Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/fernan/nhc98/src/libraries/Cabal/Distribution/Setup.hs
{-# OPTIONS -cpp #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Distribution.Setup -- Copyright : Isaac Jones 2003-2004 -- -- Maintainer : Isaac Jones <> -- Stability : alpha -- Portability : portable -- -- Explanation: Data types and parser for the standard command-line -- setup. Will also return commands it doesn't know about. {- All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Isaac Jones nor the names of other contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. -} module Distribution.Setup (--parseArgs, module Distribution.Compiler, Action(..), ConfigFlags(..), emptyConfigFlags, configureArgs, CopyFlags(..), CopyDest(..), emptyCopyFlags, InstallFlags(..), emptyInstallFlags, HaddockFlags(..), emptyHaddockFlags, HscolourFlags(..), emptyHscolourFlags, BuildFlags(..), emptyBuildFlags, CleanFlags(..), emptyCleanFlags, PFEFlags(..), MakefileFlags(..), emptyMakefileFlags, RegisterFlags(..), emptyRegisterFlags, SDistFlags(..), MaybeUserFlag(..), userOverride, --optionHelpString, #ifdef DEBUG hunitTests, #endif parseGlobalArgs, defaultCompilerFlavor, parseConfigureArgs, parseBuildArgs, parseCleanArgs, parseMakefileArgs, parseHscolourArgs, parseHaddockArgs, parseProgramaticaArgs, parseTestArgs, parseInstallArgs, parseSDistArgs, parseRegisterArgs, parseUnregisterArgs, parseCopyArgs, reqPathArg, reqDirArg ) where -- Misc: #ifdef DEBUG import HUnit (Test(..)) #endif import Distribution.Compiler (CompilerFlavor(..), Compiler(..)) import Distribution.Simple.Utils (die) import Distribution.Program(ProgramConfiguration(..), userSpecifyPath, userSpecifyArgs) import Data.List(find) import Distribution.Compat.Map (keys) import Distribution.GetOpt import Distribution.Verbosity import System.FilePath (normalise) import System.Exit import System.Environment -- type CommandLineOpts = (Action, -- [String]) -- The un-parsed remainder data Action = ConfigCmd ConfigFlags -- config | BuildCmd -- build | CleanCmd -- clean | CopyCmd CopyDest -- copy (--destdir flag) | HscolourCmd -- hscolour | HaddockCmd -- haddock | ProgramaticaCmd -- pfesetup | InstallCmd -- install (install-prefix) | SDistCmd -- sdist | MakefileCmd -- makefile | TestCmd -- test | RegisterCmd -- register | UnregisterCmd -- unregister | HelpCmd -- help -- | NoCmd -- error case, help case. -- | BDist -- 1.0 deriving Show -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- * Flag-related types -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Flags to @configure@ command data ConfigFlags = ConfigFlags { configPrograms :: ProgramConfiguration, -- ^All programs that cabal may run configHcFlavor :: Maybe CompilerFlavor, -- ^The \"flavor\" of the compiler, sugh as GHC or Hugs. configHcPath :: Maybe FilePath, -- ^given compiler location configHcPkg :: Maybe FilePath, -- ^given hc-pkg location configHappy :: Maybe FilePath, -- ^Happy path configAlex :: Maybe FilePath, -- ^Alex path configHsc2hs :: Maybe FilePath, -- ^Hsc2hs path configC2hs :: Maybe FilePath, -- ^C2hs path configCpphs :: Maybe FilePath, -- ^Cpphs path configGreencard:: Maybe FilePath, -- ^GreenCard path configVanillaLib :: Bool, -- ^Enable vanilla library configProfLib :: Bool, -- ^Enable profiling in the library configProfExe :: Bool, -- ^Enable profiling in the executables. configConfigureArgs :: [String], -- ^Extra arguments to @configure@ configOptimization :: Bool, -- ^Enable optimization. configPrefix :: Maybe FilePath, -- ^installation prefix configBinDir :: Maybe FilePath, -- ^installation dir for binaries, configLibDir :: Maybe FilePath, -- ^installation dir for object code libraries, configLibSubDir :: Maybe FilePath, -- ^subdirectory of libdir in which libs are installed configLibExecDir :: Maybe FilePath, -- ^installation dir for program executables, configDataDir :: Maybe FilePath, -- ^installation dir for read-only arch-independent data, configDataSubDir :: Maybe FilePath, -- ^subdirectory of datadir in which data files are installed configVerbose :: Verbosity, -- ^verbosity level configUser :: Bool, -- ^ the --user flag? configGHCiLib :: Bool, -- ^Enable compiling library for GHCi configSplitObjs :: Bool -- ^Enable -split-objs with GHC } deriving Show -- |The default