-- �2002 Peter Thiemann
module Main where
import CGI hiding (head, div, span, map)
import qualified CGI
import Random
import qualified Persistent2 as P
import qualified Cookie as C
import Types -- for nhc98
main =
run helo0
helo0 =
standardQuery "Select an Example" $
activate exAction (selectSingle exName Nothing examples) <#> </#>
-- do exampleF <- selectSingle exName Nothing examples <#> </#>
-- submit exampleF dispatch (attr "value" "GO")
data Example = Example {exName :: String, exAction :: CGI ()}
instance Eq Example where
e1 == e2 = exName e1 == exName e2
examples =
[Example "Simple Hello World" helo1
,Example "Hello World with a little HTML" helo2
,Example "Hello World with a little Color" helo4
,Example "Hello World Personalized" helo5
,Example "Multiplication Table" helo6
,Example "Multiplication Drill" helo7
,Example "Multiplication Drill with Selection Box" helo8
,Example "Multiplication Drill with Radio Buttons" helo9
,Example "Multiplication Drill with Email Address" helo10
,Example "Multiplication Drill with Cookies" helo11
helo1 = ask $
standardPage "Hello" $
<#>This is my first CGI program!</#>
helo2 = ask $
standardPage "Hello" $
do <p>This is my second CGI program!</p>
<p>My hobbies are
<ul> <li>swimming</li>
fgRed = "color" :=: "red"
bgGreen = "background" :=: "green"
styleImportant = fgRed :^: bgGreen
important x = using styleImportant x
helo4 = ask $
standardPage "Hello" $
important <p>This is important!</p>
helo5 = standardQuery "What's your name?" $
<#>Hi there! What's your name? <%
activate greeting textInputField empty %>
greeting :: String -> CGI ()
greeting name =
standardQuery "Hello" $
<p>Hello <%= name %>. This is my first interactive CGI program!</p>
helo6 = standardQuery "What's your name?" $
<p>Hi there! What's your name?
<% activate mtable textInputField empty %>
mtable name =
standardQuery "Multiplication Table" $
do <p>Hello <%= name %> ! </p>
<p>Let's see a multiplication table! </p>
<p>Give me a multiplier <% activate ptable inputField empty %> </p>
ptable :: Int -> CGI ()
ptable mpy =
standardQuery "Multiplication Table" $
<table> <% mapM_ pLine [1..12] %> </table>
align = <[ align="right" ]>
pLine i = <tr><td> <%= (show i) %> <% align %> </td>
<td> <%= (show mpy) %> </td>
<td> <%= (show (i * mpy)) %> <% align %> </td>
helo7 = standardQuery "What's your name?" $
p (do text "Hi there! What's your name?"
activate mdrill textInputField empty)
mdrill name =
standardQuery "Multiplication" $
<p>Hello <%= name %>!</p>
<p>Let's exercise some multiplication!</p>
<p>Give me a multiplier <% mpyF <- inputField <[value="2"]> %> </p>
<p>Number of exercises <% rptF <- inputField <[value="10"]> %> </p>
<% submit (F2 mpyF rptF) (firstExercise name) empty %>
firstExercise name (F2 mpyF rptF) =
runExercises 1 [] []
mpy, rpt :: Int
mpy = CGI.value mpyF
rpt = CGI.value rptF
runExercises nr successes failures =
if nr > rpt then
do factor <- io (randomRIO (0,12))
standardQuery ("Question " ++ show nr ++ " of " ++ show rpt) $
do text (show factor ++ " * " ++ show mpy ++ " = ")
activate (checkAnswer factor) inputField empty
checkAnswer factor answer =
let correct = answer == factor * mpy
message = if correct then "correct! " else "wrong! "
continue = if correct then
runExercises (nr+1) (factor:successes) failures
runExercises (nr+1) successes (factor:failures)
in standardQuery ("Answer " ++ show nr ++ " of " ++ show rpt) $
do p (text (show factor ++ " * " ++ show mpy ++ " = " ++ show (factor * mpy)))
text ("Your answer " ++ show answer ++ " was " ++ message)
submit0 continue <[value="CONTINUE"]>
finalReport =
let lenSucc = length successes
pItem (m, l, r) = li (text ("Multiplier " ++ show m ++
" : " ++ show l ++
" correct out of " ++ show r))
do initialHandle <- P.init ("multi-" ++ name) []
currentHandle <- P.add initialHandle (mpy, lenSucc, rpt)
hiScores <- P.get currentHandle
standardQuery "Final Report" $
<p>Here are your recent scores.
<ul> <% mapM_ pItem hiScores %> </ul>
helo8 = standardQuery "What's your name?" $
p (do text "Hi there! What's your name?"
activate mdrillSelect textInputField empty)
mdrillSelect name =
standardQuery "Multiplication" $
<#><p>Hello <%= name %>!</p>
<p>Let's exercise some multiplication!</p>
<p>Give me a multiplier
<% mpyF <- selectSingle show Nothing [2..12] empty %></p>
<p>Number of exercises
<% rptF <- inputField <[value="10"]> %> </p>
<% submit (F2 mpyF rptF) (firstExercise name) empty %>
helo9 = standardQuery "What's your name?" $
p (do text "Hi there! What's your name?"
activate mdrillRadio textInputField empty)
mdrillRadio name =
standardQuery "Multiplication" $
<p>Hello <%= name %>!</p>
<p>Let's exercise some multiplication!</p>
<p>Give me a multiplier
<% mpyF <- selectSingle show Nothing [2..12] empty %></p>
<% rptF <- radioGroup %>
<p>Number of exercises
5 <% radioButton rptF 5 empty %>
10 <% radioButton rptF 10 empty %>
20 <% radioButton rptF 20 empty %>
<% radioError rptF %>
<% submit (F2 mpyF rptF) (firstExercise name) empty %>
helo10 = standardQuery "What's your name?" $
p (do text "Hi there! What's your email address?"
activate mdrillEmail inputField empty
-- inf <- inputField empty
-- submit inf mdrillEmailHandle empty
mdrillEmailHandle emailH =
mdrillEmail (value emailH)
mdrillEmail email =
let name = unEmailAddress email in
standardQuery "Multiplication" $
do p (text ("Hello " ++ name ++ "!"))
p (text "Let's exercise some multiplication!")
mpyF <- p (text "Give me a multiplier " >>
selectSingle show Nothing [2..12] empty)
rptF <- p (text "Number of exercises " >>
inputField (attr "value" "10"))
submit (F2 mpyF rptF) (firstExercise name) empty
helo11 =
C.check "name" >>= \mNameH ->
case mNameH of
Nothing ->
standardQuery "What's your name?" $
p (do text "Hi there! What's your name?"
activate mdrillCookie textInputField empty)
Just nameC ->
do mname <- C.get nameC
case mname of
Nothing ->
helo11 -- retry if outdated
Just name ->
mdrill name
mdrillCookie name =
do C.create "name" name
mdrill name