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  polyparse: alternative parser combinator libraries

<body bgcolor='#ffffff'>

<table><tr><td width=200 align=center>
<a href="#what">What is polyparse?</a><br>
<a href="#how">How do I use it?</a><br>
<a href="#download">Downloads</a><br>
</td><td width=200 align=center>
<a href="#news">Recent news</a><br>
<a href="#who">Contacts</a><br>
<a href="#related">Related Work</a><br>

<center><h3><a name="what">What is polyparse?</a></h3></center>
<b>polyparse</b> is a collection of parser combinator libraries in
Haskell.  It is distributed as a package, but you are likely to use only
one of the included modules at any one time - they are generally
alternatives to each other, as well as an alternative to other
widely-used parser libraries available elsewhere.

<li> <b>Text.ParserCombinators.HuttonMeijer</b>  The most venerable of all
     monadic parser combinator libraries, this version dates from 1996.
     Originally distributed with Gofer, then Hugs, as ParseLib.  It uses
     the idea of "failure as a list of successes" to give multiple
     possible parses through backtracking.  (But in practice, almost
     nobody wants any parse except the first complete one.)
<li> <b>Text.ParserCombinators.HuttonMeijerWallace</b>  The
     Hutton/Meijer combinators, extended to take an arbitrary token type
     as input (not just characters), plus a running state (e.g. to
     collect a symbol table, or macros), plus some facilities for
     simple error-reporting.
<li> <b>Text.ParserCombinators.Poly</b>
     The name Poly comes from the arbitrary token type.  Thus, you can
     write your own lexer if you wish, rather than needing to encode
     lexical analysis within the parser itself.  This is a fresh
     set of combinators, improving on the HuttonMeijer variety by
     keeping only a single success, not a list of them.  This is
     more space-efficient, whilst still permitting backtracking.
     Error-handling is also much improved: there are essentially two
     kinds of failure, soft and hard.  Soft failure just means that the
     current parse did not work out, but another parse might be OK.
     Hard failure means that no parse will succeed, because we have
     already passed a point of commitment.  Thus you can give far more
     accurate error messages to the user, including multi-layered
<li> <b>Text.ParserCombinators.PolyState</b>  is just like Poly, except it
     adds an arbitrary running state parameter.
<li> <b>Text.ParserCombinators.PolyLazy</b>  is just like Poly, except it
     does not return explicit failures.  Instead, an exception is raised.
     Thus, it can return a partial parse result, before a full parse is
     complete.  The word partial indicates that, having committed to
     return some outer data constructor, we might later discover some
     parse error further inside, so the value will be partial, as in
     incomplete: containing bottom.  However, if you are confident that
     the input is error-free, then you will gain hugely in
     space-efficiency - essentially you can stream-process your parsed
     data-structure within very small constant space.  This is especially
     useful for large structures like e.g. XML trees.
<li> <b>Text.ParserCombinators.PolyStateLazy</b>  combines PolyState and
<li> <b>Text.ParserCombinators.Poly.Base</b>
     Following on from the basic Poly combinators, it became clear that
     all of the variations share a lot in common, and that many of the
     combinators are indeed implemented identically.  To reduce code
     duplication in the library, we now provide a class-based interface
     here.  The actual implementations for strict, lazy, and so on, are
     instances of the class, defined in modules at the same level in the
     hierarchy (e.g. T.P.Poly.Lazy etc).
<li> <b>Text.ParserCombinators.Poly.Plain</b>
     The class instance for ordinary, strict, parsers, with arbitrary
     token type.
<li> <b>Text.ParserCombinators.Poly.Lazy</b>
     The class instance for lazy parsers, with arbitrary token type.
<li> <b>Text.ParserCombinators.Poly.State</b>
     The class instance for strict parsers, with arbitrary token type
     and running state.
<li> <b>Text.ParserCombinators.Poly.StateLazy</b>
     The class instance for lazy parsers, with arbitrary token type
     and running state.
<li> <b>Text.ParserCombinators.Poly.Stream</b>
     The class instance for strict parsers, where input tokens arrive
     in a Stream datatype rather than a list.
<li> <b>Text.ParserCombinators.Poly.NoLeak.Plain</b>
     An experimental implementation of strict parsers, attempting to
     avoid a particular space leak associated with the choice
<li> <b>Text.ParserCombinators.Poly.NoLeak.Lazy</b>
<li> <b>Text.ParserCombinators.Poly.NoLeak.State</b>
<li> <b>Text.ParserCombinators.Poly.NoLeak.StateLazy</b>
<li> <b>Text.Parse</b>  The Text.Read class from Haskell'98 is widely
     recognised to have many problems.  It is inefficient.  If a read
     fails, there is no indication of why.  Worst of all, a read failure
     crashes your whole program!  Text.Parse is a proposed replacement
     for the Read class.  It defines a new class, Parse, with methods
     that return an explicit notification of errors, through the Either
     type.  It also defines a number of useful helper functions to
     enable the construction of parsers for textual representations of
     Haskell data structures, e.g. named fields.  Unsurprisingly,
     Text.Parse is really just a specialisation of the Poly combinators
     for String input, and the entire Poly API is also re-exported.
     The <a href="">DrIFT</a>
     tool can derive instances of the Parse class for you
     automatically.  (Use the syntax <tt>{-! derive : Parse !-}</tt>)
All the <b>Poly*</b> variations share the same basic API, so it is easy
to switch from one set to another, when you discover you need an extra
facility, just by changing a single import.

<center><h3><a name="how">How do I use it?</a></h3></center>
<a href="haddock/index.html">Detailed documentation of the polyparse APIs</a>
is generated automatically by Haddock directly from the source code.