configuration of a package, before running configure, -- most things are \"Nothing\", zero, etc. emptyConfigFlags :: ProgramConfiguration -> ConfigFlags emptyConfigFlags progConf = ConfigFlags { configPrograms = progConf, configHcFlavor = defaultCompilerFlavor, configHcPath = Nothing, configHcPkg = Nothing, -- configHaddock = EmptyLocation, configHappy = Nothing, configAlex = Nothing, configHsc2hs = Nothing, configC2hs = Nothing, configVanillaLib = True, configProfLib = False, configProfExe = False, configConfigureArgs = [], configOptimization = True, configCpphs = Nothing, configGreencard= Nothing, configPrefix = Nothing, configBinDir = Nothing, configLibDir = Nothing, configLibSubDir = Nothing, configLibExecDir = Nothing, configDataDir = Nothing, configDataSubDir = Nothing, configVerbose = normal, configUser = False, configGHCiLib = True, configSplitObjs = False -- takes longer, so turn off by default } -- | Flags to @copy@: (destdir, copy-prefix (backwards compat), verbosity) data CopyFlags = CopyFlags {copyDest :: CopyDest ,copyVerbose :: Verbosity} deriving Show -- |The location prefix for the /copy/ command. data CopyDest = NoCopyDest | CopyTo FilePath | CopyPrefix FilePath -- DEPRECATED deriving (Eq, Show) emptyCopyFlags :: CopyDest -> CopyFlags emptyCopyFlags mprefix = CopyFlags{ copyDest = mprefix, copyVerbose = normal } data MaybeUserFlag = MaybeUserNone -- ^no --user OR --global flag. | MaybeUserUser -- ^the --user flag | MaybeUserGlobal -- ^the --global flag deriving Show -- |A 'MaybeUserFlag' overrides the default --user setting userOverride :: MaybeUserFlag -> Bool -> Bool MaybeUserUser `userOverride` _ = True MaybeUserGlobal `userOverride` _ = False _ `userOverride` r = r -- | Flags to @install@: (user package, verbosity) data InstallFlags = InstallFlags {installUserFlags :: MaybeUserFlag ,installVerbose :: Verbosity} deriving Show emptyInstallFlags :: InstallFlags emptyInstallFlags = InstallFlags{ installUserFlags=MaybeUserNone, installVerbose = normal } -- | Flags to @sdist@: (snapshot, verbosity) data SDistFlags = SDistFlags {sDistSnapshot :: Bool ,sDistVerbose :: Verbosity} deriving Show -- | Flags to @register@ and @unregister@: (user package, gen-script, -- in-place, verbosity) data RegisterFlags = RegisterFlags { regUser :: MaybeUserFlag , regGenScript :: Bool , regInPlace :: Bool , regWithHcPkg :: Maybe FilePath , regVerbose :: Verbosity } deriving Show emptyRegisterFlags :: RegisterFlags emptyRegisterFlags = RegisterFlags { regUser = MaybeUserNone, regGenScript = False, regInPlace = False, regWithHcPkg = Nothing, regVerbose = normal } data HscolourFlags = HscolourFlags {hscolourCSS :: Maybe FilePath ,hscolourExecutables :: Bool ,hscolourVerbose :: Verbosity} deriving Show emptyHscolourFlags :: HscolourFlags emptyHscolourFlags = HscolourFlags {hscolourCSS = Nothing ,hscolourExecutables = False ,hscolourVerbose = normal} data HaddockFlags = HaddockFlags {haddockHoogle :: Bool ,haddockHtmlLocation :: Maybe String ,haddockExecutables :: Bool ,haddockCss :: Maybe FilePath ,haddockHscolour :: Bool ,haddockHscolourCss :: Maybe FilePath ,haddockVerbose :: Verbosity} deriving Show emptyHaddockFlags :: HaddockFlags emptyHaddockFlags = HaddockFlags {haddockHoogle = False ,haddockHtmlLocation = Nothing ,haddockExecutables = False ,haddockCss = Nothing ,haddockHscolour = False ,haddockHscolourCss = Nothing ,haddockVerbose = normal} data CleanFlags = CleanFlags {cleanSaveConf :: Bool ,cleanVerbose :: Verbosity} deriving Show emptyCleanFlags :: CleanFlags emptyCleanFlags = CleanFlags {cleanSaveConf = False, cleanVerbose = normal} data BuildFlags = BuildFlags {buildVerbose :: Verbosity ,buildCompilerOptions :: [(CompilerFlavor, String)]} deriving Show emptyBuildFlags :: BuildFlags emptyBuildFlags = BuildFlags {buildVerbose = normal, buildCompilerOptions = []} data MakefileFlags = MakefileFlags {makefileVerbose :: Verbosity, makefileCompilerOptions :: [(CompilerFlavor, String)], makefileFile :: Maybe FilePath} deriving Show emptyMakefileFlags :: MakefileFlags emptyMakefileFlags = MakefileFlags {makefileVerbose = normal, makefileCompilerOptions = [], makefileFile = Nothing} data PFEFlags = PFEFlags {pfeVerbose :: Verbosity} deriving Show -- | All the possible flags data Flag a = GhcFlag | NhcFlag | HugsFlag | JhcFlag | WithCompiler FilePath | WithHcPkg FilePath | WithHappy FilePath | WithAlex FilePath | WithHsc2hs FilePath | WithC2hs FilePath | WithCpphs FilePath | WithGreencard FilePath | WithVanillaLib | WithoutVanillaLib | WithProfLib | WithoutProfLib | WithProfExe | WithoutProfExe | WithOptimization | WithoutOptimization | WithGHCiLib | WithoutGHCiLib | WithSplitObjs | WithoutSplitObjs | ConfigureOption String | Prefix FilePath | BinDir FilePath | LibDir FilePath | LibSubDir FilePath | LibExecDir FilePath | DataDir FilePath | DataSubDir FilePath | ProgramArgs String String -- program name, arguments | WithProgram String FilePath -- program name, location -- For build: | GHCOption String -- For install, register, and unregister: | UserFlag | GlobalFlag -- for register & unregister | GenScriptFlag | InPlaceFlag -- For copy: | InstPrefix FilePath | DestDir FilePath -- For sdist: | Snapshot -- For hscolour: | HscolourCss FilePath | HscolourExecutables -- For haddock: | HaddockHoogle | HaddockExecutables | HaddockCss FilePath | HaddockHscolour | HaddockHscolourCss FilePath | HaddockHtmlLocation String -- For clean: | SaveConfigure -- ^don't delete dist\/setup-config during clean -- For makefile: | MakefileFile FilePath -- For everyone: | HelpFlag | Verbose Verbosity -- | Version? | Lift a deriving (Show, Eq) -- ------------------------------------------------------------ -- * Mostly parsing functions -- ------------------------------------------------------------ defaultCompilerFlavor :: Maybe CompilerFlavor defaultCompilerFlavor = #if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) Just GHC #elif defined(__NHC__) Just NHC #elif defined(__JHC__) Just JHC #elif defined(__HUGS__) Just Hugs #else Nothing #endif -- | Arguments to pass to a @configure@ script, e.g. generated by -- @autoconf@. configureArgs :: ConfigFlags -> [String] configureArgs flags = hc_flag ++ optFlag "with-hc-pkg" configHcPkg ++ optFlag "prefix" configPrefix ++ optFlag "bindir" configBinDir ++ optFlag "libdir" configLibDir ++ optFlag "libexecdir" configLibExecDir ++ optFlag "datadir" configDataDir ++ configConfigureArgs flags where hc_flag = case (configHcFlavor flags, configHcPath flags) of (_, Just hc_path) -> ["--with-hc=" ++ hc_path] (Just hc, Nothing) -> ["--with-hc=" ++ showHC hc] (Nothing,Nothing) -> [] optFlag name config_field = case config_field flags of Just p -> ["--" ++ name ++ "=" ++ p] Nothing -> [] showHC GHC = "ghc" showHC NHC = "nhc98" showHC JHC = "jhc" showHC Hugs = "hugs" showHC c = "unknown compiler: " ++ (show c) cmd_help :: OptDescr (Flag a) cmd_help = Option "h?" ["help"] (NoArg HelpFlag) "Show this help text" cmd_verbose :: OptDescr (Flag a) cmd_verbose = Option "v" ["verbose"] (OptArg (Verbose . flagToVerbosity) "n") "Control verbosity (n is 0--2, default verbosity level is 1)" cmd_with_hc_pkg :: OptDescr (Flag a) cmd_with_hc_pkg = Option "" ["with-hc-pkg"] (reqPathArg WithHcPkg) "give the path to the package tool" -- Do we have any other interesting global flags? globalOptions :: [OptDescr (Flag a)] globalOptions = [ cmd_help ] liftCustomOpts :: [OptDescr a] -> [OptDescr (Flag a)] liftCustomOpts flags = [ Option shopt lopt (f adesc) help | Option shopt lopt adesc help <- flags ] where f (NoArg x) = NoArg (Lift x) f (ReqArg g s) = ReqArg (Lift . g) s f (OptArg g s) = OptArg (Lift . g) s data Cmd a = Cmd { cmdName :: String, cmdHelp :: String, -- Short description cmdDescription :: String, -- Long description cmdOptions :: [OptDescr (Flag a)], cmdAction :: Action } commandList :: ProgramConfiguration -> [Cmd a] commandList progConf = [(configureCmd progConf), buildCmd, makefileCmd, cleanCmd, installCmd, copyCmd, sdistCmd, testCmd, haddockCmd, hscolourCmd, programaticaCmd, registerCmd, unregisterCmd] lookupCommand :: String -> [Cmd a] -> Maybe (Cmd a) lookupCommand name = find ((==name) . cmdName) printGlobalHelp :: ProgramConfiguration -> IO () printGlobalHelp progConf = do pname <- getProgName let syntax_line = "Usage: " ++ pname ++ " [GLOBAL FLAGS]\n or: " ++ pname ++ " COMMAND [FLAGS]\n\nGlobal flags:" putStrLn (usageInfo syntax_line globalOptions) putStrLn "Typical steps for installing Cabal packages:" mapM (\x -> putStrLn $ " " ++ pname ++ " " ++ x) ["configure", "build", "install"] putStrLn "\nCommands:" let maxlen = maximum [ length (cmdName cmd) | cmd <- (commandList progConf) ] sequence_ [ do putStr " " putStr (align maxlen (cmdName cmd)) putStr " " putStrLn (cmdHelp cmd) | cmd <- (commandList progConf) ] putStrLn $ "\nFor more information about a command, try '" ++ pname ++ " COMMAND --help'." putStrLn $ "\nThis Setup program uses the Haskell Cabal Infrastructure." putStrLn $"See for more information." where align n str = str ++ replicate (n - length str) ' ' printCmdHelp :: Cmd a -> [OptDescr a] -> IO () printCmdHelp cmd opts = do pname <- getProgName let syntax_line = "Usage: " ++ pname ++ " " ++ cmdName cmd ++ " [FLAGS]\n\nFlags for " ++ cmdName cmd ++ ":" putStrLn (usageInfo syntax_line (cmdOptions cmd ++ liftCustomOpts opts)) putStr (cmdDescription cmd) getCmdOpt :: Cmd a -> [OptDescr a] -> [String] -> ([Flag a], [String], [String]) getCmdOpt cmd opts s = (flags, other_opts, errs++errs') where (flags, nonopts, other_opts, errs) = getOpt' RequireOrder (cmdOptions cmd ++ liftCustomOpts opts) s errs' = ["unexpected argument: " ++ nonopt | nonopt <- nonopts] -- We don't want to use elem, because that imposes Eq a hasHelpFlag :: [Flag a] -> Bool hasHelpFlag flags = not . null $ [ () | HelpFlag <- flags ] parseGlobalArgs :: ProgramConfiguration -> [String] -> IO (Action,[String]) parseGlobalArgs progConf args = case getOpt' RequireOrder globalOptions args of (flags, _, _, []) | hasHelpFlag flags -> do printGlobalHelp progConf exitWith ExitSuccess (_, cname:cargs, extra_args, []) -> do case lookupCommand cname (commandList progConf) of Just cmd -> return (cmdAction cmd, extra_args ++ cargs) Nothing -> die $ "Unrecognised command: " ++ cname ++ " (try --help)" (_, [], _, []) -> die $ "No command given (try --help)" (_, _, _, errs) -> putErrors errs configureCmd :: ProgramConfiguration -> Cmd a configureCmd progConf = Cmd { cmdName = "configure", cmdHelp = "Prepare to build the package.", cmdDescription = "", -- This can be a multi-line description cmdOptions = [cmd_help, cmd_verbose, Option "g" ["ghc"] (NoArg GhcFlag) "compile with GHC", Option "n" ["nhc"] (NoArg NhcFlag) "compile with NHC", Option "" ["jhc"] (NoArg JhcFlag) "compile with JHC", Option "" ["hugs"] (NoArg HugsFlag) "compile with hugs", Option "w" ["with-compiler"] (reqPathArg WithCompiler) "give the path to a particular compiler", cmd_with_hc_pkg, Option "" ["prefix"] (reqDirArg Prefix) "bake this prefix in preparation of installation", Option "" ["bindir"] (reqDirArg BinDir) "installation directory for executables", Option "" ["libdir"] (reqDirArg LibDir) "installation directory for libraries", Option "" ["libsubdir"] (reqDirArg LibSubDir) "subdirectory of libdir in which libs are installed", Option "" ["libexecdir"] (reqDirArg LibExecDir) "installation directory for program executables", Option "" ["datadir"] (reqDirArg DataDir) "installation directory for read-only data", Option "" ["datasubdir"] (reqDirArg DataSubDir) "subdirectory of datadir in which data files are installed", Option "" ["with-happy"] (reqPathArg WithHappy) "give the path to happy", Option "" ["with-alex"] (reqPathArg WithAlex) "give the path to alex", Option "" ["with-hsc2hs"] (reqPathArg WithHsc2hs) "give the path to hsc2hs", Option "" ["with-c2hs"] (reqPathArg WithC2hs) "give the path to c2hs", Option "" ["with-cpphs"] (reqPathArg WithCpphs) "give the path to cpphs", Option "" ["with-greencard"] (reqPathArg WithGreencard) "give the path to greencard", Option "" ["enable-library-vanilla"] (NoArg WithVanillaLib) "Enable vanilla libraries", Option "" ["disable-library-vanilla"] (NoArg WithoutVanillaLib) "Disable vanilla libraries", Option "p" ["enable-library-profiling"] (NoArg WithProfLib) "Enable library profiling", Option "" ["disable-library-profiling"] (NoArg WithoutProfLib) "Disable library profiling", Option "" ["enable-executable-profiling"] (NoArg WithProfExe) "Enable executable profiling", Option "" ["disable-executable-profiling"] (NoArg WithoutProfExe) "Disable executable profiling", Option "O" ["enable-optimization"] (NoArg WithOptimization) "Build with optimization", Option "" ["disable-optimization"] (NoArg WithoutOptimization) "Build without optimization", Option "" ["enable-library-for-ghci"] (NoArg WithGHCiLib) "compile library for use with GHCi", Option "" ["disable-library-for-ghci"] (NoArg