Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/fernan/nhc98/src/libraries/HaXml/bugs/gxl-1.0.dtd

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<!-- GXL (1.0) 
     Document Type Definition
     (February 14, 2001) 
copyright by 

       Andy Schuerr 
         Institute for Software Technology 
         University of the German Federal Armed Forces Munich 
         85577 Neubiberg, Germany  

       Susan Elliott Sim 
         Department of Computer Science 
         University of Toronto 
         Toronto M5S 3G4, Canada  

       Ric Holt 
         Department of Computer Science 
         University of Waterloo 
         Waterloo N2L 3G1, Canada  

       Andreas Winter 
         Institute for Software Technology 
         University of Koblenz-Landau 
         Rheinau 1, D-56075 Koblenz, Germany 

<!-- Extensions -->

<!ENTITY % gxl-extension     "" > 
<!ENTITY % graph-extension   "" > 
<!ENTITY % node-extension    "" > 
<!ENTITY % edge-extension    "" > 
<!ENTITY % rel-extension     "" > 
<!ENTITY % value-extension   "" > 
<!ENTITY % relend-extension  "" > 

<!ENTITY % gxl-attr-extension     "" > 
<!ENTITY % graph-attr-extension   "" > 
<!ENTITY % node-attr-extension    "" > 
<!ENTITY % edge-attr-extension    "" > 
<!ENTITY % rel-attr-extension     "" > 
<!ENTITY % relend-attr-extension  "" > 

<!-- Attribute values -->

<!ENTITY % val " 
           locator | 
           bool    | 
           int     | 
           float   | 
           string  | 
           enum    | 
           seq     | 
           set     | 
           bag     | 

<!-- gxl -->

<!ELEMENT gxl  (graph* %gxl-extension;) > 
<!ATTLIST gxl 
    xmlns:xlink CDATA    #FIXED    "" 

<!-- type -->

<!ATTLIST type 
    xlink:type  (simple)    #FIXED  "simple" 
    xlink:href  CDATA       #REQUIRED 

<!-- graph -->

<!ELEMENT graph (type? , attr* , ( node | edge | rel )* %graph-extension;) > 
<!ATTLIST graph 
    id          ID       #REQUIRED 
    role        NMTOKEN  #IMPLIED 
    edgeids     ( true | false ) "false" 
    hypergraph  ( true | false ) "false" 
    edgemode    ( directed | undirected | 
                    defaultdirected | defaultundirected) "directed" 

<!-- node -->

<!ELEMENT node (type? , attr*, graph* %node-extension;) > 
<!ATTLIST node 
    id          ID       #REQUIRED 

<!-- edge -->

<!ELEMENT edge (type?, attr*, graph* %edge-extension;) > 
<!ATTLIST edge 
    id            ID       #IMPLIED 
    from          IDREF    #REQUIRED 
    to            IDREF    #REQUIRED 
    fromorder     CDATA    #IMPLIED 
    toorder       CDATA    #IMPLIED 
    isdirected    ( true | false ) #IMPLIED 

<!-- rel -->

<!ELEMENT rel (type? , attr*, graph*, relend* %rel-extension;) > 
<!ATTLIST rel 
    id          ID            #IMPLIED 
    isdirected    ( true | false ) #IMPLIED 

<!-- relend -->

<!ELEMENT relend (attr* %relend-extension;) > 
<!ATTLIST relend 
    target      IDREF                 #REQUIRED 
    role        NMTOKEN               #IMPLIED 
    direction   ( in | out | none)    #IMPLIED 
    startorder  CDATA                 #IMPLIED 
    endorder    CDATA                 #IMPLIED 

<!-- attr -->

<!ELEMENT attr (type?, attr*, (%val;)) > 
<!ATTLIST attr 
    id     IDREF    #IMPLIED 
    name   NMTOKEN  #REQUIRED 
    kind   NMTOKEN  #IMPLIED 

<!-- locator -->

<!ELEMENT locator  EMPTY > 
<!ATTLIST locator 
    xlink:type  (simple)    #FIXED  "simple" 
    xlink:href  CDATA       #REQUIRED 

<!-- atomic values -->

<!ELEMENT bool    (#PCDATA) > 
<!ELEMENT int     (#PCDATA) > 
<!ELEMENT float   (#PCDATA) > 
<!ELEMENT string  (#PCDATA) > 

<!-- enumeration value -->

<!ELEMENT enum    (#PCDATA) > 
<!-- composite values -->

<!ELEMENT seq     (%val;)* > 
<!ELEMENT set     (%val;)* > 
<!ELEMENT bag     (%val;)* > 
<!ELEMENT tup     (%val;)* > 

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