Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/fernan/nhc98/src/libraries/base/GHC/Word.hs

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{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-implicit-prelude #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  GHC.Word
-- Copyright   :  (c) The University of Glasgow, 1997-2002
-- License     :  see libraries/base/LICENSE
-- Maintainer  :
-- Stability   :  internal
-- Portability :  non-portable (GHC Extensions)
-- Sized unsigned integral types: 'Word', 'Word8', 'Word16', 'Word32', and
-- 'Word64'.

#include "MachDeps.h"

-- #hide
module GHC.Word (
    Word(..), Word8(..), Word16(..), Word32(..), Word64(..),
    toEnumError, fromEnumError, succError, predError)

import Data.Bits

import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Err
import GHC.Base
import GHC.Enum
import GHC.Num
import GHC.Real
import GHC.Read
import GHC.Arr
import GHC.Show

-- Helper functions

{-# NOINLINE toEnumError #-}
toEnumError :: (Show a) => String -> Int -> (a,a) -> b
toEnumError inst_ty i bnds =
    error $ "Enum.toEnum{" ++ inst_ty ++ "}: tag (" ++
            show i ++
            ") is outside of bounds " ++
            show bnds

{-# NOINLINE fromEnumError #-}
fromEnumError :: (Show a) => String -> a -> b
fromEnumError inst_ty x =
    error $ "Enum.fromEnum{" ++ inst_ty ++ "}: value (" ++
            show x ++
            ") is outside of Int's bounds " ++
            show (minBound::Int, maxBound::Int)

{-# NOINLINE succError #-}
succError :: String -> a
succError inst_ty =
    error $ "Enum.succ{" ++ inst_ty ++ "}: tried to take `succ' of maxBound"

{-# NOINLINE predError #-}
predError :: String -> a
predError inst_ty =
    error $ "Enum.pred{" ++ inst_ty ++ "}: tried to take `pred' of minBound"

-- type Word

-- |A 'Word' is an unsigned integral type, with the same size as 'Int'.
data Word = W# Word# deriving (Eq, Ord)

instance Show Word where
    showsPrec p x = showsPrec p (toInteger x)

instance Num Word where
    (W# x#) + (W# y#)      = W# (x# `plusWord#` y#)
    (W# x#) - (W# y#)      = W# (x# `minusWord#` y#)
    (W# x#) * (W# y#)      = W# (x# `timesWord#` y#)
    negate (W# x#)         = W# (int2Word# (negateInt# (word2Int# x#)))
    abs x                  = x
    signum 0               = 0
    signum _               = 1
    fromInteger (S# i#)    = W# (int2Word# i#)
    fromInteger (J# s# d#) = W# (integer2Word# s# d#)

instance Real Word where
    toRational x = toInteger x % 1

instance Enum Word where
    succ x
        | x /= maxBound = x + 1
        | otherwise     = succError "Word"
    pred x
        | x /= minBound = x - 1
        | otherwise     = predError "Word"
    toEnum i@(I# i#)
        | i >= 0        = W# (int2Word# i#)
        | otherwise     = toEnumError "Word" i (minBound::Word, maxBound::Word)
    fromEnum x@(W# x#)
        | x <= fromIntegral (maxBound::Int)
                        = I# (word2Int# x#)
        | otherwise     = fromEnumError "Word" x
    enumFrom            = integralEnumFrom
    enumFromThen        = integralEnumFromThen
    enumFromTo          = integralEnumFromTo
    enumFromThenTo      = integralEnumFromThenTo

instance Integral Word where
    quot    x@(W# x#) y@(W# y#)
        | y /= 0                = W# (x# `quotWord#` y#)
        | otherwise             = divZeroError
    rem     x@(W# x#) y@(W# y#)
        | y /= 0                = W# (x# `remWord#` y#)
        | otherwise             = divZeroError
    div     x@(W# x#) y@(W# y#)
        | y /= 0                = W# (x# `quotWord#` y#)
        | otherwise             = divZeroError
    mod     x@(W# x#) y@(W# y#)
        | y /= 0                = W# (x# `remWord#` y#)
        | otherwise             = divZeroError
    quotRem x@(W# x#) y@(W# y#)
        | y /= 0                = (W# (x# `quotWord#` y#), W# (x# `remWord#` y#))
        | otherwise             = divZeroError
    divMod  x@(W# x#) y@(W# y#)
        | y /= 0                = (W# (x# `quotWord#` y#), W# (x# `remWord#` y#))
        | otherwise             = divZeroError
    toInteger (W# x#)
        | i# >=# 0#             = S# i#
        | otherwise             = case word2Integer# x# of (# s, d #) -> J# s d
        i# = word2Int# x#

instance Bounded Word where
    minBound = 0

    -- use unboxed literals for maxBound, because GHC doesn't optimise
    -- (fromInteger 0xffffffff :: Word).
    maxBound = W# (int2Word# 0x7FFFFFFF#)
#elif WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS == 32
    maxBound = W# (int2Word# 0xFFFFFFFF#)
    maxBound = W# (int2Word# 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF#)

instance Ix Word where
    range (m,n)              = [m..n]
    unsafeIndex b@(m,_) i    = fromIntegral (i - m)
    inRange (m,n) i          = m <= i && i <= n