WithoutGHCiLib) "do not compile libraries for GHCi", Option "" ["enable-split-objs"] (NoArg WithSplitObjs) "split library into smaller objects to reduce binary sizes (GHC 6.6+)", Option "" ["disable-split-objs"] (NoArg WithoutSplitObjs) "split library into smaller objects to reduce binary sizes (GHC 6.6+)", Option "" ["configure-option"] (ReqArg ConfigureOption "ARG") "Extra option for configure", Option "" ["user"] (NoArg UserFlag) "allow dependencies to be satisfied from the user package database. also implies install --user", Option "" ["global"] (NoArg GlobalFlag) "(default) dependencies must be satisfied from the global package database" ] {- FIX: Instead of using ++ here, we might add extra arguments. That way, we can condense the help out put to something like --with-{haddock,happy,alex,etc} FIX: shouldn't use default. Look in hooks?. -} ++ (withProgramOptions progConf) ++ (programArgsOptions progConf), cmdAction = ConfigCmd (emptyConfigFlags progConf) } programArgsOptions :: ProgramConfiguration -> [OptDescr (Flag a)] programArgsOptions (ProgramConfiguration conf) = map f (keys conf) where f name = Option "" [name ++ "-args"] (reqArgArg (ProgramArgs name)) ("give the args to " ++ name) withProgramOptions :: ProgramConfiguration -> [OptDescr (Flag a)] withProgramOptions (ProgramConfiguration conf) = map f (keys conf) where f name = Option "" ["with-" ++ name] (reqPathArg (WithProgram name)) ("give the path to " ++ name) reqPathArg :: (FilePath -> a) -> ArgDescr a reqPathArg constr = ReqArg (constr . normalise) "PATH" reqArgArg :: (FilePath -> a) -> ArgDescr a reqArgArg constr = ReqArg (constr . normalise) "ARGS" reqDirArg :: (FilePath -> a) -> ArgDescr a reqDirArg constr = ReqArg (constr . normalise) "DIR" parseConfigureArgs :: ProgramConfiguration -> ConfigFlags -> [String] -> [OptDescr a] -> IO (ConfigFlags, [a], [String]) parseConfigureArgs progConf = parseArgs (configureCmd progConf) updateCfg where updateCfg t GhcFlag = t { configHcFlavor = Just GHC } updateCfg t NhcFlag = t { configHcFlavor = Just NHC } updateCfg t JhcFlag = t { configHcFlavor = Just JHC } updateCfg t HugsFlag = t { configHcFlavor = Just Hugs } updateCfg t (WithCompiler path) = t { configHcPath = Just path } updateCfg t (WithHcPkg path) = t { configHcPkg = Just path } updateCfg t (WithHappy path) = t { configHappy = Just path } updateCfg t (WithAlex path) = t { configAlex = Just path } updateCfg t (WithHsc2hs path) = t { configHsc2hs = Just path } updateCfg t (WithC2hs path) = t { configC2hs = Just path } updateCfg t (WithCpphs path) = t { configCpphs = Just path } updateCfg t (WithGreencard path) = t { configGreencard= Just path } updateCfg t (ProgramArgs name args) = t { configPrograms = (userSpecifyArgs name args (configPrograms t))} updateCfg t (WithProgram name path) = t { configPrograms = (userSpecifyPath name path (configPrograms t))} updateCfg t WithVanillaLib = t { configVanillaLib = True } updateCfg t WithoutVanillaLib = t { configVanillaLib = False, configGHCiLib = False } updateCfg t WithProfLib = t { configProfLib = True } updateCfg t WithoutProfLib = t { configProfLib = False } updateCfg t WithProfExe = t { configProfExe = True } updateCfg t WithoutProfExe = t { configProfExe = False } updateCfg t WithOptimization = t { configOptimization = True } updateCfg t WithoutOptimization = t { configOptimization = False } updateCfg t WithGHCiLib = t { configGHCiLib = True } updateCfg t WithoutGHCiLib = t { configGHCiLib = False } updateCfg t (Prefix path) = t { configPrefix = Just path } updateCfg t (BinDir path) = t { configBinDir = Just path } updateCfg t (LibDir path) = t { configLibDir = Just path } updateCfg t (LibSubDir path) = t { configLibSubDir= Just path } updateCfg t (LibExecDir path) = t { configLibExecDir = Just path } updateCfg t (DataDir path) = t { configDataDir = Just path } updateCfg t (DataSubDir path) = t { configDataSubDir = Just path } updateCfg t (Verbose n) = t { configVerbose = n } updateCfg t UserFlag = t { configUser = True } updateCfg t GlobalFlag = t { configUser = False } updateCfg t WithSplitObjs = t { configSplitObjs = True } updateCfg t WithoutSplitObjs = t { configSplitObjs = False } updateCfg t (ConfigureOption s) = t { configConfigureArgs = configConfigureArgs t ++ [s] } updateCfg t (Lift _) = t