% Copyright (C) 1997 Thomas Nordin and Alastair Reid
module Process
( processFile
) where
import List ( intersperse, sortBy )
import Maybe( catMaybes, listToMaybe, fromMaybe, isJust )
import Monad
import ListUtils ( prefix )
import Pretty
import PrettyUtils( indent, textline, ppStruct, vcatMap, vsepMap, vsep )
import IO( hPutStr, hPutChar, stderr )
import HandParse( gcParse )
import HandLex ( gcLex )
import Decl ( Decl(..), showDecls )
import Name ( Name )
import DIS ( DIS, expandDIS, DISEnv )
import Proc ( Proc, ppProc, genProc )
import FillIn( ProtoProc, fillinProc, ppProtoProc, Consts, genConsts, genConsts2 )
import Target( Target(..) )
import NHCBackend (cNhc, hNhc)
-- #if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 202
-- import PrelBase(maybe) -- workaround for GHC 2.02
-- #endif
#if defined(__HASKELL98__)
# if !defined(__HBC__)
import IO(hPutStrLn)
# else
hPutStrLn h s = hPutStr h s >> hPutChar h '\n'
# endif
#define MPLUS `mplus`
#define MPLUS ++
#define fmap map
#define fail error
hPutStrLn h s = hPutStr h s >> hPutChar h '\n'
%* *
\subsection{Processing a file}
%* *
processFile :: Target -> Bool -> Bool -> [String] -> String -> String -> IO ()
processFile target debug verbose path file csuf = do
mbrawdecls <- tryRead path file
emit debug (showDecls mbrawdecls)
disDefs <- getDISdefs verbose path file
case mbrawdecls of
Nothing -> fail ("Can't read file " ++ file)
Just rawdecls -> do
protoProcs = [ (sig, mbcall, mbccode, fs, mbres)
| ProcSpec sig mbcall mbccode mbfs mbres <- rawdecls
, let fs = fromMaybe [] mbfs
consts = [ (ty, consts)
| Constant ty consts <- rawdecls
hs = [ h | Haskell h <- rawdecls ]
cs = [ c | C c <- rawdecls ]
includes = [ i | Include i <- rawdecls ]
prefixes = sortBy lengthCmp $ "" : [n | Prefix n <- rawdecls]
lengthCmp x y = compare (length y) (length x)
constProcs = concatMap (genConsts disDefs) consts
--(constProcs,constFuns) = unzip $ zipWith (genConsts2 disDefs prefixes) consts [1..]
procs = map (fillinProc disDefs prefixes)
(protoProcs ++ constProcs)
-- protoProcs
-- ++ constProcs
(hdecls, ccode, entries) = unzip3 (map (genProc target False) procs)
emit debug (render (vsepMap ppProtoProc protoProcs))
emit debug (render (vsepMap ppProtoProc constProcs))
-- emit debug (render (vsepMap ppProc constProcs))
-- emit debug (render (vcat constFuns))
emit debug (render (vsepMap ppProc procs))
case target of
GHC -> do
writeFile (file ++ ".hs") haskell
emit debug (render (vsep hdecls))
haskell = unlines ["{-# OPTIONS -#include " ++ s ++ " #-}"
| s <- includes
++ unlines hs
-- ++ render (vcat hdecls $$ vcat constFuns)
++ render (vcat hdecls)
Hugs -> do
writeFile (file ++ ".hs") haskell
writeFile (file ++ ".c") c
emit debug (render (vsep hdecls))
emit debug (render (vsep ccode))
haskell = unlines hs ++
render ( text "needPrims_hugs" -- Tell Hugs to look for a DLL
$$ vcat hdecls
-- $$ vcat constFuns
c = unlines cs ++
render ( ppHeader includes
$$ vcat ccode
$$ ppPrimTable entries
$$ ppFooter
NHC ->
let hfile = (file++"_.hs")
cfile = (file++"_."++csuf)
-- haskell = unlines hs ++ render (vcat hdecls)
-- c = unlines cs ++ render (vcat ccode)
writeFile cfile "#include <haskell2c.h>\n" >>
(writeFile hfile . render . vsepMap (hNhc debug disDefs prefixes)) rawdecls >>