instance Read Word where
    readsPrec p s = [(fromInteger x, r) | (x, r) <- readsPrec p s]

instance Bits Word where
    {-# INLINE shift #-}

    (W# x#) .&.   (W# y#)    = W# (x# `and#` y#)
    (W# x#) .|.   (W# y#)    = W# (x# `or#`  y#)
    (W# x#) `xor` (W# y#)    = W# (x# `xor#` y#)
    complement (W# x#)       = W# (x# `xor#` mb#) where W# mb# = maxBound
    (W# x#) `shift` (I# i#)
        | i# >=# 0#          = W# (x# `shiftL#` i#)
        | otherwise          = W# (x# `shiftRL#` negateInt# i#)
    (W# x#) `rotate` (I# i#)
        | i'# ==# 0# = W# x#
        | otherwise  = W# ((x# `uncheckedShiftL#` i'#) `or#` (x# `uncheckedShiftRL#` (wsib -# i'#)))
        i'# = word2Int# (int2Word# i# `and#` int2Word# (wsib -# 1#))
	wsib = WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS#  {- work around preprocessor problem (??) -}
    bitSize  _               = WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS
    isSigned _               = False

"fromIntegral/Int->Word"  fromIntegral = \(I# x#) -> W# (int2Word# x#)
"fromIntegral/Word->Int"  fromIntegral = \(W# x#) -> I# (word2Int# x#)
"fromIntegral/Word->Word" fromIntegral = id :: Word -> Word

-- type Word8

-- Word8 is represented in the same way as Word. Operations may assume
-- and must ensure that it holds only values from its logical range.

data Word8 = W8# Word# deriving (Eq, Ord)
-- ^ 8-bit unsigned integer type

instance Show Word8 where
    showsPrec p x = showsPrec p (fromIntegral x :: Int)

instance Num Word8 where
    (W8# x#) + (W8# y#)    = W8# (narrow8Word# (x# `plusWord#` y#))
    (W8# x#) - (W8# y#)    = W8# (narrow8Word# (x# `minusWord#` y#))
    (W8# x#) * (W8# y#)    = W8# (narrow8Word# (x# `timesWord#` y#))
    negate (W8# x#)        = W8# (narrow8Word# (int2Word# (negateInt# (word2Int# x#))))
    abs x                  = x
    signum 0               = 0
    signum _               = 1
    fromInteger (S# i#)    = W8# (narrow8Word# (int2Word# i#))
    fromInteger (J# s# d#) = W8# (narrow8Word# (integer2Word# s# d#))

instance Real Word8 where
    toRational x = toInteger x % 1

instance Enum Word8 where
    succ x
        | x /= maxBound = x + 1
        | otherwise     = succError "Word8"
    pred x
        | x /= minBound = x - 1
        | otherwise     = predError "Word8"
    toEnum i@(I# i#)
        | i >= 0 && i <= fromIntegral (maxBound::Word8)
                        = W8# (int2Word# i#)
        | otherwise     = toEnumError "Word8" i (minBound::Word8, maxBound::Word8)
    fromEnum (W8# x#)   = I# (word2Int# x#)
    enumFrom            = boundedEnumFrom
    enumFromThen        = boundedEnumFromThen

instance Integral Word8 where
    quot    x@(W8# x#) y@(W8# y#)
        | y /= 0                  = W8# (x# `quotWord#` y#)
        | otherwise               = divZeroError
    rem     x@(W8# x#) y@(W8# y#)
        | y /= 0                  = W8# (x# `remWord#` y#)
        | otherwise               = divZeroError
    div     x@(W8# x#) y@(W8# y#)
        | y /= 0                  = W8# (x# `quotWord#` y#)
        | otherwise               = divZeroError
    mod     x@(W8# x#) y@(W8# y#)
        | y /= 0                  = W8# (x# `remWord#` y#)
        | otherwise               = divZeroError
    quotRem x@(W8# x#) y@(W8# y#)
        | y /= 0                  = (W8# (x# `quotWord#` y#), W8# (x# `remWord#` y#))
        | otherwise               = divZeroError
    divMod  x@(W8# x#) y@(W8# y#)
        | y /= 0                  = (W8# (x# `quotWord#` y#), W8# (x# `remWord#` y#))
        | otherwise               = divZeroError
    toInteger (W8# x#)            = S# (word2Int# x#)

instance Bounded Word8 where
    minBound = 0
    maxBound = 0xFF

instance Ix Word8 where
    range (m,n)              = [m..n]
    unsafeIndex b@(m,_) i    = fromIntegral (i - m)
    inRange (m,n) i          = m <= i && i <= n

instance Read Word8 where
    readsPrec p s = [(fromIntegral (x::Int), r) | (x, r) <- readsPrec p s]

instance Bits Word8 where
    {-# INLINE shift #-}

    (W8# x#) .&.   (W8# y#)   = W8# (x# `and#` y#)
    (W8# x#) .|.   (W8# y#)   = W8# (x# `or#`  y#)
    (W8# x#) `xor` (W8# y#)   = W8# (x# `xor#` y#)
    complement (W8# x#)       = W8# (x# `xor#` mb#) where W8# mb# = maxBound
    (W8# x#) `shift` (I# i#)
        | i# >=# 0#           = W8# (narrow8Word# (x# `shiftL#` i#))
        | otherwise           = W8# (x# `shiftRL#` negateInt# i#)
    (W8# x#) `rotate` (I# i#)
        | i'# ==# 0# = W8# x#
        | otherwise  = W8# (narrow8Word# ((x# `uncheckedShiftL#` i'#) `or#`
                                          (x# `uncheckedShiftRL#` (8# -# i'#))))
        i'# = word2Int# (int2Word# i# `and#` int2Word# 7#)
    bitSize  _                = 8
    isSigned _                = False

