Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/fernan/nhc98/src/libraries/base/GHC/TopHandler.lhs

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-- |
-- Module      :  GHC.TopHandler
-- Copyright   :  (c) The University of Glasgow, 2001-2002
-- License     :  see libraries/base/LICENSE
-- Maintainer  :
-- Stability   :  internal
-- Portability :  non-portable (GHC Extensions)
-- Support for catching exceptions raised during top-level computations
-- (e.g. @Main.main@, 'Control.Concurrent.forkIO', and foreign exports)

-- #hide
module GHC.TopHandler (
   runMainIO, runIO, runIOFastExit, runNonIO, reportStackOverflow, reportError
  ) where

import Prelude

import System.IO
import Control.Exception

import Foreign.C	( CInt )
import GHC.IOBase
import GHC.Exception
import GHC.Prim (unsafeCoerce#)

-- | 'runMainIO' is wrapped around 'Main.main' (or whatever main is
-- called in the program).  It catches otherwise uncaught exceptions,
-- and also flushes stdout\/stderr before exiting.
runMainIO :: IO a -> IO a
runMainIO main = (do a <- main; cleanUp; return a) `catchException` topHandler

-- | 'runIO' is wrapped around every @foreign export@ and @foreign
-- import \"wrapper\"@ to mop up any uncaught exceptions.  Thus, the
-- result of running 'System.Exit.exitWith' in a foreign-exported
-- function is the same as in the main thread: it terminates the
-- program.
runIO :: IO a -> IO a
runIO main = catchException main topHandler

-- | Like 'runIO', but in the event of an exception that causes an exit,
-- we don't shut down the system cleanly, we just exit.  This is
-- useful in some cases, because the safe exit version will give other
-- threads a chance to clean up first, which might shut down the
-- system in a different way.  For example, try 
--   main = forkIO (runIO (exitWith (ExitFailure 1))) >> threadDelay 10000
-- This will sometimes exit with "interrupted" and code 0, because the
-- main thread is given a chance to shut down when the child thread calls
-- safeExit.  There is a race to shut down between the main and child threads.
runIOFastExit :: IO a -> IO a
runIOFastExit main = catchException main topHandlerFastExit
	-- NB. this is used by the testsuite driver

-- | The same as 'runIO', but for non-IO computations.  Used for
-- wrapping @foreign export@ and @foreign import \"wrapper\"@ when these
-- are used to export Haskell functions with non-IO types.
runNonIO :: a -> IO a
runNonIO a = catchException (a `seq` return a) topHandler

topHandler :: Exception -> IO a
topHandler err = catchException (real_handler safeExit err) topHandler

topHandlerFastExit :: Exception -> IO a
topHandlerFastExit err = 
  catchException (real_handler fastExit err) topHandlerFastExit

-- Make sure we handle errors while reporting the error!
-- (e.g. evaluating the string passed to 'error' might generate
--  another error, etc.)
real_handler :: (Int -> IO a) -> Exception -> IO a
real_handler exit exn =
  cleanUp >>
  case exn of
	AsyncException StackOverflow -> do
	   exit 2

	-- only the main thread gets ExitException exceptions
	ExitException ExitSuccess     -> exit 0
	ExitException (ExitFailure n) -> exit n

	other -> do
	   reportError other
	   exit 1

reportStackOverflow :: IO a
reportStackOverflow = do callStackOverflowHook; return undefined

reportError :: Exception -> IO a
reportError ex = do
   handler <- getUncaughtExceptionHandler
   handler ex
   return undefined

-- SUP: Are the hooks allowed to re-enter Haskell land?  If so, remove
-- the unsafe below.
foreign import ccall unsafe "stackOverflow"
	callStackOverflowHook :: IO ()

-- try to flush stdout/stderr, but don't worry if we fail
-- (these handles might have errors, and we don't want to go into
-- an infinite loop).
cleanUp :: IO ()
cleanUp = do
  hFlush stdout `catchException` \_ -> return ()
  hFlush stderr `catchException` \_ -> return ()

cleanUpAndExit :: Int -> IO a
cleanUpAndExit r = do cleanUp; safeExit r

-- we have to use unsafeCoerce# to get the 'IO a' result type, since the
-- compiler doesn't let us declare that as the result type of a foreign export.
safeExit :: Int -> IO a
safeExit r = unsafeCoerce# (shutdownHaskellAndExit $ fromIntegral r)

-- NOTE: shutdownHaskellAndExit must be called "safe", because it *can*
-- re-enter Haskell land through finalizers.
foreign import ccall "Rts.h shutdownHaskellAndExit"
  shutdownHaskellAndExit :: CInt -> IO ()

fastExit :: Int -> IO a
fastExit r = unsafeCoerce# (stg_exit (fromIntegral r))

foreign import ccall "Rts.h stg_exit"
  stg_exit :: CInt -> IO ()

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