Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/fernan/nhc98/src/libraries/Cabal/tests/HSQL/mingw32lib/libpqdll.def

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; DEF file for MS VC++
DESCRIPTION "PostgreSQL Client Library"
    PQconnectdb             @ 1
    PQsetdbLogin            @ 2
    PQconndefaults          @ 3
    PQfinish                @ 4
    PQreset                 @ 5
    PQrequestCancel         @ 6
    PQdb                    @ 7
    PQuser                  @ 8
    PQpass                  @ 9
    PQhost                  @ 10
    PQport                  @ 11
    PQtty                   @ 12
    PQoptions               @ 13
    PQstatus                @ 14
    PQerrorMessage          @ 15
    PQsocket                @ 16
    PQbackendPID            @ 17
    PQtrace                 @ 18
    PQuntrace               @ 19
    PQsetNoticeProcessor    @ 20
    PQexec                  @ 21
    PQnotifies              @ 22
    PQsendQuery             @ 23
    PQgetResult             @ 24
    PQisBusy                @ 25
    PQconsumeInput          @ 26
    PQgetline               @ 27
    PQputline               @ 28
    PQgetlineAsync          @ 29
    PQputnbytes             @ 30
    PQendcopy               @ 31
    PQfn                    @ 32
    PQresultStatus          @ 33
    PQntuples               @ 34
    PQnfields               @ 35
    PQbinaryTuples          @ 36
    PQfname                 @ 37
    PQfnumber               @ 38
    PQftype                 @ 39
    PQfsize                 @ 40
    PQfmod                  @ 41
    PQcmdStatus             @ 42
    PQoidStatus             @ 43
    PQcmdTuples             @ 44
    PQgetvalue              @ 45
    PQgetlength             @ 46
    PQgetisnull             @ 47
    PQclear                 @ 48
    PQmakeEmptyPGresult     @ 49
    PQprint                 @ 50
    PQdisplayTuples         @ 51
    PQprintTuples           @ 52
    lo_open                 @ 53
    lo_close                @ 54
    lo_read                 @ 55
    lo_write                @ 56
    lo_lseek                @ 57
    lo_creat                @ 58
    lo_tell                 @ 59
    lo_unlink               @ 60
    lo_import               @ 61
    lo_export               @ 62
    pgresStatus             @ 63
    PQmblen                 @ 64
    PQresultErrorMessage    @ 65
    PQresStatus             @ 66
    termPQExpBuffer         @ 67
    appendPQExpBufferChar   @ 68
    initPQExpBuffer         @ 69
    resetPQExpBuffer        @ 70
    PQoidValue              @ 71
    PQclientEncoding        @ 72
    PQenv2encoding          @ 73
    appendBinaryPQExpBuffer @ 74
    appendPQExpBufferStr    @ 75
    destroyPQExpBuffer      @ 76
    createPQExpBuffer       @ 77
    PQconninfoFree          @ 78
    PQconnectPoll           @ 79
    PQconnectStart          @ 80
    PQflush                 @ 81
    PQisnonblocking         @ 82
    PQresetPoll             @ 83
    PQresetStart            @ 84
    PQsetClientEncoding     @ 85
    PQsetnonblocking        @ 86
    PQfreeNotify            @ 87
    PQescapeString          @ 88
    PQescapeBytea           @ 89
    printfPQExpBuffer       @ 90
    appendPQExpBuffer       @ 91
    pg_encoding_to_char     @ 92
    pg_utf_mblen            @ 93
    PQunescapeBytea         @ 94
    PQfreemem               @ 95
    PQtransactionStatus     @ 96
    PQparameterStatus       @ 97
    PQprotocolVersion       @ 98
    PQsetErrorVerbosity     @ 99
    PQsetNoticeReceiver     @ 100
    PQexecParams            @ 101
    PQsendQueryParams       @ 102
    PQputCopyData           @ 103
    PQputCopyEnd            @ 104
    PQgetCopyData           @ 105
    PQresultErrorField      @ 106
    PQftable                @ 107
    PQftablecol             @ 108
    PQfformat               @ 109
    PQexecPrepared          @ 110
    PQsendQueryPrepared     @ 111

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