"fromIntegral/Word8->Word8"   fromIntegral = id :: Word8 -> Word8
"fromIntegral/Word8->Integer" fromIntegral = toInteger :: Word8 -> Integer
"fromIntegral/a->Word8"       fromIntegral = \x -> case fromIntegral x of W# x# -> W8# (narrow8Word# x#)
"fromIntegral/Word8->a"       fromIntegral = \(W8# x#) -> fromIntegral (W# x#)

-- type Word16

-- Word16 is represented in the same way as Word. Operations may assume
-- and must ensure that it holds only values from its logical range.

data Word16 = W16# Word# deriving (Eq, Ord)
-- ^ 16-bit unsigned integer type

instance Show Word16 where
    showsPrec p x = showsPrec p (fromIntegral x :: Int)

instance Num Word16 where
    (W16# x#) + (W16# y#)  = W16# (narrow16Word# (x# `plusWord#` y#))
    (W16# x#) - (W16# y#)  = W16# (narrow16Word# (x# `minusWord#` y#))
    (W16# x#) * (W16# y#)  = W16# (narrow16Word# (x# `timesWord#` y#))
    negate (W16# x#)       = W16# (narrow16Word# (int2Word# (negateInt# (word2Int# x#))))
    abs x                  = x
    signum 0               = 0
    signum _               = 1
    fromInteger (S# i#)    = W16# (narrow16Word# (int2Word# i#))
    fromInteger (J# s# d#) = W16# (narrow16Word# (integer2Word# s# d#))

instance Real Word16 where
    toRational x = toInteger x % 1

instance Enum Word16 where
    succ x
        | x /= maxBound = x + 1
        | otherwise     = succError "Word16"
    pred x
        | x /= minBound = x - 1
        | otherwise     = predError "Word16"
    toEnum i@(I# i#)
        | i >= 0 && i <= fromIntegral (maxBound::Word16)
                        = W16# (int2Word# i#)
        | otherwise     = toEnumError "Word16" i (minBound::Word16, maxBound::Word16)
    fromEnum (W16# x#)  = I# (word2Int# x#)
    enumFrom            = boundedEnumFrom
    enumFromThen        = boundedEnumFromThen

instance Integral Word16 where
    quot    x@(W16# x#) y@(W16# y#)
        | y /= 0                    = W16# (x# `quotWord#` y#)
        | otherwise                 = divZeroError
    rem     x@(W16# x#) y@(W16# y#)
        | y /= 0                    = W16# (x# `remWord#` y#)
        | otherwise                 = divZeroError
    div     x@(W16# x#) y@(W16# y#)
        | y /= 0                    = W16# (x# `quotWord#` y#)
        | otherwise                 = divZeroError
    mod     x@(W16# x#) y@(W16# y#)
        | y /= 0                    = W16# (x# `remWord#` y#)
        | otherwise                 = divZeroError
    quotRem x@(W16# x#) y@(W16# y#)
        | y /= 0                    = (W16# (x# `quotWord#` y#), W16# (x# `remWord#` y#))
        | otherwise                 = divZeroError
    divMod  x@(W16# x#) y@(W16# y#)
        | y /= 0                    = (W16# (x# `quotWord#` y#), W16# (x# `remWord#` y#))
        | otherwise                 = divZeroError
    toInteger (W16# x#)             = S# (word2Int# x#)

instance Bounded Word16 where
    minBound = 0
    maxBound = 0xFFFF

instance Ix Word16 where
    range (m,n)              = [m..n]
    unsafeIndex b@(m,_) i    = fromIntegral (i - m)
    inRange (m,n) i          = m <= i && i <= n

instance Read Word16 where
    readsPrec p s = [(fromIntegral (x::Int), r) | (x, r) <- readsPrec p s]

instance Bits Word16 where
    {-# INLINE shift #-}

    (W16# x#) .&.   (W16# y#)  = W16# (x# `and#` y#)
    (W16# x#) .|.   (W16# y#)  = W16# (x# `or#`  y#)
    (W16# x#) `xor` (W16# y#)  = W16# (x# `xor#` y#)
    complement (W16# x#)       = W16# (x# `xor#` mb#) where W16# mb# = maxBound
    (W16# x#) `shift` (I# i#)
        | i# >=# 0#            = W16# (narrow16Word# (x# `shiftL#` i#))
        | otherwise            = W16# (x# `shiftRL#` negateInt# i#)
    (W16# x#) `rotate` (I# i#)
        | i'# ==# 0# = W16# x#
        | otherwise  = W16# (narrow16Word# ((x# `uncheckedShiftL#` i'#) `or#`
                                            (x# `uncheckedShiftRL#` (16# -# i'#))))
        i'# = word2Int# (int2Word# i# `and#` int2Word# 15#)
    bitSize  _                = 16
    isSigned _                = False