updateCfg _ _ = error $ "Unexpected flag!" cmd_ghc_option :: OptDescr (Flag a) cmd_ghc_option = Option "" ["ghc-option"] (ReqArg GHCOption "ARG") "Extra option for GHC" buildCmd :: Cmd a buildCmd = Cmd { cmdName = "build", cmdHelp = "Make this package ready for installation.", cmdDescription = "", -- This can be a multi-line description cmdOptions = [cmd_help, cmd_verbose, cmd_ghc_option], cmdAction = BuildCmd } parseBuildArgs :: BuildFlags -> [String] -> [OptDescr a] -> IO (BuildFlags, [a], [String]) parseBuildArgs = parseArgs buildCmd updateArgs where updateArgs bflags fl = case fl of Verbose n -> bflags{buildVerbose=n} GHCOption s -> bflags{buildCompilerOptions=buildCompilerOptions bflags ++ [(GHC,s)] } _ -> error "Unexpected flag!" makefileCmd :: Cmd a makefileCmd = Cmd { cmdName = "makefile", cmdHelp = "Perform any necessary makefileing.", cmdDescription = "", -- This can be a multi-line description cmdOptions = [cmd_help, cmd_verbose, cmd_ghc_option, Option "f" ["file"] (reqPathArg MakefileFile) "Filename to use (default: Makefile)."], cmdAction = MakefileCmd } parseMakefileArgs :: MakefileFlags -> [String] -> [OptDescr a] -> IO (MakefileFlags, [a], [String]) parseMakefileArgs = parseArgs makefileCmd updateCfg where updateCfg mflags fl = case fl of Verbose n -> mflags{makefileVerbose=n} GHCOption s -> mflags{makefileCompilerOptions=makefileCompilerOptions mflags ++ [(GHC,s)] } MakefileFile f -> mflags{makefileFile=Just f} _ -> error "Unexpected flag!" hscolourCmd :: Cmd a hscolourCmd = Cmd { cmdName = "hscolour", cmdHelp = "Generate HsColour colourised code, in HTML format.", cmdDescription = "Requires hscolour.\n", cmdOptions = [cmd_help, cmd_verbose, Option "" ["executables"] (NoArg HscolourExecutables) "Run hscolour for Executables targets", Option "" ["css"] (reqPathArg HscolourCss) "Use a cascading style sheet"], cmdAction = HscolourCmd } parseHscolourArgs :: HscolourFlags -> [String] -> [OptDescr a] -> IO (HscolourFlags, [a], [String]) parseHscolourArgs = parseArgs hscolourCmd updateCfg where updateCfg (HscolourFlags css doExe verbosity) fl = case fl of HscolourCss c -> HscolourFlags (Just c) doExe verbosity HscolourExecutables -> HscolourFlags css True verbosity Verbose n -> HscolourFlags css doExe n _ -> error "Unexpected flag!" haddockCmd :: Cmd a haddockCmd = Cmd { cmdName = "haddock", cmdHelp = "Generate Haddock HTML documentation.", cmdDescription = "Requires cpphs and haddock.\n", cmdOptions = [cmd_help, cmd_verbose, Option "" ["hoogle"] (NoArg HaddockHoogle) "Generate a hoogle database", Option "" ["html-location"] (ReqArg HaddockHtmlLocation "URL") "Location of HTML documentation for pre-requisite packages", Option "" ["executables"] (NoArg HaddockExecutables) "Run haddock for Executables targets", Option "" ["css"] (reqPathArg HaddockCss) "Use PATH as the haddock stylesheet", Option "" ["hyperlink-source"] (NoArg HaddockHscolour) "Hyperlink the documentation to the source code (using HsColour)", Option "" ["hscolour-css"] (reqPathArg HaddockHscolourCss) "Use PATH as the HsColour stylesheet"], cmdAction = HaddockCmd } parseHaddockArgs :: HaddockFlags -> [String] -> [OptDescr a] -> IO (HaddockFlags, [a], [String]) parseHaddockArgs = parseArgs haddockCmd updateCfg where updateCfg hflags fl = case fl of HaddockHoogle -> hflags{haddockHoogle = True} HaddockHtmlLocation s -> hflags{haddockHtmlLocation=Just s} HaddockExecutables -> hflags{haddockExecutables = True} HaddockCss h -> hflags{haddockCss = Just h} HaddockHscolour -> hflags{haddockHscolour = True} HaddockHscolourCss h -> hflags{haddockHscolourCss = Just h} Verbose n -> hflags{haddockVerbose = n} _ -> error "Unexpected flag!" programaticaCmd :: Cmd a programaticaCmd = Cmd { cmdName = "pfe", cmdHelp = "Generate Programatica Project.", cmdDescription = "", cmdOptions = [cmd_help, cmd_verbose], cmdAction = ProgramaticaCmd } parseProgramaticaArgs :: [String] -> [OptDescr a] -> IO (PFEFlags, [a], [String]) parseProgramaticaArgs = parseNoArgs programaticaCmd PFEFlags cleanCmd :: Cmd a cleanCmd = Cmd { cmdName = "clean", cmdHelp = "Clean up after a build.", cmdDescription = "Removes .hi, .o, preprocessed sources, etc.