-- | This module contains functions for displaying
-- HTML as a pretty tree.
module Text.XHtml.Debug ( HtmlTree(..), treeHtml, treeColors, debugHtml ) where
import Text.XHtml.Internals
import Text.XHtml.Extras
import Text.XHtml.Table
import Text.XHtml.Strict.Elements
import Text.XHtml.Strict.Attributes
-- * Tree Displaying Combinators
-- | The basic idea is you render your structure in the form
-- of this tree, and then use treeHtml to turn it into a Html
-- object with the structure explicit.
data HtmlTree
= HtmlLeaf Html
| HtmlNode Html [HtmlTree] Html
treeHtml :: [String] -> HtmlTree -> Html
treeHtml colors h = table ! [
border 0,
cellpadding 0,
cellspacing 2] << treeHtml' colors h
manycolors = scanr (:) []
treeHtmls :: [[String]] -> [HtmlTree] -> HtmlTable
treeHtmls c ts = aboves (zipWith treeHtml' c ts)
treeHtml' :: [String] -> HtmlTree -> HtmlTable
treeHtml' (c:_) (HtmlLeaf leaf) = cell
(td ! [width "100%"]
<< bold
<< leaf)
treeHtml' (c:cs@(c2:_)) (HtmlNode hopen ts hclose) =
if null ts && isNoHtml hclose
cell hd
else if null ts
hd </> bar `beside` (td ! [bgcolor' c2] << spaceHtml)
</> tl
hd </> (bar `beside` treeHtmls morecolors ts)
</> tl
-- This stops a column of colors being the same
-- color as the immeduately outside nesting bar.
morecolors = filter ((/= c).head) (manycolors cs)
bar = td ! [bgcolor' c,width "10"] << spaceHtml
hd = td ! [bgcolor' c] << hopen
tl = td ! [bgcolor' c] << hclose
treeHtml' _ _ = error "The imposible happens"
instance HTML HtmlTree where
toHtml x = treeHtml treeColors x
-- type "length treeColors" to see how many colors are here.
treeColors :: [String]
treeColors = ["#88ccff","#ffffaa","#ffaaff","#ccffff"] ++ treeColors
-- * Html Debugging Combinators
-- | This uses the above tree rendering function, and displays the
-- Html as a tree structure, allowing debugging of what is
-- actually getting produced.
debugHtml :: (HTML a) => a -> Html
debugHtml obj = table ! [border 0] <<
( th ! [bgcolor' "#008888"]
<< underline'
<< "Debugging Output"
</> td << (toHtml (debug' (toHtml obj)))
debug' :: Html -> [HtmlTree]
debug' (Html markups) = map debug markups
debug :: HtmlElement -> HtmlTree
debug (HtmlString str) = HtmlLeaf (spaceHtml +++
linesToHtml (lines str))
debug (HtmlTag {
markupTag = markupTag,
markupContent = markupContent,
markupAttrs = markupAttrs
}) =
case markupContent of
Html [] -> HtmlNode hd [] noHtml
Html xs -> HtmlNode hd (map debug xs) tl
args = if null markupAttrs
then ""
else " " ++ unwords (map show markupAttrs)
hd = xsmallFont << ("<" ++ markupTag ++ args ++ ">")
tl = xsmallFont << ("</" ++ markupTag ++ ">")
bgcolor' :: String -> HtmlAttr
bgcolor' c = thestyle ("background-color:" ++ c)
underline' :: Html -> Html
underline' = thespan ! [thestyle ("text-decoration:underline")]
xsmallFont :: Html -> Html
xsmallFont = thespan ! [thestyle ("font-size:x-small")]