Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/fernan/nhc98/src/libraries/Makefile.cabal

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# This Makefile.common is used only in an nhc98 build of the libraries.
# It is included from each package's individual Makefile.nhc98.
# Most of the necessary information is extracted from the .cabal file.
# However we assume the following definitions might be added in
# the importing Makefile.
# EXTRA_H_FLAGS = e.g. -prelude
# EXTRA_C_FLAGS = e.g. -I../Binary
include ../

CABALFILE  = $(shell ls *.cabal | head -n 1 )
READ       = $(LOCAL)cabal-parse $(CABALFILE) -quiet
MAP        = $(LOCAL)map

THISPKG    = $(shell $(READ) name | cut -c2- )
VERSION    = $(shell $(READ) version)
LOCATION   = $(shell $(READ) hs-source-dir)
SEARCH     = $(shell $(READ) build-depends  | $(MAP) "echo -package" ) \
             $(shell $(READ) include-dirs   | $(MAP) "echo -i" | cut -c1,2,4-) \
             $(shell $(READ) hs-source-dirs | $(MAP) "echo -I" | cut -c1,2,4-)
CINCLUDES  = $(shell $(READ) include-dirs   | $(MAP) "echo -I" | cut -c1,2,4-)
SRCS       = $(shell $(READ) -slash exposed-modules)
EXTRA_SRCS = $(shell $(READ) -slash other-modules)
SRCS_C     = $(shell $(READ) c-sources)
DIRS       = $(shell $(READ) -slash exposed-modules other-modules \
                     | $(MAP) dirname | sort | uniq )
CDIRS      = $(shell $(READ) c-sources | $(MAP) dirname | sort | uniq )
EXTRA_C_FLAGS = $(shell $(READ) cc-options)
EXTRA_H_FLAGS = $(shell $(READ) nhc98-options)

# ----
OBJDIR   = ${BUILDDIR}/${OBJ}/libraries/${THISPKG}
OBJDIRS  = $(patsubst %, ${OBJDIR}/%, ${DIRS} ${CDIRS})
INCDIRS  = ${INCDIR}/packages/${THISPKG} \
	   $(patsubst %, ${INCDIR}/packages/${THISPKG}/%, ${DIRS})
# ----
.SUFFIXES: # to remove builtin rules
.SUFFIXES: .hi .hs .lhs .o .gc .hc .hsc
#.SUFFIXES: .hi .hs .lhs .o .gc .c .hc .p.o .p.c .z.o .z.c .hsc

OBJS_HASK= $(patsubst %,   $(OBJDIR)/%.$O, ${SRCS})
OBJS_C   = $(patsubst %.c, ${OBJDIR}/%.$O, ${SRCS_C})

CFILES_GEN  = $(patsubst %, %.$C, ${SRCS})

ifeq "p" "${PROFILING}"
HC += -p
ifeq "z" "${TPROF}"
HC += -z

#	@echo name: $(THISPKG)
#	@echo version: $(VERSION)
#	@echo search: $(SEARCH)
#	@echo srcs: $(SRCS)
#	@echo extra_srcs: $(EXTRA_SRCS)
#	@echo srcs_c: $(SRCS_C)
#	@echo dirs: $(DIRS)
all: ${OBJDIR} ${OBJDIRS} ${INCDIRS} extra ${OBJS} ${FINALLIB} cabalfile
cfiles: extracfiles generatedCfiles #${CFILES_GEN}
fromC: ${OBJDIR} ${OBJDIRS} ${OBJS_C} cabalfile
	[ -d "$(LOCATION)" ] && cd $(LOCATION); \
	echo $(OBJS) | xargs ar cr ${FINALLIB}
	mkdir -p $@
	echo $(OBJS) | xargs ar cr $@
	cp $(CABALFILE) $(INCDIR)/packages/$(THISPKG).cabal
	-rm -f $(patsubst %, %/*.hi, ${DIRS})
cleanC: cleanExtraC
	-rm -f ${CFILES_GEN} ${CFILES_XS}
clean:	cleanhi cleanC
	-rm -f $(patsubst %, ${OBJDIR}/%/*.$O, ${DIRS})

# general build rules for making objects from Haskell files
	[ -d "$(LOCATION)" ] && cd $(LOCATION); \
	for src in $(SRCS); \
	do $(LOCAL)hmake -hc=$(HC) -hidir $(INCDIR)/packages/$(THISPKG) \
		$(filter -D%, $(EXTRA_C_FLAGS)) \
		$(SEARCH) $(EXTRA_H_FLAGS) -d$(OBJDIR) $$src.hs; \

# general build rule for making objects from C files
${OBJS_C}: ${OBJDIR}/%.$O : %.c
		$(shell echo ${COPTS}) $(EXTRA_C_FLAGS) -o $@ $<

# general build rules for making bootstrap C files from Haskell files
generatedCfiles: # $(SRCS) $(EXTRA_SRCS)
	[ -d "$(LOCATION)" ] && cd $(LOCATION); \
	for src in $(SRCS); \
	do $(LOCAL)hmake -hc=$(HC) -C -hidir $(INCDIR)/packages/$(THISPKG) \
		$(filter -D%, $(EXTRA_C_FLAGS)) \
		$(SEARCH) $(EXTRA_H_FLAGS) $$src.hs; \
	touch generatedCfiles

# hack to get round mutual recursion between libraries
HIFILES = $(patsubst %.hs,../${THISLIB}/%.${HISUFFIX},$(filter %.hs, ${SRCS}))
${HIFILES}: ../${THISLIB}/%.${HISUFFIX} : %.hs
	$(HC) -c $(PART_FLAGS) -o /dev/null $<

# The importing Makefile may now define extra individual dependencies
#    e.g.
# ${OBJDIR}/Function.$O: Function.hs ${OBJDIR}/Other.$O
# and C-files dependencies likewise
#    e.g.
# AlignBin.c:    BinHandle.c

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