\n", -- Multi-line! cmdOptions = [cmd_help, cmd_verbose, Option "s" ["save-configure"] (NoArg SaveConfigure) "Do not remove the configuration file (dist/setup-config) during cleaning. Saves need to reconfigure."], cmdAction = CleanCmd } parseCleanArgs :: CleanFlags -> [String] -> [OptDescr a] -> IO (CleanFlags, [a], [String]) parseCleanArgs = parseArgs cleanCmd updateCfg where updateCfg (CleanFlags saveConfigure verbosity) fl = case fl of SaveConfigure -> CleanFlags True verbosity Verbose n -> CleanFlags saveConfigure n _ -> error "Unexpected flag!" installCmd :: Cmd a installCmd = Cmd { cmdName = "install", cmdHelp = "Copy the files into the install locations. Run register.", cmdDescription = "Unlike the copy command, install calls the register command.\nIf you want to install into a location that is not what was\nspecified in the configure step, use the copy command.\n", cmdOptions = [cmd_help, cmd_verbose, Option "" ["install-prefix"] (reqDirArg InstPrefix) "[DEPRECATED, use copy]", Option "" ["user"] (NoArg UserFlag) "upon registration, register this package in the user's local package database", Option "" ["global"] (NoArg GlobalFlag) "(default; override with configure) upon registration, register this package in the system-wide package database" ], cmdAction = InstallCmd } copyCmd :: Cmd a copyCmd = Cmd { cmdName = "copy", cmdHelp = "Copy the files into the install locations.", cmdDescription = "Does not call register, and allows a prefix at install time\nWithout the --destdir flag, configure determines location.\n", cmdOptions = [cmd_help, cmd_verbose, Option "" ["destdir"] (reqDirArg DestDir) "directory to copy files to, prepended to installation directories", Option "" ["copy-prefix"] (reqDirArg InstPrefix) "[DEPRECATED, directory to copy files to instead of prefix]" ], cmdAction = CopyCmd NoCopyDest } parseCopyArgs :: CopyFlags -> [String] -> [OptDescr a] -> IO (CopyFlags, [a], [String]) parseCopyArgs = parseArgs copyCmd updateCfg where updateCfg (CopyFlags copydest verbosity) fl = case fl of InstPrefix path -> (CopyFlags (CopyPrefix path) verbosity) DestDir path -> (CopyFlags (CopyTo path) verbosity) Verbose n -> (CopyFlags copydest n) _ -> error $ "Unexpected flag!" parseInstallArgs :: InstallFlags -> [String] -> [OptDescr a] -> IO (InstallFlags, [a], [String]) parseInstallArgs = parseArgs installCmd updateCfg where updateCfg (InstallFlags uFlag verbosity) fl = case fl of InstPrefix _ -> error "--install-prefix is obsolete. Use copy command instead." UserFlag -> (InstallFlags MaybeUserUser verbosity) GlobalFlag -> (InstallFlags MaybeUserGlobal verbosity) Verbose n -> (InstallFlags uFlag n) _ -> error $ "Unexpected flag!" sdistCmd :: Cmd a sdistCmd = Cmd { cmdName = "sdist", cmdHelp = "Generate a source distribution file (.tar.gz or .zip).", cmdDescription = "", -- This can be a multi-line description cmdOptions = [cmd_help,cmd_verbose, Option "" ["snapshot"] (NoArg Snapshot) "Produce a snapshot source distribution" ], cmdAction = SDistCmd } parseSDistArgs :: [String] -> [OptDescr a] -> IO (SDistFlags, [a], [String]) parseSDistArgs = parseArgs sdistCmd updateCfg (SDistFlags False normal) where updateCfg (SDistFlags snapshot verbosity) fl = case fl of Snapshot -> (SDistFlags True verbosity) Verbose n -> (SDistFlags snapshot n) _ -> error $ "Unexpected flag!" testCmd :: Cmd a testCmd = Cmd { cmdName = "test", cmdHelp = "Run the test suite, if any (configure with UserHooks).", cmdDescription = "", -- This can be a multi-line description cmdOptions = [cmd_help,cmd_verbose], cmdAction = TestCmd } parseTestArgs :: [String] -> [OptDescr a] -> IO (Verbosity, [a], [String]) parseTestArgs = parseNoArgs testCmd id registerCmd :: Cmd a registerCmd = Cmd { cmdName = "register", cmdHelp = "Register this package with the compiler.", cmdDescription = "", -- This can be a multi-line description cmdOptions = [cmd_help, cmd_verbose, Option "" ["user"] (NoArg UserFlag) "upon registration, register this package in the user's local package database", Option "" ["global"] (NoArg GlobalFlag) "(default) upon registration, register this package in the system-wide package database", Option "" ["inplace"] (NoArg InPlaceFlag) "register the package in the build location, so it can be used without being installed", Option "" ["gen-script"] (NoArg GenScriptFlag) "Instead of performing the register command, generate a script to register later", cmd_with_hc_pkg ], cmdAction = RegisterCmd } parseRegisterArgs :: RegisterFlags -> [String] -> [OptDescr a] -> IO (RegisterFlags, [a], [String]) parseRegisterArgs = parseArgs registerCmd registerUpdateCfg registerUpdateCfg :: RegisterFlags -> Flag a -> RegisterFlags registerUpdateCfg reg fl = case fl of UserFlag -> reg { regUser=MaybeUserUser } GlobalFlag -> reg { regUser=MaybeUserGlobal } Verbose n -> reg { regVerbose=n } GenScriptFlag -> reg { regGenScript=True } InPlaceFlag -> reg { regInPlace=True } WithHcPkg f -> reg { regWithHcPkg=Just f } _ -> error $ "Unexpected flag!" unregisterCmd :: Cmd a unregisterCmd = Cmd { cmdName = "unregister", cmdHelp = "Unregister this package with the compiler.", cmdDescription = "", -- This can be a multi-line description cmdOptions = [cmd_help, cmd_verbose, Option "" ["user"] (NoArg UserFlag) "unregister this package in the user's local package database", Option "" ["global"] (NoArg GlobalFlag) "(default) unregister this package in the system-wide package database", Option "" ["gen-script"] (NoArg GenScriptFlag) "Instead of performing the unregister command, generate a script to unregister later" ], cmdAction = UnregisterCmd } parseUnregisterArgs :: RegisterFlags -> [String] -> [OptDescr a] -> IO (RegisterFlags, [a], [String]) parseUnregisterArgs = parseArgs unregisterCmd registerUpdateCfg -- |Helper function for commands with no arguments except for verbosity -- and help. parseNoArgs :: (Cmd a) -> (Verbosity -> b) -- Constructor to make this type. -> [String] -> [OptDescr a]-> IO (b, [a], [String]) parseNoArgs cmd c = parseArgs cmd updateCfg (c normal) where updateCfg _ (Verbose n) = c n updateCfg _ _ = error "Unexpected flag!" -- |Helper function for commands with more options. parseArgs :: Cmd a -> (cfg -> Flag a -> cfg) -> cfg -> [String] -> [OptDescr a] -> IO (cfg, [a], [String]) parseArgs cmd updateCfg cfg args customOpts = case getCmdOpt cmd customOpts args of (flags, _, []) | hasHelpFlag flags -> do printCmdHelp cmd customOpts exitWith ExitSuccess (flags, args', []) -> let flags' = filter (not.isLift) flags in return (foldl updateCfg cfg flags', unliftFlags flags, args') (_, _, errs) -> putErrors errs where isLift (Lift _) = True isLift _ = False unliftFlags :: [Flag a] -> [a] unliftFlags flags = [ fl | Lift fl <- flags ] putErrors :: [String] -> IO a putErrors errs = die $ "Errors:" ++ concat ['\n':err | err <- errs] #ifdef DEBUG hunitTests :: [Test] hunitTests = [] -- The test cases kinda have to be rewritten from the ground up... :/ --hunitTests = -- let m = [("ghc", GHC), ("nhc", NHC), ("hugs", Hugs)] -- (flags, commands', unkFlags, ers) -- = getOpt Permute options ["configure", "foobar", "--prefix=/foo", "--ghc", "--nhc", "--hugs", "--with-compiler=/comp", "--unknown1", "--unknown2", "--install-prefix=/foo", "--user", "--global"] -- in [TestLabel "very basic option parsing" $ TestList [ -- "getOpt flags" ~: "failed" ~: -- [Prefix "/foo", GhcFlag, NhcFlag, HugsFlag, -- WithCompiler "/comp", InstPrefix "/foo", UserFlag, GlobalFlag] -- ~=? flags, -- "getOpt commands" ~: "failed" ~: ["configure", "foobar"] ~=? commands', -- "getOpt unknown opts" ~: "failed" ~: -- ["--unknown1", "--unknown2"] ~=? unkFlags, -- "getOpt errors" ~: "failed" ~: [] ~=? ers], -- -- TestLabel "test location of various compilers" $ TestList -- ["configure parsing for prefix and compiler flag" ~: "failed" ~: -- (Right (ConfigCmd (Just comp, Nothing, Just "/usr/local"), [])) -- ~=? (parseArgs ["--prefix=/usr/local", "--"++name, "configure"]) -- | (name, comp) <- m], -- -- TestLabel "find the package tool" $ TestList -- ["configure parsing for prefix comp flag, withcompiler" ~: "failed" ~: -- (Right (ConfigCmd (Just comp, Just "/foo/comp", Just "/usr/local"), [])) -- ~=? (parseArgs ["--prefix=/usr/local", "--"++name, -- "--with-compiler=/foo/comp", "configure"]) -- | (name, comp) <- m], -- -- TestLabel "simpler commands" $ TestList -- [flag ~: "failed" ~: (Right (flagCmd, [])) ~=? (parseArgs [flag]) -- | (flag, flagCmd) <- [("build", BuildCmd), -- ("install", InstallCmd Nothing False), -- ("sdist", SDistCmd), -- ("register", RegisterCmd False)] -- ] -- ] #endif {- Testing ideas: * IO to look for hugs and hugs-pkg (which hugs, etc) * quickCheck to test permutations of arguments * what other options can we over-ride with a command-line flag? -}