"fromIntegral/Word8->Word16"   fromIntegral = \(W8# x#) -> W16# x#
"fromIntegral/Word16->Word16"  fromIntegral = id :: Word16 -> Word16
"fromIntegral/Word16->Integer" fromIntegral = toInteger :: Word16 -> Integer
"fromIntegral/a->Word16"       fromIntegral = \x -> case fromIntegral x of W# x# -> W16# (narrow16Word# x#)
"fromIntegral/Word16->a"       fromIntegral = \(W16# x#) -> fromIntegral (W# x#)

-- type Word32


data Word32 = W32# Word32#
-- ^ 32-bit unsigned integer type

instance Eq Word32 where
    (W32# x#) == (W32# y#) = x# `eqWord32#` y#
    (W32# x#) /= (W32# y#) = x# `neWord32#` y#

instance Ord Word32 where
    (W32# x#) <  (W32# y#) = x# `ltWord32#` y#
    (W32# x#) <= (W32# y#) = x# `leWord32#` y#
    (W32# x#) >  (W32# y#) = x# `gtWord32#` y#
    (W32# x#) >= (W32# y#) = x# `geWord32#` y#

instance Num Word32 where
    (W32# x#) + (W32# y#)  = W32# (int32ToWord32# (word32ToInt32# x# `plusInt32#` word32ToInt32# y#))
    (W32# x#) - (W32# y#)  = W32# (int32ToWord32# (word32ToInt32# x# `minusInt32#` word32ToInt32# y#))
    (W32# x#) * (W32# y#)  = W32# (int32ToWord32# (word32ToInt32# x# `timesInt32#` word32ToInt32# y#))
    negate (W32# x#)       = W32# (int32ToWord32# (negateInt32# (word32ToInt32# x#)))
    abs x                  = x
    signum 0               = 0
    signum _               = 1
    fromInteger (S# i#)    = W32# (int32ToWord32# (intToInt32# i#))
    fromInteger (J# s# d#) = W32# (integerToWord32# s# d#)

instance Enum Word32 where
    succ x
        | x /= maxBound = x + 1
        | otherwise     = succError "Word32"
    pred x
        | x /= minBound = x - 1
        | otherwise     = predError "Word32"
    toEnum i@(I# i#)
        | i >= 0        = W32# (wordToWord32# (int2Word# i#))
        | otherwise     = toEnumError "Word32" i (minBound::Word32, maxBound::Word32)
    fromEnum x@(W32# x#)
        | x <= fromIntegral (maxBound::Int)
                        = I# (word2Int# (word32ToWord# x#))
        | otherwise     = fromEnumError "Word32" x
    enumFrom            = integralEnumFrom
    enumFromThen        = integralEnumFromThen
    enumFromTo          = integralEnumFromTo
    enumFromThenTo      = integralEnumFromThenTo

instance Integral Word32 where
    quot    x@(W32# x#) y@(W32# y#)
        | y /= 0                    = W32# (x# `quotWord32#` y#)
        | otherwise                 = divZeroError
    rem     x@(W32# x#) y@(W32# y#)
        | y /= 0                    = W32# (x# `remWord32#` y#)
        | otherwise                 = divZeroError
    div     x@(W32# x#) y@(W32# y#)
        | y /= 0                    = W32# (x# `quotWord32#` y#)
        | otherwise                 = divZeroError
    mod     x@(W32# x#) y@(W32# y#)
        | y /= 0                    = W32# (x# `remWord32#` y#)
        | otherwise                 = divZeroError
    quotRem x@(W32# x#) y@(W32# y#)
        | y /= 0                    = (W32# (x# `quotWord32#` y#), W32# (x# `remWord32#` y#))
        | otherwise                 = divZeroError
    divMod  x@(W32# x#) y@(W32# y#)
        | y /= 0                    = (W32# (x# `quotWord32#` y#), W32# (x# `remWord32#` y#))
        | otherwise                 = divZeroError
    toInteger x@(W32# x#)
        | x <= fromIntegral (maxBound::Int)  = S# (word2Int# (word32ToWord# x#))
        | otherwise                 = case word32ToInteger# x# of (# s, d #) -> J# s d

instance Bits Word32 where
    {-# INLINE shift #-}

    (W32# x#) .&.   (W32# y#)  = W32# (x# `and32#` y#)
    (W32# x#) .|.   (W32# y#)  = W32# (x# `or32#`  y#)
    (W32# x#) `xor` (W32# y#)  = W32# (x# `xor32#` y#)
    complement (W32# x#)       = W32# (not32# x#)
    (W32# x#) `shift` (I# i#)
        | i# >=# 0#            = W32# (x# `shiftL32#` i#)
        | otherwise            = W32# (x# `shiftRL32#` negateInt# i#)
    (W32# x#) `rotate` (I# i#)
        | i'# ==# 0# = W32# x#
        | otherwise  = W32# ((x# `shiftL32#` i'#) `or32#`
                             (x# `shiftRL32#` (32# -# i'#)))
        i'# = word2Int# (int2Word# i# `and#` int2Word# 31#)
    bitSize  _                = 32
    isSigned _                = False

