ (env,ctxs,state) =
  case ntIS state ident of
    (NoType,state) ->
      case uniqueIS state of
        (unique,state) -> ((ident,NTany unique):env,ctxs,state)
    ((NewType free' exist' ctxs' [nt']),state) -> -- no constructors here!
      case uniqueISs state (map (mapSnd ( \ v -> if v `elem` exist' then mkNTexist v else mkNTvar v)) ctxs') of
        (ctxsi',state) ->
          ((ident,nt'):env,map snd (cvi2typedict pos exist' ctxsi') ++ctxs,state)

envPat' :: Exp Id -> State0 d (Env, [TypeDict], IntState) (Env, [TypeDict], IntState)
envPat' pat = mapS0 addEnv' (identPat pat)

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