module DTD_norback where
import Xml2Haskell
{-Type decls-}
newtype Test = Test [Test_] deriving (Eq,Show)
data Test_ = Test_One One
| Test_Two Two
deriving (Eq,Show)
data One = One deriving (Eq,Show)
data Two = Two deriving (Eq,Show)
{-Instance decls-}
instance XmlContent Test where
fromElem (CElem (Elem "test" [] c0):rest) =
(Just (Test a), rest))
(many fromElem c0)
fromElem rest = (Nothing, rest)
toElem (Test a) =
[CElem (Elem "test" [] (concatMap toElem a))]
instance XmlContent Test_ where
fromElem c0 =
case (fromElem c0) of
(Just a,rest) -> (Just (Test_One a), rest)
(Nothing,_) ->
case (fromElem c0) of
(Just a,rest) -> (Just (Test_Two a), rest)
(Nothing,_) ->
(Nothing, c0)
fromElem rest = (Nothing, rest)
toElem (Test_One a) = toElem a
toElem (Test_Two a) = toElem a
instance XmlContent One where
fromElem (CElem (Elem "one" [] []):rest) =
(Just One, rest)
fromElem rest = (Nothing, rest)
toElem One =
[CElem (Elem "one" [] [])]
instance XmlContent Two where
fromElem (CElem (Elem "two" [] []):rest) =
(Just Two, rest)
fromElem rest = (Nothing, rest)
toElem Two =
[CElem (Elem "two" [] [])]