(appendFile cfile . render . vsepMap (cNhc debug disDefs prefixes)) rawdecls
-- writeFile hfile haskell >>
-- appendFile cfile c
ppPrimTable :: [Doc] -> Doc
ppPrimTable entries
= text "static struct primitive primTable[] = {"
$$ indent ( vcat entries
$$ ppStruct [text "0", text "0", text "0"]
$$ text "};"
ppHeader :: [String] -> Doc
ppHeader includes = vcatMap text $
[ "/* Code generated by GreenCard 2 for Hugs */"
, "#include \"GreenCard.h\""
++ [ "#include " ++ i | i <- includes ]
ppFooter :: Doc
ppFooter = vcatMap text $
[ "static struct primInfo prims = { 0, primTable, 0 };"
, ""
, "DLLEXPORT(void) initModule(HugsAPI2 *);"
, "DLLEXPORT(void) initModule(HugsAPI2 *hugsAPI) {"
, " hugs = hugsAPI;"
, " hugs->registerPrims(&prims);"
, "}"
, ""
emit :: Bool -> String -> IO ()
emit True xs = hPutStrLn stderr xs
emit False _ = return ()
%* *
\subsection{Collecting DIS definitions}
%* *
Collecting all the DIS definitions from all readable files on the
import graph.
getDISdefs :: Bool -> [String] -> String -> IO [(Name, ([Name], DIS))]
getDISdefs verbose path file = do
imports <- chaseImports path [file] []
emit verbose ("Imports: " ++ show imports)
rawdecls <- mapM (tryRead path) imports
let defs = [ (nm, (args, dis))
| Just decls <- rawdecls
, DisDef nm args dis <- decls
emit verbose ("DIS definitions:\n" ++ unlines (map show defs))
return defs
%* *
\subsection{Chasing Imports}
%* *
Chase a set of possibly recursive module imports maintaining a list of
files to try and a list of files that have been found.
chaseImports :: [String] -> [String] -> [String] -> IO [String]
chaseImports path [] seen
= return seen
chaseImports path (file:files) seen
| file `elem` seen
= chaseImports path files seen
| otherwise
= do
imports <- getImports path file
--putStrLn (concat $ ["File ", file, " imports: "] ++ imports)
chaseImports path (imports ++ files) (file:seen)
getImports :: [String] -> String -> IO [String]
getImports path file = do
decls <- fmap (fromMaybe []) (tryRead path file)
--print decls
return (catMaybes [mbImportName s | Haskell s <- decls])
tryRead :: [String] -> String -> IO (Maybe [Decl])
tryRead path name = do
res <- mapM mbReadFile (allFileNames path name [".gc", ".lhs", ".hs"])
maybe sorry (return . Just . gcParse . gcLex) (listToMaybe (catMaybes res))
sorry = do --putStrLn (concat (["Could not find \"", name, "\" in: "]
-- ++ (intersperse ":" path)))
return Nothing
mbImportName :: String -> Maybe String
mbImportName xs = maybe Nothing (Just . head) (iq MPLUS i)
iq = prefix ["import", "qualified"] wxs
i = prefix ["import"] wxs
wxs = words xs -- (tokens xs)
tokens :: String -> [String]
tokens s = case lex s of
[] -> []
[("","")] -> []
[(t,s')] -> t : tokens s'
All filenames with prefix from @path@ and suffix from @exts@.
allFileNames :: [String] -> String -> [String] -> [String]
allFileNames path file exts
= [d ++ hierarch file ++ ext | d <- path, ext <- exts]
hierarch :: String -> String
hierarch ('.':xs) = '/': hierarch xs
hierarch (x:xs) = x : hierarch xs
hierarch [] = []
Try reading a file
mbReadFile :: String -> IO (Maybe String)
mbReadFile name = catch (readFile name >>= return . Just)
(const (return Nothing))