foreign import unsafe "stg_eqWord32"      eqWord32#      :: Word32# -> Word32# -> Bool
foreign import unsafe "stg_neWord32"      neWord32#      :: Word32# -> Word32# -> Bool
foreign import unsafe "stg_ltWord32"      ltWord32#      :: Word32# -> Word32# -> Bool
foreign import unsafe "stg_leWord32"      leWord32#      :: Word32# -> Word32# -> Bool
foreign import unsafe "stg_gtWord32"      gtWord32#      :: Word32# -> Word32# -> Bool
foreign import unsafe "stg_geWord32"      geWord32#      :: Word32# -> Word32# -> Bool
foreign import unsafe "stg_int32ToWord32" int32ToWord32# :: Int32# -> Word32#
foreign import unsafe "stg_word32ToInt32" word32ToInt32# :: Word32# -> Int32#
foreign import unsafe "stg_intToInt32"    intToInt32#    :: Int# -> Int32#
foreign import unsafe "stg_wordToWord32"  wordToWord32#  :: Word# -> Word32#
foreign import unsafe "stg_word32ToWord"  word32ToWord#  :: Word32# -> Word#
foreign import unsafe "stg_plusInt32"     plusInt32#     :: Int32# -> Int32# -> Int32#
foreign import unsafe "stg_minusInt32"    minusInt32#    :: Int32# -> Int32# -> Int32#
foreign import unsafe "stg_timesInt32"    timesInt32#    :: Int32# -> Int32# -> Int32#
foreign import unsafe "stg_negateInt32"   negateInt32#   :: Int32# -> Int32#
foreign import unsafe "stg_quotWord32"    quotWord32#    :: Word32# -> Word32# -> Word32#
foreign import unsafe "stg_remWord32"     remWord32#     :: Word32# -> Word32# -> Word32#
foreign import unsafe "stg_and32"         and32#         :: Word32# -> Word32# -> Word32#
foreign import unsafe "stg_or32"          or32#          :: Word32# -> Word32# -> Word32#
foreign import unsafe "stg_xor32"         xor32#         :: Word32# -> Word32# -> Word32#
foreign import unsafe "stg_not32"         not32#         :: Word32# -> Word32#
foreign import unsafe "stg_shiftL32"      shiftL32#      :: Word32# -> Int# -> Word32#
foreign import unsafe "stg_shiftRL32"     shiftRL32#     :: Word32# -> Int# -> Word32#

"fromIntegral/Int->Word32"    fromIntegral = \(I#   x#) -> W32# (int32ToWord32# (intToInt32# x#))
"fromIntegral/Word->Word32"   fromIntegral = \(W#   x#) -> W32# (wordToWord32# x#)
"fromIntegral/Word32->Int"    fromIntegral = \(W32# x#) -> I#   (word2Int# (word32ToWord# x#))
"fromIntegral/Word32->Word"   fromIntegral = \(W32# x#) -> W#   (word32ToWord# x#)
"fromIntegral/Word32->Word32" fromIntegral = id :: Word32 -> Word32


-- Word32 is represented in the same way as Word.
-- Operations may assume and must ensure that it holds only values
-- from its logical range.

data Word32 = W32# Word# deriving (Eq, Ord)
-- ^ 32-bit unsigned integer type

instance Num Word32 where
    (W32# x#) + (W32# y#)  = W32# (narrow32Word# (x# `plusWord#` y#))
    (W32# x#) - (W32# y#)  = W32# (narrow32Word# (x# `minusWord#` y#))
    (W32# x#) * (W32# y#)  = W32# (narrow32Word# (x# `timesWord#` y#))
    negate (W32# x#)       = W32# (narrow32Word# (int2Word# (negateInt# (word2Int# x#))))
    abs x                  = x
    signum 0               = 0
    signum _               = 1
    fromInteger (S# i#)    = W32# (narrow32Word# (int2Word# i#))
    fromInteger (J# s# d#) = W32# (narrow32Word# (integer2Word# s# d#))

instance Enum Word32 where
    succ x
        | x /= maxBound = x + 1
        | otherwise     = succError "Word32"
    pred x
        | x /= minBound = x - 1
        | otherwise     = predError "Word32"
    toEnum i@(I# i#)
        | i >= 0
          && i <= fromIntegral (maxBound::Word32)
                        = W32# (int2Word# i#)
        | otherwise     = toEnumError "Word32" i (minBound::Word32, maxBound::Word32)
    fromEnum x@(W32# x#)
        | x <= fromIntegral (maxBound::Int)
                        = I# (word2Int# x#)
        | otherwise     = fromEnumError "Word32" x
    enumFrom            = integralEnumFrom
    enumFromThen        = integralEnumFromThen
    enumFromTo          = integralEnumFromTo
    enumFromThenTo      = integralEnumFromThenTo
    fromEnum (W32# x#)  = I# (word2Int# x#)
    enumFrom            = boundedEnumFrom
    enumFromThen        = boundedEnumFromThen

