-- Known Haskell compilers and their locations are all stored in an
-- hmakerc file which is maintained with the hmake-config utility.
-- This module no longer deals with that side of things.
-- Here, we just need to read read a single environment variable,
-- and determine some properties of the different compilers that relate
-- specifically to the interpreter.
module HiConfig where
import Compiler
import Config
import Platform (getProcessID,unsafePerformIO,withDefault,windows,escape)
import System
-- Generate a temporary filename unique to this process.
tmpfile :: String
tmpfile =
let tmp = "TEMP" `withDefault` "/tmp" in
if windows
then (escape tmp++"/Main")
else unsafePerformIO $ do
p <- getProcessID
return (tmp++"/Main"++show p)
-- Ensure that a string has a fixed length by truncating or padding with space
fixlength n s | len > n = take n s
| otherwise = s ++ replicate (n-len) ' '
where len = length s
-- Definitions imported from the environment
hmakeVersion = fixlength 18 ("INSTALLVER" `withDefault` "1.8 or better")
hmake = unsafePerformIO $ do script <- getEnv "SCRIPTDIR"
return (script++"/hmake")
-- What are the differences between compilers?
nonstdCoerceImport c = case c of
Nhc98 -> "import NonStdUnsafeCoerce"
Hbc -> ""
Ghc -> "#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 502\n\
\import PrelGHC (unsafeCoerce#)\n#else\n\
\import GHC.Base(unsafeCoerce#)\n#endif"
_ -> ""
nonstdCoerce c = case c of
Nhc98 -> "\ncoerce=unsafeCoerce\n"
Hbc -> "\ncoerce = id\t-- wrong\n"
Ghc -> "\ncoerce :: a -> b\ncoerce = unsafeCoerce#\n"
_ -> ""
nonstdShow c = case c of
Nhc98 -> ""
Hbc -> "instance Show (IO a) where\n\
\ showsPrec p x = showString \"<<IO action>>\""
Ghc -> "instance Show (IO a) where\n\
\ showsPrec p x = showString \"<<IO action>>\""
_ -> ""
nonstdShowsType c = case c of
Nhc98 -> "showsType"
Hbc -> "Operation'showsType'Unknown"
Ghc -> "Operation'showsType'Unknown"
_ -> ""
extraHiOptions c = case compilerStyle c of
Nhc98 -> extraCompilerFlags c
Hbc -> extraCompilerFlags c
Ghc -> "-fglasgow-exts": "-package lang": extraCompilerFlags c
_ -> []