module DTD where
import Xml2Haskell
{-Type decls-}
newtype Persons = Persons [Person] deriving (Eq,Show)
data Person = Person_Male_FathersName Person_Attrs
Male (Maybe FathersName)
| Person_Female_MothersName Person_Attrs Female
(Maybe MothersName)
deriving (Eq,Show)
data Person_Attrs = Person_Attrs
{ personId :: Id
} deriving (Eq,Show)
newtype FathersName = FathersName String deriving (Eq,Show)
newtype MothersName = MothersName String deriving (Eq,Show)
data Male = Male
{ maleSrc :: (Maybe String)
, maleAlt :: Alt
} deriving (Eq,Show)
data Alt = A | B
deriving (Eq,Show)
data Female = Female deriving (Eq,Show)
{-Instance decls-}
instance XmlContent Persons where
fromElem (CElem (Elem "persons" [] c0):rest) =
(Just (Persons a), rest))
(many fromElem c0)
fromElem rest = (Nothing, rest)
toElem (Persons a) =
[CElem (Elem "persons" [] (concatMap toElem a))]
instance XmlContent Person where
fromElem (CElem (Elem "Person" as c0):rest) =
case (\(a,ca)->
(fromElem ca))
(fromElem c0) of
(Nothing,Nothing,_) -> case (\(a,ca)->
(fromElem ca))
(fromElem c0) of
(Nothing,Nothing,_) -> (Nothing, c0)
(Just a,b,[]) -> (Just (Person_Female_MothersName (fromAttrs as) a
b), rest)
(Just a,b,[]) -> (Just (Person_Male_FathersName (fromAttrs as) a
b), rest)
toElem (Person_Male_FathersName as a
b) = [CElem (Elem "Person" (toAttrs as) (toElem a
maybe [] toElem b) )]
toElem (Person_Female_MothersName as a
b) = [CElem (Elem "Person" (toAttrs as) (toElem a
maybe [] toElem b) )]
instance XmlAttributes Person_Attrs where
fromAttrs as =
{ personId = definiteA fromAttrToTyp "Person" "id" as
toAttrs v = catMaybes
[ toAttrFrTyp "id" (personId v)
instance XmlContent FathersName where
fromElem (CElem (Elem "FathersName" [] c0):rest) =
(Just (FathersName a), rest))
(definite fromText "text" "FathersName" c0)
fromElem rest = (Nothing, rest)
toElem (FathersName a) =
[CElem (Elem "FathersName" [] (toText a))]
instance XmlContent MothersName where
fromElem (CElem (Elem "MothersName" [] c0):rest) =
(Just (MothersName a), rest))
(definite fromText "text" "MothersName" c0)
fromElem rest = (Nothing, rest)
toElem (MothersName a) =
[CElem (Elem "MothersName" [] (toText a))]
instance XmlContent Male where
fromElem (CElem (Elem "Male" as []):rest) =
(Just (fromAttrs as), rest)
fromElem rest = (Nothing, rest)
toElem v =
[CElem (Elem "Male" (toAttrs v) [])]
instance XmlAttributes Male where
fromAttrs as =
{ maleSrc = possibleA fromAttrToStr "src" as
, maleAlt = definiteA fromAttrToTyp "Male" "alt" as
toAttrs v = catMaybes
[ maybeA toAttrFrStr "src" (maleSrc v)
, toAttrFrTyp "alt" (maleAlt v)
instance XmlAttrType Alt where
fromAttrToTyp n (n',v)
| n==n' = translate (attr2str v)
| otherwise = Nothing
where translate "A" = Just A
translate "B" = Just B
translate _ = Nothing
toAttrFrTyp n A = Just (n, str2attr "A")
toAttrFrTyp n B = Just (n, str2attr "B")
instance XmlContent Female where
fromElem (CElem (Elem "Female" [] []):rest) =
(Just Female, rest)
fromElem rest = (Nothing, rest)
toElem Female =
[CElem (Elem "Female" [] [])]