In general, you can just add an import of the relevant module to your
source code, and everything should just compile OK.  However, if the
package is not 'exposed' (in ghc-pkg terminology), then you might need
to use a command-line option <tt>--package polyparse</tt> at compile

The original Hutton/Meijer combinators are described in a very nice
tutorial tech report:
<a href="">NOTTCS-TR-96-4</a>

I wrote some motivation for <tt>Text.Parse</tt> (including simple examples)
on my blog a while back. <a href="">Here is the posting.</a>

If you are familiar with the Parsec library, then the key insight for
using PolyParse is that the two libraries' approach to backtracking are
the duals of each another.  In Parsec, you must explicitly add a
<tt>try</tt> combinator at any location where backtracking might be
necessary.  Users often find this a bit of a black art.  In PolyParse
by contrast, all parsers are backtracking unless you explicitly add a
<tt>commit</tt> (or one of its variations).  It is easy to tell where to
add a commit point, because you have already parsed enough of a data
structure to know that only one outcome is possible.  For instance, if
you are parsing a Haskell value produced by 'show', then as soon as you
have parsed the initial constructor, you know that no other constructor
of that datatype is possible, so you can commit to returning it.

User-contributed documentation for polyparse is on the Haskell wiki at:
<a href=""></a>
Please edit the wiki if you discover any nice tricks!

<b>Known problems:</b>
<li> No problems currently known.
<li> Report bugs to <tt></tt>
<li> Even better, fix any bugs you find, and then <tt>darcs send</tt> a patch.

<center><h3><a name="download">Downloads</a></h3></center>
<b>Development version:</b><br>
<br><tt><a href="">darcs</a> get</tt>

<b>Current released version:</b><br>
polyparse-1.1, release date 2007.10.23<br>
<a href="">.tar.gz</a>,
<a href="">.zip</a>.
By FTP: 
<a href=""></a>

<b>Older versions:</b><br>
polyparse-1.0, release date 2007.01.26<br>
<a href="">.tar.gz</a>,
<a href="">.zip</a>.
By FTP: 
<a href=""></a>

<center><h3><a name="install">Installation</a></h3></center>
To install polyparse, you must have a Haskell compiler: <em>ghc-6.2</em>
or later, and/or <em>nhc98-1.16/hmake-3.06</em> or later, and/or
<em>Hugs98 (Sept 2003)</em> or later.  For more recent compilers,
use the standard Cabal method of installation:
    runhaskell Setup.hs configure [--prefix=...] [--buildwith=...]
    runhaskell Setup.hs build
    runhaskell Setup.hs install

For older compilers, use:
    sh configure [--prefix=...] [--buildwith=...]
    make install
to configure, build, and install polyparse as a package for your
compiler(s).  If you don't use the --prefix option, you may need write
permission on the library installation directories of your compiler(s).
Afterwards, to gain access to the polyparse libraries, you only need to
add the option <tt>-package polyparse</tt> to your compiler commandline
(no option required for Hugs).

<center><h3><a name="news">Recent news</a></h3></center>
Version 1.1 much improves the laziness characteristics of the Poly*
combinators.  There are also a lot of new implementations of the Poly*
parser types, all of which attempt to preserve exactly the same
combinator interface, so it is easy to switch between them.

Version 1.00 is the first release of polyparse as a separate package.
It was previously part of the HaXml suite.  HaXml continues to use
polyparse, but polyparse will be useful more widely.  If you are looking
for examples of the usage of polyparse, the implementations of
Text.XML.HaXml.Parse, Text.XML.HaXml.ParseLazy, and
Text.XML.HaXml.XmlContent are good places to look.

<a href="changelog.html">Complete Changelog</a><br>

<center><h3><a name="who">Contacts</a></h3></center>
We are interested in hearing your feedback on these parser combinators -
suggestions for improvements, comments, criticisms, bug reports.  Please mail
<li>    <a href=""></a>


<p><b>Licence:</b> The library is Free and Open Source Software,
i.e., the bits we wrote are copyright to us, but freely licensed
for your use, modification, and re-distribution, provided you don't
restrict anyone else's use of it.  The polyparse library is distributed
under the GNU Lesser General Public Licence (LGPL) - see file
<a href="LICENCE-LGPL">LICENCE-LGPL</a> for more details.  We allow one
special exception to the LGPL - see <a href="COPYRIGHT">COPYRIGHT</a>.
(If you don't like any of these licensing conditions, please contact us
to discuss your requirements.)

<center><h3><a name="related">Related work</a></h3></center>
Parser combinators have a long history in Haskell.  The first(?) monadic
combinator tutorial was introduced by
<a href="">Hutton and
Meijer</a> in 1996, and the accompanying library was distributed with
Gofer (a precursor to Hugs), and known simply as ParseLib.  That library
lives on here as Text.ParserCombinators.HuttonMeijer.

<a href="">Niklas Rojemo's
combinators.</a> The parser combinators developed and used in the
implementation of the nhc98 compiler are monadic and space-efficient.
However, they do not use the standard do-notation, because in fact they
are more general than the standard monad category.

<a href="">
Daan Leijen's parsec.</a> The parsec library is widely used, since it is
distributed with ghc.  Its combinators are fairly robust, but you need
to place explicit backtracking into your parsers, using the <tt>try</tt>
operator.  This can be tricky.

<li><a href="">Doaitse
Swierstra's UU_Parse.</a>
An all-singing, all-dancing parsing library.  Deeply sophisticated.
Allows on-line results, which is closely related to lazy parsing.

<li><a href="">Koen Claessen's ReadP.</a>
This is a different proposed replacement for the standard Haskell'98
Read class.  It is a whole lot more efficient that Read, but because it
is also API-compatible with Read, that unfortunately means it suffers
from not giving good error messages.  Also, it requires rank-2 types,
which is a non-Haskell'98 extension.




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