instance Integral Word32 where
    quot    x@(W32# x#) y@(W32# y#)
        | y /= 0                    = W32# (x# `quotWord#` y#)
        | otherwise                 = divZeroError
    rem     x@(W32# x#) y@(W32# y#)
        | y /= 0                    = W32# (x# `remWord#` y#)
        | otherwise                 = divZeroError
    div     x@(W32# x#) y@(W32# y#)
        | y /= 0                    = W32# (x# `quotWord#` y#)
        | otherwise                 = divZeroError
    mod     x@(W32# x#) y@(W32# y#)
        | y /= 0                    = W32# (x# `remWord#` y#)
        | otherwise                 = divZeroError
    quotRem x@(W32# x#) y@(W32# y#)
        | y /= 0                    = (W32# (x# `quotWord#` y#), W32# (x# `remWord#` y#))
        | otherwise                 = divZeroError
    divMod  x@(W32# x#) y@(W32# y#)
        | y /= 0                    = (W32# (x# `quotWord#` y#), W32# (x# `remWord#` y#))
        | otherwise                 = divZeroError
    toInteger (W32# x#)
        | i# >=# 0#                 = S# i#
        | otherwise                 = case word2Integer# x# of (# s, d #) -> J# s d
        i# = word2Int# x#
                                    = S# (word2Int# x#)

instance Bits Word32 where
    {-# INLINE shift #-}

    (W32# x#) .&.   (W32# y#)  = W32# (x# `and#` y#)
    (W32# x#) .|.   (W32# y#)  = W32# (x# `or#`  y#)
    (W32# x#) `xor` (W32# y#)  = W32# (x# `xor#` y#)
    complement (W32# x#)       = W32# (x# `xor#` mb#) where W32# mb# = maxBound
    (W32# x#) `shift` (I# i#)
        | i# >=# 0#            = W32# (narrow32Word# (x# `shiftL#` i#))
        | otherwise            = W32# (x# `shiftRL#` negateInt# i#)
    (W32# x#) `rotate` (I# i#)
        | i'# ==# 0# = W32# x#
        | otherwise  = W32# (narrow32Word# ((x# `uncheckedShiftL#` i'#) `or#`
                                            (x# `uncheckedShiftRL#` (32# -# i'#))))
        i'# = word2Int# (int2Word# i# `and#` int2Word# 31#)
    bitSize  _                = 32
    isSigned _                = False

"fromIntegral/Word8->Word32"   fromIntegral = \(W8# x#) -> W32# x#
"fromIntegral/Word16->Word32"  fromIntegral = \(W16# x#) -> W32# x#
"fromIntegral/Word32->Word32"  fromIntegral = id :: Word32 -> Word32
"fromIntegral/Word32->Integer" fromIntegral = toInteger :: Word32 -> Integer
"fromIntegral/a->Word32"       fromIntegral = \x -> case fromIntegral x of W# x# -> W32# (narrow32Word# x#)
"fromIntegral/Word32->a"       fromIntegral = \(W32# x#) -> fromIntegral (W# x#)


instance Show Word32 where
    showsPrec p x = showsPrec p (toInteger x)
    showsPrec p x = showsPrec p (fromIntegral x :: Int)

instance Real Word32 where
    toRational x = toInteger x % 1

instance Bounded Word32 where
    minBound = 0
    maxBound = 0xFFFFFFFF

instance Ix Word32 where
    range (m,n)              = [m..n]
    unsafeIndex b@(m,_) i    = fromIntegral (i - m)
    inRange (m,n) i          = m <= i && i <= n

instance Read Word32 where  
    readsPrec p s = [(fromInteger x, r) | (x, r) <- readsPrec p s]
    readsPrec p s = [(fromIntegral (x::Int), r) | (x, r) <- readsPrec p s]

-- type Word64


data Word64 = W64# Word64#
-- ^ 64-bit unsigned integer type

instance Eq Word64 where
    (W64# x#) == (W64# y#) = x# `eqWord64#` y#
    (W64# x#) /= (W64# y#) = x# `neWord64#` y#

instance Ord Word64 where
    (W64# x#) <  (W64# y#) = x# `ltWord64#` y#
    (W64# x#) <= (W64# y#) = x# `leWord64#` y#
    (W64# x#) >  (W64# y#) = x# `gtWord64#` y#
    (W64# x#) >= (W64# y#) = x# `geWord64#` y#

instance Num Word64 where
    (W64# x#) + (W64# y#)  = W64# (int64ToWord64# (word64ToInt64# x# `plusInt64#` word64ToInt64# y#))
    (W64# x#) - (W64# y#)  = W64# (int64ToWord64# (word64ToInt64# x# `minusInt64#` word64ToInt64# y#))
    (W64# x#) * (W64# y#)  = W64# (int64ToWord64# (word64ToInt64# x# `timesInt64#` word64ToInt64# y#))
    negate (W64# x#)       = W64# (int64ToWord64# (negateInt64# (word64ToInt64# x#)))
    abs x                  = x
    signum 0               = 0
    signum _               = 1
    fromInteger (S# i#)    = W64# (int64ToWord64# (intToInt64# i#))
    fromInteger (J# s# d#) = W64# (integerToWord64# s# d#)

instance Enum Word64 where
    succ x
        | x /= maxBound = x + 1
        | otherwise     = succError "Word64"
    pred x
        | x /= minBound = x - 1
        | otherwise     = predError "Word64"
    toEnum i@(I# i#)
        | i >= 0        = W64# (wordToWord64# (int2Word# i#))
        | otherwise     = toEnumError "Word64" i (minBound::Word64, maxBound::Word64)
    fromEnum x@(W64# x#)
        | x <= fromIntegral (maxBound::Int)
                        = I# (word2Int# (word64ToWord# x#))
        | otherwise     = fromEnumError "Word64" x
    enumFrom            = integralEnumFrom
    enumFromThen        = integralEnumFromThen
    enumFromTo          = integralEnumFromTo
    enumFromThenTo      = integralEnumFromThenTo

