{- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Handling of type substitutions.
They substitute NTs for Ids.
module Type.Subst(Substitute(..),idSubst,substEnv,substCtxs,stripSubst,addSubst,applySubst,list2Subst,strace,substNT) where
import NT(NT(..),NewType(..))
import Util.Extra(strace)
import Type.Data
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Id(Id)
import Maybe
forceList :: [a] -> b -> b
forceList [] c = c
forceList (x:xs) c = seq x (forceList xs c)
type NTSubst = Map.Map Id NT
idSubst :: NTSubst
idSubst = Map.empty
{- |
subst does not just apply the mapping represented by the tree once,
but it applies the idempotent closure of the mapping!
substNT below only applies the mapping once.
class Substitute a where
subst :: NTSubst -> a -> a
instance Substitute NT where
subst phi nt@(NTany v) =
case Map.lookup v phi of
Just nt -> subst phi nt
Nothing -> nt
subst phi nt@(NTvar v _) =
case Map.lookup v phi of
Just nt -> subst phi nt
Nothing -> nt
subst phi nt@(NTexist v _) =
subst phi (NTcons con k ts) =
let ts' = map (subst phi) ts
in forceList ts' (NTcons con k ts')
subst phi (NTapp t1 t2) =
let t2' = subst phi t2
in seq t2'
(case subst phi t1 of
NTcons con k ts ->
(NTcons con k (ts ++ [t2']))
t -> NTapp t t2'
subst phi nt@(NTcontext con v) = nt
instance Substitute NewType where
subst phi (NewType free [] ctxs ts) =
let ts' = map (subst phi) ts
in forceList ts' (NewType free [] ctxs ts')
instance Substitute TypeDict where
subst phi (TypeDict c nt ip) =
let nt' = subst phi nt
in seq nt' (TypeDict c nt' ip)
substEnv :: Substitute b => NTSubst -> [(a,b)] -> [(a,b)]
substEnv phi env = map ( \ (e,nt) -> (e,subst phi nt)) env
substCtxs :: Substitute a => NTSubst -> [a] -> [a]
substCtxs phi ctxs = map (subst phi) ctxs
applySubst :: NTSubst -> Id -> Maybe NT
applySubst phi tvar =
case Map.lookup tvar phi of
Just nt@(NTvar tvar _) -> applySubst' phi nt tvar
Just nt@(NTany tvar) -> applySubst' phi nt tvar
Just nt -> Just nt
Nothing -> Nothing
applySubst' phi nt tvar =
case Map.lookup tvar phi of
Just nt@(NTvar tvar _) -> applySubst' phi nt tvar
Just nt@(NTany tvar) -> applySubst' phi nt tvar
Just nt -> Just nt
Nothing -> Just nt
stripSubst :: NTSubst -> Id -> NTSubst
stripSubst phi tvar = phi -- nhc98 doesn't strip substitutions
addSubst :: NTSubst -> Id -> NT -> NTSubst
addSubst phi tvar t =
Map.insertWith (\ a b -> error ("Two mappings for " ++ show tvar ++ " : " ++ show a ++ " and " ++ show b)) tvar t phi
list2Subst :: [(Id,NT)] -> NTSubst
list2Subst xs = foldr ( \ (v,nt) phi -> addSubst phi v nt) idSubst xs
{- |
substNT only goes one step, used for (1->2),(2->1) substitutions in TypeCtx
substNT :: [(Id,NT)] -> NT -> NT
substNT tv (NTany a) = fromJust (lookup a tv)
substNT tv (NTvar a _) = fromJust (lookup a tv)
substNT tv t@(NTexist a _) = t
substNT tv (NTstrict t) = NTstrict (substNT tv t)
substNT tv (NTapp t1 t2) = NTapp (substNT tv t1) (substNT tv t2)
substNT tv (NTcons a k tas) = NTcons a k (map (substNT tv) tas)