-- |
-- Module : Compiler
-- Copyright : Malcolm Wallace
-- Maintainer : Malcolm Wallace <Malcolm.Wallace@cs.york.ac.uk>
-- Stability : Stable
-- Portability : All
-- This module describes features of the various Haskell compilers.
-- Abstracts a handful of similar compiler flags. If you write a new
-- Haskell compiler, please add details here!
module Compiler where
import Char (toUpper)
data HC = Nhc98 | Ghc | Hbc | Unknown String
deriving Eq
instance Show HC where
showsPrec p Nhc98 = showString "nhc98"
showsPrec p Ghc = showString "ghc"
showsPrec p Hbc = showString "hbc"
showsPrec p (Unknown hc) = showString "unknown" . showChar ' '
. showString hc
instance Read HC where
readsPrec p = readParen False
(\r-> [(Nhc98, s) | ("nhc98",s) <- lex r] ++
[(Ghc, s) | ("ghc",s) <- lex r] ++
[(Hbc, s) | ("hbc",s) <- lex r] ++
[(Unknown x, s) | ("unknown",s') <- lex r
, (x,s) <- lex s'])
-- | all-compiler Haskell'98 cpp symbols
haskell98SymsForCpp = ["__HASKELL98__","__HASKELL__=98"]
hasCoolOptions :: HC -> Bool
dirOption, hiSuffixOption, oSuffixOption :: HC -> String
-- | can we use nice compiler options for redirecting outputs?
hasCoolOptions Nhc98 = True
hasCoolOptions Ghc = True
hasCoolOptions _ = False
-- | what is the compiler's option to place object file in a separate directory?
dirOption Nhc98 = "-d "
dirOption Ghc = "-odir "
-- | what is the compiler's option for changing the .hi suffix?
hiSuffixOption Nhc98 = "-hi-suffix="
hiSuffixOption Ghc = "-hisuf "
-- | what is the compiler's option for changing the .o suffix?
oSuffixOption Nhc98 = "-o-suffix="
oSuffixOption Ghc = "-osuf "