-- |
-- Module : Main
-- Copyright : Thomas Hallgren and Malcolm Wallace
-- Maintainer : Malcolm Wallace <Malcolm.Wallace@cs.york.ac.uk>
-- Stability : Stable
-- Portability : All
-- Main program for hmake
module Main(main) where
import Argv
import GetDep
import Getmodtime(isOlder,When(..))
import ListUtil(lconcatMap,assocDef,pair)
import Order (scctsort)
import Output
import IO
import System
main =
getArgs >>= \args->
decode args >>= \d->
echo = not (quiet d)
order g = (scctsort . map (\(f,(tps,i)) -> (f,i))) g
fdeps g = map (\(f,((t,p,s,c,pp),is)) ->
, map (\i->(i, path (assocDef g (undefModule i) i))) is
) g
where path ((t,p,s,cpp,pp),i) = p
build_graph mods =
-- First, get a list of all the important info about every file
-- that might be touched.
dependency d [] (map (\m->(stripGoal m,"commandline")) mods) >>= \infos ->
-- infos is a list of (file, (timestamps,imports))
let -- srcs is the simple list of source files.
srcs = map fst infos
-- localdeps removes prelude imports from the import lists
localdeps = map (\(f,(x,i))-> (f,(x,filter (`elem` srcs) i))) infos
-- sorted removes timestamps, finds strongly connected
-- components, and orders them.
sorted = order localdeps
-- sorted' is the flattened scc list
sorted' = concat sorted
-- cycles identifies cyclic dependencies
cycles = filter ((1 /=) . length) sorted
-- hsT and hiT are assoc-lists of static timestamps
hsT = hsTimes localdeps sorted'
hiT = hiTimes localdeps sorted'
hiP = hiPaths localdeps sorted'
-- graph calculates which files definitely need to be
-- compiled based on initial timestamps, and which ones
-- might need to be compiled, depending on whether some
-- imported modules' .hi files changed or not.
graph = makeGraph [] hiT hiP hsT
return (cycles, graph, localdeps, fdeps localdeps)
makeGraph seen hiT hiP [] = []
makeGraph seen hiT hiP ((hs,(src,obj,p,s,cpp,pp,dep)):hsT) =
-- If at least one of the imported .hi files or the source file
-- is younger than the object file, then we definitely recompile.
if or (map (isOlder obj) (src: map (assocDef hiT (undefModule "??")) dep))
then ([],(p,hs,s,cpp,pp)): makeGraph (hs:seen) hiT hiP hsT
-- Otherwise, we need to build a dynamic dependency on those .hi files
-- which might change (due to cycles). But if all the imported .hi's
-- have already been seen, we leave this one alone.
case filter (`elem` seen) dep of
[] -> makeGraph seen hiT hiP hsT
xs -> (map impPath xs, (p,hs,s,cpp,pp)):
makeGraph (hs:seen) hiT hiP hsT
where impPath x = (x, assocDef hiP (undefModule x) x)
hsTimes g m = map (\v-> (v, hsTime (assocDef g (undefModule v) v))) m
where hsTime (((ppT,hsT,hiT,oT),p,s,cpp,pp),i) =
(min ppT hsT,oT,p,s,cpp,pp,i)
min Never t = t
min t _ = t
hiTimes g m = map (\v-> (v, hiTime (assocDef g (undefModule v) v))) m
where hiTime (((_,_,hiT,_),p,s,cpp,pp),i) = hiT
hiPaths g m = map (\v-> (v, hiPath (assocDef g (undefModule v) v))) m
where hiPath (((_,_,_,_),p,s,cpp,pp),i) = p
undefModule m = error ("undefined module "++show m++"\n")
if null (modules d) then
hPutStr stderr ("Usage: MkProg [-q] [-dobjdir] [-g] [-M] target ...\n"
++" [must have at least one target]\n")
else do
(cycles, build, localdeps, fdep) <- build_graph (modules d)
let objcmds = lconcatMap (qCompile d echo) build
execmds = lconcatMap (qLink d echo localdeps) (modules d)
cleano = lconcatMap (qCleano d echo localdeps) (modules d)
cleanhi = lconcatMap (qCleanhi d echo localdeps) (modules d)
hPutStr stderr (if null cycles then ""
else "Cycles:\n"++lconcatMap ((++"\n") . show) cycles)
putStr (ifopt d ["g"] (lconcatMap showdep localdeps))
putStr (ifopt d ["gd"] (lconcatMap showdebug localdeps))
putStr (ifopt d ["M"] ("# dependencies generated by hmake -M:\n"
++lconcatMap (showmake d (maybe "" id (goalDir d))) fdep))
putStr (ifopt d ["Md"] ("# dependencies generated by hmake -Md:\n"
++"OBJDIR=" ++ (maybe "." id (goalDir d)) ++ "\n"
++lconcatMap (showmake d "${OBJDIR}") fdep))
putStr (ifopt d ["clean", "realclean"] cleano)
putStr (ifopt d ["realclean"] cleanhi)
putStr (ifnotopt d ["g", "gd", "M", "Md", "clean", "realclean"]
(objcmds ++ execmds))