instance Integral Word64 where
    quot    x@(W64# x#) y@(W64# y#)
        | y /= 0                    = W64# (x# `quotWord64#` y#)
        | otherwise                 = divZeroError
    rem     x@(W64# x#) y@(W64# y#)
        | y /= 0                    = W64# (x# `remWord64#` y#)
        | otherwise                 = divZeroError
    div     x@(W64# x#) y@(W64# y#)
        | y /= 0                    = W64# (x# `quotWord64#` y#)
        | otherwise                 = divZeroError
    mod     x@(W64# x#) y@(W64# y#)
        | y /= 0                    = W64# (x# `remWord64#` y#)
        | otherwise                 = divZeroError
    quotRem x@(W64# x#) y@(W64# y#)
        | y /= 0                    = (W64# (x# `quotWord64#` y#), W64# (x# `remWord64#` y#))
        | otherwise                 = divZeroError
    divMod  x@(W64# x#) y@(W64# y#)
        | y /= 0                    = (W64# (x# `quotWord64#` y#), W64# (x# `remWord64#` y#))
        | otherwise                 = divZeroError
    toInteger x@(W64# x#)
        | x <= 0x7FFFFFFF           = S# (word2Int# (word64ToWord# x#))
        | otherwise                 = case word64ToInteger# x# of (# s, d #) -> J# s d

instance Bits Word64 where
    {-# INLINE shift #-}

    (W64# x#) .&.   (W64# y#)  = W64# (x# `and64#` y#)
    (W64# x#) .|.   (W64# y#)  = W64# (x# `or64#`  y#)
    (W64# x#) `xor` (W64# y#)  = W64# (x# `xor64#` y#)
    complement (W64# x#)       = W64# (not64# x#)
    (W64# x#) `shift` (I# i#)
        | i# >=# 0#            = W64# (x# `shiftL64#` i#)
        | otherwise            = W64# (x# `shiftRL64#` negateInt# i#)
    (W64# x#) `rotate` (I# i#)
        | i'# ==# 0# = W64# x#
        | otherwise  = W64# ((x# `uncheckedShiftL64#` i'#) `or64#`
                             (x# `uncheckedShiftRL64#` (64# -# i'#)))
        i'# = word2Int# (int2Word# i# `and#` int2Word# 63#)
    bitSize  _                = 64
    isSigned _                = False

-- give the 64-bit shift operations the same treatment as the 32-bit
-- ones (see GHC.Base), namely we wrap them in tests to catch the
-- cases when we're shifting more than 64 bits to avoid unspecified
-- behaviour in the C shift operations.

shiftL64#, shiftRL64# :: Word64# -> Int# -> Word64#

a `shiftL64#` b  | b >=# 64#  = wordToWord64# (int2Word# 0#)
	         | otherwise  = a `uncheckedShiftL64#` b

a `shiftRL64#` b | b >=# 64#  = wordToWord64# (int2Word# 0#)
		 | otherwise  = a `uncheckedShiftRL64#` b

foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_eqWord64"      eqWord64#      :: Word64# -> Word64# -> Bool
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_neWord64"      neWord64#      :: Word64# -> Word64# -> Bool
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_ltWord64"      ltWord64#      :: Word64# -> Word64# -> Bool
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_leWord64"      leWord64#      :: Word64# -> Word64# -> Bool
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_gtWord64"      gtWord64#      :: Word64# -> Word64# -> Bool
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_geWord64"      geWord64#      :: Word64# -> Word64# -> Bool
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_int64ToWord64" int64ToWord64# :: Int64# -> Word64#
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_word64ToInt64" word64ToInt64# :: Word64# -> Int64#
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_intToInt64"    intToInt64#    :: Int# -> Int64#
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_wordToWord64"  wordToWord64#  :: Word# -> Word64#
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_word64ToWord"  word64ToWord#  :: Word64# -> Word#
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_plusInt64"     plusInt64#     :: Int64# -> Int64# -> Int64#
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_minusInt64"    minusInt64#    :: Int64# -> Int64# -> Int64#
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_timesInt64"    timesInt64#    :: Int64# -> Int64# -> Int64#
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_negateInt64"   negateInt64#   :: Int64# -> Int64#
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_quotWord64"    quotWord64#    :: Word64# -> Word64# -> Word64#
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_remWord64"     remWord64#     :: Word64# -> Word64# -> Word64#
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_and64"         and64#         :: Word64# -> Word64# -> Word64#
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_or64"          or64#          :: Word64# -> Word64# -> Word64#
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_xor64"         xor64#         :: Word64# -> Word64# -> Word64#
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_not64"         not64#         :: Word64# -> Word64#
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_uncheckedShiftL64"      uncheckedShiftL64#      :: Word64# -> Int# -> Word64#
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_uncheckedShiftRL64"     uncheckedShiftRL64#     :: Word64# -> Int# -> Word64#

foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_integerToWord64" integerToWord64# :: Int# -> ByteArray# -> Word64#

