(C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2003 All rights reserved.
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The program is provided "as is" without any warranty express or
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IBM will not be liable for any damages suffered by you as a result
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<TESTCASES PROFILE="IBM Valid Conformance Tests for XML 1.1 CR October 15, 2002">
<TESTCASES PROFILE="IBM XML Conformance Test Suite - Production 2">
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P02/ibm02v01.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P02-ibm02v01.xml" ENTITIES="none" SECTIONS="2.2" >
This test case covers legal character ranges plus discrete legal characters
for production 02 of the XML1.1 sepcification.
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P02/ibm02v02.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P02-ibm02v02.xml" ENTITIES="none" SECTIONS="2.2,4.1" >
This test case covers control characters x1 to x1F and x7F to x9F
which should only appear as character references.
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P02/ibm02v03.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P02-ibm02v03.xml" ENTITIES="none" SECTIONS="2.2,4.1" >
This test case covers control characters x1 to x1F and x7F to x9F
which appear as character references as an entity's replacement text.
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P02/ibm02v04.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P02-ibm02v04.xml" ENTITIES="none" SECTIONS="2.2,4.1" >
This test case contains embeded whitespace characters
some form the range 1 - 1F.
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P02/ibm02v05.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P02-ibm02v05.xml" ENTITIES="none" SECTIONS="2.2,4.1" >
This test case contains valid char references that match the char production.
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P02/ibm02v06.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P02-ibm02v06.xml" ENTITIES="general" SECTIONS="2.2,4.1" >
This test case contains valid char references in the CDATA section, comment and
processing instruction of an external entity that match the char production.
<TESTCASES PROFILE="IBM XML Conformance Test Suite - Production 3">
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P03/ibm03v01.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P03-ibm03v01.xml" ENTITIES="general" SECTIONS="2.11"
OUTPUT="valid/P03/out/ibm03v01.xml" >
The two character sequence #x0D #x85 in an external entity must be normalized to a
single newline.
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P03/ibm03v02.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P03-ibm03v02.xml" ENTITIES="general" SECTIONS="2.11"
OUTPUT="valid/P03/out/ibm03v02.xml" >
The single character sequence #x85 in an external entity must be normalized to a
single newline.
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P03/ibm03v03.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P03-ibm03v03.xml" ENTITIES="general" SECTIONS="2.11"
OUTPUT="valid/P03/out/ibm03v03.xml" >
The two character sequence #x0D #x85 in an external entity must be normalized to a
single newline.
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P03/ibm03v04.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P03-ibm03v04.xml" ENTITIES="general" SECTIONS="2.11"
OUTPUT="valid/P03/out/ibm03v04.xml" >
The single character sequence #x85 in an external entity must be normalized to a
single newline.
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P03/ibm03v05.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P03-ibm03v05.xml" ENTITIES="none" SECTIONS="2.11"
OUTPUT="valid/P03/out/ibm03v05.xml" >
The two character sequence #x0D #x85 in a document entity must be normalized to a
single newline.
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P03/ibm03v06.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P03-ibm03v06.xml" ENTITIES="none" SECTIONS="2.11"
OUTPUT="valid/P03/out/ibm03v06.xml" >
The single character sequence #x85 in a document entity must be normalized to a
single newline.
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P03/ibm03v07.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P03-ibm03v07.xml" ENTITIES="none" SECTIONS="2.11"
OUTPUT="valid/P03/out/ibm03v07.xml" >
The single character sequence #x2028 in a document entity must be normalized to a
single newline.
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P03/ibm03v08.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P03-ibm03v08.xml" ENTITIES="none" SECTIONS="2.11"
OUTPUT="valid/P03/out/ibm03v08.xml" >
The single character sequence #x85 in the XMLDecl must be normalized to a
single newline.
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P03/ibm03v09.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P03-ibm03v09.xml" ENTITIES="general" SECTIONS="2.11"
OUTPUT="valid/P03/out/ibm03v09.xml" >
The single character sequence #x2028 in the XMLDecl must be normalized to a
single newline. (This test is questionable)
<TESTCASES PROFILE="IBM XML Conformance Test Suite - Production 4">
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P04/ibm04v01.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P04-ibm04v01.xml" ENTITIES="none" SECTIONS="2.3" NAMESPACE="no">
This test case covers legal NameStartChars character ranges plus discrete legal
characters for production 04.
<TESTCASES PROFILE="IBM XML Conformance Test Suite - Production 4a">
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P04a/ibm04av01.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P04-ibm04av01.xml" ENTITIES="none" SECTIONS="2.3" >
This test case covers legal NameChars character ranges plus discrete legal
characters for production 04a.
<TESTCASES PROFILE="IBM XML Conformance Test Suite - Production 5">
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P05/ibm05v01.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P05-ibm05v01.xml" ENTITIES="none" SECTIONS="2.3" NAMESPACE="no">
This test case covers legal Element Names as per production 5.
