Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/fernan/nhc98/src/libraries/base/Setup.hs

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We need to do some ugly hacks here as base mix of portable and
unportable stuff, as well as home to some GHC magic.

module Main (main) where

import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import Distribution.PackageDescription
import Distribution.Setup
import Distribution.Simple
import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
import Distribution.Simple.Utils
import System.Cmd
import System.FilePath
import System.Info

main :: IO ()
main = do let hooks = defaultUserHooks {
                  confHook = add_extra_deps
                           $ confHook defaultUserHooks,
                  buildHook = build_primitive_sources
                            $ filter_modules_hook
                            $ buildHook defaultUserHooks,
                  makefileHook = build_primitive_sources
                               $ filter_modules_hook
                               $ makefileHook defaultUserHooks,
                  regHook = add_extra_libs
                          $ regHook defaultUserHooks,
                  instHook = filter_modules_hook
                           $ instHook defaultUserHooks }
          defaultMainWithHooks hooks

type Hook a = PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> UserHooks -> a -> IO ()
type ConfHook = PackageDescription -> ConfigFlags -> IO LocalBuildInfo

-- type PDHook = PackageDescription -> ConfigFlags -> IO ()

build_primitive_sources :: Hook a -> Hook a
build_primitive_sources f pd lbi uhs x
 = do when (compilerFlavor (compiler lbi) == GHC) $ do
          let genprimopcode = joinPath ["..", "..", "utils",
                                        "genprimopcode", "genprimopcode"]
              primops = joinPath ["..", "..", "compiler", "prelude",
              primhs = joinPath ["GHC", "Prim.hs"]
              primopwrappers = joinPath ["GHC", "PrimopWrappers.hs"]
          maybeExit $ system (genprimopcode ++ " --make-haskell-source < "
                           ++ primops ++ " > " ++ primhs)
          maybeExit $ system (genprimopcode ++ " --make-haskell-wrappers < "
                           ++ primops ++ " > " ++ primopwrappers)
      f pd lbi uhs x

filter_modules_hook :: Hook a -> Hook a
filter_modules_hook f pd lbi uhs x
 = let build_filter = case compilerFlavor $ compiler lbi of
                          GHC -> forGHCBuild
                          _ -> isPortableBuild
       lib' = case library pd of
                  Just lib ->
                      let ems = filter build_filter (exposedModules lib)
                      in lib { exposedModules = ems }
                  Nothing -> error "Expected a library"
       pd' = pd { library = Just lib' }
   in f pd' lbi uhs x

isPortableBuild :: String -> Bool
isPortableBuild s
 | "GHC" `isPrefixOf` s = False
 | "Data.Generics" `isPrefixOf` s = False
 | otherwise = s `notElem` ["Foreign.Concurrent", "System.Timeout"]

forGHCBuild :: String -> Bool
forGHCBuild = ("GHC.Prim" /=)

add_extra_deps :: ConfHook -> ConfHook
add_extra_deps f pd cf
 = do lbi <- f pd cf
      case compilerFlavor (compiler lbi) of
          GHC ->
              do -- Euch. We should just add the right thing to the lbi
                 -- ourselves rather than rerunning configure.
                 let pd' = pd { buildDepends = Dependency "rts" AnyVersion
                                             : buildDepends pd }
                 f pd' cf
          _ ->
              return lbi

add_extra_libs :: Hook a -> Hook a
add_extra_libs f pd lbi uhs x
 = let pd' = if (os == "mingw32") && (compilerFlavor (compiler lbi) == GHC)
             then case library pd of
                  Just lib ->
                      let lib_bi = libBuildInfo lib
                          lib_bi' = lib_bi { extraLibs = "wsock32"
                                                       : "msvcrt"
                                                       : "kernel32"
                                                       : "user32"
                                                       : "shell32"
                                                       : extraLibs lib_bi }
                          lib' = lib { libBuildInfo = lib_bi' }
                      in pd { library = Just lib' }
                  Nothing -> error "Expected a library"
             else pd
   in f pd' lbi uhs x

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