module NHC.Binary
( {-type-} BinPtr(..)
, incBinPtr
, unsafeShiftBinPtr
, sizeofBinPtr
, binPtr2Int
, int2BinPtr
) where
newtype BinPtr = BP Int deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
instance Enum BinPtr where
fromEnum (BP i) = i
toEnum i = BP i
enumFrom (BP i) = map BP [i..]
enumFromThen (BP i) (BP j) = map BP [i,j..]
unsafeShiftBinPtr :: Int -> BinPtr -> BinPtr
unsafeShiftBinPtr s (BP i) = BP (i+s)
sizeofBinPtr :: Int
sizeofBinPtr = 32
-- Increment a bin pointer by a bin pointer's width.
incBinPtr :: BinPtr -> BinPtr
incBinPtr = unsafeShiftBinPtr sizeofBinPtr
-- Allow the use of literal 0 to denote a valid BinPtr.
instance Num BinPtr where
fromInteger n = BP (fromInteger n)
-- Not sure whether this is needed.
-- Re-introduced May 1998.
binPtr2Int :: BinPtr -> Int
binPtr2Int (BP n) = n
int2BinPtr :: Int -> BinPtr
int2BinPtr = BP