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P05/ibm05v02.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P05-ibm05v02.xml" ENTITIES="none" SECTIONS="2.3" NAMESPACE="no">
This test case covers legal PITarget (Names) as per production 5.
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P05/ibm05v03.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P05-ibm05v03.xml" ENTITIES="none" SECTIONS="2.3" NAMESPACE="no">
This test case covers legal Attribute (Names) as per production 5.
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P05/ibm05v04.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P05-ibm05v04.xml" ENTITIES="none" SECTIONS="2.3" >
This test case covers legal ID/IDREF (Names) as per production 5.
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P05/ibm05v05.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P05-ibm05v05.xml" ENTITIES="none" SECTIONS="2.3" NAMESPACE="no">
This test case covers legal ENTITY (Names) as per production 5.
<TESTCASES PROFILE="IBM XML Conformance Test Suite - Production 7">
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P07/ibm07v01.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P047-ibm07v01.xml" ENTITIES="none" SECTIONS="2.3" >
This test case covers legal NMTOKEN Name character ranges plus discrete legal
characters for production 7.
<TESTCASES PROFILE="IBM XML Conformance Test Suite - Production 77">
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P77/ibm77v01.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P77-ibm77v01.xml" ENTITIES="general" SECTIONS="4.3.4" >
The VersionNum of the document entity is 1.1 whereas the VersionNum of the external
DTD is 1.0. The character #xC0 which is a valid XML 1.1 but an invalid XML 1.0
character is present in both documents.
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P77/ibm77v02.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P77-ibm77v02.xml" ENTITIES="general" SECTIONS="4.3.4" >
The VersionNum of the document entity is 1.1 whereas the VersionNum of the external
DTD is 1.0. The character #x1FFF which is a valid XML 1.1 but an invalid XML 1.0
character is present in both documents.
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P77/ibm77v03.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P77-ibm77v03.xml" ENTITIES="general" SECTIONS="4.3.4" >
The VersionNum of the document entity is 1.1 whereas the VersionNum of the external
DTD is 1.0. The character #xF901 which is a valid XML 1.1 but an invalid XML 1.0
character is present in both documents.
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P77/ibm77v04.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P77-ibm77v04.xml" ENTITIES="general" SECTIONS="4.3.4" >
The VersionNum of the document entity is 1.1 whereas the VersionNum of the external
entity is 1.0. The character #xD6 which is a valid XML 1.1 but an invalid XML 1.0
character is present in both documents.
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P77/ibm77v05.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P77-ibm77v05.xml" ENTITIES="general" SECTIONS="4.3.4" >
The VersionNum of the document entity is 1.1 whereas the VersionNum of the external
entity is 1.0. The character #x1FFF which is a valid XML 1.1 but an invalid XML 1.0
character is present in both documents.
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P77/ibm77v06.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P77-ibm77v06.xml" ENTITIES="general" SECTIONS="4.3.4" >
The VersionNum of the document entity is 1.1 whereas the VersionNum of the external
entity is 1.0. The character #xF901 which is a valid XML 1.1 but an invalid XML 1.0
character is present in both documents.
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P77/ibm77v07.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P77-ibm77v07.xml" ENTITIES="none" SECTIONS="4.3.4" >
The VersionNum of the document and external dtd is 1.1 and both contain the
valid XML1.1 but invalid XML1.0 character #xD8.
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P77/ibm77v08.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P77-ibm77v08.xml" ENTITIES="none" SECTIONS="4.3.4" >
The VersionNum of the document and external dtd is 1.1 and both contain the
valid XML1.1 but invalid XML1.0 character #x1FFF.
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P77/ibm77v09.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P77-ibm77v09.xml" ENTITIES="none" SECTIONS="4.3.4" >
The VersionNum of the document and external dtd is 1.1 and both contain the
valid XML1.1 but invalid XML1.0 character #xF901.
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P77/ibm77v10.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P77-ibm77v10.xml" ENTITIES="general" SECTIONS="4.3.4" >
The VersionNum of the document and external entity is 1.1 and both contain the
valid XML1.1 but invalid XML1.0 character #xF6.
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P77/ibm77v11.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P77-ibm77v11.xml" ENTITIES="general" SECTIONS="4.3.4" >
The VersionNum of the document and external entity is 1.1 and both contain the
valid XML1.1 but invalid XML1.0 character #x1FFF.
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P77/ibm77v12.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P77-ibm77v12.xml" ENTITIES="general" SECTIONS="4.3.4" >
The VersionNum of the document and external entity is 1.1 and both contain the
valid XML1.1 but invalid XML1.0 character #xF901.