"fromIntegral/Int->Word64"    fromIntegral = \(I#   x#) -> W64# (int64ToWord64# (intToInt64# x#))
"fromIntegral/Word->Word64"   fromIntegral = \(W#   x#) -> W64# (wordToWord64# x#)
"fromIntegral/Word64->Int"    fromIntegral = \(W64# x#) -> I#   (word2Int# (word64ToWord# x#))
"fromIntegral/Word64->Word"   fromIntegral = \(W64# x#) -> W#   (word64ToWord# x#)
"fromIntegral/Word64->Word64" fromIntegral = id :: Word64 -> Word64


-- Word64 is represented in the same way as Word.
-- Operations may assume and must ensure that it holds only values
-- from its logical range.

data Word64 = W64# Word# deriving (Eq, Ord)
-- ^ 64-bit unsigned integer type

instance Num Word64 where
    (W64# x#) + (W64# y#)  = W64# (x# `plusWord#` y#)
    (W64# x#) - (W64# y#)  = W64# (x# `minusWord#` y#)
    (W64# x#) * (W64# y#)  = W64# (x# `timesWord#` y#)
    negate (W64# x#)       = W64# (int2Word# (negateInt# (word2Int# x#)))
    abs x                  = x
    signum 0               = 0
    signum _               = 1
    fromInteger (S# i#)    = W64# (int2Word# i#)
    fromInteger (J# s# d#) = W64# (integer2Word# s# d#)

instance Enum Word64 where
    succ x
        | x /= maxBound = x + 1
        | otherwise     = succError "Word64"
    pred x
        | x /= minBound = x - 1
        | otherwise     = predError "Word64"
    toEnum i@(I# i#)
        | i >= 0        = W64# (int2Word# i#)
        | otherwise     = toEnumError "Word64" i (minBound::Word64, maxBound::Word64)
    fromEnum x@(W64# x#)
        | x <= fromIntegral (maxBound::Int)
                        = I# (word2Int# x#)
        | otherwise     = fromEnumError "Word64" x
    enumFrom            = integralEnumFrom
    enumFromThen        = integralEnumFromThen
    enumFromTo          = integralEnumFromTo
    enumFromThenTo      = integralEnumFromThenTo

instance Integral Word64 where
    quot    x@(W64# x#) y@(W64# y#)
        | y /= 0                    = W64# (x# `quotWord#` y#)
        | otherwise                 = divZeroError
    rem     x@(W64# x#) y@(W64# y#)
        | y /= 0                    = W64# (x# `remWord#` y#)
        | otherwise                 = divZeroError
    div     x@(W64# x#) y@(W64# y#)
        | y /= 0                    = W64# (x# `quotWord#` y#)
        | otherwise                 = divZeroError
    mod     x@(W64# x#) y@(W64# y#)
        | y /= 0                    = W64# (x# `remWord#` y#)
        | otherwise                 = divZeroError
    quotRem x@(W64# x#) y@(W64# y#)
        | y /= 0                    = (W64# (x# `quotWord#` y#), W64# (x# `remWord#` y#))
        | otherwise                 = divZeroError
    divMod  x@(W64# x#) y@(W64# y#)
        | y /= 0                    = (W64# (x# `quotWord#` y#), W64# (x# `remWord#` y#))
        | otherwise                 = divZeroError
    toInteger (W64# x#)
        | i# >=# 0#                 = S# i#
        | otherwise                 = case word2Integer# x# of (# s, d #) -> J# s d
        i# = word2Int# x#

instance Bits Word64 where
    {-# INLINE shift #-}

    (W64# x#) .&.   (W64# y#)  = W64# (x# `and#` y#)
    (W64# x#) .|.   (W64# y#)  = W64# (x# `or#`  y#)
    (W64# x#) `xor` (W64# y#)  = W64# (x# `xor#` y#)
    complement (W64# x#)       = W64# (x# `xor#` mb#) where W64# mb# = maxBound
    (W64# x#) `shift` (I# i#)
        | i# >=# 0#            = W64# (x# `shiftL#` i#)
        | otherwise            = W64# (x# `shiftRL#` negateInt# i#)
    (W64# x#) `rotate` (I# i#)
        | i'# ==# 0# = W64# x#
        | otherwise  = W64# ((x# `uncheckedShiftL#` i'#) `or#`
                             (x# `uncheckedShiftRL#` (64# -# i'#)))
        i'# = word2Int# (int2Word# i# `and#` int2Word# 63#)
    bitSize  _                = 64
    isSigned _                = False

"fromIntegral/a->Word64" fromIntegral = \x -> case fromIntegral x of W# x# -> W64# x#
"fromIntegral/Word64->a" fromIntegral = \(W64# x#) -> fromIntegral (W# x#)


instance Show Word64 where
    showsPrec p x = showsPrec p (toInteger x)

instance Real Word64 where
    toRational x = toInteger x % 1

instance Bounded Word64 where
    minBound = 0

instance Ix Word64 where
    range (m,n)              = [m..n]
    unsafeIndex b@(m,_) i    = fromIntegral (i - m)
    inRange (m,n) i          = m <= i && i <= n

instance Read Word64 where
    readsPrec p s = [(fromInteger x, r) | (x, r) <- readsPrec p s]

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