Plan 9 from Bell Labs’s /usr/web/sources/contrib/fernan/nhc98/src/libraries/process/System/Cmd.hs

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-- |
-- Module      :  System.Cmd
-- Copyright   :  (c) The University of Glasgow 2001
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file libraries/base/LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable
-- Executing an external command.
-- This module provides a simple interface for executing external commands.
-- For a more complex, but more powerful, interface, see the "System.Process"
-- module.

module System.Cmd
    ( system,        -- :: String -> IO ExitCode
      rawSystem,     -- :: FilePath -> [String] -> IO ExitCode
    ) where

import Prelude

import System.Exit 	( ExitCode )

import System.Process
import GHC.IOBase	( ioException, IOException(..), IOErrorType(..) )
#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
import System.Process.Internals
import System.Posix.Signals

#ifdef __HUGS__
import Hugs.System

#ifdef __NHC__
import System (system)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- system

Computation @system cmd@ returns the exit code
produced when the operating system processes the command @cmd@.

This computation may fail with

   * @PermissionDenied@: The process has insufficient privileges to
     perform the operation.

   * @ResourceExhausted@: Insufficient resources are available to
     perform the operation.

   * @UnsupportedOperation@: The implementation does not support
     system calls.

On Windows, 'system' is implemented using Windows's native system
call, which ignores the @SHELL@ environment variable, and always
passes the command to the Windows command interpreter (@CMD.EXE@ or
@COMMAND.COM@), hence Unixy shell tricks will not work.
system :: String -> IO ExitCode
system "" = ioException (IOError Nothing InvalidArgument "system" "null command" Nothing)
system str = do
#if mingw32_HOST_OS
  p <- runCommand str
  waitForProcess p
  -- The POSIX version of system needs to do some manipulation of signal
  -- handlers.  Since we're going to be synchronously waiting for the child,
  -- we want to ignore ^C in the parent, but handle it the default way
  -- in the child (using SIG_DFL isn't really correct, it should be the
  -- original signal handler, but the GHC RTS will have already set up
  -- its own handler and we don't want to use that).
  old_int  <- installHandler sigINT  Ignore Nothing
  old_quit <- installHandler sigQUIT Ignore Nothing
  (cmd,args) <- commandToProcess str
  p <- runProcessPosix "runCommand" cmd args Nothing Nothing 
		Nothing Nothing Nothing
		(Just defaultSignal) (Just defaultSignal)
  r <- waitForProcess p
  installHandler sigINT  old_int Nothing
  installHandler sigQUIT old_quit Nothing
  return r
#endif  /* mingw32_HOST_OS */
#endif  /* __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ */

The computation @'rawSystem' cmd args@ runs the operating system command
@cmd@ in such a way that it receives as arguments the @args@ strings
exactly as given, with no funny escaping or shell meta-syntax expansion.
It will therefore behave more portably between operating systems than 'system'.

The return codes and possible failures are the same as for 'system'.
rawSystem :: String -> [String] -> IO ExitCode
rawSystem cmd args = do

#if mingw32_HOST_OS
  p <- runProcess cmd args Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing
  waitForProcess p
  old_int  <- installHandler sigINT  Ignore Nothing
  old_quit <- installHandler sigQUIT Ignore Nothing
  p <- runProcessPosix "rawSystem" cmd args Nothing Nothing 
		Nothing Nothing Nothing
		(Just defaultSignal) (Just defaultSignal)
  r <- waitForProcess p
  installHandler sigINT  old_int Nothing
  installHandler sigQUIT old_quit Nothing
  return r

#elif !mingw32_HOST_OS
-- crude fallback implementation: could do much better than this under Unix
rawSystem cmd args = system (unwords (map translate (cmd:args)))

translate :: String -> String
translate str = '\'' : foldr escape "'" str
  where	escape '\'' = showString "'\\''"
	escape c    = showChar c
#else /* mingw32_HOST_OS &&  ! __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ */
# if __HUGS__
rawSystem cmd args = system (unwords (cmd : map translate args))
# else
rawSystem cmd args = system (unwords (map translate (cmd:args)))

-- copied from System.Process (qv)
translate :: String -> String
translate str = '"' : snd (foldr escape (True,"\"") str)
  where	escape '"'  (b,     str) = (True,  '\\' : '"'  : str)
	escape '\\' (True,  str) = (True,  '\\' : '\\' : str)
	escape '\\' (False, str) = (False, '\\' : str)
	escape c    (b,     str) = (False, c : str)

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