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P77/ibm77v13.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P77-ibm77v13.xml" ENTITIES="none" SECTIONS="4.3.4" >
The VersionNum of the document entity is 1.1 but the external dtd does not
contain a textDecl and both contain the valid XML1.1 but invalid XML1.0 character
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P77/ibm77v14.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P77-ibm77v14.xml" ENTITIES="none" SECTIONS="4.3.4" >
The VersionNum of the document entity is 1.1 but the external dtd does not
contain a textDecl and both contain the valid XML1.1 but invalid XML1.0 character
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P77/ibm77v15.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P77-ibm77v15.xml" ENTITIES="none" SECTIONS="4.3.4" >
The VersionNum of the document entity is 1.1 but the external dtd does not
contain a textDecl and both contain the valid XML1.1 but invalid XML1.0 character
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P77/ibm77v16.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P77-ibm77v16.xml" ENTITIES="general" SECTIONS="4.3.4" >
The VersionNum of the document entity is 1.1 but the external entity does not
contain a textDecl and both contain the valid XML1.1 but invalid XML1.0 character
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P77/ibm77v17.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P77-ibm77v17.xml" ENTITIES="general" SECTIONS="4.3.4" >
The VersionNum of the document entity is 1.1 but the external entity does not
contain a textDecl and both contain the valid XML1.1 but invalid XML1.0 character
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P77/ibm77v18.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P77-ibm77v18.xml" ENTITIES="general" SECTIONS="4.3.4" >
The VersionNum of the document entity is 1.1 but the external entity does not
contain a textDecl and both contain the valid XML1.1 but invalid XML1.0 character
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P77/ibm77v19.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P77-ibm77v19.xml" ENTITIES="general" SECTIONS="4.3.4" >
The VersionNum of the document and external dtd is 1.1. The replacement
text of an entity declared in the external DTD contains a reference to the
character #x7F. This entity is not referenced in the document entity.
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P77/ibm77v20.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P77-ibm77v20.xml" ENTITIES="general" SECTIONS="4.3.4" >
The VersionNum of the document and external dtd is 1.1. The replacement
text of an entity declared in the external DTD contains a reference to the
character #x80. This entity is not referenced in the document entity.
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P77/ibm77v21.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P77-ibm77v21.xml" ENTITIES="general" SECTIONS="4.3.4" >
The VersionNum of the document and external dtd is 1.1. The replacement
text of an entity declared in the external DTD contains a reference to the
character #x9F. This entity is not referenced in the document entity.
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P77/ibm77v22.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P77-ibm77v22.xml" ENTITIES="general" SECTIONS="4.3.4" >
The VersionNum of the document and the external entity is 1.1. The entity contains
a reference to the character #x7F.
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P77/ibm77v23.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P77-ibm77v23.xml" ENTITIES="general" SECTIONS="4.3.4" >
The VersionNum of the document and the external entity is 1.1. The entity contains
a reference to the character #x80.
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P77/ibm77v24.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P77-ibm77v24.xml" ENTITIES="general" SECTIONS="4.3.4" >
The VersionNum of the document and the external entity is 1.1. The entity contains
a reference to the character #x9F.
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P77/ibm77v25.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P77-ibm77v25.xml" ENTITIES="general" SECTIONS="4.3.4" >
The VersionNum of the document is 1.1 and the textDecl is missing in the external
DTD. The replacement text of an entity declared in the external DTD contains a
reference to the character #x7F, #x8F. This entity is not referenced in the
document entity.
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P77/ibm77v26.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P77-ibm77v26.xml" ENTITIES="general" SECTIONS="4.3.4" >
The VersionNum of the document is 1.1 and the textDecl is missing in the external
DTD. The replacement text of an entity declared in the external DTD contains a
reference to the character #x80, #x90. This entity is not referenced in the
document entity.
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P77/ibm77v27.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P77-ibm77v27.xml" ENTITIES="general" SECTIONS="4.3.4" >
The VersionNum of the document is 1.1 and the textDecl is missing in the external
DTD. The replacement text of an entity declared in the external DTD contains a
reference to the character #x81, #x9F. This entity is not referenced in the
document entity.
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P77/ibm77v28.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P77-ibm77v28.xml" ENTITIES="general" SECTIONS="4.3.4" >
The VersionNum of the document is 1.1 and the textDecl is missing in the external
entity. The replacement text of an entity declared in the external DTD contains a
reference to the character #x7F, #x80, #x9F.
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P77/ibm77v29.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P77-ibm77v29.xml" ENTITIES="general" SECTIONS="4.3.4" >
The VersionNum of the document is 1.1 and the textDecl is missing in the external
entity. The replacement text of an entity declared in the external DTD contains a
reference to the character #x85, #x8F.
<TEST VERSION="1.1" RECOMMENDATION="XML1.1" URI="valid/P77/ibm77v30.xml"
TYPE="valid" ID="ibm-1-1-valid-P77-ibm77v30.xml" ENTITIES="general" SECTIONS="4.3.4" >
The VersionNum of the document is 1.1 and the textDecl is missing in the external
entity. The replacement text of an entity declared in the external DTD contains a
reference to the character #x1, #x7F.